- unit Color;
- interface
- uses
- Classes,ComCtrls,Messages, Gauges,StdCtrls,StrUtils, ExtCtrls, SysUtils, Controls,
- Windows, Graphics, Math, Forms;
- const
- MaxPixelCount = 65536;
- type
- PRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray;
- TRGBTripleArray = array[0..MaxPixelCount - 1] of TRGBTriple;
- function ConvertBitmapToRTF(const Bitmap: TBitmap): string;
- procedure HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Double; var R, G, B: Integer);
- procedure RGBtoHSL(R, G, B: Integer; var H, S, L: Double);
- procedure ConvertBitmapToColor(DestBitmap:TBitmap;DestColor:TColor);
- procedure ConvertBitmapToLighter(DestBitmap:TBitmap;FLightAdd:Integer);
- implementation
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {将Bitmap转换为RTF格式}
- function ConvertBitmapToRTF(const Bitmap: TBitmap): string;
- var
- bi, bb: string;
- bis, bbs: Cardinal;
- achar: string[2];
- Buffer: string;
- I: Integer;
- type
- PWord = ^Word;
- begin
- GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, bis, bbs);
- SetLength(bi, bis);
- SetLength(bb, bbs);
- GetDIB(Bitmap.Handle, Bitmap.Palette, PChar(bi)^, PChar(bb)^);
- SetLength(Buffer, (Length(bb) + Length(bi)) * 2);
- i := 1;
- for bis := 1 to Length(bi) do
- begin
- achar := IntToHex(Integer(bi[bis]), 2);
- PWord(@Buffer[i])^ := PWord(@achar[1])^;
- inc(i, 2);
- end;
- for bbs := 1 to Length(bb) do
- begin
- achar := IntToHex(Integer(bb[bbs]), 2);
- PWord(@Buffer[i])^ := PWord(@achar[1])^;
- inc(i, 2);
- end;
- Result := '{rtf1 {pictdibitmap ' + Buffer + ' }}';
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {改变Bitmap的亮度}
- procedure ConvertBitmapToLighter(DestBitmap:TBitmap;FLightAdd:Integer);
- var
- x, y, ScanlineBytes: integer;
- p: prgbtriplearray;
- RVALUE, bvalue, gvalue: integer;
- hVALUE, sVALUE, lVALUE: Double;
- begin
- if not DestBitmap.Empty then
- begin
- DestBitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit;
- p := DestBitmap.ScanLine[0];
- ScanlineBytes := integer(DestBitmap.ScanLine[1]) - integer(DestBitmap.ScanLine[0]);
- for y := 0 to DestBitmap.Height - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to DestBitmap.Width - 1 do
- begin
- RVALUE := p[x].rgbtRed;
- gVALUE := p[x].rgbtGreen;
- bVALUE := p[x].rgbtBlue;
- lVALUE := min(100, lVALUE + FLightAdd);
- p[x].rgbtRed := RVALUE;
- p[x].rgbtGreen := gVALUE;
- p[x].rgbtBlue := bVALUE;
- end;
- inc(integer(p), ScanlineBytes);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {改变Bitmap的色调}
- procedure ConvertBitmapToColor(DestBitmap:TBitmap;DestColor:TColor);
- var
- hexString:String;
- x, y, ScanlineBytes: integer;
- p: prgbtriplearray;
- RVALUE, bvalue, gvalue: integer;
- hVALUE, sVALUE, lVALUE: Double;
- hNewVALUE, sNewVALUE, lNewVALUE : Double;
- begin
- if not DestBitmap.Empty then
- begin
- hexString:=IntToHex(DestColor,6);
- RGBtoHSL(StrToInt('$'+Copy(hexString,5,2)), StrToInt('$'+Copy(hexString,3,2)), StrToInt('$'+Copy(hexString,1,2)), hNewVALUE, sNewVALUE, lNewVALUE);
- DestBitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit;
- p := DestBitmap.ScanLine[0];
- ScanlineBytes := integer(DestBitmap.ScanLine[1]) - integer(DestBitmap.ScanLine[0]);
- for y := 0 to DestBitmap.Height - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to DestBitmap.Width - 1 do
- begin
- RVALUE := p[x].rgbtRed;
- gVALUE := p[x].rgbtGreen;
- bVALUE := p[x].rgbtBlue;
- p[x].rgbtRed := RVALUE;
- p[x].rgbtGreen := gVALUE;
- p[x].rgbtBlue := bVALUE;
- end;
- inc(integer(p), ScanlineBytes);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {hsl颜色空间到rgb空间的转换}
- procedure HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Double; var R, G, B: Integer);
- var //类似于返回多个值的函数
- Sat, Lum: Double;
- begin
- R := 0;
- G := 0;
- B := 0;
- if (H < 360) and (H >= 0) and (S <= 100) and (S >= 0) and (L <= 100) and (L
- >=
- 0) then
- begin
- if H <= 60 then
- begin
- R := 255;
- G := Round((255 / 60) * H);
- B := 0;
- end
- else if H <= 120 then
- begin
- R := Round(255 - (255 / 60) * (H - 60));
- G := 255;
- B := 0;
- end
- else if H <= 180 then
- begin
- R := 0;
- G := 255;
- B := Round((255 / 60) * (H - 120));
- end
- else if H <= 240 then
- begin
- R := 0;
- G := Round(255 - (255 / 60) * (H - 180));
- B := 255;
- end
- else if H <= 300 then
- begin
- R := Round((255 / 60) * (H - 240));
- G := 0;
- B := 255;
- end
- else if H < 360 then
- begin
- R := 255;
- G := 0;
- B := Round(255 - (255 / 60) * (H - 300));
- end;
- Sat := Abs((S - 100) / 100);
- R := Round(R - ((R - 128) * Sat));
- G := Round(G - ((G - 128) * Sat));
- B := Round(B - ((B - 128) * Sat));
- Lum := (L - 50) / 50;
- if Lum > 0 then
- begin
- R := Round(R + ((255 - R) * Lum));
- G := Round(G + ((255 - G) * Lum));
- B := Round(B + ((255 - B) * Lum));
- end
- else if Lum < 0 then
- begin
- R := Round(R + (R * Lum));
- G := Round(G + (G * Lum));
- B := Round(B + (B * Lum));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {RGB空间到HSL空间的转换}
- procedure RGBtoHSL(R, G, B: Integer; var H, S, L: Double);
- var
- Delta: Double;
- CMax, CMin: Double;
- Red, Green, Blue, Hue, Sat, Lum: Double;
- begin
- Red := R / 255;
- Green := G / 255;
- Blue := B / 255;
- CMax := Max(Red, Max(Green, Blue));
- CMin := Min(Red, Min(Green, Blue));
- Lum := (CMax + CMin) / 2;
- if CMax = CMin then
- begin
- Sat := 0;
- Hue := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if Lum < 0.5 then
- Sat := (CMax - CMin) / (CMax + CMin)
- else
- Sat := (cmax - cmin) / (2 - cmax - cmin);
- delta := CMax - CMin;
- if Red = CMax then
- Hue := (Green - Blue) / Delta
- else if Green = CMax then
- Hue := 2 + (Blue - Red) / Delta
- else
- Hue := 4.0 + (Red - Green) / Delta;
- Hue := Hue / 6;
- if Hue < 0 then
- Hue := Hue + 1;
- end;
- H := (Hue * 360);
- S := (Sat * 100);
- L := (Lum * 100);
- end;
- end.