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  42. String dir_name = "";
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  53. return;
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  55. dir_name = leaf.getName();
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  59. return;
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  71. return;
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  80. catch (ErrMsgException e) {
  81. out.print(StrUtil.Alert(e.getMessage()));
  82. }
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  87. lfn = lfn.getLeaf(doc.getDirCode());
  88. dir_name = lfn.getName();
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  126. // 原因是此时服务器的返回信息还没收到
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  138. // 原因是此时服务器的返回信息还没收到
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  295. <%=dir_name%>
  296. <%}%>
  297. &nbsp;
  298. <%
  299. UserDb ud = new UserDb();
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  302. String strDiskHas = NumberUtil.round((double)(ud.getDiskSpaceAllowed()-ud.getDiskSpaceUsed())/1024000, 3);
  303. %>
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  321. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_up.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
  322. else
  323. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_down.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
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  332. if (sort.equals("asc")) 
  333. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_up.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
  334. else
  335. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_down.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
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  345. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_up.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
  346. else
  347. out.print("<img src='images/arrow_down.gif' width=8px height=7px>");
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  353.                       <tr>
  354.                         <td>&nbsp;操作</td>
  355.                       </tr>
  356.                   </table></td>
  357.                 </tr>
  358.               </table>
  359.     <%if (!leaf.getParentCode().equals(Leaf.PARENT_CODE_NONE)) {%>
  360.                 <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  361.                   <tr>
  362.                     <td width="3%" align="center"><img src="images/parent.gif" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle"></td>
  363.                     <td width="37%"><a href="dir_list.jsp?op=editarticle&dir_code=<%=leaf.getParentCode()%>" onMouseUp="curAttachId=''">上级目录</a></td>
  364.                     <td width="13%">&nbsp;</td>
  365.                     <td width="22%">&nbsp;</td>
  366.                     <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>
  367.                   </tr>
  368.                 </table>
  369.                 <%}%>
  370.                 <%
  371. Iterator irch = leaf.getChildren().iterator();
  372. while (irch.hasNext()) {
  373. Leaf plf = (Leaf)irch.next();
  374. %>
  375.                 <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  376.                   <tr>
  377.                     <td width="3%" align="center"><img src="images/folder.gif" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle"></td>
  378.                     <td width="37%"><a href="dir_list.jsp?op=editarticle&dir_code=<%=plf.getCode()%>" onMouseUp="curAttachId=''"><%=plf.getName()%></a></td>
  379.                     <td width="13%">&nbsp;</td>
  380.                     <td width="22%">&nbsp;</td>
  381.                     <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>
  382.                   </tr>
  383.                 </table>
  384.                 <%}%>
  385.                 <%
  386. String strcurpage = StrUtil.getNullString(request.getParameter("CPages"));
  387. if (strcurpage.equals(""))
  388. strcurpage = "1";
  389. if (!StrUtil.isNumeric(strcurpage)) {
  390. out.print(StrUtil.makeErrMsg("标识非法!"));
  391. return;
  392. }
  393. Attachment am = new Attachment();
  394. long fileLength = -1;
  395. int pagesize = 30;
  396. int curpage = Integer.parseInt(strcurpage);
  397. String sql = "SELECT id FROM netdisk_document_attach WHERE doc_id=" + doc.getID() + " and page_num=1 order by ";
  398. sql += orderBy + " " + sort;
  399. ListResult lr = am.listResult(sql, curpage, pagesize);
  400. int total = lr.getTotal();
  401. Paginator paginator = new Paginator(request, total, pagesize);
  402. // 设置当前页数和总页数
  403. int totalpages = paginator.getTotalPages();
  404. if (totalpages==0)
  405. {
  406. curpage = 1;
  407. totalpages = 1;
  408. }
  409.   if (doc!=null) {
  410.   // Vector attachments = doc.getAttachments(1);
  411.   Vector attachments = lr.getResult();
  412.   Iterator ir = attachments.iterator();
  413.   while (ir.hasNext()) {
  414.    am = (Attachment) ir.next(); 
  415. fileLength = (long)am.getSize()/1024; 
  416. if(fileLength == 0 && (long)am.getSize() > 0)
  417. fileLength = 1;  
  418. %>
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  421.                         <td width="4%" align="center"><a title="打开文件" target=_blank href="netdisk_getfile.jsp?id=<%=doc.getID()%>&attachId=<%=am.getId()%>"><img src="images/<%=am.getIcon()%>" border="0"></a></td>
  422.                         <td width="37%">&nbsp;
  423.                           <span id="span<%=am.getId()%>" name="span<%=am.getId()%>"><a target=_blank title="打开文件" class="mainA" href="netdisk_getfile.jsp?id=<%=doc.getID()%>&attachId=<%=am.getId()%>" onmouseup='onMouseUp("<%=am.getId()%>", "<%=am.getName()%>")'><%=am.getName()%></a></span></td>
  424.                         <td width="13%"><%=fileLength%>KB</td>
  425.                         <td width="19%"><%=DateUtil.format(am.getUploadDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")%></td>
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  431.                         <%}%>
  432.                         <%if (am.getExt().equals("doc") || am.getExt().equals("xls")) {%>
  433.                         <a href="javascript:editdoc('<%=id%>', '<%=am.getId()%>')" title="编辑Office文件"><img src="images/btn_edit_office.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
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  450. String month = "" + (cal.get(cal.MONTH) + 1);
  451. com.redmoon.oa.Config cfg = new com.redmoon.oa.Config();
  452. String filepath = cfg.get("file_netdisk") + "/" + userName + "/" + year + "/" + month;
  453. %>
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  549. <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:del()">删除</div>
  550. <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:download()">下载</div>
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