资源名称:JSP-OA.rar [点击查看]
- <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"%>
- <%@ page import="com.redmoon.oa.person.*" %>
- <%@ page import="com.redmoon.oa.netdisk.*" %>
- <%@ page import="*" %>
- <%@ page import="*" %>
- <jsp:useBean id="privilege" scope="page" class="com.redmoon.oa.pvg.Privilege"/>
- <%
- String root_code = ParamUtil.get(request, "root_code");
- if (root_code.equals("")) {
- // root_code = "root";
- root_code = privilege.getUser(request);
- }
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <LINK href="common.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <title>目录</title>
- <style>
- <!--
- /* Context menu Script- © Dynamic Drive ( Last updated: 01/08/22
- For full source code and Terms Of Use, visit */
- body {
- margin-left: 0px;
- margin-right: 0px;
- margin-bottom: 0px;
- overflow: auto;
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- .skin0 {
- padding-top:2px;
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- font:menutext;
- position:absolute;
- text-align:left;
- font-family: "宋体";
- font-size: 9pt;
- width:80px; /*宽度,可以根据实际的菜单项目名称的长度进行适当地调整*/
- background-color:menu; /*菜单的背景颜色方案,这里选择了系统默认的菜单颜色*/
- border:1 solid buttonface;
- visibility:hidden; /*初始时,设置为不可见*/
- border:2 outset buttonhighlight;
- }
- /*定义菜单条的显示样式*/
- .menuitems {
- padding:2px 1px 2px 10px;
- }
- -->
- </style>
- <script>
- function findObj(theObj, theDoc)
- {
- var p, i, foundObj;
- if(!theDoc) theDoc = document;
- if( (p = theObj.indexOf("?")) > 0 && parent.frames.length)
- {
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- theObj = theObj.substring(0,p);
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- foundObj = findObj(theObj,theDoc.layers[i].document);
- if(!foundObj && document.getElementById) foundObj = document.getElementById(theObj);
- return foundObj;
- }
- function ShowChild(imgobj, name)
- {
- var tableobj = findObj("childof"+name);
- if ("none")
- {
- = "";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_puls-root-1.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_puls-root.gif";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_plus-1-1.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_plus2-2.gif";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_plus-1.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_plus2-1.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- = "none";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_puls-root.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_puls-root-1.gif";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_plus2-2.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_plus-1-1.gif";
- if (imgobj.src.indexOf("i_plus2-1.gif")!=-1)
- imgobj.src = "images/i_plus-1.gif";
- }
- }
- var curDirCode = "";
- var curDirName = "";
- var curLeftClickDirCodeOld = "";
- var curLeftClickDirCode = "";
- var oldsrc = "";
- function onMouseUp(dirCode, dirName) {
- if (event.button==1) {
- // 点击左键时切换folder图片
- curLeftClickDirCode = dirCode;
- if (curLeftClickDirCodeOld!=curLeftClickDirCode) {
- var curImgObj = findObj("img" + curLeftClickDirCode);
- var oldImgObj = findObj("img" + curLeftClickDirCodeOld);
- if (oldImgObj!=null) {
- oldImgObj.src = oldsrc; // "images/folder_01.gif";
- }
- oldsrc = curImgObj.src;
- if (curImgObj.src.indexOf("images/folder_share.gif")==-1)
- curImgObj.src = "images/folder_open.gif";
- else
- curImgObj.src = "images/folder_share_open.gif";
- curLeftClickDirCodeOld = curLeftClickDirCode;
- }
- }
- if (event.button==2) {
- curDirCode = dirCode;
- curDirName = dirName;
- }
- }
- var spanInnerHTML = "";
- function changeName() {
- if (curDirCode!="") {
- // alert(curDirCode);
- spanObj = findObj("span" + curDirCode);
- spanInnerHTML = spanObj.innerHTML;
- spanObj.innerHTML = "<input name='newName' class=singleboarder size=10 value='" + curDirName + "' onblur="doChange('" + curDirCode + "',this,'" + curDirName + "'," + + ")" onKeyDown="if (event.keyCode==13) this.blur()">";
- newName.focus();
- }
- }
- function doChange(dirCode, newName, oldName, spanObj) {
- if (newName.value=="") {
- alert("目录名称不能为空!");
- return;
- }
- if (newName.value!=oldName) {
- form10.op.value = "changeName";
- form10.dirCode.value = dirCode;
- form10.newName.value = newName.value;
- form10.root_code.value = "<%=root_code%>";
- form10.submit();
- // 下句发过去会有中文问题
- // window.location.href="?op=changeName&dirCode=" + dirCode + "&newName=" + newName + "&root_code=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code)%>";
- // alert(window.location.href);
- }
- else {
- spanObj.innerHTML = spanInnerHTML;
- }
- curDirCode = "";
- }
- function share() {
- if (curDirCode!="")
- window.parent.mainFileFrame.location.href = "dir_priv_m.jsp?dirCode=" + curDirCode;
- curDirCode = "";
- }
- function del() {
- if (curDirCode!="") {
- if (confirm("您确定要删除文件夹“" + curDirName + "”吗?"))
- window.location.href="?op=del&dirCode=" + curDirCode + "&root_code=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code)%>";
- curDirCode = "";
- }
- }
- function create() {
- if (curDirCode!="") {
- window.location.href="?op=AddChild&type=<%=Leaf.TYPE_DOCUMENT%>&parent_code=" + curDirCode + "&root_code=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code)%>&code=<%=Leaf.getAutoCode()%>&name=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode("新建文件夹")%>";
- curDirCode = "";
- }
- }
- function search() {
- window.location.href = "netdisk_search.jsp?dirCode=" + curDirCode;
- }
- function move(towhere) {
- if (curDirCode!="") {
- window.location.href = "?op=move&direction=" + towhere + "&root_code=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code)%>&code=" + curDirCode;
- curDirCode = "";
- }
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body onLoad="window_onload()">
- <table width="100%" border="0" style="background-image:url(images/bg_left.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat">
- <%
- String priv = "read";
- if (!privilege.isUserPrivValid(request,priv))
- {
- out.print(SkinUtil.makeErrMsg(request, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "pvg_invalid")));
- return;
- }
- String op = ParamUtil.get(request, "op");
- if (op.equals("changeName")) {
- String newName = ParamUtil.get(request, "newName");
- String dirCode = ParamUtil.get(request, "dirCode");
- Directory dir = new Directory();
- Leaf lf = dir.getLeaf(dirCode);
- lf.setName(newName);
- lf.update();
- }
- if (op.equals("del")) {
- String delcode = ParamUtil.get(request, "dirCode");
- UserMgr um = new UserMgr();
- UserDb ud = um.getUserDb(privilege.getUser(request));
- if (delcode.equals("" + ud.getName())) {
- out.print(StrUtil.Alert("根目录不能被删除"));
- }
- else {
- Directory dir = new Directory();
- Leaf lf = dir.getLeaf(delcode);
- if (lf!=null) { // 防止反复刷新
- try {
- dir.del(delcode);
- }
- catch (ErrMsgException e) {
- out.print(StrUtil.Alert(e.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (op.equals("AddChild")) {
- boolean re = false;
- Directory dir = new Directory();
- try {
- re = dir.AddChild(request);
- if (re) {
- response.sendRedirect("netdisk_left.jsp?root_code=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code));
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (ErrMsgException e) {
- out.print(StrUtil.Alert(e.getMessage()));
- }
- if (!re) {
- out.print(StrUtil.Alert("添加节点失败,请检查编码是否重复!"));
- }
- }
- if (op.equals("move")) {
- Directory dir = new Directory();
- try {
- dir.move(request);
- if (true) {
- response.sendRedirect("netdisk_left.jsp?root_code=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code));
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (ErrMsgException e) {
- out.print(StrUtil.Alert(e.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- %>
- <tr>
- <td height="73"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td height="40" style="FILTER: glow(color=ffffff)"> <strong><font color="#0099FF">网络硬盘</font></strong></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <!--<a href="dir_frame.jsp" target="_parent">管理视图</a>
- <a href="netdisk_dir_share.jsp?userName=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(privilege.getUser(request))%>">我的共享</a>--> <img src="images/network.gif" width="16" height="16" align="absbottom"> <a href="netdisk_neighbor_frame.jsp" target="_parent">网络邻居</a> <img src="images/public_share.gif" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle"> <a href="netdisk_public_share_frame.jsp" target="_parent">公共共享</a></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="5" align="left"> </td>
- <td align="left"><%
- Directory dir = new Directory();
- Leaf leaf = dir.getLeaf(root_code);
- DirectoryView tv = new DirectoryView(leaf);
- tv.ListSimple(out, "mainFileFrame", "dir_list.jsp", "op=editarticle", "", "" ); // "tbg1", "tbg1sel");
- %></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <form name=form10 action="?">
- <tr><td>
- <input name="op" type="hidden">
- <input name="dirCode" type="hidden">
- <input name="newName" type="hidden">
- <input name="root_code" type="hidden">
- </td></tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- <div id="ie5menu" class="skin0" onMouseover="highlightie5(event)" onMouseout="lowlightie5(event)" onClick="jumptoie5(event)" display:none>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:changeName()">重命名</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:share()">共享</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:del()">删除</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:create()">新建目录</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:move('up')">上移</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:move('down')">下移</div>
- <div class="menuitems" url="javascript:search()">搜索</div>
- <hr>
- <div class="menuitems" url="netdisk_left.jsp?root_code=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(root_code)%>">刷新</div>
- </div>
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