



  1. <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%>
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  16. String querystring = StrUtil.getNullString(request.getQueryString());
  17. String privurl=request.getRequestURL()+"?"+StrUtil.UrlEncode(querystring,"utf-8");
  18. if (!privilege.isUserLogin(request)) {
  19. if (!ForumDb.getInstance().canGuestSeeTopic()) {
  20. response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?op=login&info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "info_please_login")) + "&privurl=" + privurl);
  21. return;
  22. }
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  24. long rootid;
  25. try {
  26. rootid = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "rootid");
  27. }
  28. catch (Exception e) {
  29. out.println(StrUtil.Alert(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, SkinUtil.ERR_ID))); // "标识非法!"));
  30. return;
  31. }
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  33. try {
  34. showid = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "showid");//显示内容的贴子ID
  35. }
  36. catch (Exception e) {
  37. showid = rootid;
  38. }
  39. UserMgr um = new UserMgr();
  40. MsgDb msgdb = new MsgDb();
  41. msgdb = msgdb.getMsgDb(showid);
  42. // 如果被删除后该贴已不存
  43. if (!msgdb.isLoaded()) {
  44. showid = rootid;
  45. msgdb = msgdb.getMsgDb(showid);
  46. if (!msgdb.isLoaded()) {
  47. out.print(, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_lost"))); // "该贴已不存在!"));
  48. return;
  49. }
  50. }
  51. MsgDb rootMsgDb = msgdb.getMsgDb(rootid);
  52. if (rootMsgDb.getCheckStatus()==MsgDb.CHECK_STATUS_NOT && !privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
  53. response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_not")) + "&privurl=" + privurl);
  54. return;
  55. }
  56. String boardcode = msgdb.getboardcode();
  57. if (!privilege.canUserDo(request, boardcode, "enter_board")) {
  58. response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info= " + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "pvg_invalid")));
  59. return;
  60. }
  61. if (!privilege.canUserDo(request, boardcode, "view_topic")) {
  62. response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info= " + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "pvg_invalid")));
  63. return;
  64. }
  65. try {
  66. privilege.checkCanEnterBoard(request, boardcode);
  67. }
  68. catch (ErrMsgException e) {
  69. response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(e.getMessage()));
  70. return;
  71. }
  72. Leaf msgLeaf = new Leaf();
  73. msgLeaf = msgLeaf.getLeaf(boardcode);
  74. String boardname = "";
  75. if (msgLeaf!=null)
  76. boardname = msgLeaf.getName();
  77. UserSession.setBoardCode(request, msgdb.getboardcode());
  78. // 取得皮肤路径
  79. String skincode = "";
  80. if (msgLeaf!=null)
  81. msgLeaf.getSkin();
  82. if (skincode.equals("") || skincode.equals(UserSet.defaultSkin)) {
  83. skincode = UserSet.getSkin(request);
  84. if (skincode==null || skincode.equals(""))
  85. skincode = UserSet.defaultSkin;
  86. }
  87. SkinMgr skm = new SkinMgr();
  88. Skin skin = skm.getSkin(skincode);
  89. String skinPath = skin.getPath();
  90. cfg1 = new;
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  92. int msgTitleLengthMax = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.msgTitleLengthMax");
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  102. String seoDescription = StrUtil.left(msgdb.getContent(),100);
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  201. <%
  202. if (msgdb.getCheckStatus()==msgdb.CHECK_STATUS_NOT) {
  203. if (!privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
  204. out.print(SkinUtil.makeErrMsg(request, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_not")));
  205. return;
  206. }
  207. }
  208. else if (msgdb.getCheckStatus()==msgdb.CHECK_STATUS_DUSTBIN) {
  209. if (!privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
  210. out.print(SkinUtil.makeErrMsg(request, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_dustbin")));
  211. return;
  212. }
  213. }
  214. %>
  215. <jsp:useBean id="userservice" scope="page" class=""/>
  216. <%
  217. // 每隔5分钟刷新在位时间
  218. userservice.refreshStayTime(request, response);
  219. // 取得显示设置
  220. BoardRenderDb boardRender = new BoardRenderDb();
  221. boardRender = boardRender.getBoardRenderDb(boardcode);
  222. IPluginRender render = boardRender.getRender();
  223. int hit = 0;
  224. int islocked = 0,iselite=0,lylevel=0;
  225. long id;
  226. int experience,credit,addcount;
  227. String name="",lydate="",content="",topic="",showtopic="";
  228. String email="",sign="";
  229. String RegDate="",Gender="",RealPic="";
  230. String myface="";
  231. int myfacewidth=120,myfaceheight=150,iswebedit = 0;
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  235. int CPages = 1;
  236. id = msgdb.getId();
  237. name = msgdb.getName();
  238. topic = msgdb.getTitle();
  239. showtopic = topic;
  240. content = msgdb.getContent();
  241.     lydate =, msgdb.getAddDate());
  242. orders = msgdb.getOrders();
  243. CPages = (int)Math.ceil((double)orders/pagesize);
  244. type = msgdb.getType();
  245. islocked = msgdb.getIsLocked();
  246. iselite = msgdb.getIsElite();
  247. lylevel = msgdb.getLevel();
  248. show_ubbcode = msgdb.getShowUbbcode();
  249. show_smile = msgdb.getShowSmile();
  250.     iswebedit = msgdb.getIsWebedit();
  251. UserDb user = um.getUser(name);
  252. RealPic = user.getRealPic();
  253. Gender = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getGender());
  254. if (Gender.equals("M"))
  255. Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_man"); // "男";
  256. else if (Gender.equals("F"))
  257. Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_woman"); // "女";
  258. else
  259. Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_none"); // "不详";
  260. RegDate =, user.getRegDate());
  261. experience = user.getExperience();
  262. credit = user.getCredit();
  263. addcount = user.getAddCount();
  264. email = user.getEmail(); 
  265. sign = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getSign());
  266. myface = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getMyface());
  267. myfacewidth = user.getMyfaceWidth();
  268. myfaceheight = user.getMyfaceHeight();
  269. String sqlt = "select id from sq_thread where boardcode=" + StrUtil.sqlstr(boardcode)+"  ORDER BY msg_level desc,redate desc";
  270. ThreadBlockIterator irthread = msgdb.getThreads(sqlt, boardcode, 0, 200);
  271. irthread.setIndex(msgdb);
  272. %>
  273. <%
  274. PluginMgr pmnote = new PluginMgr();
  275. Vector vplugin = pmnote.getAllPluginUnitOfBoard(boardcode);
  276. if (vplugin.size()>0) {
  277. Iterator irpluginnote = vplugin.iterator();
  278. while (irpluginnote.hasNext()) {
  279. PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
  280. IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
  281. IPluginViewShowMsg pv = ipu.getViewShowMsg(boardcode, msgdb);
  282. String rule = pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_NOTE);
  283. if (!rule.equals("") && pv.IsPluginBoard()) {
  284. %>
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  286. width="98%" align=center border=1 class="table_normal">
  287.   <TBODY>
  288.     <TR>
  289.       <TD>
  290. <!--plugin rule--><%out.print(pu.getName(request) + "&nbsp;" + rule + "<BR>");%>
  291.       </TD>
  292.     </TR>
  293.   </TBODY>
  294. </TABLE><table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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  304. <%
  305. String addpage = "addtopic_new.jsp";
  306. String replypage = "addreply_new.jsp";
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  308. addpage = "addtopic_we.jsp";
  309. replypage = "addreply_we.jsp";
  310. }
  311. %>   
  312. <a href="<%=addpage%>?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath%>/images/post_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border=0 width=99 height=25 alt="<lt:Label res="" key="addtopic"/>"></a>
  313. <a href="<%=replypage%>?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&replyid=<%=rootid%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"> <img height=25 src="<%=skinPath%>/images/newreply_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" width=99 border=0 alt="<lt:Label res="" key="addreply"/>"></a>
  314.         <%
  315. if (vplugin.size()>0) {
  316. Iterator irplugin = vplugin.iterator();
  317. while (irplugin.hasNext()) {
  318. PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
  319. IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
  320. IPluginViewListThread pv = ipu.getViewListThread(boardcode);
  321. if (pv.IsPluginBoard() && pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_TOPIC) && !pu.getButton().equals("")) {%>
  322.         <a href="<%=addpage%>?pluginCode=<%=pu.getCode()%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath + "/" + pu.getButton()%>_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border="0"></a>
  323.         <%}
  324. }
  325. }
  326. %>
  327.         <%
  328. if (msgLeaf!=null) {
  329. Vector vplugin2 = msgLeaf.getAllPlugin2();
  330. Iterator irplugin2 = vplugin2.iterator();
  331. while (irplugin2.hasNext()) {
  332. p2u = (;
  333. %>
  334.       <a href="<%=addpage%>?plugin2Code=<%=p2u.getCode()%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath + "/images/" + p2u.getButton()%>_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border="0"></a>
  335.       <%}
  336. }
  337.   %> </TD>
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  339. <FONT color=#333333><lt:Label res="" key="hit_begin"/> <B><span id="spanhit" name="spanhit"></span></B> <lt:Label res="" key="hit_end"/></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  340.   <a href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, rootid, CPages, "" + showid)%>" title="<lt:Label res="" key="flat_view"/>"><img border=0 src="images/flatview.gif"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  341. <%  if (irthread.hasPrevious()) {
  342.         MsgDb prevMsg = (MsgDb)irthread.previous();
  343.         // advance the iterator pointer back to the original index
  345. %>
  346.   <A href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, prevMsg.getRootid(), prevMsg.getRootid(), 1, "")%>"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="show_pre"/> src="images/prethread.gif" border=0></A>
  347.   <%}%>
  348.   &nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="javascript:location.reload()"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="refresh"/> src="images/refresh.gif" border=0></A> 
  349. <%  if (irthread.hasNext()) {
  350.         MsgDb nextMsg = (MsgDb);
  351. %>
  352.   <A href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, nextMsg.getRootid(), nextMsg.getRootid(), 1, "")%>"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="show_after"/> src="images/nextthread.gif" 
  353.       border=0></A>
  354. <%  } else { %>
  355.     &nbsp;
  356. <%  } %>   </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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  372.           <TD class="text_title"><lt:Label res="" key="topic"/><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></TD>
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  395.                           <caption>
  396.                           <b><font style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" 
  397.                     color=#ffffff><%=user.getNick()%></font></b> 
  398.                           </caption>
  399.                         </table>
  400.                         <%
  401.   UserGroupDb ugd = user.getUserGroupDb();
  402.   if (!ugd.getCode().equals(UserGroupDb.EVERYONE)) {
  403.    out.print("<table><tr><td>" + ugd.getDesc() + "</td></tr></table>");
  404.   }
  405. %></td>
  406.                     </tr>
  407.                     <tr> 
  408.                       <td align=left height=42> <%if (myface.equals("")) {%> <img src="images/face/<%=RealPic%>"> 
  409.                         <%}else{%> <img src="../images/myface/<%=myface%>" width=<%=myfacewidth%> height=<%=myfaceheight%>> 
  410.                         <%}%> </td>
  411.                     </tr>
  412.                     <tr> 
  413.                       <td align=left height=17> 
  414. <img src="images/<%=user.getLevelPic()%>"> 
  415.                         <%=Gender%></td>
  416.                     </tr>
  417.                     <tr> 
  418.                       <td align=left height=54>
  419.     <lt:Label res="" key="rank"/><%=user.getLevelDesc()%><br>
  420.                         <lt:Label res="" key="experience"/><%=experience%><br>
  421.                         <lt:Label res="" key="credit"/><%=credit%><br>
  422. <%
  423. ScoreMgr sm = new ScoreMgr();
  424. ScoreUnit su = sm.getScoreUnit("gold");
  425. // out.print(StrUtil.toHtml(su.getName()));
  426. out.print(su.getName(request));
  427. %>:<%=user.getGold()%><br>
  428.                         <lt:Label res="" key="topic_count"/><%=addcount%> <br>
  429.                         <lt:Label res="" key="topic_elite"/><%=user.getEliteCount()%><br>
  430.                         <lt:Label res="" key="reg_date"/><%=RegDate%> <br>
  431.                         <lt:Label res="" key="online_status"/><%
  432. OnlineUserDb ou = new OnlineUserDb();
  433. ou = ou.getOnlineUserDb(user.getName());
  434. if (ou.isLoaded())
  435. out.print(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "online_status_yes")); // "在线");
  436. else
  437. out.print(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "online_status_no")); // "离线");
  438. %>
  439.                         <%
  440. if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.showFlowerEgg")) {
  441. UserPropDb up = new UserPropDb();
  442. up = up.getUserPropDb(user.getName());
  443. %>
  444.                         <BR>
  445.                         <img src="../images/flower.gif">&nbsp;(<%=up.getInt("flower_count")%>)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="../images/egg.gif">&nbsp;(<%=up.getInt("egg_count")%>)
  446.                         <%}
  447. %></td>
  448.                     </tr>
  449.                   </tbody>
  450.                 </table>
  451.             <table width="98%"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  452.               <tr>
  453.                 <td align="center"><br>
  454.                   <%
  455.    if (rootid==id) {
  456. // 当为根贴时可置为被锁定
  457. String toptitle="",locktitle="",elitetitle="",guidetitle="";
  458. int dotop = (lylevel==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD)?0:MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD;
  459. if (dotop==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD)
  460. toptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_board"); // "版块置顶";
  461. else
  462. toptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_none"); // "取消置顶";
  463. int dolock = (islocked==1)?0:1;
  464. if (dolock==1)
  465. locktitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "lock"); // "锁定";
  466. else
  467. locktitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "unlock"); // "解锁";
  468. int doelite = (iselite==1)?0:1;
  469. if (doelite==1)
  470. elitetitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "elite"); // "置为精华";
  471. else
  472. elitetitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "elite_not"); // "取消精华";
  473. if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
  474. // 全局置顶
  475. String alltoptitle="";
  476. int doalltop = (lylevel==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM)?MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD:MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM;
  477. if (doalltop==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM)
  478. alltoptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_forum"); // "论坛置顶";
  479. else
  480. alltoptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_board"); // "版块置顶";
  481. %>
  482.                       <a title="<%=toptitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setOnTop&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=doalltop%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=alltoptitle%>" src="images/top_forum.gif" width=15 border=0></a>&nbsp;
  483.                       <%}%>
  484.                       <a title="<%=toptitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setOnTop&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=dotop%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=toptitle%>" src="images/f_top.gif" width=15 border=0></a>&nbsp;
  485.   <a href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setLocked&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=dolock%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=locktitle%>" src="images/f_locked.gif" width=17 border=0></a>&nbsp;
  486.   <a title="<%=elitetitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setElite&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=doelite%>"><img alt="<%=elitetitle%>" src="images/topicgood.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;
  487.   <a href="manager/changecolor.jsp?id=<%=id%>"><img src="images/color.gif" alt="<lt:Label res="" key="change_color"/>" width="18" height="18" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
  488.   <a title="<lt:Label res="" key="change_board"/>" href="manager/changeboard.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&title=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(topic,"utf-8")%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&id=<%=id%>"><img src="images/zhuan.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
  489.                       <%}%>
  490.   </td>
  491.               </tr>
  492.             </table></td>
  493.           <td width=9 height=126 rowspan="2" align=middle valign=bottom> 
  494.             <table height="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=1 bgcolor="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>">
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  496.               <tr> 
  497.                 <td width=1></td>
  498.               </tr>
  499.               </tbody>
  500.             </table>          </td>
  501.           <td valign=top align=left height=106> 
  502.             <table style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed;WORD-BREAK: break-all" 
  503.             height="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="99%" border=0>
  504.                   <tbody>
  505.                     <tr height=20> 
  506.                       <td> <a name=#content<%=id%>></a> <a href="../userinfo.jsp?username=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name,"utf-8")%>"> 
  507.                         <img src="images/profile.gif" alt="<%=StrUtil.toHtml(user.getNick())%><lt:Label res="" key="user_info"/>" 
  508.                   border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
  509.                   href="#" onClick="hopenWin('../message/send.jsp?receiver=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name,"utf-8")%>',320,260)"><img src="images/pm.gif" alt="<lt:Label res="" key="send_short_msg"/><%=StrUtil.toHtml(user.getNick())%>" 
  510.                   border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="mailto:<%=StrUtil.toHtml(email)%>"><img src="images/email.gif" 
  511.                   alt=<lt:Label res="" key="send_email"/><%=user.getNick()%> border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a 
  512.                   href="javascript:copyText(document.all.topiccontent);"><img 
  513.                   src="images/copy.gif" alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_copy"/> border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
  514.                         <a href="addreply_new.jsp?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&hit=<%=hit%>&replyid=<%=id%>&quote=1&privurl=<%=privurl%>" class="normal"><IMG src="images/reply.gif" alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_quote"/> 
  515.                   border=0 align="absmiddle"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
  516.                         <% if (islocked==0) { %>
  517.                         <a href="addreply_new.jsp?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&hit=<%=hit%>&replyid=<%=id%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="images/replynow.gif" 
  518.                   alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_reply"/> 
  519.                   border=0 align="absmiddle"></a> 
  520.                         <% } %>
  521. <%if (!user.getHome().equals("")) {%>
  522. &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="<%=user.getHome()%>" target="_blank"><img alt="<lt:Label res="" key="home"/>" src="images/home.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
  523. <%}%>
  524. <%if (Global.hasBlog) {%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="<lt:Label res="" key="blog"/>" href="../blog/myblog.jsp?userName=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name)%>"><img src="images/favorite.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
  525.                     <%if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.isShowQQ") && !user.getOicq().equals("")) {%>
  526.                     &nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="<lt:Label res="" key="send_qq_msg"/><%=user.getName()%>" href=";Uin=<%=user.getOicq()%>&amp;Site=By CWBBS&amp;Menu=yes" target="_blank"><img src="<%=user.getOicq()%>:4" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>
  527.                     <%}%>
  528. &nbsp;                    <a href="#<%=id%>"><lt:Label res="" key="position"/></a>
  529. <%}%> </td>
  530.                     </tr>
  531.                     <tr height=8> 
  532.                       <td> <hr width="100%" color="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" size=1>                      </td>
  533.                     </tr>
  534.                     <tr>
  535.                       <td height="30">
  536. <%=render.RenderTitle(request, msgdb)%>
  537.   </td>
  538.                     </tr>
  539.                     <tr valign=top> 
  540.                       <td>                        <%
  541. if (vplugin.size()>0) {
  542. Iterator irplugin = vplugin.iterator();
  543. while (irplugin.hasNext()) {
  544. PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
  545. IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
  546. IPluginViewShowMsg pv = ipu.getViewShowMsg(boardcode, msgdb);
  547. if (pv.IsPluginBoard()) {
  548. boolean isShow = false;
  549. if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_BOARD))
  550. isShow = true;
  551. else if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_TOPIC)) {
  552. if (pu.getUnit().isPluginMsg(msgdb.getId()))
  553. isShow = true;
  554. }
  555. if (isShow)
  556. out.print(pu.getName(request) + "&nbsp;" + pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_BEFORE_MSG) + "<BR>");
  557. }
  558. }
  559. }
  560. %>
  561.                         <table width="99%" height="120"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  562.                           <tr>
  563.                             <td valign="top">
  564. <%
  565. MsgPollDb mpd = null;
  566. mpd = render.RenderVote(request, msgdb);
  567. if (type==1 && mpd!=null) {%>
  568. <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" borderColor="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>">
  569. <%
  570. String ctlType = "radio";
  571. if (mpd.getInt("max_choice")>1)
  572. ctlType = "checkbox";
  573. Vector options = mpd.getOptions(msgdb.getId());
  574. int len = options.size();
  575. String showVoteUser = ParamUtil.get(request, "showVoteUser");
  576. int[] re = new int[len];
  577. int[] bfb = new int[len];
  578. int total = 0;
  579. int k = 0;
  580. for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
  581. MsgPollOptionDb opt = (MsgPollOptionDb)options.elementAt(k);
  582. re[k] = opt.getInt("vote_count");
  583. total += re[k];
  584. }
  585. if (total!=0) {
  586. for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
  587. bfb[k] = (int)Math.round((double)re[k]/total*100);
  588. }
  589. }
  590. %>
  591.                     <form action="vote.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>" name=formvote method="post">
  592. <tr>
  593.   <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#EBECED">
  594.   <b><lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>
  595.   <%
  596.   java.util.Date epDate = mpd.getDate("expire_date");
  597.   if (epDate!=null) {%>
  598.    &nbsp;<lt:Label res="" key="vote_expire_date"/>
  599.    &nbsp;<%=ForumSkin.formatDate(request, epDate)%>
  600.   <%}%>
  601.   <%if (mpd.getInt("max_choice")==1) {%>
  602.    <lt:Label res="" key="vote_type_single"/>
  603.   <%}else{%>
  604.    <lt:Label res="" key="vote_type_multiple"/><%=mpd.getInt("max_choice")%>
  605.   <%}%>
  606.   </b></td>
  607. </tr>
  608. <tr>
  609. <%
  610. int barId = 0;
  611. for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
  612. MsgPollOptionDb opt = (MsgPollOptionDb)options.elementAt(k);
  613. %>
  614. <td width="46%">
  615.                         <%=k+1%>.
  616.                         <input type="<%=ctlType%>" name=votesel value="<%=k%>">
  617. &nbsp;<%=opt.getString("content")%></td>
  618. <td width="54%"><img src=images/vote/bar<%=barId%>.gif width="<%=bfb[k]-8%>%" height=10>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><%=re[k]%>
  619.   <lt:Label res="" key="vote_unit"/>
  620. </strong>&nbsp;<%=bfb[k]%>%
  621. <%
  622. if (showVoteUser.equals("1")) {
  623. String[] userAry = StrUtil.split(opt.getString("vote_user"), ",");
  624. if (userAry!=null) {
  625. int userLen = userAry.length;
  626. String userNames = "";
  627. for (int n=0; n<userLen; n++) {
  628. UserDb ud = um.getUser(userAry[n]);
  629. if (userNames.equals(""))
  630. userNames = ud.getNick();
  631. else
  632. userNames += ",&nbsp;" + ud.getNick();
  633. }
  634. out.print(userNames);
  635. }
  636. }
  637. %>
  638. </td>
  639. </tr>
  640.    <%
  641. barId ++;
  642. if (barId==10)
  643. barId = 0;
  644. }%>
  645. <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input name="button" type="button" onClick="window.location.href='?rootid=<%=rootid%>&showid=<%=showid%>&showVoteUser=1'" value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote_show_user"/>">
  646.   &nbsp;
  647. <%
  648. if (epDate!=null) {
  649. if (, new java.util.Date()) == 1) {
  650. %>
  651. <input value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>" type="submit">
  652. <%}else{%>
  653. <b>
  654. <lt:Label res="" key="vote_end"/>
  655. </b>
  656. <%}
  657. }else{%>
  658. <input value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>" type="submit">
  659. <%}%>
  660. <input type=hidden name=boardcode value="<%=boardcode%>">
  661.                     <input type=hidden name=boardname value="<%=boardname%>">
  662.                     <input type=hidden name=voteid value="<%=id%>">
  663. </td>
  664. </tr>
  665.                       </form>
  666. </table>
  667.  <%}%>
  668. <%if (msgdb.isRootMsg()) {%>
  669. <ad:AdTag type="<%=AdDb.TYPE_TOPIC_RIGHT%>" boardCode="<%=boardcode%>"></ad:AdTag>
  670. <%}%>
  671. <span id="topiccontent" name="topiccontent">
  672.                     <%
  673. if (!msgdb.getPlugin2Code().equals("")) {
  674. Plugin2Mgr p2m = new Plugin2Mgr();
  675. Plugin2Unit p2u = p2m.getPlugin2Unit(msgdb.getPlugin2Code());
  676. out.print(p2u.getUnit().getRender().rend(request, msgdb));
  677. }
  678. out.print(render.RenderContent(request, msgdb));
  679. // if (msgdb.getIsWebedit()==msgdb.WEBEDIT_REDMOON) {
  680. String att = render.RenderAttachment(request, msgdb);
  681. out.print(att);
  682. // }
  683. %>
  684.                             </span></td>
  685.                           </tr>
  686.                         </table>
  687.                         <span name="topiccontent">                        </span>  
  688.                         <table width="99%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  689.                           <tr>
  690.                             <td><%
  691. if (!sign.equals("")) {
  692. out.print("<font color=#777777>----------------------------------------------</font><BR>");
  693. sign = StrUtil.toHtml(sign);
  694. if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.sign_ubb"))
  695. out.print(StrUtil.ubb(request, sign, true));
  696. else
  697. out.print(sign);
  698. }
  699. %>                            </td>
  700.                           </tr>
  701.                       </table></td>
  702.                     </tr>
  703.                   </tbody>
  704.                 </table></td>
  705.         </tr>
  706.         <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
  707.           <td align="center"><%
  708. String ip = "";
  709. if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request))
  710.             ip=msgdb.getIp();
  711. else
  712. ip = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "ip_view_not"); // "您无权察看";
  713.           %>
  714.             <img src="images/system.gif" alt="IP:<%=ip%>" align="absmiddle"> <%=lydate%></td>
  715.           <td align=right>
  716. <hr width="100%" color="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" size=1>
  717. <%if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {%>
  718. IP: <%=msgdb.getIp()%>&nbsp;
  719. <%}%>
  720. <%
  721.   String editpage = "edittopic_new.jsp";
  722.   if (iswebedit==MsgDb.WEBEDIT_UBB) {
  723.    editpage = "edittopic.jsp";
  724.   } else if (iswebedit==MsgDb.WEBEDIT_REDMOON) {
  725.    editpage = "edittopic_we.jsp";
  726.   }
  727.   String mstr = "<a href='addfriend.jsp?friend=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(name) + "'>" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "add_friend") + "</a>";
  728.   mstr += "<a href='myfavoriate.jsp?op=add&privurl=" + privurl + "&id=" + rootid + "'>" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "add_favoriate") + "</a>";
  729.   mstr += "<a href=" + editpage + "?boardcode=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode) + "&editid=" + id + "&privurl=" + privurl + ">" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_edit") + "</a>";
  730.   mstr += "<a onClick=checkclick('" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_del_confirm") + "') href=deltopic.jsp?" + "boardcode=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode) + "&delid=" + id + "&privurl=" + privurl + ">" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_del") + "</a>";
  731.   %>
  732.             <a class="nav" href='#' onMouseOver="showmenu(event, &quot;<%=mstr%>&quot;, 0)"><img src="images/edit.gif" border=0 align="absmiddle"></a></td>
  733.         </tr>
  734.         </tbody>
  735.       </table>
  736.     </td>
  737.   </tr>
  738.   </tbody>
  739. </table>
  740. <%
  741. if (showid==rootid) {
  742. rootMsgDb.increaseHit();
  743. }
  744. String sql = "";
  745. // sql = "select id from sq_message where rootid=" + rootid + " ORDER BY orders";
  746. sql = SQLBuilder.getShowtopictreeSql(rootid);
  747. long totalMsg = msgdb.getMsgCount(sql, boardcode, rootid);
  748. MsgBlockIterator irmsg = msgdb.getMsgs(sql, boardcode, rootid, 0, totalMsg);
  749. int layer = 1;
  750. int i = 1;
  751. if (irmsg.hasNext())
  752. {
  753. // 写根贴
  754. MsgDb md = (MsgDb);
  755. id = md.getId();
  756. topic = md.getTitle();
  757. hit = md.getHit();
  758. %>
  759. <script language="JavaScript">
  760. spanhit.innerHTML = '<%=hit%>';
  761. </script>
  762. <table bordercolor=#edeced cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width="98%" align=center border=1>
  763.   <tbody> 
  764.   <tr> 
  765.     <td noWrap align=left bgcolor=#f8f8f8 height="21" width="3%">
  766. <img src="images/1.gif" border=0>
  767. </td>
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  772. <% } else { %>
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  778. <%
  779. }
  780. // 写跟贴
  781. while (irmsg.hasNext())
  782. {
  783.   i++;
  784.   MsgDb md = (MsgDb);
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  787.   name = md.getName();
  788.   layer = md.getLayer();
  789.   topic = md.getTitle();
  790.   content = md.getContent();
  791.   lydate =, md.getAddDate());
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  802. { %>
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  804.       <% }%>
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  806.  <%
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  809.   <a target="_blank" href="../userinfo.jsp?username=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(md.getName())%>"><%=um.getUser(md.getName()).getNick()%></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<%=lydate%>]
  810.   <% } else { %>
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  818. <%
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  835. if (vplugin.size()>0) {
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  847. isShow = true;
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