资源名称:JSP-OA.rar [点击查看]
- <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <%@ page import="*"%>
- <jsp:useBean id="StrUtil" scope="page" class=""/>
- <jsp:useBean id="privilege" scope="page" class=""/>
- <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/LabelTag.tld" prefix="lt" %>
- <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/AdTag.tld" prefix="ad"%>
- <%
- String querystring = StrUtil.getNullString(request.getQueryString());
- String privurl=request.getRequestURL()+"?"+StrUtil.UrlEncode(querystring,"utf-8");
- if (!privilege.isUserLogin(request)) {
- if (!ForumDb.getInstance().canGuestSeeTopic()) {
- response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?op=login&info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "info_please_login")) + "&privurl=" + privurl);
- return;
- }
- }
- long rootid;
- try {
- rootid = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "rootid");
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- out.println(StrUtil.Alert(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, SkinUtil.ERR_ID))); // "标识非法!"));
- return;
- }
- long showid = 0;
- try {
- showid = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "showid");//显示内容的贴子ID
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- showid = rootid;
- }
- UserMgr um = new UserMgr();
- MsgDb msgdb = new MsgDb();
- msgdb = msgdb.getMsgDb(showid);
- // 如果被删除后该贴已不存
- if (!msgdb.isLoaded()) {
- showid = rootid;
- msgdb = msgdb.getMsgDb(showid);
- if (!msgdb.isLoaded()) {
- out.print(, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_lost"))); // "该贴已不存在!"));
- return;
- }
- }
- MsgDb rootMsgDb = msgdb.getMsgDb(rootid);
- if (rootMsgDb.getCheckStatus()==MsgDb.CHECK_STATUS_NOT && !privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
- response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_not")) + "&privurl=" + privurl);
- return;
- }
- String boardcode = msgdb.getboardcode();
- if (!privilege.canUserDo(request, boardcode, "enter_board")) {
- response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info= " + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "pvg_invalid")));
- return;
- }
- if (!privilege.canUserDo(request, boardcode, "view_topic")) {
- response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info= " + StrUtil.UrlEncode(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "pvg_invalid")));
- return;
- }
- try {
- privilege.checkCanEnterBoard(request, boardcode);
- }
- catch (ErrMsgException e) {
- response.sendRedirect("../info.jsp?info=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(e.getMessage()));
- return;
- }
- Leaf msgLeaf = new Leaf();
- msgLeaf = msgLeaf.getLeaf(boardcode);
- String boardname = "";
- if (msgLeaf!=null)
- boardname = msgLeaf.getName();
- UserSession.setBoardCode(request, msgdb.getboardcode());
- // 取得皮肤路径
- String skincode = "";
- if (msgLeaf!=null)
- msgLeaf.getSkin();
- if (skincode.equals("") || skincode.equals(UserSet.defaultSkin)) {
- skincode = UserSet.getSkin(request);
- if (skincode==null || skincode.equals(""))
- skincode = UserSet.defaultSkin;
- }
- SkinMgr skm = new SkinMgr();
- Skin skin = skm.getSkin(skincode);
- String skinPath = skin.getPath();
- cfg1 = new;
- int msgTitleLengthMin = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.msgTitleLengthMin");
- int msgTitleLengthMax = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.msgTitleLengthMax");
- int msgLengthMin = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.msgLengthMin");
- int msgLengthMax = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.msgLengthMax");
- int maxAttachmentCount = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.maxAttachmentCount");
- int maxAttachmentSize = cfg1.getIntProperty("forum.maxAttachmentSize");
- //seo
- scfg = new;
- String seoTitle = scfg.getProperty("seotitle");
- String seoKeywords = scfg.getProperty("seokeywords");
- String seoHead = scfg.getProperty("seohead");
- String seoDescription = StrUtil.left(msgdb.getContent(),100);
- %>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <HTML><HEAD><TITLE><%=msgdb.getTitle()%> - <%=Global.AppName%> <%=seoTitle%></TITLE>
- <%=seoHead%>
- <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8>
- <META name="keywords" content="<%=seoKeywords%>">
- <META name="description" content="<%=StrUtil.toHtml(seoDescription)%>">
- <LINK href="<%=skinPath%>/skin.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
- <LINK href="images/bbs.ico" rel="SHORTCUT ICON">
- }
- TD {
- }
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- function zoomimg(o){
- return;
- var zoom = parseInt(, 10)||100;
- zoom += event.wheelDelta/12;
- if (zoom>0)
- = zoom + "%";
- return false;
- }
- function SymError()
- {
- return true;
- }
- window.onerror = SymError;
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- function copyText(obj) {var rng = document.body.createTextRange();rng.moveToElementText(obj);;rng.execCommand('Copy');}
- var i=0;
- function formCheck()
- {
- i++;
- if (document.frmAnnounce.topic.value.length<<%=msgTitleLengthMin%>)
- {
- alert("<lt:Label res="" key="err_too_short_title"/><%=msgTitleLengthMin%>");
- return false;
- }
- if (document.frmAnnounce.topic.value.length><%=msgTitleLengthMax%>)
- {
- alert("<lt:Label res="" key="err_too_large_title"/><%=msgTitleLengthMax%>");
- return false;
- }
- if (document.frmAnnounce.Content.value.length<<%=msgLengthMin%>)
- {
- alert("<lt:Label res="" key="err_too_short_content"/><%=msgLengthMin%>");
- return false;
- }
- if (document.frmAnnounce.Content.value.length><%=msgLengthMax%>)
- {
- alert("<lt:Label res="" key="err_too_large_content"/><%=msgLengthMax%>");
- return false;
- }
- if (i>1)
- {
- document.frmAnnounce.submit1.disabled = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function presskey(eventobject) {
- if(event.ctrlKey && window.event.keyCode==13) {
- i++;
- if (i>1) {
- alert('<lt:Label res="" key="wait"/>');
- return false;
- }
- this.document.frmAnnounce.submit();
- }
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- <%@ include file="inc/header.jsp"%>
- <%@ include file="../inc/inc.jsp"%>
- <jsp:include page="inc/position.jsp" flush="true">
- <jsp:param name="boardcode" value="<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>" />
- </jsp:include>
- <ad:AdTag type="<%=AdDb.TYPE_TEXT%>" boardCode="<%=boardcode%>"></ad:AdTag>
- <%
- if (msgdb.getCheckStatus()==msgdb.CHECK_STATUS_NOT) {
- if (!privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
- out.print(SkinUtil.makeErrMsg(request, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_not")));
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (msgdb.getCheckStatus()==msgdb.CHECK_STATUS_DUSTBIN) {
- if (!privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
- out.print(SkinUtil.makeErrMsg(request, SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "check_dustbin")));
- return;
- }
- }
- %>
- <jsp:useBean id="userservice" scope="page" class=""/>
- <%
- // 每隔5分钟刷新在位时间
- userservice.refreshStayTime(request, response);
- // 取得显示设置
- BoardRenderDb boardRender = new BoardRenderDb();
- boardRender = boardRender.getBoardRenderDb(boardcode);
- IPluginRender render = boardRender.getRender();
- int hit = 0;
- int islocked = 0,iselite=0,lylevel=0;
- long id;
- int experience,credit,addcount;
- String name="",lydate="",content="",topic="",showtopic="";
- String email="",sign="";
- String RegDate="",Gender="",RealPic="";
- String myface="";
- int myfacewidth=120,myfaceheight=150,iswebedit = 0;
- int show_ubbcode=1,show_smile=1;
- int orders = 1,type=0, isguide=0;
- int pagesize = 10;
- int CPages = 1;
- id = msgdb.getId();
- name = msgdb.getName();
- topic = msgdb.getTitle();
- showtopic = topic;
- content = msgdb.getContent();
- lydate =, msgdb.getAddDate());
- orders = msgdb.getOrders();
- CPages = (int)Math.ceil((double)orders/pagesize);
- type = msgdb.getType();
- islocked = msgdb.getIsLocked();
- iselite = msgdb.getIsElite();
- lylevel = msgdb.getLevel();
- show_ubbcode = msgdb.getShowUbbcode();
- show_smile = msgdb.getShowSmile();
- iswebedit = msgdb.getIsWebedit();
- UserDb user = um.getUser(name);
- RealPic = user.getRealPic();
- Gender = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getGender());
- if (Gender.equals("M"))
- Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_man"); // "男";
- else if (Gender.equals("F"))
- Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_woman"); // "女";
- else
- Gender = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "sex_none"); // "不详";
- RegDate =, user.getRegDate());
- experience = user.getExperience();
- credit = user.getCredit();
- addcount = user.getAddCount();
- email = user.getEmail();
- sign = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getSign());
- myface = StrUtil.getNullStr(user.getMyface());
- myfacewidth = user.getMyfaceWidth();
- myfaceheight = user.getMyfaceHeight();
- String sqlt = "select id from sq_thread where boardcode=" + StrUtil.sqlstr(boardcode)+" ORDER BY msg_level desc,redate desc";
- ThreadBlockIterator irthread = msgdb.getThreads(sqlt, boardcode, 0, 200);
- irthread.setIndex(msgdb);
- %>
- <%
- PluginMgr pmnote = new PluginMgr();
- Vector vplugin = pmnote.getAllPluginUnitOfBoard(boardcode);
- if (vplugin.size()>0) {
- Iterator irpluginnote = vplugin.iterator();
- while (irpluginnote.hasNext()) {
- PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
- IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
- IPluginViewShowMsg pv = ipu.getViewShowMsg(boardcode, msgdb);
- String rule = pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_NOTE);
- if (!rule.equals("") && pv.IsPluginBoard()) {
- %>
- <TABLE borderColor="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" height=25 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 rules=rows
- width="98%" align=center border=1 class="table_normal">
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <!--plugin rule--><%out.print(pu.getName(request) + " " + rule + "<BR>");%>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE><table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr><td height="5"></td></tr>
- </table>
- <% }
- }
- }%>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD width="49%" height=35>
- <%
- String addpage = "addtopic_new.jsp";
- String replypage = "addreply_new.jsp";
- if (msgLeaf.getWebeditAllowType()==Leaf.WEBEDIT_ALLOW_TYPE_REDMOON_FIRST) {
- addpage = "addtopic_we.jsp";
- replypage = "addreply_we.jsp";
- }
- %>
- <a href="<%=addpage%>?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath%>/images/post_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border=0 width=99 height=25 alt="<lt:Label res="" key="addtopic"/>"></a>
- <a href="<%=replypage%>?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&replyid=<%=rootid%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"> <img height=25 src="<%=skinPath%>/images/newreply_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" width=99 border=0 alt="<lt:Label res="" key="addreply"/>"></a>
- <%
- if (vplugin.size()>0) {
- Iterator irplugin = vplugin.iterator();
- while (irplugin.hasNext()) {
- PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
- IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
- IPluginViewListThread pv = ipu.getViewListThread(boardcode);
- if (pv.IsPluginBoard() && pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_TOPIC) && !pu.getButton().equals("")) {%>
- <a href="<%=addpage%>?pluginCode=<%=pu.getCode()%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath + "/" + pu.getButton()%>_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border="0"></a>
- <%}
- }
- }
- %>
- <%
- if (msgLeaf!=null) {
- Vector vplugin2 = msgLeaf.getAllPlugin2();
- Iterator irplugin2 = vplugin2.iterator();
- while (irplugin2.hasNext()) {
- p2u = (;
- %>
- <a href="<%=addpage%>?plugin2Code=<%=p2u.getCode()%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="<%=skinPath + "/images/" + p2u.getButton()%>_<%=SkinUtil.getLocale(request)%>.gif" border="0"></a>
- <%}
- }
- %> </TD>
- <TD width="51%" height=35 align="right">
- <FONT color=#333333><lt:Label res="" key="hit_begin"/> <B><span id="spanhit" name="spanhit"></span></B> <lt:Label res="" key="hit_end"/></FONT>
- <a href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, rootid, CPages, "" + showid)%>" title="<lt:Label res="" key="flat_view"/>"><img border=0 src="images/flatview.gif"></a>
- <% if (irthread.hasPrevious()) {
- MsgDb prevMsg = (MsgDb)irthread.previous();
- // advance the iterator pointer back to the original index
- %>
- <A href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, prevMsg.getRootid(), prevMsg.getRootid(), 1, "")%>"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="show_pre"/> src="images/prethread.gif" border=0></A>
- <%}%>
- <A href="javascript:location.reload()"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="refresh"/> src="images/refresh.gif" border=0></A>
- <% if (irthread.hasNext()) {
- MsgDb nextMsg = (MsgDb);
- %>
- <A href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, nextMsg.getRootid(), nextMsg.getRootid(), 1, "")%>"><IMG alt=<lt:Label res="" key="show_after"/> src="images/nextthread.gif"
- border=0></A>
- <% } else { %>
- <% } %> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center bgColor=#d3d3d3
- border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0>
- <TABLE borderColor=#d3d3d3 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center
- border=1>
- <TR >
- <TD height=26>
- <TABLE width="100%" height="26" background="<%=skinPath%>/images/bg1.gif">
- <TR>
- <TD class="text_title"><lt:Label res="" key="topic"/><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></TD>
- <TD align=right><A href="javascript:window.print()"><FONT
- color=#ffffff>[<lt:Label res="" key="print"/>]</FONT></A> <A
- href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title)"><FONT
- color=#ffffff>[<lt:Label res="" key="favoriate"/>]</FONT></A> <A
- onclick=document.all.WebBrowser.ExecWB(4,1)
- href=""></A>
- </TD>
- <table bordercolor="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="98%" align=center
- border=1>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td valign=top align=left height=78>
- <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width="100%" border=0>
- <tbody>
- <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <td valign=top width=150 height=106>
- <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="80%" align=center
- border=0>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td align=left> <table style="FILTER: glow(color=a4b6d7)">
- <caption>
- <b><font style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"
- color=#ffffff><%=user.getNick()%></font></b>
- </caption>
- </table>
- <%
- UserGroupDb ugd = user.getUserGroupDb();
- if (!ugd.getCode().equals(UserGroupDb.EVERYONE)) {
- out.print("<table><tr><td>" + ugd.getDesc() + "</td></tr></table>");
- }
- %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=left height=42> <%if (myface.equals("")) {%> <img src="images/face/<%=RealPic%>">
- <%}else{%> <img src="../images/myface/<%=myface%>" width=<%=myfacewidth%> height=<%=myfaceheight%>>
- <%}%> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=left height=17>
- <img src="images/<%=user.getLevelPic()%>">
- <%=Gender%></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=left height=54>
- <lt:Label res="" key="rank"/><%=user.getLevelDesc()%><br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="experience"/><%=experience%><br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="credit"/><%=credit%><br>
- <%
- ScoreMgr sm = new ScoreMgr();
- ScoreUnit su = sm.getScoreUnit("gold");
- // out.print(StrUtil.toHtml(su.getName()));
- out.print(su.getName(request));
- %>:<%=user.getGold()%><br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="topic_count"/><%=addcount%> <br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="topic_elite"/><%=user.getEliteCount()%><br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="reg_date"/><%=RegDate%> <br>
- <lt:Label res="" key="online_status"/><%
- OnlineUserDb ou = new OnlineUserDb();
- ou = ou.getOnlineUserDb(user.getName());
- if (ou.isLoaded())
- out.print(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "online_status_yes")); // "在线");
- else
- out.print(SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "online_status_no")); // "离线");
- %>
- <%
- if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.showFlowerEgg")) {
- UserPropDb up = new UserPropDb();
- up = up.getUserPropDb(user.getName());
- %>
- <BR>
- <img src="../images/flower.gif"> (<%=up.getInt("flower_count")%>) <img src="../images/egg.gif"> (<%=up.getInt("egg_count")%>)
- <%}
- %></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><br>
- <%
- if (rootid==id) {
- // 当为根贴时可置为被锁定
- String toptitle="",locktitle="",elitetitle="",guidetitle="";
- int dotop = (lylevel==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD)?0:MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD;
- if (dotop==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD)
- toptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_board"); // "版块置顶";
- else
- toptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_none"); // "取消置顶";
- int dolock = (islocked==1)?0:1;
- if (dolock==1)
- locktitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "lock"); // "锁定";
- else
- locktitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "unlock"); // "解锁";
- int doelite = (iselite==1)?0:1;
- if (doelite==1)
- elitetitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "elite"); // "置为精华";
- else
- elitetitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "elite_not"); // "取消精华";
- if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {
- // 全局置顶
- String alltoptitle="";
- int doalltop = (lylevel==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM)?MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_BOARD:MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM;
- if (doalltop==MsgDb.LEVEL_TOP_FORUM)
- alltoptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_forum"); // "论坛置顶";
- else
- alltoptitle = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "top_board"); // "版块置顶";
- %>
- <a title="<%=toptitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setOnTop&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=doalltop%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=alltoptitle%>" src="images/top_forum.gif" width=15 border=0></a>
- <%}%>
- <a title="<%=toptitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setOnTop&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=dotop%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=toptitle%>" src="images/f_top.gif" width=15 border=0></a>
- <a href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setLocked&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=dolock%>"><img height=15 alt="<%=locktitle%>" src="images/f_locked.gif" width=17 border=0></a>
- <a title="<%=elitetitle%>" href="manager/manage.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&boardcode=<%=boardcode%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&action=setElite&id=<%=id%>&value=<%=doelite%>"><img alt="<%=elitetitle%>" src="images/topicgood.gif" border=0></a>
- <a href="manager/changecolor.jsp?id=<%=id%>"><img src="images/color.gif" alt="<lt:Label res="" key="change_color"/>" width="18" height="18" border="0"></a>
- <a title="<lt:Label res="" key="change_board"/>" href="manager/changeboard.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>&title=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(topic,"utf-8")%>&boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&boardname=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardname,"utf-8")%>&id=<%=id%>"><img src="images/zhuan.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
- <%}%>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td width=9 height=126 rowspan="2" align=middle valign=bottom>
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- <tr>
- <td width=1></td>
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- <td valign=top align=left height=106>
- <table style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed;WORD-BREAK: break-all"
- height="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="99%" border=0>
- <tbody>
- <tr height=20>
- <td> <a name=#content<%=id%>></a> <a href="../userinfo.jsp?username=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name,"utf-8")%>">
- <img src="images/profile.gif" alt="<%=StrUtil.toHtml(user.getNick())%><lt:Label res="" key="user_info"/>"
- border=0 align="absmiddle"></a> <a
- href="#" onClick="hopenWin('../message/send.jsp?receiver=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name,"utf-8")%>',320,260)"><img src="images/pm.gif" alt="<lt:Label res="" key="send_short_msg"/><%=StrUtil.toHtml(user.getNick())%>"
- border=0 align="absmiddle"></a> <a href="mailto:<%=StrUtil.toHtml(email)%>"><img src="images/email.gif"
- alt=<lt:Label res="" key="send_email"/><%=user.getNick()%> border=0 align="absmiddle"></a> <a
- href="javascript:copyText(document.all.topiccontent);"><img
- src="images/copy.gif" alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_copy"/> border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>
- <a href="addreply_new.jsp?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&hit=<%=hit%>&replyid=<%=id%>"e=1&privurl=<%=privurl%>" class="normal"><IMG src="images/reply.gif" alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_quote"/>
- border=0 align="absmiddle"></A>
- <% if (islocked==0) { %>
- <a href="addreply_new.jsp?boardcode=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode)%>&hit=<%=hit%>&replyid=<%=id%>&privurl=<%=privurl%>"><img src="images/replynow.gif"
- alt=<lt:Label res="" key="topic_reply"/>
- border=0 align="absmiddle"></a>
- <% } %>
- <%if (!user.getHome().equals("")) {%>
- <a href="<%=user.getHome()%>" target="_blank"><img alt="<lt:Label res="" key="home"/>" src="images/home.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
- <%}%>
- <%if (Global.hasBlog) {%> <a title="<lt:Label res="" key="blog"/>" href="../blog/myblog.jsp?userName=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(name)%>"><img src="images/favorite.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>
- <%if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.isShowQQ") && !user.getOicq().equals("")) {%>
- <a title="<lt:Label res="" key="send_qq_msg"/><%=user.getName()%>" href="<%=user.getOicq()%>&Site=By CWBBS&Menu=yes" target="_blank"><img src="<%=user.getOicq()%>:4" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>
- <%}%>
- <a href="#<%=id%>"><lt:Label res="" key="position"/></a>
- <%}%> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr height=8>
- <td> <hr width="100%" color="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" size=1> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="30">
- <%=render.RenderTitle(request, msgdb)%>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign=top>
- <td> <%
- if (vplugin.size()>0) {
- Iterator irplugin = vplugin.iterator();
- while (irplugin.hasNext()) {
- PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
- IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
- IPluginViewShowMsg pv = ipu.getViewShowMsg(boardcode, msgdb);
- if (pv.IsPluginBoard()) {
- boolean isShow = false;
- if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_BOARD))
- isShow = true;
- else if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_TOPIC)) {
- if (pu.getUnit().isPluginMsg(msgdb.getId()))
- isShow = true;
- }
- if (isShow)
- out.print(pu.getName(request) + " " + pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_BEFORE_MSG) + "<BR>");
- }
- }
- }
- %>
- <table width="99%" height="120" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">
- <%
- MsgPollDb mpd = null;
- mpd = render.RenderVote(request, msgdb);
- if (type==1 && mpd!=null) {%>
- <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" borderColor="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>">
- <%
- String ctlType = "radio";
- if (mpd.getInt("max_choice")>1)
- ctlType = "checkbox";
- Vector options = mpd.getOptions(msgdb.getId());
- int len = options.size();
- String showVoteUser = ParamUtil.get(request, "showVoteUser");
- int[] re = new int[len];
- int[] bfb = new int[len];
- int total = 0;
- int k = 0;
- for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
- MsgPollOptionDb opt = (MsgPollOptionDb)options.elementAt(k);
- re[k] = opt.getInt("vote_count");
- total += re[k];
- }
- if (total!=0) {
- for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
- bfb[k] = (int)Math.round((double)re[k]/total*100);
- }
- }
- %>
- <form action="vote.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>" name=formvote method="post">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#EBECED">
- <b><lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>
- <%
- java.util.Date epDate = mpd.getDate("expire_date");
- if (epDate!=null) {%>
- <lt:Label res="" key="vote_expire_date"/>
- <%=ForumSkin.formatDate(request, epDate)%>
- <%}%>
- <%if (mpd.getInt("max_choice")==1) {%>
- <lt:Label res="" key="vote_type_single"/>
- <%}else{%>
- <lt:Label res="" key="vote_type_multiple"/><%=mpd.getInt("max_choice")%>
- <%}%>
- </b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <%
- int barId = 0;
- for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
- MsgPollOptionDb opt = (MsgPollOptionDb)options.elementAt(k);
- %>
- <td width="46%">
- <%=k+1%>.
- <input type="<%=ctlType%>" name=votesel value="<%=k%>">
- <%=opt.getString("content")%></td>
- <td width="54%"><img src=images/vote/bar<%=barId%>.gif width="<%=bfb[k]-8%>%" height=10> <strong><%=re[k]%>
- <lt:Label res="" key="vote_unit"/>
- </strong> <%=bfb[k]%>%
- <%
- if (showVoteUser.equals("1")) {
- String[] userAry = StrUtil.split(opt.getString("vote_user"), ",");
- if (userAry!=null) {
- int userLen = userAry.length;
- String userNames = "";
- for (int n=0; n<userLen; n++) {
- UserDb ud = um.getUser(userAry[n]);
- if (userNames.equals(""))
- userNames = ud.getNick();
- else
- userNames += ", " + ud.getNick();
- }
- out.print(userNames);
- }
- }
- %>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <%
- barId ++;
- if (barId==10)
- barId = 0;
- }%>
- <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input name="button" type="button" onClick="window.location.href='?rootid=<%=rootid%>&showid=<%=showid%>&showVoteUser=1'" value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote_show_user"/>">
- <%
- if (epDate!=null) {
- if (, new java.util.Date()) == 1) {
- %>
- <input value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>" type="submit">
- <%}else{%>
- <b>
- <lt:Label res="" key="vote_end"/>
- </b>
- <%}
- }else{%>
- <input value="<lt:Label res="" key="vote"/>" type="submit">
- <%}%>
- <input type=hidden name=boardcode value="<%=boardcode%>">
- <input type=hidden name=boardname value="<%=boardname%>">
- <input type=hidden name=voteid value="<%=id%>">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- <%}%>
- <%if (msgdb.isRootMsg()) {%>
- <ad:AdTag type="<%=AdDb.TYPE_TOPIC_RIGHT%>" boardCode="<%=boardcode%>"></ad:AdTag>
- <%}%>
- <span id="topiccontent" name="topiccontent">
- <%
- if (!msgdb.getPlugin2Code().equals("")) {
- Plugin2Mgr p2m = new Plugin2Mgr();
- Plugin2Unit p2u = p2m.getPlugin2Unit(msgdb.getPlugin2Code());
- out.print(p2u.getUnit().getRender().rend(request, msgdb));
- }
- out.print(render.RenderContent(request, msgdb));
- // if (msgdb.getIsWebedit()==msgdb.WEBEDIT_REDMOON) {
- String att = render.RenderAttachment(request, msgdb);
- out.print(att);
- // }
- %>
- </span></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <span name="topiccontent"> </span>
- <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td><%
- if (!sign.equals("")) {
- out.print("<font color=#777777>----------------------------------------------</font><BR>");
- sign = StrUtil.toHtml(sign);
- if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.sign_ubb"))
- out.print(StrUtil.ubb(request, sign, true));
- else
- out.print(sign);
- }
- %> </td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <td align="center"><%
- String ip = "";
- if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request))
- ip=msgdb.getIp();
- else
- ip = SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "ip_view_not"); // "您无权察看";
- %>
- <img src="images/system.gif" alt="IP:<%=ip%>" align="absmiddle"> <%=lydate%></td>
- <td align=right>
- <hr width="100%" color="<%=skin.getTableBorderClr()%>" size=1>
- <%if (privilege.isMasterLogin(request)) {%>
- IP: <%=msgdb.getIp()%>
- <%}%>
- <%
- String editpage = "edittopic_new.jsp";
- if (iswebedit==MsgDb.WEBEDIT_UBB) {
- editpage = "edittopic.jsp";
- } else if (iswebedit==MsgDb.WEBEDIT_REDMOON) {
- editpage = "edittopic_we.jsp";
- }
- String mstr = "<a href='addfriend.jsp?friend=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(name) + "'>" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "add_friend") + "</a>";
- mstr += "<a href='myfavoriate.jsp?op=add&privurl=" + privurl + "&id=" + rootid + "'>" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "add_favoriate") + "</a>";
- mstr += "<a href=" + editpage + "?boardcode=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode) + "&editid=" + id + "&privurl=" + privurl + ">" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_edit") + "</a>";
- mstr += "<a onClick=checkclick('" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_del_confirm") + "') href=deltopic.jsp?" + "boardcode=" + StrUtil.UrlEncode(boardcode) + "&delid=" + id + "&privurl=" + privurl + ">" + SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "topic_del") + "</a>";
- %>
- <a class="nav" href='#' onMouseOver="showmenu(event, "<%=mstr%>", 0)"><img src="images/edit.gif" border=0 align="absmiddle"></a></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <%
- if (showid==rootid) {
- rootMsgDb.increaseHit();
- }
- String sql = "";
- // sql = "select id from sq_message where rootid=" + rootid + " ORDER BY orders";
- sql = SQLBuilder.getShowtopictreeSql(rootid);
- long totalMsg = msgdb.getMsgCount(sql, boardcode, rootid);
- MsgBlockIterator irmsg = msgdb.getMsgs(sql, boardcode, rootid, 0, totalMsg);
- int layer = 1;
- int i = 1;
- if (irmsg.hasNext())
- {
- // 写根贴
- MsgDb md = (MsgDb);
- id = md.getId();
- topic = md.getTitle();
- hit = md.getHit();
- %>
- <script language="JavaScript">
- spanhit.innerHTML = '<%=hit%>';
- </script>
- <table bordercolor=#edeced cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width="98%" align=center border=1>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td noWrap align=left bgcolor=#f8f8f8 height="21" width="3%">
- <img src="images/1.gif" border=0>
- </td>
- <td noWrap align=left bgcolor=#f8f8f8 height="21" width="97%">
- <a name=#<%=id%>></a>
- <% if (id!=showid) { %>
- <a href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, rootid, id, 1, "")%>"><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></a></td>
- <% } else { %>
- <font color=red><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></font>
- <% }%>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <%
- }
- // 写跟贴
- while (irmsg.hasNext())
- {
- i++;
- MsgDb md = (MsgDb);
- id = md.getId();
- name = md.getName();
- layer = md.getLayer();
- topic = md.getTitle();
- content = md.getContent();
- lydate =, md.getAddDate());
- %>
- <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="98%" align=center
- border=0>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td noWrap align=left bgcolor=#f8f8f8 height="13" width="3%"> </td>
- <td noWrap align=left bgcolor=#f8f8f8 height="13" width="97%">
- <%
- layer = layer-1;
- for (int k=1; k<=layer-1; k++)
- { %>
- <img src="" width=18 height=1>
- <% }%>
- <img src="images/join.gif" width="18" height="16">
- <%
- if (id!=showid) { %>
- <a href="<%=ForumPage.getShowTopicPage(request, 1, rootid, id, 1, "")%>"><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></a>
- <a target="_blank" href="../userinfo.jsp?username=<%=StrUtil.UrlEncode(md.getName())%>"><%=um.getUser(md.getName()).getNick()%></a> [<%=lydate%>]
- <% } else { %>
- <font color=red><%=StrUtil.toHtml(topic)%></font><a name="#<%=showid%>"></a>
- <a href="#content<%=showid%>"><lt:Label res="" key="go_topic"/></a>
- <%}%>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <%
- }
- %>
- <%if (privilege.isUserLogin(request)) {
- if (privilege.canUserDo(request, boardcode, "reply_topic")) {
- %>
- <FORM id="frmAnnounce" name="frmAnnounce" onSubmit="return formCheck()" action="addquickreplytodb.jsp?privurl=<%=privurl%>" method=post>
- <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#d3d3d3 height=120
- cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="98%" align=center border=1>
- <TR>
- <TD width=158 background="<%=skinPath%>/images/bg1.gif" height=20 class="text_title">
- <lt:Label res="" key="quick_reply"/></TD>
- <TD background="<%=skinPath%>/images/bg1.gif"><B><FONT color=#ffffff>
- </FONT></B> </TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD height=20 colspan="2"><%
- if (vplugin.size()>0) {
- Iterator irplugin = vplugin.iterator();
- while (irplugin.hasNext()) {
- PluginUnit pu = (PluginUnit);
- IPluginUI ipu = pu.getUI(request, response, out);
- IPluginViewShowMsg pv = ipu.getViewShowMsg(boardcode, msgdb);
- if (pv.IsPluginBoard()) {
- boolean isShow = false;
- if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_BOARD))
- isShow = true;
- else if (pu.getType().equals(pu.TYPE_TOPIC)) {
- if (pu.getUnit().isPluginMsg(rootMsgDb.getId()))
- isShow = true;
- }
- if (isShow) {
- if (!pu.getAddReplyPage().equals("")) {
- %>
- <jsp:include page="<%=pu.getAddReplyPage()%>" flush="true">
- <jsp:param name="msgRootId" value="<%=rootid%>" />
- <jsp:param name="isQuickReply" value="true" />
- </jsp:include>
- <% }
- else {
- out.print(pu.getName(request) + " " + pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_QUICK_REPLY_NOTE) + "<BR>");
- out.print(pv.render(UIShowMsg.POS_QUICK_REPLY_ELEMENT) + "<BR>");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR bgColor=#ffffff>
- <TD height=20>
- <lt:Label res="" key="quick_reply_title"/> </TD>
- <TD height=20><input name="topic" value="<%=SkinUtil.LoadString(request, "", "reply") + StrUtil.toHtml(showtopic)%>" size="40">
- <input type=hidden name="replyid" value="<%=rootid%>">
- <input type=hidden name="boardcode" value="<%=boardcode%>">
- <%
- if (cfg1.getBooleanProperty("forum.addUseValidateCode")) {
- %>
- <lt:Label res="" key="input_validatecode"/>
- <input name="validateCode" type="text" size="1">
- <img src='../validatecode.jsp' border=0 align="absmiddle" style="cursor:hand" onClick="this.src='../validatecode.jsp'" alt="<lt:Label res="" key="refresh_validatecode"/>">
- <%}%> </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR bgColor=#ffffff>
- <TD width=158 rowspan="3"><iframe src="iframe_browlist.jsp" height="120" width="98%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
- <input type="hidden" name="expression" value="25">
- <BR>
- <input type=checkbox value=0 name=show_ubbcode>
- <lt:Label res="" key="forbid_ubb"/>
- <BR>
- <INPUT type=checkbox
- value=0 name=show_smile>
- <lt:Label res="" key="forbid_emote"/></TD>
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- <BR> </TD></TR>
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- <TD vAlign=top align=left><iframe src="iframe_emotequick.jsp" height="38" width="615" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR bgColor=#ffffff>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left><input tabindex=4 type=submit value="Ctrl+Enter <lt:Label res="" key="reply_topic"/>" name=submit1>
- <input onClick="checkclick('<lt:Label res="" key="confirm_clear_content"/>')" type=reset value="<lt:Label res="" key="re_write"/>" name=reset></TD>
- </TR>
- <table cellspacing=0 width="98%" align=center bgcolor=#d3d3d3 border=0>
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- <tr>
- <td height=1></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
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- <%}
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- </HTML>