资源名称:JSP-OA.rar [点击查看]
- //if (cws_bLoad==false)
- //{
- //cws_InitDocument("Body","GB2312");
- //}
- if (cws_bIsNC){
- document.write('<iframe width="260" height="165" id="colourPalette" src="' + editorRootPath + 'images/nc_selcolor.htm" style="visibility:hidden; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" ></iframe>');
- }
- if (PostType == 0)
- {
- cws_setMode(3);
- document.getElementById("cws_TabDesign").style.display='none';
- document.getElementById("cws_TabDesign").style.display='none';
- //onpaste
- //document.selection.createRange().text
- //(window.clipboardData.getData("Text")
- }
- //数据传递
- function cws_CopyData(hiddenid)
- {
- //document.Dvform.Submit.disabled=true;
- //document.Dvform.Submit2.disabled=true;
- if (PostType == 0 && cws_bTextMode == 3)
- {
- cws_PasteData()
- }
- d = IframeID.document;
- if (cws_bTextMode == 2)
- {
- cont = d.body.innerText;
- }else{
- cont = d.body.innerHTML;
- }
- var ChekEmptyCode = cws_ChekEmptyCode(cont);
- if (ChekEmptyCode == '' || ChekEmptyCode == null)
- {
- cont='';
- }
- else{
- cont = cws_correctUrl(cont);
- if (cws_filterScript)
- cont=cws_FilterScript(cont);
- }
- document.getElementById(hiddenid).value = cont;
- }
- function cws_PasteData()
- {
- var regExp;
- cont = IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- regExp = /<[s|t][a-z]([^>]*)>/ig
- cont = cont.replace(regExp, '');
- regExp = /</[s|t][a-z]([^>]*)>/ig
- cont = cont.replace(regExp, '');
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML = cont
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- function ctlent(eventobject)
- {
- if(event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==13)
- {
- this.document.Dvform.submit();
- }
- }
- function putEmot(thenNo)
- {
- var ToAdd = '['+thenNo+']';
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=ToAdd;
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- function gopreview()
- {
- document.preview.Dvtitle.value=document.Dvform.topic.value;
- document.preview.theBody.value=IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- var popupWin = window.open('', 'preview_page', 'scrollbars=yes,width=750,height=450');
- document.preview.submit()
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function cws_foreColor()
- {
- if (!cws_validateMode()) return;
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/selcolor.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:18.5em; dialogHeight:17.5em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null) FormatText('forecolor', arr);
- else IframeID.focus();
- }else
- {
- FormatText('forecolor', '');
- //var arr = openEditScript('images/nc_selcolor.htm',250,100)}
- }
- }
- function cws_backColor()
- {
- if (!cws_validateMode()) return;
- if (cws_bIsIE5)
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/selcolor.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:18.5em; dialogHeight:17.5em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null) FormatText('backcolor', arr);
- else IframeID.focus();
- }else
- {
- FormatText('backcolor', '');
- }
- }
- function cws_correctUrl(cont)
- {
- var regExp;
- var url=location.href.substring(0,location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
- cont=cws_rCode(cont,location.href+"#","#");
- cont=cws_rCode(cont,url,"");
- cont=cws_rCode(cont,"<a> </a>","");
- //regExp = /<a.*href="(.*)"[^>]*>/gi;
- //将连接加上blank标记
- //regExp = /<(a[^>]*) href=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi
- //cont = cont.replace(regExp, "<$1 href=$2 target="_blank" ") ;
- //regExp = /<([^>]*)/gi //转换为小写htm
- //cont = cont.replace(regExp, function($1){return $1.toLowerCase()})
- return cont;
- }
- function cws_cleanHtml()
- {
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- var fonts = IframeID.document.body.all.tags("FONT");
- }else{
- var fonts = IframeID.document.getElementsByTagName("FONT");
- }
- var curr;
- for (var i = fonts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- curr = fonts[i];
- if (curr.style.backgroundColor == "#ffffff") curr.outerHTML = curr.innerHTML;
- }
- }
- function cws_getPureHtml()
- {
- var str = "";
- //var paras = IframeID.document.body.all.tags("P");
- //var paras = IframeID.document.getElementsByTagName("p");
- //if (paras.length > 0){
- //for (var i=paras.length-1; i >= 0; i--) str= paras[i].innerHTML + "n" + str;
- //} else {
- str = IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- //}
- str=cws_correctUrl(str);
- return str;
- }
- function FormatUrl(html)
- {
- var regExp = /<a.*href="(.*)"[^>]*>/gi;
- html = html.replace(regExp,"<a href=$1 target="_blank" >")
- return html;
- }
- function cws_getEl(sTag,start)
- {
- while ((start!=null) && (start.tagName!=sTag)) start = start.parentElement;
- return start;
- }
- //选择内容替换文本
- function cws_InsertSymbol(str1)
- {
- IframeID.focus();
- if (cws_bIsIE5) cws_selectRange();
- cws_edit.pasteHTML(str1);
- }
- //选择事件
- function cws_selectRange(){
- cws_selection = IframeID.document.selection;
- cws_edit = cws_selection.createRange();
- cws_RangeType = cws_selection.type;
- }
- //应用html
- function cws_specialtype(Mark1, Mark2){
- var strHTML;
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- cws_selectRange();
- if (cws_RangeType == "Text"){
- if (Mark2==null)
- {
- strHTML = "<" + Mark1 + ">" + cws_edit.htmlText + "</" + Mark1 + ">";
- }else{
- strHTML = Mark1 + cws_edit.htmlText + Mark2;
- }
- cws_edit.pasteHTML(strHTML);
- IframeID.focus();
- cws_edit.select();
- }
- else{window.alert("请选择相应内容!")}
- }
- else{
- if (Mark2==null)
- {
- strHTML = "<" + Mark1 + ">" + IframeID.document.body.innerHTML + "</" + Mark1 + ">";
- }else{
- strHTML = Mark1 + IframeID.document.body.innerHTML + Mark2;
- }
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML=strHTML
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- }
- // 修改编辑栏高度
- function cws_Size(num)
- {
- var obj=document.getElementById("cws_edit");
- //if (parseInt(obj.style.height)+num>=300) {
- //alert(obj.style.height)
- //obj.style.height = (parseInt(obj.style.height) + num);
- if (num>0){
- obj.style.height=num+"px";
- obj.style.width="100%";
- }
- else{
- obj.style.height="";
- //alert(-num+"px");
- obj.style.width=-num+"px";
- }
- }
- function cws_getText()
- {
- if (cws_bTextMode==2)
- return IframeID.document.body.innerText;
- else
- {
- cws_cleanHtml();
- return IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- }
- }
- function cws_putText(v)
- {
- if (cws_bTextMode==2)
- IframeID.document.body.innerText = v;
- else
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML = v;
- }
- function cws_doSelectClick(str, el)
- {
- var Index = el.selectedIndex;
- if (Index != 0){
- el.selectedIndex = 0;
- FormatText(str,el.options[Index].value);
- }
- }
- //查找配对字符出现次数,没有结果为0
- function TabCheck(word,str){
- var tp=0
- chktp=str.search(word);
- if (chktp!=-1)
- {
- eval("var tp=""+str+"".match("+word+").length")
- }
- return tp;
- }
- function cws_help()
- {
- showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/help.html", "", "dialogWidth:13.5em; dialogHeight:12.5em; status:0; help:0");
- }
- function openEditScript(url, width, height){
- var Win = window.open(url,"openEditScript",'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,status=no' );
- }
- //广告标记
- function cws_View()
- {
- if (cws_bTextMode==2) {
- cont=IframeID.document.body.innerText;
- } else {
- cont=IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- }
- cont=cws_correctUrl(cont);
- bodyTag="<html><head><style type=text/css>.quote{margin:5px 20px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:5px; background:#F3F3F3 }nbody{boder:0px}.HtmlCode{margin:5px 20px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:5px;background:#FDFDDF;font-size:14px;font-family:Tahoma;font-style : oblique;line-height : normal ;font-weight:bold;}nbody{boder:0px}</style></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >";
- if (cws_filterScript)
- cont=cws_FilterScript(cont);
- cont=cws_rCode(cont,"\[dvnews_ad]","<img src='images/images/pic_ad.jpg' vspace=10 hspace=10 align=left border=1 title='Advertising'>");
- cont=cws_rCode(cont,"\[dvnews_page]","<br><br><hr size=2 width=95% align=left> <font color=red face='Tahoma,Arail' size=2><b>Next Page ...</b></font><br><hr size=2 width=95% align=left>");
- preWin=window.open('preview','','left=0,top=0,width=550,height=400,resizable=1,scrollbars=1, status=1, toolbar=1, menubar=0');
- preWin.document.open();
- preWin.document.write(bodyTag);
- preWin.document.write(cont);
- preWin.document.close();
- preWin.document.title="Preview";
- preWin.document.charset=cws_charset;
- }
- //Colour pallete top offset
- function getOffsetTop(elm) {
- var mOffsetTop = elm.offsetTop;
- var mOffsetParent = elm.offsetParent;
- while(mOffsetParent){
- mOffsetTop += mOffsetParent.offsetTop;
- mOffsetParent = mOffsetParent.offsetParent;
- }
- return mOffsetTop;
- }
- //Colour pallete left offset
- function getOffsetLeft(elm) {
- var mOffsetLeft = elm.offsetLeft;
- var mOffsetParent = elm.offsetParent;
- while(mOffsetParent) {
- mOffsetLeft += mOffsetParent.offsetLeft;
- mOffsetParent = mOffsetParent.offsetParent;
- }
- return mOffsetLeft;
- }
- //Function to hide colour pallete
- function hideColourPallete() {
- document.getElementById("colourPalette").style.visibility="hidden";
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------
- function OpenSmiley()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/smiley.htm", "", "dialogWidth:60em; dialogHeight:15.5em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null){
- var ss;
- ss=arr.split("*")
- path=ss[0];
- ubbstring=ss[1];
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=ubbstring;
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function cws_forswf()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/swf.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:30em; dialogHeight:10em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null){
- var ss;
- ss=arr.split("*")
- path=ss[0];
- row=ss[1];
- col=ss[2];
- var string;
- string="<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0' width="+row+" height="+col+"><param name=movie value="+path+"><param name=quality value=high><embed src="+path+" pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="+row+" height="+col+"></embed></object>"
- //string="[flash="+row+","+col+"]"+path+"[/flash]"
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=string;
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function cws_forwmv()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/wmv.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:30em; dialogHeight:14em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null){
- var ss;
- ss=arr.split("*")
- path=ss[0];
- autostart=ss[1];
- width=ss[2];
- height=ss[3];
- ran=rand();
- var string;
- var ubbstring;
- string="<object align=center classid=CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95 hspace=5 vspace=5 width="+ width +" height="+ height +"><param name=Filename value="+ path +"><param name=ShowStatusBar value=1><embed type=application/x-oleobject codebase=http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701 flename=mp src="+ path +" width="+ width +" height="+ height +"></embed></object>";
- string="<EMBED id=MediaPlayer"+ran+" src="+ path +" width="+ width +" height="+ height +" autostart=""+ autostart +"" loop="false"></EMBED><p></p>";
- //string="[MP="+ width +","+ height +","+ autostart +"]"+ path +"[/MP]";
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=string;
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function rand() {
- return parseInt((1000)*Math.random()+1);
- }
- function cws_forrm()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/rm.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:30em; dialogHeight:14em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null)
- {
- var ss;
- ss = arr.split("*")
- path = ss[0];
- row = ss[1];
- col = ss[2];
- autostart = ss[3];
- ran = rand();
- var string;
- string="<object classid='clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA' width='"+row+"' height='"+col+"'><param name='CONTROLS' value='ImageWindow'><param name='CONSOLE' value='Clip'><param name='AUTOSTART' value='"+ autostart +"'><param name=src value="+path+"></object><br><object classid='clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA' width="+row+" height=32><param name='CONTROLS' value='ControlPanel,StatusBar'><param name='CONSOLE' value='Clip'></object>";
- //string = "[RM="+ row +","+ col +","+ autostart +"]"+ path +"[/RM]";
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=string;
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- //图片与链接事件
- function cws_UserDialog(what)
- {
- if (!cws_validateMode()) return;
- IframeID.focus();
- if (what == "CreateLink") {
- if (cws_bIsNC)
- {
- insertLink = prompt("请填写超级链接地址信息:", "http://");
- if ((insertLink != null) && (insertLink != "") && (insertLink != "undefined")) {
- IframeID.document.execCommand('CreateLink', false, insertLink);
- }else{
- IframeID.document.execCommand('unlink', false, null);
- }
- }
- else {
- IframeID.document.execCommand(what, true, null);
- }
- }
- //去掉添加图片时的src="file://
- if(what == "InsertImage"){
- imagePath = prompt('请填写图片链接地址信息:', 'http://');
- if ((imagePath != null) && (imagePath != "")) {
- IframeID.document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, imagePath);
- }
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML = (IframeID.document.body.innerHTML).replace("src="file://","src="");
- }
- cws_pureText = false;
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- //--------------------
- function cws_GetRangeReference(editor)
- {
- editor.focus();
- var objReference = null;
- var RangeType = editor.document.selection.type;
- var selectedRange = editor.document.selection.createRange();
- switch(RangeType)
- {
- case 'Control' :
- if (selectedRange.length > 0 )
- {
- objReference = selectedRange.item(0);
- }
- break;
- case 'None' :
- objReference = selectedRange.parentElement();
- break;
- case 'Text' :
- objReference = selectedRange.parentElement();
- break;
- }
- return objReference
- }
- function cws_CheckTag(item,tagName)
- {
- if (item.tagName.search(tagName)!= -1)
- {
- return item;
- }
- if (item.tagName == 'BODY')
- {
- return false;
- }
- item=item.parentElement;
- return cws_CheckTag(item,tagName);
- }
- function cws_code()
- {
- cws_specialtype("<div class=HtmlCode style='cursor: pointer'; title='点击运行该代码!' onclick="preWin=window.open('','','');preWin.document.open();preWin.document.write(this.innerText);preWin.document.close();">","</div>");
- //cws_specialtype("<div class=HtmlCode>","</div>");
- }
- function cws_quote()
- {
- cws_specialtype("<div style='margin:5px 20px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:5px; background:#F3F3F3'>","</div>");
- }
- function cws_replace()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/replace.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:16.5em; dialogHeight:13em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null){
- var ss;
- ss = arr.split("*")
- a = ss[0];
- b = ss[1];
- i = ss[2];
- con = IframeID.document.body.innerHTML;
- if (i == 1)
- {
- con = cws_rCode(con,a,b,true);
- }else{
- con = cws_rCode(con,a,b);
- }
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML = con;
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function insertSpecialChar()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/specialchar.jsp", "","dialogWidth:25em; dialogHeight:15em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null) cws_InsertSymbol(arr);
- IframeID.focus() ;
- }
- function doZoom( sizeCombo )
- {
- if (sizeCombo.value != null || sizeCombo.value != "")
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- var z = IframeID.document.body.runtimeStyle;}
- else{
- var z = IframeID.document.body.style;
- }
- z.zoom = sizeCombo.value + "%" ;
- }
- //--------------------
- function cws_fortable()
- {
- if (!cws_validateMode()) return;
- IframeID.focus();
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/table.jsp", window, "dialogWidth:22em; dialogHeight:18.5em; status:0; help:0;scroll:yes;");
- if (arr)
- {
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML+=arr;
- }
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- function cws_InsertRow()
- {
- editor = IframeID;
- objReference = cws_GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference = cws_CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TABLE' :
- var newTable = objReference.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow();
- for(x = 0; x<newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TBODY' :
- var newTable = objReference.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow();
- for(x = 0; x<newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TR' :
- var rowIndex = objReference.rowIndex;
- var parentTable = objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable = parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow(rowIndex+1);
- for(x = 0; x< newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TD' :
- var parentRow = objReference.parentElement;
- var rowIndex = parentRow.rowIndex;
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;
- var parentTable = objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable = parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow(rowIndex+1);
- for(x = 0; x< newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- if (x == cellIndex)newCell.id='ura';
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var item = editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- item.id = '';
- r.moveToElementText(item);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- break;
- default :
- return;
- }
- }
- function cws_DeleteRow()
- {
- editor=IframeID;
- objReference=cws_GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=cws_CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TR' :var rowIndex = objReference.rowIndex;//Get rowIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- parentTable.deleteRow(rowIndex);
- break;
- case 'TD' :var cellIndex=objReference.cellIndex;
- var parentRow=objReference.parentElement;//Get Parent Row
- var rowIndex = parentRow.rowIndex;//Get rowIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- parentTable.deleteRow(rowIndex);
- if (rowIndex>=parentTable.rows.length)
- {
- rowIndex=parentTable.rows.length-1;
- }
- if (rowIndex>=0)
- {
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- r.moveToElementText(parentTable.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex]);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- }
- else
- {
- parentTable.removeNode(true);
- }
- break;
- default :return;
- }
- }
- function cws_InsertColumn()
- {
- editor = IframeID;
- objReference= cws_GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=cws_CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TABLE' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- newCell.focus();
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TBODY' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TR' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- objReference=objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TD' :// IF the cursor is in a cell, or a cell is selected, it adds a new column to the right of that cell.
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;//Get cellIndex
- var rowIndex=objReference.parentElement.rowIndex;
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell(cellIndex+1);
- if (x==rowIndex)newCell.id='ura';
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var item=editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- item.id='';
- r.moveToElementText(item);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- break;
- default :
- return;
- }
- }
- function cws_DeleteColumn()
- {
- editor = IframeID;
- objReference=cws_GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=cws_CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TD' :var rowIndex=objReference.parentElement.rowIndex;
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;//Get cellIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- if (newTable.rows[0].cells.length==1)
- {
- parentTable.removeNode(true);
- return;
- }
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- if (newTable.rows[x].cells[cellIndex]=='[object]')
- {
- newTable.rows[x].deleteCell(cellIndex);
- }
- }
- if (cellIndex>=newTable.rows[0].cells.length)
- {
- cellIndex=newTable.rows[0].cells.length-1;
- }
- if (cellIndex>=0) newTable.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex].id='ura';
- parentTable.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- if (cellIndex>=0){
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var item=editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- item.id='';
- r.moveToElementText(item);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- }
- break;
- default :return;
- }
- }
- function cws_InsertSymbol(str1)
- {
- cws_Composition.focus();
- if (cws_bIsIE5) cws_selectRange();
- cws_edit.pasteHTML(str1);
- }
- function cws_foremot()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/emot.jsp", "", "dialogWidth:26em; dialogHeight:13em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null)
- {
- //content=cws_Composition.document.body.innerHTML;
- //content=content+arr;
- //cws_Composition.document.body.innerHTML=content;
- cws_InsertSymbol(arr);
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function cws_forimg()
- {
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- var arr=showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/img.jsp",window, "dialogWidth:26em; dialogHeight:20.5em; status:0; help:0");
- IframeID.focus();
- if (arr != null)
- {
- //content=cws_Composition.document.body.innerHTML;
- //content=content+arr[1];
- cws_InsertSymbol(arr[1]);
- IframeID.focus();
- //cws_Composition.document.body.innerHTML=content;
- //if (document.form2.upfiles.value !="")
- //{
- //document.form2.upfiles.value=document.form2.upfiles.value+"|"+get_upfilename(arr[2]);
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //document.form2.upfiles.value=get_upfilename(arr[2]);
- //}
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- else {
- cws_UserDialog('InsertImage');
- }
- }
- function cws_forlink()
- {
- if (cws_bIsIE5){
- var arr=showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/link.jsp",window, "dialogWidth:23em; dialogHeight:11em; status:0; help:0");
- IframeID.focus();
- if (arr != null)
- {
- cws_InsertSymbol(arr);
- IframeID.focus();
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- else {cws_UserDialog('CreateLink');}
- }
- function cws_forfile()
- {
- var arr = showModalDialog(editorRootPath + "/editor_full/images/file.htm", "", "dialogWidth:23em; dialogHeight:11em; status:0; help:0");
- if (arr != null)
- {
- //content=WBTB_Composition.document.body.innerHTML;
- //content=content+arr[1];
- //WBTB_Composition.document.body.innerHTML=content;
- cws_InsertSymbol(arr[1]);
- IframeID.focus();
- //if (document.form2.upfiles.value !="")
- //{
- //document.form2.upfiles.value=document.form2.upfiles.value+"|"+get_upfilename(arr[2]);
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //document.form2.upfiles.value=get_upfilename(arr[2]);
- //}
- }
- else IframeID.focus();
- }
- function getHTML() {
- var html;
- if (!cws_bTextMode)
- {
- html = IframeID.document.body.innerHTML
- }
- else
- {
- html = IframeID.document.body.innerText
- }
- return html;
- }
- function setHTML(html) {
- IframeID.document.body.innerHTML = html;
- }