资源名称:bfyy.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <atlisapi.h>
- #include "mplayerc.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #include "....subtitlesTextFile.h"
- #include ".webserver.h"
- #include ".webclientsocket.h"
- CWebClientSocket::CWebClientSocket(CWebServer* pWebServer, CMainFrame* pMainFrame)
- : m_pWebServer(pWebServer)
- , m_pMainFrame(pMainFrame)
- {
- }
- CWebClientSocket::~CWebClientSocket()
- {
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::SetCookie(CString name, CString value, __time64_t expire, CString path, CString domain)
- {
- if(name.IsEmpty()) return(false);
- if(value.IsEmpty()) {m_cookie.RemoveKey(name); return true;}
- m_cookie[name] = value;
- m_cookieattribs[name].path = path;
- m_cookieattribs[name].domain = domain;
- if(expire >= 0)
- {
- CTime t(expire);
- t.GetAsSystemTime(st);
- CStringA str;
- SystemTimeToHttpDate(st, str);
- m_cookieattribs[name].expire = str;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void CWebClientSocket::Clear()
- {
- m_hdr.Empty();
- m_hdrlines.RemoveAll();
- m_data.Empty();
- m_cmd.Empty();
- m_path.Empty();
- m_ver.Empty();
- m_get.RemoveAll();
- m_post.RemoveAll();
- m_cookie.RemoveAll();
- m_request.RemoveAll();
- }
- void CWebClientSocket::Header()
- {
- if(m_cmd.IsEmpty())
- {
- if(m_hdr.IsEmpty()) return;
- CAtlList<CString> lines;
- Explode(m_hdr, lines, 'n');
- CString str = lines.RemoveHead();
- CAtlList<CString> sl;
- ExplodeMin(str, sl, ' ', 3);
- m_cmd = sl.RemoveHead().MakeUpper();
- m_path = sl.RemoveHead();
- m_ver = sl.RemoveHead().MakeUpper();
- ASSERT(sl.GetCount() == 0);
- POSITION pos = lines.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- Explode(lines.GetNext(pos), sl, ':', 2);
- if(sl.GetCount() == 2)
- m_hdrlines[sl.GetHead().MakeLower()] = sl.GetTail();
- }
- }
- // remember new cookies
- POSITION pos = m_hdrlines.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString key, value;
- m_hdrlines.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
- if(key == _T("cookie"))
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl;
- Explode(value, sl, ';');
- POSITION pos2 = sl.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos2)
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl2;
- Explode(sl.GetNext(pos2), sl2, '=', 2);
- m_cookie[sl2.GetHead()] = sl2.GetCount() == 2 ? sl2.GetTail() : _T("");
- }
- }
- }
- // start new session
- if(!m_cookie.Lookup(_T("MPCSESSIONID"), m_sessid))
- {
- srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
- m_sessid.Format(_T("%08x"), rand()*0x12345678);
- SetCookie(_T("MPCSESSIONID"), m_sessid);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: load session
- }
- CStringA reshdr, resbody;
- if(m_cmd == _T("POST"))
- {
- CString str;
- if(m_hdrlines.Lookup(_T("content-length"), str))
- {
- int len = _tcstol(str, NULL, 10);
- str.Empty();
- int err;
- char c;
- int timeout = 1000;
- do
- {
- for(; len > 0 && (err = Receive(&c, 1)) > 0; len--)
- {
- m_data += c;
- if(c == 'r') continue;
- str += c;
- if(c == 'n' || len == 1)
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl;
- Explode(AToT(UrlDecode(TToA(str))), sl, '&'); // FIXME
- POSITION pos = sl.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl2;
- Explode(sl.GetNext(pos), sl2, '=', 2);
- m_post[sl2.GetHead().MakeLower()] = sl2.GetCount() == 2 ? sl2.GetTail() : _T("");
- }
- str.Empty();
- }
- }
- if(err == SOCKET_ERROR)
- Sleep(1);
- }
- while(err == SOCKET_ERROR && GetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK
- && timeout-- > 0); // FIXME: this is just a dirty fix now
- // FIXME: with IE it will only work if I read +2 bytes (?), btw Receive will just return -1
- Receive(&c, 1);
- Receive(&c, 1);
- }
- }
- if(m_cmd == _T("GET") || m_cmd == _T("HEAD") || m_cmd == _T("POST"))
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl;
- Explode(m_path, sl, '?', 2);
- m_path = sl.RemoveHead();
- m_query.Empty();
- if(!sl.IsEmpty())
- {
- m_query = sl.GetTail();
- Explode(Explode(m_query, sl, '#', 2), sl, '&'); // oh yeah
- // Explode(AToT(UrlDecode(TToA(Explode(m_query, sl, '#', 2)))), sl, '&'); // oh yeah
- POSITION pos = sl.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CAtlList<CString> sl2;
- Explode(AToT(UrlDecode(TToA(sl.GetNext(pos)))), sl2, '=', 2);
- // Explode(sl.GetNext(pos), sl2, '=', 2);
- m_get[sl2.GetHead()] = sl2.GetCount() == 2 ? sl2.GetTail() : _T("");
- }
- }
- // m_request <-- m_get+m_post+m_cookie
- {
- CString key, value;
- pos = m_get.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos) {m_get.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value); m_request[key] = value;}
- pos = m_post.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos) {m_post.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value); m_request[key] = value;}
- pos = m_cookie.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos) {m_cookie.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value); m_request[key] = value;}
- }
- m_pWebServer->OnRequest(this, reshdr, resbody);
- }
- else
- {
- reshdr = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Requestrn";
- }
- if(!reshdr.IsEmpty())
- {
- // cookies
- {
- POSITION pos = m_cookie.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString key, value;
- m_cookie.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
- reshdr += "Set-Cookie: " + key + "=" + value;
- POSITION pos2 = m_cookieattribs.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos2)
- {
- CString key;
- cookie_attribs value;
- m_cookieattribs.GetNextAssoc(pos2, key, value);
- if(!value.path.IsEmpty()) reshdr += " path=" + value.path;
- if(!value.expire.IsEmpty()) reshdr += " expire=" + value.expire;
- if(!value.domain.IsEmpty()) reshdr += " domain=" + value.domain;
- }
- reshdr += "rn";
- }
- }
- reshdr +=
- "Server: MPC WebServerrn"
- "Connection: closern"
- "rn";
- Send(reshdr, reshdr.GetLength());
- if(m_cmd != _T("HEAD") && reshdr.Find("HTTP/1.0 200 OK") == 0 && !resbody.IsEmpty())
- {
- Send(resbody, resbody.GetLength());
- }
- CString connection = _T("close");
- m_hdrlines.Lookup(_T("connection"), connection);
- Clear();
- // TODO
- // if(connection == _T("close"))
- OnClose(0);
- }
- }
- //
- void CWebClientSocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode)
- {
- if(nErrorCode == 0)
- {
- char c;
- while(Receive(&c, 1) > 0)
- {
- if(c == 'r') continue;
- else m_hdr += c;
- int len = m_hdr.GetLength();
- if(len >= 2 && m_hdr[len-2] == 'n' && m_hdr[len-1] == 'n')
- {
- Header();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- __super::OnReceive(nErrorCode);
- }
- void CWebClientSocket::OnClose(int nErrorCode)
- {
- // TODO: save session
- m_pWebServer->OnClose(this);
- __super::OnClose(nErrorCode);
- }
- ////////////////////
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnCommand(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- CString arg;
- if(m_request.Lookup(_T("wm_command"), arg))
- {
- int id = _ttol(arg);
- if(id > 0)
- {
- if(id == ID_FILE_EXIT) m_pMainFrame->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, id);
- else m_pMainFrame->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, id);
- }
- else
- {
- if(arg == CMD_SETPOS && m_request.Lookup(_T("position"), arg))
- {
- int h, m, s, ms = 0;
- TCHAR c;
- if(_stscanf(arg, _T("%d%c%d%c%d%c%d"), &h, &c, &m, &c, &s, &c, &ms) >= 5)
- {
- REFERENCE_TIME rtPos = 10000i64*(((h*60+m)*60+s)*1000+ms);
- m_pMainFrame->SeekTo(rtPos);
- for(int retries = 20; retries-- > 0; Sleep(50))
- {
- if(abs((int)((rtPos - m_pMainFrame->GetPos())/10000)) < 100)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(arg == CMD_SETPOS && m_request.Lookup(_T("percent"), arg))
- {
- float percent = 0;
- if(_stscanf(arg, _T("%f"), &percent) == 1)
- m_pMainFrame->SeekTo((REFERENCE_TIME)(percent / 100 * m_pMainFrame->GetDur()));
- }
- else if(arg == CMD_SETVOLUME && m_request.Lookup(_T("volume"), arg))
- {
- int volume = _tcstol(arg, NULL, 10);
- m_pMainFrame->m_wndToolBar.Volume = min(max(volume, 1), 100);
- m_pMainFrame->OnPlayVolume(0);
- }
- }
- }
- CString ref;
- if(!m_hdrlines.Lookup(_T("referer"), ref))
- return true;
- hdr =
- "HTTP/1.0 302 Foundrn"
- "Location: " + CStringA(ref) + "rn";
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnIndex(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- CStringA wmcoptions;
- // generate page
- AppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings();
- POSITION pos = s.wmcmds.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- wmcmd& wc = s.wmcmds.GetNext(pos);
- CStringA str;
- str.Format("%d", wc.cmd);
- wmcoptions += "<option value="" + str + "">"
- + CStringA(wc.name) + "rn";
- }
- m_pWebServer->LoadPage(IDR_HTML_INDEX, body, m_path);
- body.Replace("[wmcoptions]", wmcoptions);
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnBrowser(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- CAtlList<CStringA> rootdrives;
- for(TCHAR drive[] = _T("A:"); drive[0] <= 'Z'; drive[0]++)
- if(GetDriveType(drive) != DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR)
- rootdrives.AddTail(CStringA(drive) + '\');
- // process GET
- CString path;
- CFileStatus fs;
- if(m_get.Lookup(_T("path"), path))
- {
- path = WToT(UTF8To16(TToA(path)));
- if(CFileGetStatus(path, fs) && !(fs.m_attribute&CFile::directory))
- {
- // TODO: make a new message for just opening files, this is a bit overkill now...
- CAtlList<CString> cmdln;
- cmdln.AddTail(path);
- CString focus;
- if(m_get.Lookup(_T("focus"), focus) && !focus.CompareNoCase(_T("no")))
- cmdln.AddTail(_T("/nofocus"));
- int len = 0;
- POSITION pos = cmdln.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString& str = cmdln.GetNext(pos);
- len += (str.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
- }
- CAutoVectorPtr<BYTE> buff;
- if(buff.Allocate(4+len))
- {
- BYTE* p = buff;
- *(DWORD*)p = cmdln.GetCount();
- p += sizeof(DWORD);
- POSITION pos = cmdln.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString& str = cmdln.GetNext(pos);
- len = (str.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
- memcpy(p, (LPCTSTR)str, len);
- p += len;
- }
- cds.dwData = 0x6ABE51;
- cds.cbData = p - buff;
- cds.lpData = (void*)(BYTE*)buff;
- m_pMainFrame->SendMessage(WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cds);
- }
- CPath p(path);
- p.RemoveFileSpec();
- path = (LPCTSTR)p;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- path = m_pMainFrame->m_wndPlaylistBar.GetCur();
- if(CFileGetStatus(path, fs) && !(fs.m_attribute&CFile::directory))
- {
- CPath p(path);
- p.RemoveFileSpec();
- path = (LPCTSTR)p;
- }
- }
- if(path.Find(_T("://")) >= 0)
- path.Empty();
- if(CFileGetStatus(path, fs) && (fs.m_attribute&CFile::directory)
- || path.Find(_T("\")) == 0) // FIXME
- {
- CPath p(path);
- p.Canonicalize();
- p.MakePretty();
- p.AddBackslash();
- path = (LPCTSTR)p;
- }
- CStringA files;
- if(path.IsEmpty())
- {
- POSITION pos = rootdrives.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CStringA& drive = rootdrives.GetNext(pos);
- files += "<tr>rn";
- files +=
- "<td><a href="[path]?path=" + UrlEncode(drive) + "">" + drive + "</a></td>"
- "<td>Directory</td>"
- "<td> </td>rn"
- "<td> </td>";
- files += "</tr>rn";
- }
- path = "Root";
- }
- else
- {
- CString parent;
- if(path.GetLength() > 3)
- {
- CPath p(path + "..");
- p.Canonicalize();
- p.AddBackslash();
- parent = (LPCTSTR)p;
- }
- files += "<tr>rn";
- files +=
- "<td><a href="[path]?path=" + parent + "">..</a></td>"
- "<td>Directory</td>"
- "<td> </td>rn"
- "<td> </td>";
- files += "</tr>rn";
- WIN32_FIND_DATA fd = {0};
- HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(path + "*.*", &fd);
- {
- do
- {
- if(!(fd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || fd.cFileName[0] == '.')
- continue;
- CString fullpath = path + fd.cFileName;
- files += "<tr>rn";
- files +=
- "<td><a href="[path]?path=" + UTF8Arg(fullpath) + "">" + UTF8(fd.cFileName) + "</a></td>"
- "<td>Directory</td>"
- "<td> </td>rn"
- "<td><nobr>" + CStringA(CTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime).Format(_T("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"))) + "</nobr></td>";
- files += "</tr>rn";
- }
- while(FindNextFile(hFind, &fd));
- FindClose(hFind);
- }
- hFind = FindFirstFile(path + "*.*", &fd);
- {
- do
- {
- if(fd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
- continue;
- CString fullpath = path + fd.cFileName;
- CStringA size;
- size.Format("%I64dK", ((UINT64)fd.nFileSizeHigh<<22)|(fd.nFileSizeLow>>10));
- CString type(_T(" "));
- LoadType(fullpath, type);
- files += "<tr>rn";
- files +=
- "<td><a href="[path]?path=" + UTF8Arg(fullpath) + "">" + UTF8(fd.cFileName) + "</a></td>"
- "<td><nobr>" + UTF8(type) + "</nobr></td>"
- "<td align="right"><nobr>" + size + "</nobr></td>rn"
- "<td><nobr>" + CStringA(CTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime).Format(_T("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"))) + "</nobr></td>";
- files += "</tr>rn";
- }
- while(FindNextFile(hFind, &fd));
- FindClose(hFind);
- }
- }
- m_pWebServer->LoadPage(IDR_HTML_BROWSER, body, m_path);
- body.Replace("[charset]", "UTF-8"); // FIXME: win9x build...
- body.Replace("[currentdir]", UTF8(path));
- body.Replace("[currentfiles]", files);
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnControls(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- CString path = m_pMainFrame->m_wndPlaylistBar.GetCur();
- CString dir;
- if(!path.IsEmpty())
- {
- CPath p(path);
- p.RemoveFileSpec();
- dir = (LPCTSTR)p;
- }
- OAFilterState fs = m_pMainFrame->GetMediaState();
- CString state;
- state.Format(_T("%d"), fs);
- CString statestring;
- switch(fs)
- {
- case State_Stopped: statestring = ResStr(IDS_CONTROLS_STOPPED); break;
- case State_Paused: statestring = ResStr(IDS_CONTROLS_PAUSED); break;
- case State_Running: statestring = ResStr(IDS_CONTROLS_PLAYING); break;
- default: statestring = _T("n/a"); break;
- }
- int pos = (int)(m_pMainFrame->GetPos()/10000);
- int dur = (int)(m_pMainFrame->GetDur()/10000);
- CString position, duration;
- position.Format(_T("%d"), pos);
- duration.Format(_T("%d"), dur);
- CString positionstring, durationstring, playbackrate;
- // positionstring.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"), (pos/3600000), (pos/60000)%60, (pos/1000)%60, pos%1000);
- // durationstring.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"), (dur/3600000), (dur/60000)%60, (dur/1000)%60, dur%1000);
- positionstring.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d"), (pos/3600000), (pos/60000)%60, (pos/1000)%60);
- durationstring.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d"), (dur/3600000), (dur/60000)%60, (dur/1000)%60);
- playbackrate = _T("1"); // TODO
- CString volumelevel, muted;
- volumelevel.Format(_T("%d"), m_pMainFrame->m_wndToolBar.m_volctrl.GetPos());
- muted.Format(_T("%d"), m_pMainFrame->m_wndToolBar.Volume == -10000 ? 1 : 0);
- CString reloadtime(_T("0")); // TODO
- m_pWebServer->LoadPage(IDR_HTML_CONTROLS, body, m_path);
- body.Replace("[charset]", "UTF-8"); // FIXME: win9x build...
- body.Replace("[filepatharg]", UTF8Arg(path));
- body.Replace("[filepath]", UTF8(path));
- body.Replace("[filedirarg]", UTF8Arg(dir));
- body.Replace("[filedir]", UTF8(dir));
- body.Replace("[state]", UTF8(state));
- body.Replace("[statestring]", UTF8(statestring));
- body.Replace("[position]", UTF8(position));
- body.Replace("[positionstring]", UTF8(positionstring));
- body.Replace("[duration]", UTF8(duration));
- body.Replace("[durationstring]", UTF8(durationstring));
- body.Replace("[volumelevel]", UTF8(volumelevel));
- body.Replace("[muted]", UTF8(muted));
- body.Replace("[playbackrate]", UTF8(playbackrate));
- body.Replace("[reloadtime]", UTF8(reloadtime));
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnStatus(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- /*
- CString path = m_pMainFrame->m_wndPlaylistBar.GetCur(), dir;
- if(!path.IsEmpty()) {CPath p(path); p.RemoveFileSpec(); dir = (LPCTSTR)p;}
- path.Replace(_T("'"), _T("\'"));
- dir.Replace(_T("'"), _T("\'"));
- CString volumelevel, muted;
- volumelevel.Format(_T("%d"), m_pMainFrame->m_wndToolBar.m_volctrl.GetPos());
- muted.Format(_T("%d"), m_pMainFrame->m_wndToolBar.Volume == -10000 ? 1 : 0);
- body.Replace("[volumelevel]", UTF8(volumelevel));
- body.Replace("[muted]", UTF8(muted));
- */
- CString title;
- m_pMainFrame->GetWindowText(title);
- CString status = m_pMainFrame->GetStatusMessage();
- int pos = (int)(m_pMainFrame->GetPos()/10000);
- int dur = (int)(m_pMainFrame->GetDur()/10000);
- CString posstr, durstr;
- posstr.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d"), (pos/3600000), (pos/60000)%60, (pos/1000)%60);
- durstr.Format(_T("%02d:%02d:%02d"), (dur/3600000), (dur/60000)%60, (dur/1000)%60);
- title.Replace(_T("'"), _T("\'"));
- status.Replace(_T("'"), _T("\'"));
- body.Format("OnStatus('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d)", // , '%s', '%s'
- UTF8(title), UTF8(status),
- pos, UTF8(posstr), dur, UTF8(durstr),
- m_pMainFrame->IsMuted(), m_pMainFrame->GetVolume()
- /*, UTF8(path), UTF8(dir)*/);
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnError404(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- m_pWebServer->LoadPage(IDR_HTML_404, body, m_path);
- return true;
- }
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnPlayer(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- m_pWebServer->LoadPage(IDR_HTML_PLAYER, body, m_path);
- return true;
- }
- #include "jpeg.h"
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnSnapShotJpeg(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- // TODO: add quality control and return logo when nothing is loaded
- bool fRet = false;
- BYTE* pData = NULL;
- long size = 0;
- CAtlArray<BYTE> jpeg;
- if(m_pMainFrame->GetDIB(&pData, size, true))
- {
- if(CJpegEncoderMem().Encode(pData, jpeg))
- {
- hdr +=
- "Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTrn"
- "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0rn"
- "Pragma: no-cachern";
- body = CStringA((char*)jpeg.GetData(), jpeg.GetCount());
- mime = "image/jpeg";
- fRet = true;
- }
- delete [] pData;
- }
- return fRet;
- }
- #include "ConvertDlg.h"
- bool CWebClientSocket::OnConvRes(CStringA& hdr, CStringA& body, CStringA& mime)
- {
- CString id;
- if(!m_get.Lookup(_T("id"), id))
- return false;
- DWORD key = 0;
- if(1 != _stscanf(id, _T("%x"), &key) || key == 0)
- return false;
- CAutoLock cAutoLock(&CDSMResource::m_csResources);
- CDSMResource* res = NULL;
- if(!CDSMResource::m_resources.Lookup(key, res) || !res)
- return false;
- body = CStringA((const char*)res->data.GetData(), res->data.GetCount());
- mime = CString(res->mime);
- return true;
- }