资源名称 [点击查看]
- /***************************************************************************
- Windows Sockets FTP Client Application Support Module
- Written by:
- Santanu Lahiri Internet:
- Converted the Create Buttons calls to simulated buttons. Added necessary
- WM_PAINT code to handle displaying the buttons in the appropriate mode
- Added the ComboBox "History" feature.
- Cleaned up WM_PAINT code that was eating resources - Deselected created
- brushes and pens before the hdc was released.
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- MODULE: WS_CHILD.C (child window functions)
- */
- #include "ws_glob.h"
- #include "winftp.H"
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define XSIZ(x) (x*nWndx)/4
- #define YSIZ(x) (x*nWndy)/8
- #ifdef WIN32
- #define MAXLINES 150
- #else
- #define MAXLINES 100
- #endif
- #define STATLEN 151
- char *lpStatusLines=NULL;
- int nStatusPtr=0;
- int nStatusScroll=1;
- RECT rcMsg;
- BOOL bCanMKD,bCanRMD,bCanREN,bCanDELE,bIsQVT,bIsNCSA,bIs5000,bIsDual;
- LPSTR lpListBox = "listbox";
- LPSTR lpButton = "button";
- LPSTR lpStatic = "static";
- LPSTR lpEdit = "edit";
- LPSTR lpComboBox= "combobox";
- LPSTR lpScroll = "scrollbar";
- LPSTR lpChgDir = "ChgDir";
- LPSTR lpMkDir = "MkDir";
- LPSTR lpRmDir = "RmDir";
- LPSTR lpRefresh = "Refresh";
- LPSTR lpDisplay = "Display";
- LPSTR lpRename = "Rename";
- LPSTR lpDelete = "Delete";
- LPSTR lpConnect = "Connect";
- LPSTR lpClose = "Close";
- LPSTR lpLongDir = "LongDir";
- LPSTR lpAbort = "Abort";
- LPSTR lpOptions = "Options";
- LPSTR lpAbout = "About";
- LPSTR lpExit = "Exit";
- LPSTR lpToRemote= "-->";
- LPSTR lpToLocal = "<--";
- typedef struct
- {
- LPSTR *lpBtnTxt;
- RECT rcBtn;
- int nBtnID, nStat;
- int nTxtx, nTxty;
- int nSendMsg;
- RECT rcExt;
- static RECT rcLEdt, rcREdt, rcLLst, rcRLst, rcLDir, rcLFile, rcRDir, rcRFile;
- #define BUTTONS 23
- BOOL bEnabled[BUTTONS];
- BTNPOS bpButton[BUTTONS] =
- {
- &lpChgDir, { 84, 32, 26, 13}, BTN_LCHANGE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpMkDir, { 84, 46, 26, 13}, BTN_LMKDIR, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRmDir, { 84, 60, 26, 13}, BTN_LRMDIR, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRefresh, { 84, 84, 26, 13}, BTN_LREFRESH, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpDisplay, { 84, 107, 26, 13}, BTN_LDISPLAY, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRename, { 84, 121, 26, 13}, BTN_LRENAME, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpDelete, { 84, 135, 26, 13}, BTN_LDELETE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpChgDir, { 213, 32, 26, 13}, BTN_RCHANGE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpMkDir, { 213, 46, 26, 13}, BTN_RMKDIR, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRmDir, { 213, 60, 26, 13}, BTN_RRMDIR, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRefresh, { 213, 84, 26, 13}, BTN_RREFRESH, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpDisplay, { 213, 107, 26, 13}, BTN_RDISPLAY, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpRename, { 213, 121, 26, 13}, BTN_RRENAME, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpDelete, { 213, 135, 26, 13}, BTN_RDELETE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpToLocal, { 116, 101, 14, 13}, BTN_REMOTE_TO_LOCAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpToRemote,{ 116, 118, 14, 13}, BTN_LOCAL_TO_REMOTE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpConnect, { 4, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_CONNECT, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpClose, { 38, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpLongDir, { 72, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_LONG, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpAbort, { 106, 185, 34, 9}, BTN_ABORT, 0, 0, 0, 1, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpOptions, { 142, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_OPTION, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpAbout, { 176, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_ABOUT, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0},
- &lpExit, { 210, 185, 32, 9}, BTN_EXIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}
- };
- //*********************************************************************
- // Create the Button positions array. Compute the actual screen sizes
- // and the screen text positions based on the initial button position
- // and size. Use the actual screen size of text to locate it in a button.
- //*********************************************************************
- void CreateButtonPos (HWND hWnd)
- {
- HDC hdc;
- DWORD dwExt;
- RECT rc;
- int nI, cExt, cHt;
- #ifdef WIN32
- SIZE sizeStr;
- #endif
- hdc = GetDC (hWnd);
- SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (ANSI_VAR_FONT)); // This allows actual size calc.
- for (nI=0; nI<sizeof (bpButton)/sizeof (BTNPOS); nI++)
- {
- bEnabled[nI] = TRUE;
- #ifdef WIN32
- dwExt = GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, *bpButton[nI].lpBtnTxt, lstrlen (*bpButton[nI].lpBtnTxt), &sizeStr);
- cExt =; // Length of screen text
- cHt =; // Height of screen text
- #else
- dwExt = GetTextExtent (hdc, *bpButton[nI].lpBtnTxt, lstrlen (*bpButton[nI].lpBtnTxt));
- cExt = LOWORD (dwExt); // Length of screen text
- cHt = HIWORD (dwExt); // Height of screen text
- #endif
- rc = bpButton[nI].rcExt = bpButton[nI].rcBtn; // Copy button size for later use
- rc.right += rc.left; // Compute screen right bound
- rc.bottom+=; // Compute screen lower bound
- rc.left = (rc.left * nWndx) / 4; // Convert to MM_TEXT pixel count
- = ( * nWndy) / 8;
- rc.right = (rc.right * nWndx) / 4;
- rc.bottom = (rc.bottom * nWndy) / 8;
- bpButton[nI].rcBtn = rc; // Save the computed sizes.
- bpButton[nI].nTxtx = (rc.left+rc.right-cExt)/2; // Compute the text position
- bpButton[nI].nTxty = (; // horizontal and vertical both.
- }
- = YSIZ (164);
- rcMsg.bottom = YSIZ (179);
- rcMsg.left = XSIZ (8);
- rcMsg.right = XSIZ (228);
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hdc); // Done here, release resources.
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- void CreateListRectPos (LPRECT rcLDir, int nX, int nY, int nExt, int nH)
- {
- rcLDir->left = nX;
- rcLDir->top = nY;
- rcLDir->right = nX+nExt-1;
- rcLDir->bottom= nY+nH-1;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetChildWindowID (LPARAM lParam)
- {
- POINT pt;
- BOOL bFlag = (pt.y > rcLLst.bottom);
- pt.y = HIWORD (lParam);
- pt.x = LOWORD (lParam);
- if (PtInRect (&rcLFile, pt)) return LST_LFILES;
- if (PtInRect (&rcRFile, pt)) return LST_RFILES;
- if (PtInRect (&rcLDir, pt)) return LST_LDIRS;
- if (PtInRect (&rcRDir, pt)) return LST_RDIRS;
- if (PtInRect (&rcLLst, pt)) return LST_LDIRLST;
- if (PtInRect (&rcRLst, pt)) return LST_RDIRLST;
- if (PtInRect (&rcLEdt, pt)) return EDT_LFILETYPE;
- if (PtInRect (&rcREdt, pt)) return EDT_RFILETYPE;
- return 0;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- int CreateSubWindows(HWND hParent,HWND hInst)
- {
- HFONT hFont = GetStockObject (ANSI_VAR_FONT);
- int nX1, nX2, nY1, nY2, nH1, nH2, nExt;
- CreateButtonPos (hParent); // Create the button screen positions.
- nExt= XSIZ ( 28); // Editbox Extent
- nX1 = XSIZ ( 81); // Local File Type position
- nX2 = XSIZ (210); // Remote File Type position
- nY1 = YSIZ ( 6); // EditBox Y position
- nH1 = YSIZ ( 10); // EditBox height
- CreateWindow (lpEdit, NULL, EDT_STYLE,
- nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) EDT_LFILETYPE, hInst, NULL);
- CreateWindow (lpEdit, NULL, EDT_STYLE,
- nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) EDT_RFILETYPE, hInst, NULL);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcLEdt, nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcREdt, nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- nExt= XSIZ (74); // Combo box Extent
- nX1 = XSIZ ( 7); // Local Dir List position
- nX2 = XSIZ (136); // Remote Dir List position
- nY1 = YSIZ (32); // Combo Box Y position
- nH1 = YSIZ (82); // Combo Box height when opened
- hLbxLDirLst = CreateWindow (lpComboBox, NULL, CBS_STYLE,
- nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) LST_LDIRLST, hInst, NULL);
- hLbxRDirLst = CreateWindow (lpComboBox, NULL, CBS_STYLE,
- nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) LST_RDIRLST, hInst, NULL);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcLLst, nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcRLst, nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- nY1 = YSIZ (44); // Directory List Y position
- nH1 = YSIZ (38); // Directory List Box height
- nY2 = YSIZ (84); // Files List Y position
- nH2 = YSIZ (65); // Files List Box height
- hLbxLDir = CreateWindow (lpListBox, NULL, LBS_STYLE, // Local Dir list
- nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) LST_LDIRS, hInst, NULL);
- hLbxLFiles = CreateWindow (lpListBox, NULL, LBS_STYLE| LBS_EXTENDEDSEL,
- nX1, nY2, nExt, nH2, hParent, (HMENU) LST_LFILES, hInst, NULL); // Local Files List
- hLbxRDir = CreateWindow(lpListBox, NULL, LBS_STYLE, // Remote Dir List
- nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) LST_RDIRS, hInst, NULL);
- hLbxRFiles = CreateWindow(lpListBox, NULL, LBS_STYLE| LBS_EXTENDEDSEL,
- nX2, nY2, nExt, nH2, hParent, (HMENU) LST_RFILES, hInst, NULL); // Remote Files List
- CreateListRectPos (&rcLDir, nX1, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcRDir, nX2, nY1, nExt, nH1);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcLFile, nX1, nY2, nExt, nH2);
- CreateListRectPos (&rcRFile, nX2, nY2, nExt, nH2);
- CreateWindow (lpListBox, NULL, LBS_STANDARD|WS_CHILD, // Temporary Files list
- 0, 0, nExt, nH1, hParent, (HMENU) LST_DELFILES, hInst, NULL);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, EDT_RFILETYPE, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_LDIRLST, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_RDIRLST, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_LDIRS, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_RDIRS, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_LFILES, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_RFILES, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, LST_DELFILES, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (TRUE, 0));
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szLFileType);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hParent, EDT_RFILETYPE, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szRFileType);
- hTxtLDir = CreateWindow (lpStatic, NULL, WS_TXTSTYLE, XSIZ ( 9), YSIZ (21), XSIZ (100), YSIZ (8), hParent, (HMENU) TXT_LDIRECTORY, hInst, NULL);
- hTxtRDir = CreateWindow (lpStatic, NULL, WS_TXTSTYLE, XSIZ (138), YSIZ (21), XSIZ (100), YSIZ (8), hParent, (HMENU) TXT_RDIRECTORY, hInst, NULL);
- hScroll = CreateWindow (lpScroll, NULL, SBV_STYLE, XSIZ(230), YSIZ(164), XSIZ(8), YSIZ(15), hParent, (HMENU) SCRLWND, hInst, NULL);
- #define WC_TEXT(style,x) CreateWindow (lpStatic, NULL, WS_CHILDSTYLE | style, x, YSIZ(155), XSIZ(40), YSIZ(8), hParent, (HMENU) TXT_STATUS, hInst, NULL)
- hTxtLBytes = WC_TEXT (SS_RIGHT, (XSIZ(10)));
- hTxtRBytes = WC_TEXT (SS_RIGHT, (XSIZ(198)));
- #define WC_RADIO(Txt,x,ID) CreateWindow (lpButton, Txt, WS_RADIOSTYLE, x, YSIZ(154), XSIZ(39), YSIZ(9), hParent, (HMENU) ID, hInst, NULL)
- hRBascii = WC_RADIO ("ASCII", (XSIZ ( 60)), RB_ASCII);
- hRBbinary= WC_RADIO ("Binary", (XSIZ (115)), RB_BINARY);
- hRBl8 = WC_RADIO ("L 8", (XSIZ (160)), RB_L8);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- HPEN hPenDark;
- HPEN hPenLight;
- //*********************************************************************
- // Draw a box to give the chiseled metal appearance
- //*********************************************************************
- void BoxIt (HDC hDC, int left, int top, int width, int height, BOOL flag)
- {
- HPEN hPenOld;
- hPenOld = SelectObject (hDC, flag? hPenDark : hPenLight);
- MoveToEx (hDC, (left*nWndx)/4, ((top+height)*nWndy)/8, &Pt);
- LineTo (hDC, (left*nWndx)/4, (top*nWndy)/8);
- LineTo (hDC, ((left+width)*nWndx)/4, (top*nWndy)/8);
- if (flag) SelectObject (hDC,hPenLight);
- else SelectObject (hDC,hPenDark);
- LineTo (hDC, ((left+width)*nWndx)/4, ((top+height)*nWndy)/8);
- LineTo (hDC, (left*nWndx)/4, ((top+height)*nWndy)/8);
- SelectObject (hDC, hPenOld);
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- void BoxButton (HDC hDC, int left, int top, int width, int height, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bEnable)
- {
- if (!bEnable)
- {
- HBRUSH hBr = GetStockObject (DKGRAY_BRUSH);
- RECT rc;
- = YSIZ (top); rc.bottom = YSIZ (top+height);
- rc.left = XSIZ (left); rc.right = XSIZ (left+width);
- FillRect (hDC, &rc, hBr);
- }
- BoxIt (hDC, left, top, width, height, bFlag);
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return the Button ID, given its index position
- // Used for sending the WM_COMMAND message
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetButtonID (int nBtn)
- {
- return bpButton[nBtn].nBtnID;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return the Button ID, given its index position
- // Used for sending the WM_COMMAND message
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetButtonIndex (int nBtnID)
- {
- int nI;
- for (nI=0; nI<sizeof (bpButton)/sizeof (BTNPOS); nI++)
- {
- if (bpButton[nI].nBtnID==nBtnID) return nI;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return the Button SendMsg type - 0=>Post Message, 1=> SendMessage
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetButtonMsgStatus (int nBtn)
- {
- return bpButton[nBtn].nSendMsg;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return the Button Status - 0=>Button is up, 1=> depressed
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetButtonStatus (int nBtn)
- {
- return bpButton[nBtn].nStat;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Set new button status, return the old one.
- //*********************************************************************
- int SetButtonStatus (int nBtn, int nStat)
- {
- int nOld = bpButton[nBtn].nStat;
- bpButton[nBtn].nStat=nStat;
- return nOld;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return the Button Status - 0=>Button is up, 1=> depressed
- //*********************************************************************
- BOOL GetButtonEnabledStatus (int nBtn)
- {
- return bEnabled[nBtn];
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Set Btn Enabled Status, Return Prev Status - True => Was Enabled
- //*********************************************************************
- BOOL SetButtonEnabledStatus (int nBtnID, BOOL bFlag)
- {
- BOOL bFlagOld;
- nBtnID = GetButtonIndex (nBtnID);
- if (nBtnID==-1) return FALSE;
- bFlagOld = bEnabled[nBtnID];
- bEnabled[nBtnID] = bFlag;
- if (bFlag!=bFlagOld) InvalidateRect (hWndMain, &bpButton[nBtnID].rcBtn, TRUE);
- return bFlagOld;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Given x & y coords of a point, find which button it belongs to.
- // Return index if found, else return -1
- //*********************************************************************
- int FindButtonClicked (int nXpos, int nYpos)
- {
- int nI;
- POINT pt;
- pt.x = nXpos;
- pt.y = nYpos;
- for (nI=0; nI<sizeof (bpButton)/sizeof (BTNPOS); nI++)
- {
- if (PtInRect (&bpButton[nI].rcBtn, pt)) return nI;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Enable all buttons
- //*********************************************************************
- void SetButtonsEnabled()
- {
- int nI;
- for (nI=0; nI<BUTTONS; nI++) if (bEnabled[nI]!=TRUE) InvalidateRect (hWndMain, &bpButton[nI].rcBtn, TRUE);
- for (nI=0; nI<BUTTONS; nI++) bEnabled[nI] = TRUE;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Reduce the RECT size by n Pixels along all dimensions
- //*********************************************************************
- RECT ReduceRect (RECT rc, int nPix)
- {
- nPix >>= 1;
- rc.left += nPix;
- rc.right -= nPix;
- += nPix;
- rc.bottom -= nPix;
- return rc;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- void CreateButtonPens()
- {
- hPenDark = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (128,128,128));
- hPenLight = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (224,224,224));
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- void DeleteButtonPens()
- {
- DeleteObject (hPenDark);
- DeleteObject (hPenLight);
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Paint a single button, with the status supplied - up/down. Button
- // specified by its index number.
- //*********************************************************************
- int DoPaintButton (HWND hWnd, int nBtn, int nStat)
- {
- RECT rc = bpButton[nBtn].rcExt;
- LPSTR lpsz = *bpButton[nBtn].lpBtnTxt;
- int nX = bpButton[nBtn].nTxtx + nStat;
- int nY = bpButton[nBtn].nTxty + nStat;
- HBRUSH hBrushOld;
- HBRUSH hBrush=CreateSolidBrush (RGB(192,192,192));
- HDC hDC = GetDC (hWnd);
- //*************************************************
- // Create two temporary pens to do the 3-D effect
- //*************************************************
- CreateButtonPens();
- //*************************************************
- // Prepare the hdc for drawing the button
- //*************************************************
- hBrushOld = SelectObject (hDC, hBrush);
- SelectObject (hDC, GetStockObject (ANSI_VAR_FONT));
- SetBkColor (hDC, RGB (192, 192, 192));
- //*************************************************
- // Draw the bounding box as 3-D, then fill inside
- // with Gray brush, lastly draw the text
- //*************************************************
- BoxIt (hDC, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom, nStat?TRUE:FALSE);
- rc = ReduceRect (bpButton[nBtn].rcBtn, 6);
- FillRect (hDC, &rc, bEnabled[nBtn]? hBrush : GetStockObject (DKGRAY_BRUSH));
- if (bEnabled[nBtn]) TextOut (hDC, nX, nY, (LPSTR) lpsz, lstrlen (lpsz));
- //*************************************************
- // Release the pens and brushes created this run.
- //*************************************************
- SelectObject (hDC, GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN));
- DeleteObject (SelectObject (hDC, hBrushOld));
- DeleteButtonPens();
- //*************************************************
- // Final cleanup
- //*************************************************
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hDC);
- return 0;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- DoMainPaint(HWND hWnd)
- {
- HDC hDC; // handle for the display device
- PAINTSTRUCT ps; // holds PAINT information
- HBRUSH hBrush, hBrushOld, hDkBrush;
- int nI;
- memset (&ps, 0x00, sizeof(PAINTSTRUCT));
- hDC = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps);
- hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (RGB(192,192,192));
- hPenDark = CreatePen (PS_SOLID,1,RGB(128,128,128));
- hPenLight = CreatePen (PS_SOLID,1,RGB(224,224,224));
- hBrushOld = SelectObject (hDC, hBrush); // Save original handle
- SelectObject (hDC, GetStockObject (ANSI_VAR_FONT)); // Prepare Device Context
- SetBkColor (hDC, RGB (192,192,192));
- BoxIt (hDC, 4,2,109,149,TRUE); // Locals 3-D box
- BoxIt (hDC, 133,2,109,149,TRUE); // Remotes 3-D box
- BoxIt (hDC, 7,5,103,12,TRUE); // "Local" window
- BoxIt (hDC, 136,5,103,12,TRUE); // "Remote" window
- BoxIt (hDC, 4,153,238,29,TRUE); // Outer 3-D Grouping Box
- BoxIt (hDC, 7,163,232,17,FALSE); // Inner 3-D FTP Message box
- BoxIt (hDC, 7,19,103,10,FALSE); // Local 3-D Current Dir box
- BoxIt (hDC,136,19,103,10,FALSE); // Remote 3-D Current Dir box
- TextOut (hDC, XSIZ ( 9), YSIZ (8),"Local PC info",13);
- TextOut (hDC, XSIZ (138), YSIZ (8),"Remote host info",16);
- //*************************************************
- // Now draw the 3-D effects for all the buttons
- // and print the text for each button.
- //*************************************************
- FillRect (hDC, &rcMsg, hBrush);
- if (lpStatusLines!=NULL)
- {
- char *lp;
- HRGN hRgn;
- hRgn = CreateRectRgn (rcMsg.left,, rcMsg.right, rcMsg.bottom);
- SelectClipRgn (hDC, hRgn);
- lp = lpStatusLines+(nStatusScroll*STATLEN);
- TextOut (hDC, XSIZ(9), YSIZ(172), lp, lstrlen (lp));
- if (nStatusScroll>0)
- {
- lp = lpStatusLines+((nStatusScroll-1)*STATLEN);
- TextOut (hDC, XSIZ(9), YSIZ(165), lp, lstrlen (lp));
- }
- SelectClipRgn (hDC, (HRGN) NULL);
- DeleteObject (hRgn);
- }
- hDkBrush = GetStockObject (DKGRAY_BRUSH);
- for (nI=0; nI<sizeof (bpButton)/sizeof (BTNPOS); nI++)
- {
- LPSTR lpsz = *bpButton[nI].lpBtnTxt;
- RECT rc = bpButton[nI].rcExt;
- int nX = bpButton[nI].nTxtx + bpButton[nI].nStat;
- int nY = bpButton[nI].nTxty + bpButton[nI].nStat;
- BoxIt (hDC, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom, bpButton[nI].nStat?TRUE:FALSE);
- rc = ReduceRect (bpButton[nI].rcBtn, 6);
- FillRect (hDC, &rc, bEnabled[nI]? hBrush : hDkBrush);
- if (bEnabled[nI]) TextOut (hDC, nX, nY, (LPSTR) lpsz, lstrlen (lpsz));
- }
- SelectObject (hDC, hBrushOld); // Deselect any created resources
- SelectObject (hDC, GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN));
- // Inform Windows painting is complete
- EndPaint (hWnd, &ps);
- DeleteObject (hBrush); // Release all resources created
- DeleteObject (hPenLight);
- DeleteObject (hPenDark);
- return 0;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- #ifdef WIN32
- int GetLocalDirForWnd(HWND hWnd)
- {
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffblk;
- HANDLE hFile;
- // get the local directory name
- // DLG_LDIRECTORY (directory name)
- getcwd (szString,180);
- SendMessage (hTxtLDir,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szString);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, LST_LDIRLST, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szString);
- // DLG_LDIRS (directory list box)
- SendMessage (hLbxLDir,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0);
- if ((hFile = FindFirstFile ("*.*", &ffblk))!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- do
- {
- if ((ffblk.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
- (lstrcmp (ffblk.cFileName, ".")!=0))
- SendMessage (hLbxLDir,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(LPCSTR) ffblk.cFileName);
- }
- while (FindNextFile (hFile, &ffblk));
- FindClose (hFile);
- }
- // add drives to the list box
- SendMessage(hLbxLDir, LB_DIR, 0x4000 | 0x8000, (LPARAM) ((LPSTR) "*"));
- // DLG_LFILES (file list box)
- SendMessage (hLbxLFiles, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWndMain, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM) sizeof (szLFileType), (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szLFileType);
- if (lstrlen (szLFileType)==0)
- {
- lstrcpy (szLFileType, "*.*");
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWndMain, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szLFileType);
- }
- if ((hFile = FindFirstFile (szLFileType, &ffblk))!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- do
- {
- if (!(ffblk.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
- SendMessage (hLbxLFiles, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) ffblk.cFileName);
- }
- while (FindNextFile (hFile, &ffblk));
- FindClose (hFile);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #else
- int GetLocalDirForWnd(HWND hWnd)
- {
- #ifdef _BORLANDC_
- struct ffblk ffblk;
- #else
- #define ff_attrib attrib
- #define ff_name name
- #define findnext(a) _dos_findnext(a)
- struct _find_t ffblk;
- #endif
- int nDone;
- // get the local directory name
- // DLG_LDIRECTORY (directory name)
- getcwd (szString,180);
- SendMessage (hTxtLDir,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szString);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, LST_LDIRLST, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szString);
- // DLG_LDIRS (directory list box)
- SendMessage (hLbxLDir,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0);
- #ifdef _BORLANDC_
- nDone = findfirst("*.*",&ffblk,FA_DIREC);
- #else
- nDone=_dos_findfirst("*.*",_A_SUBDIR,&ffblk);
- #endif
- while (!nDone)
- {
- if (ffblk.ff_attrib & 0x10 && lstrcmp(ffblk.ff_name,".")!=0)
- SendMessage (hLbxLDir, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) ffblk.ff_name);
- nDone = findnext (&ffblk);
- }
- // add drives to the list box
- SendMessage (hLbxLDir, LB_DIR, 0x4000 | 0x8000, (LPARAM) ((LPSTR) "*"));
- // DLG_LFILES (file list box)
- SendMessage (hLbxLFiles, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWndMain, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM) sizeof (szLFileType), (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szLFileType);
- if (lstrlen (szLFileType)==0)
- {
- lstrcpy (szLFileType, "*.*");
- SendDlgItemMessage (hWndMain, EDT_LFILETYPE, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szLFileType);
- }
- #ifdef _BORLANDC_
- nDone = findfirst (szLFileType, &ffblk, 0);
- #else
- nDone=_dos_findfirst (szLFileType, _A_NORMAL, &ffblk);
- #endif
- while (!nDone)
- {
- if (!(ffblk.ff_attrib & 0x10))
- {
- lstrcpy (szString,ffblk.ff_name);
- strlwr (szString);
- SendMessage (hLbxLFiles, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) szString);
- }
- nDone = findnext (&ffblk);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- //*********************************************************************
- // Return a Status Line Pointer
- //*********************************************************************
- LPSTR GetStatusLine (int nLine)
- {
- if (lpStatusLines==NULL) return NULL;
- return (LPSTR) (lpStatusLines + nLine*STATLEN);
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- int GetMaxStatusLines()
- {
- return __min (nStatusPtr, MAXLINES);
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- // Display the Scroll Message
- //*********************************************************************
- ScrollStatus (HWND hWnd, int value)
- {
- int nNew=nStatusScroll+value;
- nNew = __min (__max (nNew, 1), nStatusPtr);
- if (nNew!=nStatusScroll)
- {
- nStatusScroll = nNew;
- InvalidateRect (hWnd, &rcMsg, FALSE);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- SetStatus (HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpString)
- {
- if (lpStatusLines==NULL)
- {
- (char *) lpStatusLines = (char *) GlobalAllocPtr (GHND, (MAXLINES+1) * STATLEN);
- nStatusPtr = 0;
- if (lpStatusLines==NULL) return 0;
- }
- if (nStatusPtr>(MAXLINES-1))
- memmove (lpStatusLines, lpStatusLines+STATLEN, (MAXLINES*STATLEN));
- if (lstrlen (lpString) > (STATLEN-1)) lpString[STATLEN-1] = ' ';
- lstrcpy (lpStatusLines+nStatusPtr*STATLEN, lpString);
- nStatusScroll = nStatusPtr;
- if (nStatusPtr<MAXLINES) nStatusPtr++;
- InvalidateRect (hWnd, &rcMsg, FALSE);
- return 0;
- }
- //*********************************************************************
- //*********************************************************************
- UnsetStatusLines()
- {
- if (lpStatusLines!=NULL) GlobalFreePtr (lpStatusLines), lpStatusLines=NULL;
- return 0;
- }