- unit main;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, DB, TUtil32, BDE, DBTables;
- type
- TBDEUtil = class;
- TMainForm = class(TForm)
- ExitBtn: TButton;
- AboutBtn: TButton;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- AliasCombo: TComboBox;
- TableCombo: TComboBox;
- TableLocEdit: TEdit;
- ByDirectBtn: TButton;
- GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
- Label4: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- Label6: TLabel;
- Label7: TLabel;
- Label8: TLabel;
- FieldsLB: TLabel;
- RecSizeLB: TLabel;
- IndexLB: TLabel;
- ValidLB: TLabel;
- RefLB: TLabel;
- Label14: TLabel;
- Label15: TLabel;
- Label16: TLabel;
- Label17: TLabel;
- Label18: TLabel;
- RestructLB: TLabel;
- AuxPassLB: TLabel;
- CodePageLB: TLabel;
- BlockSizeLB: TLabel;
- TabLvlLB: TLabel;
- VerifyBtn: TButton;
- RebuildBtn: TButton;
- GroupBox3: TGroupBox;
- Label24: TLabel;
- Label25: TLabel;
- Label26: TLabel;
- Label27: TLabel;
- Label28: TLabel;
- MessageLB: TLabel;
- PBHeader: TProgressBar;
- PBIndexes: TProgressBar;
- PBData: TProgressBar;
- PBRebuild: TProgressBar;
- OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
- Session1: TSession;
- Database1: TDatabase;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure AliasComboChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ByDirectBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure TableComboChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ExitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure VerifyBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RebuildBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure AboutBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- BDEUtil: TBDEUtil;
- procedure OpenDatabaseList;
- procedure SetTableAndDir(ByDirectory: Boolean);
- procedure ClearBars;
- procedure ClearLabels;
- procedure SetTableInfo;
- procedure ClearTable;
- procedure SetTable(TableName: String);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- TBDEUtil = class
- CbInfo: TUVerifyCallback;
- TUProps: CURProps;
- hDb: hDBIDb;
- vhTSes: hTUSes;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetTCursorProps(szTable: String): Boolean;
- procedure RegisterCallBack;
- procedure UnRegisterCallBack;
- end;
- var
- MainForm: TMainForm;
- implementation
- uses about;
- {$R *.DFM}
- function GenProgressCallBack(ecbType: CBType; Data: LongInt; pcbInfo: Pointer):
- CBRType; stdcall;
- var
- CBInfo: TUVerifyCallBack;
- begin
- CBInfo := TUVerifyCallBack(pcbInfo^);
- if ecbType = cbGENPROGRESS then
- case CBInfo.Process of
- TUVerifyHeader: begin
- MainForm.PBHeader.Position := CBInfo.percentdone;
- end;
- TUVerifyIndex: begin
- MainForm.PBIndexes.Position := CBInfo.percentdone;
- end;
- TUVerifyData: begin
- MainForm.PBData.Position := CBInfo.percentdone;
- end;
- TURebuild: begin
- MainForm.PBRebuild.Position := CBInfo.percentdone;
- end;
- end;
- Result := cbrUSEDEF;
- end;
- constructor TBDEUtil.Create;
- var
- ClientData: Array[0..100] of byte;
- begin
- Check(TUInit(vhtSes));
- end;
- destructor TBDEUtil.Destroy;
- begin
- Check(TUExit(vhtSes));
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TBDEUtil.GetTCursorProps(szTable: String): Boolean;
- begin
- if TUFillCURProps(vHtSes, PChar(szTable), TUProps) = DBIERR_NONE then
- Result := True
- else Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TBDEUtil.RegisterCallback;
- begin
- Check(DbiRegisterCallBack(nil, cbGENPROGRESS, 0,
- sizeof(TUVerifyCallBack), @CbInfo, GenProgressCallback));
- end;
- procedure TBDEUtil.UnRegisterCallback;
- begin
- Check(DbiRegisterCallBack(nil, cbGENPROGRESS, 0,
- sizeof(TUVerifyCallBack), @CbInfo, nil));
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.OpenDataBaseList;
- var
- TmpCursor: hDbiCur;
- vDBDesc: DBDesc;
- begin
- AliasCombo.Items.Clear;
- Check(DbiOpenDatabaseList(TmpCursor));
- while (DbiGetNextRecord(TmpCursor, dbiNOLOCK, @vDBDesc, nil)
- = DBIERR_NONE) do begin
- if vDBDesc.szDBType = 'STANDARD' then
- AliasCombo.Items.Add(vDBDesc.szName);
- end;
- Check(DbiCloseCursor(TmpCursor));
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.ClearBars;
- begin
- MessageLB.Caption := '';
- PBHeader.Position := 0;
- PBIndexes.Position := 0;
- PBData.Position := 0;
- PBRebuild.Position := 0;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.ClearLabels;
- begin
- FieldsLB.Caption := '0';
- RecSizeLB.Caption := '0';
- IndexLB.Caption := '0';
- ValidLB.Caption := '0';
- RefLB.Caption := '0';
- RestructLB.Caption := '0';
- AuxPassLB.Caption := '0';
- CodePageLB.Caption := '0';
- BlockSizeLB.Caption := '0';
- TabLvlLB.Caption := '0';
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.ClearTable;
- begin
- TableLocEdit.Text := '';
- VerifyBtn.Enabled := False;
- RebuildBtn.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.SetTable(TableName: String);
- begin
- TableLocEdit.Text := TableName;
- VerifyBtn.Enabled := True;
- RebuildBtn.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.SetTableAndDir;
- var
- vDBDesc: DBDesc;
- Alias: String;
- Table: String;
- DirTable: String;
- begin
- Alias := AliasCombo.Items[AliasCombo.ItemIndex];
- Table := TableCombo.Items[TableCombo.ItemIndex];
- Check(DbiGetDatabaseDesc(PChar(Alias), @vDBDesc));
- SetTable(Format('%s%s', [vDBDesc.szPhyName, Table]));
- ClearBars;
- SetTableInfo();
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.SetTableInfo;
- var
- Buffer,
- Table: String;
- begin
- Table := TableLocEdit.Text;
- if BDEUtil.GetTCursorProps(Table) then
- with BDEUtil.TUProps do begin
- FieldsLB.Caption := IntToStr(iFields);
- RecSizeLB.Caption := IntToStr(iRecBufSize);
- IndexLB.Caption := IntToStr(iIndexes);
- ValidLB.Caption := InttoStr(iValChecks);
- RefLB.Caption := IntToStr(iRefIntChecks);
- RestructLB.Caption := IntToStr(iRestrVersion);
- AuxPassLB.Caption := IntToStr(iPasswords);
- CodePageLB.Caption := IntToStr(iCodePage);
- BlockSizeLB.Caption := IntToStr(iBlockSize);
- TabLvlLB.Caption := IntToStr(iTblLevel);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Session1.Active := True;
- OpenDatabaseList;
- BDEUtil := TBDEUtil.Create;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.AliasComboChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- // Database1.Connected := False;
- // Database1.AliasName := AliasCombo.Items[AliasCombo.ItemIndex];
- // DataBase1.Connected := True;
- Session1.GetTableNames(AliasCombo.Items[AliasCombo.ItemIndex], '*.*',
- True, False, TableCombo.Items);
- ClearBars;
- ClearLabels;
- ClearTable;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.ByDirectBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
- SetTable(OpenDialog1.FileName);
- AliasCombo.ItemIndex := -1;
- TableCombo.Items.Clear;
- ClearBars;
- SetTableInfo;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.TableComboChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- SetTableAndDir(False);
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- BDEUtil.Free;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.ExitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Close;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.VerifyBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Msg: Integer;
- Table: String;
- L: Integer;
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- ClearBars;
- Table := TableLocEdit.Text;
- Check(TUExit(BDEUtil.vHtSes));
- Check(TUInit(BDEUtil.vHtSes));
- BDEUtil.RegisterCallBack;
- try
- if TUVerifyTable(BDEUtil.vHtSes, PChar(Table), szPARADOX, 'VERIFY.DB',
- nil, 0, Msg) = DBIERR_NONE then begin
- case Msg of
- 0: MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification Successful. Table has no errors.';
- 1: MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification Successful. Verification completed.';
- 2: MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification Successful. Verification could not be completed.';
- 3: MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification Successful. Table must be rebuild manually.';
- 4: MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification Successful. Table cannot be rebuilt.';
- else
- MessageLB.Caption := 'Verification unsuccessful.';
- end;
- end;
- finally
- BDEUtil.UnRegisterCallBack;
- end;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.RebuildBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- iFld, iIdx, iSec, iVal, iRI, iOptP, iOptD: word;
- szTable: String;
- rslt: DBIResult;
- Msg: Integer;
- TblDesc: CRTBlDesc;
- Backup: String;
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- ClearBars;
- Check(TUExit(BDEUtil.vHtSes));
- Check(TUInit(BDEUtil.vHtSes));
- szTable := TableLocEdit.Text;
- BDEUtil.RegisterCallBack;
- try
- Check(TUVerifyTable(BDEUtil.vHtSes, PChar(szTable), szPARADOX, 'VERIFY.DB',
- nil, 0, Msg));
- rslt := TUGetCRTblDescCount(BDEUtil.vhTSes, PChar(szTable), iFld,
- iIdx, iSec, iVal, iRI, iOptP, iOptD);
- if rslt = DBIERR_NONE then begin
- FillChar(TblDesc, SizeOf(CRTBlDesc), 0);
- StrPCopy(TblDesc.szTblName, szTable);
- TblDesc.szTblType := szParadox;
- TblDesc.szErrTblName := 'Rebuild.DB';
- TblDesc.iFldCount := iFld;
- GetMem(TblDesc.pFldDesc, (iFld * SizeOf(FldDesc)));
- TblDesc.iIdxCount := iIdx;
- GetMem(TblDesc.pIdxDesc, (iIdx * SizeOf(IdxDesc)));
- TblDesc.iSecRecCount := iSec;
- GetMem(TblDesc.pSecDesc, (iSec * SizeOf(SecDesc)));
- TblDesc.iValChkCount := iVal;
- GetMem(TblDesc.pvchkDesc, (iVal * SizeOf(VCHKDesc)));
- TblDesc.iRintCount := iRI;
- GetMem(TblDesc.printDesc, (iRI * SizeOf(RINTDesc)));
- TblDesc.iOptParams := iOptP;
- GetMem(TblDesc.pfldOptParams, (iOptP * sizeOf(FLDDesc)));
- GetMem(TblDesc.pOptData, (iOptD * DBIMAXSCFLDLEN));
- try
- rslt := TUFillCRTblDesc(BDEUtil.vhTSes, @TblDesc, PChar(szTable), nil);
- if rslt = DBIERR_NONE then begin
- Backup := 'Backup.Db';
- if TURebuildTable(BDEUtil.vhTSes, PChar(szTable), szPARADOX,
- PChar(Backup), 'KEYVIOL.DB', 'PROBLEM.DB', @TblDesc) = DBIERR_NONE
- then MessageLB.Caption := 'Rebuild was successful.'
- else MessageLB.Caption := 'Rebuild was not successful.';
- end
- else
- MessageDlg('Error Filling table structure', mtError, [mbok], 0);
- finally
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pFldDesc, (iFld * SizeOf(FldDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pIdxDesc, (iIdx * SizeOf(IdxDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pSecDesc, (iSec * SizeOf(SecDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pvchkDesc, (iVal * SizeOf(VCHKDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.printDesc, (iRI * SizeOf(RINTDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pfldOptParams, (iOptP * sizeOf(FLDDesc)));
- FreeMem(TblDesc.pOptData, (iOptD * DBIMAXSCFLDLEN));
- end;
- end;
- finally
- BDEUtil.UnRegisterCallBack;
- end;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.AboutBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- AboutForm.ShowModal;
- end;
- end.