资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: overlay_hires.c 543 2006-01-07 22:06:24Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "../common.h"
- #if defined(TARGET_PALMOS)
- #include "../palmos/pace.h"
- #include <68K/System/PalmDisplayExtent.h>
- static UInt16 DEX = sysInvalidRefNum;
- #endif
- #undef CPU_TYPE
- #define CPU_TYPE CPU_68K
- #include "RotationMgrLib.h"
- static UInt16 RotM = sysInvalidRefNum;
- typedef struct xscaledesc
- {
- uint32_t Next;
- uint32_t Base;
- uint32_t Id;
- uint32_t Cmd;
- } xscaledesc;
- typedef struct hiresbuffer
- {
- block Buffer;
- uint32_t DescPhy;
- xscaledesc* Desc;
- uint32_t SurfacePhy;
- uint8_t* Surface;
- } hiresbuffer;
- #define MAGIC 0xBABE0000
- #define XSCALE_LCD_BASE 0x44000000
- #define LCCR0 (0x000/4)
- #define LCCR1 (0x004/4)
- #define LCCR2 (0x008/4)
- #define LCCR3 (0x00C/4)
- #define LCCR4 (0x010/4)
- #define LCCR5 (0x014/4)
- #define LCSR0 (0x038/4)
- #define LCSR1 (0x034/4)
- #define FBR0 (0x020/4)
- #define FDADR0 (0x200/4)
- #define FSADR0 (0x204/4)
- #define FIDR0 (0x208/4)
- #define OMAP_LCD_BASE 0xfffec000
- #define OMAP_DMA_BASE 0xfffedb00
- #define OMAP_PAL_SIZE 32
- #define OMAP_CONTROL 0
- #define OMAP_TIMING0 1
- #define OMAP_TIMING1 2
- #define OMAP_TIMING2 3
- #define OMAP_STATUS 4
- #define OMAP_DMA_CONTROL 0
- #define OMAP_DMA_TOP_L 1
- #define OMAP_DMA_TOP_U 2
- #define OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_L 3
- #define OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_U 4
- typedef struct hires hires;
- typedef int (*hiresfunc)(hires* This);
- struct hires
- {
- overlay Overlay;
- bool_t UseLocking;
- bool_t Locked;
- char* Bits;
- int Offset;
- int BufferCount;
- hiresbuffer Buffer[3];
- int Next;
- int PhyWidth;
- int PhyHeight;
- int SurfaceSize;
- int SurfaceOffset;
- int OrigPitch;
- uint32_t OrigPhy;
- uint32_t OrigPhyEnd;
- int Border[4];
- volatile uint32_t* Regs;
- volatile uint16_t* Regs2;
- int Caps;
- int Model;
- bool_t UseBorder;
- bool_t TripleBuffer;
- bool_t LowLevelFailed;
- hiresfunc LowLevelAlloc;
- hiresfunc LowLevelGet;
- hiresfunc LowLevelGetOrig;
- hiresfunc LowLevelSetOrig;
- hiresfunc LowLevelFlip;
- };
- static char* GetBits()
- {
- BitmapType* Bitmap;
- WinHandle Win = WinGetDisplayWindow();
- if (!Win)
- return NULL;
- Bitmap = WinGetBitmap(Win);
- if (!Bitmap)
- return NULL;
- return BmpGetBits(Bitmap);
- }
- static bool_t ProcessRawInfo(video* Video,char* Bits,char* RawBits,int Width,int Height,int Pitch,int* Offset,bool_t MovedSIP)
- {
- int Dir = GetOrientation();
- Video->Pitch = Pitch;
- if (Width > Height) // native landscape device
- // trust GetBits() if it's inside the Raw buffer
- if (Bits >= RawBits && Bits < RawBits + Height*Pitch)
- return 0;
- if (!MovedSIP && Dir==0) // assuming working GetBits() with RotM in native mode
- return 0;
- if (Dir & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&Video->Width,&Video->Height);
- if (Width > Height) // native landscape device
- {
- if ((Dir & DIR_SWAPXY)==0 ? GetHandedness() : (Dir & DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT)!=0)
- *Offset = (Width-Video->Width)*(Video->Pixel.BitCount >> 3);
- }
- else
- {
- // native portrait device
- if ((Dir & DIR_SWAPXY) && MovedSIP) // don't adjust for RotM (SIP stays on native bottom)
- {
- // assuming taskbar and SIP is in the upper part of the screen in landscape mode
- if (Height > 320+32 && Video->Height <= 320+32 && DIASupported() && !DIAGet(DIA_SIP))
- Height = 320+32; // closed slider on Tungsten T3
- *Offset = (Height-Video->Height)*Pitch;
- }
- }
- Video->Direction = Dir;
- return 1;
- }
- char* QueryScreen(video* Video,int* Offset,int* Mode)
- {
- char* Bits = GetBits();
- QueryDesktop(Video);
- *Offset = 0;
- if (Mode) *Mode = 0;
- if (DEX != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- UInt16 Pitch;
- Coord Width,Height;
- char* RawBits = DexGetDisplayAddress(DEX);
- if (RawBits)
- {
- DexGetDisplayDimensions(DEX,&Width,&Height,&Pitch);
- if (ProcessRawInfo(Video,Bits,RawBits,Width,Height,Pitch,Offset,1))
- {
- if (Mode) *Mode = 1;
- return RawBits;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (RotM != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- UInt32 RawBits;
- UInt32 Width,Height,Pitch;
- if (RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayAddress,&RawBits)==errNone && RawBits &&
- RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayWidth,&Width)==errNone &&
- RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayHeight,&Height)==errNone &&
- RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayRowBytes,&Pitch)==errNone &&
- ProcessRawInfo(Video,Bits,(char*)RawBits,Width,Height,Pitch,Offset,0))
- {
- if (Mode) *Mode = 2;
- return (char*)RawBits;
- }
- }
- if (Video->Pitch < Video->Width*(Video->Pixel.BitCount/8))
- return NULL;
- return Bits;
- }
- static int BufferFree(hires* p)
- {
- int n;
- for (n=0;n<p->BufferCount;++n)
- FreeBlock(&p->Buffer[n].Buffer);
- p->BufferCount = 0;
- memset(&p->Buffer,0,sizeof(p->Buffer));
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Init(hires* p)
- {
- int Mode;
- p->UseLocking = 0;
- {
- int Dir = GetOrientation();
- if (Dir & DIR_SWAPXY)
- {
- p->Overlay.SetFX |= BLITFX_VMEMUPDOWN;
- }
- }
- p->Bits = QueryScreen(&p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video,&p->Offset,&Mode);
- if (!p->Bits)
- if (!Mode)
- p->Bits = NULL; // use GetBits() during Lock()
- p->OrigPitch = p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch;
- p->Next = 0;
- p->LowLevelFailed = 0;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void Hide(hires* p)
- {
- if (p->Overlay.Overlay)
- {
- p->LowLevelSetOrig(p);
- p->Overlay.Overlay = 0;
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch = p->OrigPitch;
- }
- }
- static void Done(hires* p)
- {
- Hide(p);
- BufferFree(p);
- }
- static int UpdateAlloc(hires* p)
- {
- int MaxCount = 1;
- if (p->TripleBuffer)
- MaxCount = 3;
- if (p->UseBorder)
- {
- p->SurfaceSize = (p->PhyWidth+p->Border[0]+p->Border[1])*(p->PhyHeight+p->Border[2]+p->Border[3])*2;
- p->SurfaceOffset = ((p->PhyWidth+p->Border[0]+p->Border[1])*p->Border[2]+p->Border[0])*2;
- }
- else
- {
- p->SurfaceSize = p->PhyWidth*p->PhyHeight*2;
- p->SurfaceOffset = 0;
- }
- while (p->BufferCount<MaxCount)
- if (p->LowLevelAlloc(p) == ERR_NONE)
- ++p->BufferCount;
- else
- break;
- if (p->BufferCount==2)
- {
- FreeBlock(&p->Buffer[1].Buffer);
- --p->BufferCount;
- }
- if (!p->BufferCount)
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Update(hires* p)
- {
- if (p->Overlay.FullScreenViewport && (p->UseBorder || p->TripleBuffer) &&
- !p->LowLevelFailed && (p->Overlay.Overlay || (p->LowLevelGetOrig && p->LowLevelGetOrig(p)==ERR_NONE)))
- {
- p->Overlay.Overlay = 1;
- if (UpdateAlloc(p)!=ERR_NONE || (p->BufferCount<3 && !p->UseBorder))
- {
- Hide(p);
- p->LowLevelFailed = 1;
- BufferFree(p);
- }
- else
- {
- int n;
- for (n=0;n<p->BufferCount;++n)
- memset(p->Buffer[n].Surface,0,p->SurfaceSize);
- }
- }
- else
- Hide(p);
- p->Overlay.DoPowerOff = p->Overlay.Overlay;
- return OverlayUpdateAlign(&p->Overlay);
- }
- static int Show(hires* p)
- {
- if (!p->Overlay.Show && p->Overlay.Overlay)
- {
- p->LowLevelSetOrig(p);
- p->Next = 0;
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Reset(hires* p)
- {
- int Pitch = p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch;
- Init(p);
- if (p->Overlay.Overlay)
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch = Pitch;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Lock(hires* p, planes Planes, bool_t OnlyAligned)
- {
- if (p->Overlay.Overlay)
- {
- int Next = p->Next+1;
- if (Next == p->BufferCount)
- Next = 0;
- // use new buffer only if it's not the current
- if (p->LowLevelGet(p) != Next)
- p->Next = Next;
- Planes[0] = p->Buffer[p->Next].Surface + p->SurfaceOffset;
- }
- else
- if (p->UseLocking && p->Overlay.CurrTime>=0 && // don't use locking with benchmark
- (Planes[0] = WinScreenLock(p->Overlay.Dirty?winLockCopy:winLockDontCare)) != NULL)
- p->Locked = 1;
- else
- if (p->Bits)
- Planes[0] = p->Bits + p->Offset;
- else
- {
- char* Bits = GetBits();
- if (!Bits)
- Planes[0] = Bits;
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Unlock(hires* p)
- {
- if (p->Overlay.Overlay)
- return p->LowLevelFlip(p);
- else
- if (p->Locked)
- WinScreenUnlock();
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static int XScaleGetOrig(hires* p)
- {
- int ReTry = 0;
- do
- {
- ThreadSleep(2);
- if (++ReTry == 5) return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- }
- while (!(p->Regs[LCCR0] & 1)); // again if lcd disabled
- p->PhyWidth = (p->Regs[LCCR1] & 0x3FF)+1;
- p->PhyHeight = (p->Regs[LCCR2] & 0x3FF)+1;
- if (p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Width > p->PhyWidth ||
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Height > p->PhyHeight)
- return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // this shouldn't happen
- p->OrigPhy = p->Regs[FDADR0];
- if (!p->OrigPhy)
- return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // this shouldn't happen
- // assuming physical direction and size is already correct
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch = p->PhyWidth*2;
- if (p->UseBorder)
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch += (p->Border[0]+p->Border[1])*2;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int XScaleAlloc(hires* p)
- {
- hiresbuffer* Buffer = p->Buffer+p->BufferCount;
- if (!AllocBlock(16+sizeof(xscaledesc)+256+p->SurfaceSize,&Buffer->Buffer,0,HEAP_ANYWR))
- Buffer->Desc = (xscaledesc*)ALIGN16((uintptr_t)Buffer->Buffer.Ptr);
- Buffer->DescPhy = MemVirtToPhy(Buffer->Desc);
- if (!Buffer->DescPhy)
- {
- FreeBlock(&Buffer->Buffer);
- }
- Buffer->Surface = (uint8_t*)Buffer->Desc+sizeof(xscaledesc)+256;
- Buffer->SurfacePhy = Buffer->DescPhy+sizeof(xscaledesc)+256;
- Buffer->Desc->Base = Buffer->SurfacePhy;
- Buffer->Desc->Id = MAGIC|(p->BufferCount << 4);
- Buffer->Desc->Next = Buffer->DescPhy;
- Buffer->Desc->Cmd = p->SurfaceSize | (1<<21);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int XScaleGet(hires* p)
- {
- int Id = p->Regs[FIDR0] & ~15;
- uint32_t Phy = p->Regs[FDADR0] & ~15;
- if ((Id & 0xFFFF0000) == MAGIC)
- return (Id >> 4) & 0xFF;
- if (Phy == p->OrigPhy || Phy == p->OrigPhy+sizeof(xscaledesc))
- return -1;
- p->OrigPhy = Phy; // changed...
- return -1;
- }
- static void XScaleQuickDisable(hires* p)
- {
- int n = p->Regs[LCCR0];
- n &= ~(1<<10); //DIS
- n &= ~1; //ENB
- p->Regs[LCCR0] = n;
- ThreadSleep(1);
- }
- static void XScaleDisable(hires* p)
- {
- int i;
- int n = p->Regs[LCCR0];
- if (n & 1)
- {
- n |= 1<<10; //DIS
- p->Regs[LCCR0] = n;
- for (i=0;i<30;++i)
- {
- if (!(p->Regs[LCCR0] & 1))
- break;
- ThreadSleep(1);
- }
- if (i==30)
- XScaleQuickDisable(p);
- }
- }
- static void XScaleEnable(hires* p,uint32_t Phy)
- {
- int n = p->Regs[LCCR0];
- n &= ~(1<<10); //DIS
- n |= 1; //EN;
- p->Regs[FBR0] = 0;
- p->Regs[FDADR0] = Phy;
- p->Regs[LCCR0] = n;
- ThreadSleep(1);
- }
- static NOINLINE bool_t TimeAdjust(volatile uint32_t* p,int x,int left,int right,bool_t UseBorder)
- {
- int o1,o2;
- uint32_t n;
- uint32_t v = *p;
- if (UseBorder)
- x += left+right;
- --x;
- n = v & 0x3FF;
- if ((int)n == x)
- return 0;
- v &= ~0x3FF;
- v |= x;
- x -= n;
- if (x>=left)
- o1 = left;
- else
- if (x<=-left)
- o1 = -left;
- else
- o1 = x >> 1;
- o2 = x - o1;
- n = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
- v &= ~0xFF0000;
- v |= (n-o2) << 16;
- n = (v >> 24) & 0xFF;
- v &= ~0xFF000000;
- v |= (n-o1) << 24;
- *p = v;
- return 1;
- }
- static NOINLINE bool_t Adjust(hires* p,volatile uint32_t* p1,volatile uint32_t* p2,bool_t UseBorder)
- {
- bool_t Changed;
- Changed = TimeAdjust(p1,p->PhyWidth,p->Border[0],p->Border[1],UseBorder);
- Changed = TimeAdjust(p2,p->PhyHeight,p->Border[2],p->Border[3],UseBorder) || Changed;
- return Changed;
- }
- static void XScaleChange(hires* p,uint32_t Phy,bool_t UseBorder)
- {
- XScaleDisable(p);
- if (Adjust(p,&p->Regs[LCCR1],&p->Regs[LCCR2],UseBorder))
- {
- // PXA270 bug. need to enable/disable twice
- XScaleEnable(p,Phy);
- XScaleDisable(p);
- }
- XScaleEnable(p,Phy);
- }
- static int XScaleSetOrig(hires* p)
- {
- if (XScaleGet(p)>=0)
- XScaleChange(p,p->OrigPhy,0);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int XScaleFlip(hires* p)
- {
- uint32_t DescPhy = p->Buffer[p->Next].DescPhy;
- p->Buffer[p->Next].Desc->Next = DescPhy; // close chain
- if (!(p->Regs[LCCR0] & 1)) // is lcd enabled?
- if (XScaleGet(p)<0)
- XScaleChange(p,DescPhy,p->UseBorder);
- else
- {
- // modify last frames tail to new frame
- int Current = p->Next-1;
- if (Current<0)
- Current = p->BufferCount-1;
- p->Buffer[Current].Desc->Next = DescPhy;
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static int OMAPGetOrig(hires* p)
- {
- int ReTry = 0;
- do
- {
- ThreadSleep(1);
- if (++ReTry == 5) return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- }
- while (!(p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL] & 1)); // again if lcd disabled
- p->PhyWidth = (p->Regs[OMAP_TIMING0] & 0x3FF)+1;
- p->PhyHeight = (p->Regs[OMAP_TIMING1] & 0x3FF)+1;
- if (p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Width > p->PhyWidth ||
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Height > p->PhyHeight)
- return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // this shouldn't happen
- p->OrigPhy = (p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_U] << 16) | p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_L];
- p->OrigPhyEnd = (p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_U] << 16) | p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_L];
- if (!p->OrigPhy)
- return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // this shouldn't happen
- // assuming physical direction and size is already correct
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch = p->PhyWidth*2;
- if (p->UseBorder)
- p->Overlay.Output.Format.Video.Pitch += (p->Border[0]+p->Border[1])*2;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int OMAPAlloc(hires* p)
- {
- hiresbuffer* Buffer = p->Buffer+p->BufferCount;
- if (!AllocBlock(p->SurfaceSize+16+OMAP_PAL_SIZE,&Buffer->Buffer,0,HEAP_ANYWR))
- Buffer->Surface = (uint8_t*)ALIGN16((uintptr_t)Buffer->Buffer.Ptr)+OMAP_PAL_SIZE;
- memset(Buffer->Surface-OMAP_PAL_SIZE,0,OMAP_PAL_SIZE); //clear palette
- Buffer->Surface[-OMAP_PAL_SIZE+1] = 0x40; //set 16bit mode framebuffer
- Buffer->SurfacePhy = MemVirtToPhy(Buffer->Surface);
- if (!Buffer->SurfacePhy)
- {
- FreeBlock(&Buffer->Buffer);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int OMAPGet(hires* p)
- {
- uint32_t Phy = p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_L] | (p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_U] << 16);
- int n;
- for (n=0;n<p->BufferCount;++n)
- if (Phy == p->Buffer[n].SurfacePhy-OMAP_PAL_SIZE)
- return 0;
- p->OrigPhy = Phy;
- return -1;
- }
- static void OMAPDisable(hires* p)
- {
- int i;
- int n = p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL];
- if (n & 1)
- {
- n &= ~1;
- p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL] = n;
- for (i=0;i<50;++i)
- {
- if (p->Regs[OMAP_STATUS] & 1)
- break;
- ThreadSleep(1);
- }
- }
- }
- static void OMAPEnable(hires* p)
- {
- int v = p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL];
- v |= 1;
- p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL] = v;
- ThreadSleep(1);
- }
- static void OMAPChange(hires* p,uint32_t Phy,uint32_t PhyEnd,bool_t UseBorder)
- {
- bool_t Old = (p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL] & 1);
- OMAPDisable(p);
- Adjust(p,&p->Regs[OMAP_TIMING0],&p->Regs[OMAP_TIMING1],UseBorder);
- p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_U] = (uint16_t)(Phy >> 16);
- p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_TOP_L] = (uint16_t)(Phy);
- p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_U] = (uint16_t)(PhyEnd >> 16);
- p->Regs2[OMAP_DMA_BOTTOM_L] = (uint16_t)(PhyEnd);
- if (Old) OMAPEnable(p);
- }
- static int OMAPSetOrig(hires* p)
- {
- if (OMAPGet(p)>=0)
- OMAPChange(p,p->OrigPhy,p->OrigPhyEnd,0);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int OMAPFlip(hires* p)
- {
- if (!(p->Regs[OMAP_CONTROL] & 1)) // is lcd enabled?
- if (OMAPGet(p)<0)
- OMAPChange(p,p->Buffer[0].SurfacePhy-OMAP_PAL_SIZE,p->Buffer[0].SurfacePhy+p->SurfaceSize-2,p->UseBorder);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static const datatable Params[] =
- {
- };
- static int Enum(hires* p, int* No, datadef* Param)
- {
- int Result;
- if (OverlayEnum(&p->Overlay,No,Param)==ERR_NONE)
- return ERR_NONE;
- Result = NodeEnumTable(No,Param,Params);
- if (Result==ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (Param->No == HIRES_TRIPLEBUFFER && (!p->Regs || !(p->Caps & CAPS_ARM_XSCALE)))
- Param->Flags |= DF_HIDDEN;
- if (Param->No == HIRES_USEBORDER && !p->Regs)
- Param->Flags |= DF_HIDDEN;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int Get(hires* p,int No,void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = OverlayGet(&p->Overlay,No,Data,Size);
- switch (No)
- {
- case HIRES_TRIPLEBUFFER: GETVALUE(p->TripleBuffer,bool_t); break;
- case HIRES_USEBORDER: GETVALUE(p->UseBorder,bool_t); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int UpdateLowLevel(hires* p)
- {
- p->LowLevelFailed = 0;
- Hide(p);
- BufferFree(p);
- OverlayUpdateFX(&p->Overlay,1);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Set(hires* p,int No,const void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = OverlaySet(&p->Overlay,No,Data,Size);
- switch (No)
- {
- case HIRES_TRIPLEBUFFER: SETVALUECMP(p->TripleBuffer,bool_t,UpdateLowLevel(p),EqBool); break;
- case HIRES_USEBORDER: SETVALUECMP(p->UseBorder,bool_t,UpdateLowLevel(p),EqBool); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- extern bool_t SwapLandscape;
- static int Create(hires* p)
- {
- p->Overlay.Node.Enum = (nodeenum)Enum;
- p->Overlay.Node.Get = (nodeget)Get;
- p->Overlay.Node.Set = (nodeset)Set;
- p->Overlay.Init = (ovlfunc)Init;
- p->Overlay.Done = (ovldone)Done;
- p->Overlay.Reset = (ovlfunc)Reset;
- p->Overlay.Lock = (ovllock)Lock;
- p->Overlay.Unlock = (ovlfunc)Unlock;
- p->Overlay.UpdateShow = (ovlfunc)Show;
- p->Overlay.Update = (ovlfunc)Update;
- p->Caps = QueryPlatform(PLATFORM_CAPS);
- if (p->Caps & CAPS_ARM_XSCALE)
- {
- p->Regs = (volatile uint32_t*)MemPhyToVirt(XSCALE_LCD_BASE);
- if (p->Regs)
- {
- p->LowLevelGet = XScaleGet;
- p->LowLevelGetOrig = XScaleGetOrig;
- p->LowLevelSetOrig = XScaleSetOrig;
- p->LowLevelFlip = XScaleFlip;
- p->LowLevelAlloc = XScaleAlloc;
- p->Border[0] = 2;
- p->Border[1] = 2;
- p->Border[2] = p->Border[3] = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p->Regs = (volatile uint32_t*)MemPhyToVirt(OMAP_LCD_BASE);
- p->Regs2 = (volatile uint16_t*)MemPhyToVirt(OMAP_DMA_BASE);
- if (!p->Regs || !p->Regs2)
- {
- p->Regs = NULL;
- p->Regs2 = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- p->LowLevelGet = OMAPGet;
- p->LowLevelGetOrig = OMAPGetOrig;
- p->LowLevelSetOrig = OMAPSetOrig;
- p->LowLevelFlip = OMAPFlip;
- p->LowLevelAlloc = OMAPAlloc;
- p->Border[0] = 14; // OMAP width has to be multiple of 16
- p->Border[1] = 2;
- p->Border[2] = p->Border[3] = 2;
- }
- }
- p->Model = QueryPlatform(PLATFORM_MODEL);
- // don't use triple buffering on 320x320 devices by default
- p->TripleBuffer = (Context()->StartUpMemory > 3*1024*1024) &&
- (p->Model==MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T3 ||
- p->Model==MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T5 ||
- p->Model==MODEL_PALM_TX ||
- // only device always supporting borderless mode is LifeDrive (?)
- p->UseBorder =
- p->Model==MODEL_LIFEDRIVE ||
- p->Model==MODEL_PALM_TX;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static const nodedef HIRES =
- {
- sizeof(hires)|CF_GLOBAL|CF_SETTINGS,
- (nodecreate)Create,
- };
- void OverlayHIRES_Init()
- {
- if (SysLibFind(dexLibName, &DEX) == sysErrLibNotFound)
- SysLibLoad(dexLibType, dexLibCreator, &DEX);
- if (DEX != sysInvalidRefNum && SysLibOpen(DEX)!=errNone)
- DEX = sysInvalidRefNum;
- #endif
- if (SysLibFind(kRotationMgrLibName, &RotM) == sysErrLibNotFound)
- SysLibLoad(kRotationMgrLibType, kRotationMgrLibCreator, &RotM);
- if (RotM != sysInvalidRefNum && SysLibOpen(RotM)!=errNone)
- RotM = sysInvalidRefNum;
- if (RotM != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- UInt32 Width,Height;
- if (RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayWidth,&Width)==errNone &&
- RotationMgrAttributeGet(RotM,kRotationMgrAttrDisplayHeight,&Height)==errNone &&
- Width < Height) // native portrait -> landscape modes are swapped by Mobile Stream
- SwapLandscape = 1;
- }
- NodeRegisterClass(&HIRES);
- }
- void OverlayHIRES_Done()
- {
- NodeUnRegisterClass(HIRES_ID);
- if (DEX != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- SysLibClose(DEX);
- DEX = sysInvalidRefNum;
- }
- #endif
- if (RotM != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- SysLibClose(RotM);
- RotM = sysInvalidRefNum;
- }
- }
- #endif