资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: dyncode_arm.c 585 2006-01-16 09:48:55Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "../common.h"
- #include "dyncode.h"
- #if defined(ARM) && defined(CONFIG_DYNCODE)
- void InstInit()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextCond = AL;
- c->NextSet = 0;
- c->NextByte = 0;
- c->NextHalf = 0;
- c->NextSign = 0;
- }
- void InstPost(dyninst* p)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- InstAdd(p,c);
- c->NextCond = AL;
- c->NextSet = 0;
- c->NextByte = 0;
- c->NextHalf = 0;
- c->NextSign = 0;
- }
- void Byte()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextByte = 1;
- c->NextSign = 0;
- }
- void Half()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextHalf = 1;
- c->NextSign = 0;
- }
- void SByte()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextByte = 1;
- c->NextSign = 1;
- }
- void SHalf()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextHalf = 1;
- c->NextSign = 1;
- }
- void C(int i)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextCond = i;
- }
- void S()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- c->NextSet = 1;
- }
- void IPLD(int* Code, reg* Dest)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- switch (*Code)
- {
- case PLD: c->NextCond=15; c->NextByte=1; *Code = LDR; *Dest=PC; break;
- case PLD_PRE: c->NextCond=15; c->NextByte=1; *Code = LDR_PRE; *Dest=PC; break;
- case PLD_POST: c->NextCond=15; c->NextByte=1; *Code = LDR_POST; *Dest=PC; break;
- case PLD_PRESUB: c->NextCond=15; c->NextByte=1; *Code = LDR_PRESUB; *Dest=PC; break;
- case PLD_POSTSUB: c->NextCond=15; c->NextByte=1; *Code = LDR_POSTSUB; *Dest=PC; break;
- }
- }
- #define MODE(x) ((uint32_t)(x) >> 28)
- #define MODEMASK ~0xF0000000
- void I3C(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1, reg Op2,int Const)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (MODE(Code) == 8 && Const>=0 && Const<8)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 12) | ((Op1 & 15) << 16) | ((Op2 & 15) << 0) | (Const << 20),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void I3(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1, reg Op2)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- if (MODE(Code) == 4)
- {
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 0) | ((Op1 & 15) << 12) | ((Op2 & 15) << 16),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- InstPost(p);
- }
- else
- if (MODE(Code) == 7)
- {
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 12) | ((Op1 & 15) << 16) | ((Op2 & 15) << 0),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- InstPost(p);
- }
- else
- I3S(Code,Dest,Op1,Op2,LSL,0);
- }
- void I3S(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1, reg Op2, int ShiftType, int Shift)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (Shift == 0)
- ShiftType = LSL;
- if (ShiftType == LSL && Shift < 0)
- {
- ShiftType = LSR;
- Shift = -Shift;
- }
- if ((ShiftType == LSR || ShiftType == ASR) && Shift < 0)
- {
- ShiftType = LSL;
- Shift = -Shift;
- }
- if (ShiftType == ROR && Shift < 0)
- Shift = Shift & 31;
- if (Shift >= 0 && Shift < 32)
- {
- if (Code >= 0 && Code < 16)
- {
- if (Code == CMP || Code == TST || Code == CMN || Code == TEQ)
- c->NextSet = 1;
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code << 21) | ((c->NextSet?1:0)<<20) |
- ((Op1==NONE?R0:Op1) << 16) | ((Dest==NONE?R0:Dest) << 12) | (Shift << 7) | (ShiftType << 5) | (Op2),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- }
- if (Shift == 0)
- {
- if (Code == MUL && Dest != Op1)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | ((c->NextSet?1:0)<<20) |
- (Dest << 16) | (Op2 << 8) | 0x90 | (Op1),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- }
- if (Code >= QADD && Code <= QDSUB)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) |
- (Dest << 12) | (Op1) | (Op2 << 16) | (0x5 << 4) | (1<<24) | ((Code-QADD)<<21),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- }
- }
- IPLD(&Code,&Dest);
- if (Code == LDR || Code == STR ||
- Code == LDR_PRE || Code == STR_PRE ||
- Code == LDR_POST|| Code == STR_POST ||
- Code == LDR_PRESUB || Code == STR_PRESUB ||
- Code == LDR_POSTSUB || Code == STR_POSTSUB)
- {
- bool_t Pre = (Code != LDR_POST) && (Code != STR_POST) && (Code != LDR_POSTSUB) && (Code != STR_POSTSUB);
- bool_t PreWrite = (Code == LDR_PRE) || (Code == STR_PRE) || (Code == LDR_PRESUB) || (Code == STR_PRESUB);
- bool_t Load = (Code == LDR) || (Code == LDR_PRE) || (Code == LDR_POST) || (Code == LDR_PRESUB) || (Code == LDR_POSTSUB);
- bool_t Unsigned = (Code != LDR_PRESUB) && (Code != STR_PRESUB) && (Code != LDR_POSTSUB) && (Code != STR_POSTSUB);
- if (c->NextHalf || c->NextSign)
- {
- if (Shift==0 && (c->NextHalf || c->NextByte))
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) |
- ((Pre?1:0)<<24) | (Unsigned<<23) |
- ((PreWrite?1:0)<<21) | (Load<<20) | (c->NextSign << 6) | (c->NextHalf << 5) |
- (Op1 << 16) | (Dest << 12) | (9 << 4) | Op2,
- NONE, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- }
- else
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (3 << 25) |
- ((Pre?1:0)<<24) | (Unsigned<<23) | (c->NextByte<<22) |
- ((PreWrite?1:0)<<21) | (Load<<20) |
- (Op1 << 16) | (Dest << 12) | (Shift << 7) | (ShiftType << 5) | Op2,
- NONE, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- if (Load)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- else
- p->RdRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- if (!Pre || PreWrite)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Op1;
- }
- }
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void I4(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1, reg Op2, reg Op3)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (Code == MLA)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (1 << 21) | ((c->NextSet?1:0)<<20) |
- (Dest << 16) | (Op3 << 12) | (Op2 << 8) | 0x90 | (Op1),
- Dest, Op1, Op2, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- if (p) p->RdRegs |= 1 << Op3;
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void IMul(reg Dest, reg Op1, int Mul)
- {
- if (Dest == Op1)
- InstPost(NULL); //assert
- switch (Mul)
- {
- case 0: I2C(MOV,Dest,NONE,0); break;
- case 1: I3(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1); break;
- case 2: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,1); break;
- case 3: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,1); break;
- case 4: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,2); break;
- case 5: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,2); break;
- case 6: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,1); I3S(ADD,Dest,Dest,Dest,LSL,1); break; //2*3
- case 7: I3S(RSB,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,3); break;
- case 8: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,3); break;
- case 9: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,3); break;
- case 10: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,1); I3S(ADD,Dest,Dest,Dest,LSL,2); break; //2*5
- case 11: I3S(RSB,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,3); I3S(ADD,Dest,Dest,Op1,LSL,2); break; //7+4
- case 12: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,1); I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Dest,LSL,2); break; //3*4
- case 13: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,3); I3S(ADD,Dest,Dest,Op1,LSL,2); break; //9+4
- case 14: I3S(RSB,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,3); I3(ADD,Dest,Dest,Dest); break; //7*2
- case 15: I3S(RSB,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,4); break;
- case 16: I3S(MOV,Dest,NONE,Op1,LSL,4); break;
- case 17: I3S(ADD,Dest,Op1,Op1,LSL,4); break;
- default: I2C(MOV,Dest,NONE,Mul); I3(MUL,Dest,Op1,Dest); break;
- }
- }
- void IConst(reg Dest, int Const)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- int Shift,Code;
- if (Const < 0)
- {
- Code = MVN;
- Const = -Const-1;
- }
- else
- Code = MOV;
- Const = (Const << 8) | ((Const >> 24) & 255);
- for (Shift=8;Shift<=32;Shift+=2)
- {
- if (Const & 0xC0)
- break;
- Const = (Const << 2) | ((Const >> 30) & 3);
- }
- Shift &= 31;
- Const &= 255;
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (1<<25) | (Code << 21) | ((c->NextSet?1:0)<<20) |
- (Dest << 12) | (Shift << 7) | Const,
- Dest, NONE, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void I2(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- if (MODE(Code) == 1)
- {
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 16) | ((Op1 & 15) << 12),
- Dest, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- InstPost(p);
- }
- else
- if (MODE(Code) == 6)
- {
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 12) | ((Op1 & 15) << 16),
- Dest, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- InstPost(p);
- }
- else
- I2C(Code,Dest,Op1,0);
- }
- void I2C(int Code, reg Dest, reg Op1, int Const)
- {
- int Shift;
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (MODE(Code) == 2 && Const>=0 && Const<8)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 16) | ((Op1 & 15) << 12) | (Const << 0),
- Dest, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- }
- if (MODE(Code) == 9 && Const>=0 && Const<256)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 12) | ((Op1 & 15) << 16) | ((Const & 15) << 0) | ((Const & 0xF0) << 16),
- Dest, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- }
- if (MODE(Code) == 15)
- {
- if (Const<0)
- {
- Code ^= (1<<23);
- Const = -Const;
- }
- if (Code & 256) // dword or qword
- {
- if (Const & 3)
- Const = -1;
- else
- Const >>= 2;
- }
- if (Const>=0 && Const<256)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | ((Dest & 15) << 12) | ((Op1 & 15) << 16) | (Const << 0),
- NONE, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (Code & (1<<20))
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- else
- p->RdRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- if (!(Code & (1<<24)) || (Code & (1<<21)))
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Op1;
- }
- }
- if (Code >= 0 && Code < 16)
- {
- if (Code == MOV && Const < 0)
- {
- Code = MVN;
- Const = -Const-1;
- }
- else
- if (Code == ADD && Const < 0)
- {
- Code = SUB;
- Const = -Const;
- }
- else
- if (Code == SUB && Const < 0)
- {
- Code = ADD;
- Const = -Const;
- }
- if (Code == CMP || Code == TST || Code == CMN || Code == TEQ)
- c->NextSet = 1;
- for (Shift = 0;Shift<32;Shift+=2)
- {
- if (Const >= 0 && Const <= 255)
- break;
- Const = (Const << 2) | ((Const >> 30) & 3);
- }
- if (Const >= 0 && Const <= 255)
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (1<<25) | (Code << 21) | ((c->NextSet?1:0)<<20) |
- ((Op1==NONE?R0:Op1) << 16) | ((Dest==NONE?R0:Dest) << 12) | (Shift << 7) | Const,
- Dest, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, c->NextSet?1:0);
- }
- IPLD(&Code,&Dest);
- if (Code == LDR || Code == STR ||
- Code == LDR_PRE || Code == STR_PRE ||
- Code == LDR_POST|| Code == STR_POST ||
- Code == LDR_PRESUB || Code == STR_PRESUB ||
- Code == LDR_POSTSUB || Code == STR_POSTSUB)
- {
- bool_t Pre = (Code != LDR_POST) && (Code != STR_POST) && (Code != LDR_POSTSUB) && (Code != STR_POSTSUB);
- bool_t PreWrite = (Code == LDR_PRE) || (Code == STR_PRE) || (Code == LDR_PRESUB) || (Code == STR_PRESUB);
- bool_t Load = (Code == LDR) || (Code == LDR_PRE) || (Code == LDR_POST) || (Code == LDR_PRESUB) || (Code == LDR_POSTSUB);
- bool_t Unsigned = (Code != LDR_PRESUB) && (Code != STR_PRESUB) && (Code != LDR_POSTSUB) && (Code != STR_POSTSUB);
- if (Const == 0)
- {
- Pre = 1;
- PreWrite = 0;
- }
- if (Const < 0)
- {
- Const = -Const;
- Unsigned = !Unsigned;
- }
- if (c->NextHalf || c->NextSign)
- {
- if (Const >= 0 && Const < 256 && (c->NextHalf || c->NextByte))
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) |
- ((Pre?1:0)<<24) | (Unsigned<<23) | (1 << 22) |
- ((PreWrite?1:0)<<21) | (Load<<20) | (c->NextSign << 6) | (c->NextHalf << 5) |
- (Op1 << 16) | (Dest << 12) | ((Const >> 4) << 8) | (9 << 4) | (Const & 15),
- NONE, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- }
- else
- if (Const >= 0 && Const < 4096)
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (1 << 26) |
- ((Pre?1:0)<<24) | (Unsigned<<23) | (c->NextByte<<22) |
- ((PreWrite?1:0)<<21) | (Load<<20) |
- (Op1 << 16) | (Dest << 12) | Const,
- NONE, Op1, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- if (Load)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- else
- p->RdRegs |= 1 << Dest;
- if (!Pre || PreWrite)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << Op1;
- }
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void I1P(int Code, reg Dest, dyninst* Block, int Ofs)
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (MODE(Code)==15)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (Code & MODEMASK) | (PC << 16) | ((Dest & 15) << 12),
- Dest, PC, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- p->Tag = Ofs;
- p->ReAlloc = Block;
- }
- }
- if (Code == LDR || Code == STR)
- {
- int Load = (Code == LDR);
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (1 << 26) |
- (1<<24) | (c->NextByte<<22) | (Load<<20) |
- (PC << 16) | (Dest << 12),
- Dest, PC, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- p->Tag = Ofs;
- p->ReAlloc = Block;
- }
- }
- else
- if (Code == MOV) // ADD|SUB,Dst,R15,Ofs
- {
- p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) |
- (1<<25) | (PC << 16) | (Dest << 12),
- Dest, PC, NONE, (c->NextCond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- p->Tag = Ofs;
- p->ReAlloc = Block;
- }
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void I0P(int Code, int Cond, dyninst* Target)
- {
- dyninst* p = NULL;
- if (Code == B || Code == BL)
- {
- p = InstCreate32((Cond << 28) | (5 << 25) | ((Code == BL?1:0)<<24),
- PC, NONE, NONE, (Cond != AL)?1:0, 0);
- if (p)
- {
- if (Code == BL)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << LR;
- p->ReAlloc = Target;
- p->Branch = 1;
- }
- }
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void Break()
- {
- context* c = Context();
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32((c->NextCond << 28) | (15 << 24),NONE,NONE,NONE,0,0);
- if (p)
- p->Branch = 1;
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void CodeBegin()
- {
- int i;
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32(0xE92D5FF0,SP,NONE,NONE,0,0);
- if (p)
- for (i=4;i<16;++i)
- p->RdRegs |= 1 << i;
- InstPost(p);
- }
- void CodeEnd()
- {
- int i;
- dyninst* p = InstCreate32(0xE8BD9FF0,SP,NONE,NONE,0,0);
- if (p)
- for (i=4;i<16;++i)
- p->WrRegs |= 1 << i;
- InstPost(p);
- }
- bool_t InstReAlloc(dyninst* p,dyninst* ReAlloc)
- {
- int Diff = ReAlloc->Address - (p->Address+8);
- int* Code = (int*) InstCode(p);
- if (((*Code >> 25) & 7) == 6) //wldr,wstr
- {
- int Ofs = Diff + p->Tag;
- int OfsUnsigned = 1;
- if (Ofs < 0)
- {
- Ofs = -Ofs;
- OfsUnsigned = 0;
- }
- if (*Code & 256)
- {
- if (Ofs & 3)
- Ofs = 256;
- else
- Ofs >>= 2;
- }
- if (Ofs < 256)
- {
- *Code &= ~(1<<23);
- *Code |= OfsUnsigned<<23;
- *Code &= ~255;
- *Code |= Ofs;
- return 1;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG1(-1,T("Realloc failed for wldr,wstr %d"),Ofs);
- }
- else
- if (((*Code >> 25) & 7) == 5) //branch
- {
- *Code &= 0xFF000000;
- *Code |= (Diff >> 2) & ~0xFF000000;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- if (((*Code >> 25) & 7) == 1) //add dest,pc,#const
- {
- int Shift;
- int Ofs = Diff + p->Tag;
- *Code &= ~((15 << 21)|4095);
- if (Ofs < 0)
- {
- Ofs = -Ofs;
- *Code |= (SUB << 21);
- }
- else
- *Code |= (ADD << 21);
- for (Shift = 0;Shift<32;Shift+=2)
- {
- if (Ofs >= 0 && Ofs <= 255)
- break;
- Ofs = (Ofs << 2) | ((Ofs >> 30) & 3);
- }
- if (Ofs >= 0 && Ofs <= 255)
- {
- *Code |= (Shift << 7) | Ofs;
- return 1;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG1(-1,T("Realloc failed for add dest,pc,#const %d"),Ofs);
- }
- else
- if (((*Code >> 25) & 7) == 2) //ldr,str
- {
- int Ofs = Diff + p->Tag;
- int OfsUnsigned = 1;
- if (Ofs < 0)
- {
- Ofs = -Ofs;
- OfsUnsigned = 0;
- }
- if (Ofs < 4096)
- {
- *Code &= ~(1<<23);
- *Code |= OfsUnsigned<<23;
- *Code &= ~4095;
- *Code |= Ofs;
- return 1;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG1(-1,T("Realloc failed for ldr,str %d"),Ofs);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif