资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: waveout_win32.c 543 2006-01-07 22:06:24Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "../common.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #if defined(TARGET_WIN32) || defined(TARGET_WINCE)
- #ifndef STRICT
- #define STRICT
- #endif
- #include <windows.h>
- #define BENCH_SIZE 32
- struct waveout;
- typedef struct wavebuffer
- {
- planes Planes;
- struct wavebuffer* Next; //next in chain
- struct wavebuffer* GlobalNext;
- tick_t RefTime;
- tick_t EstRefTime;
- int Bytes;
- block Block;
- } wavebuffer;
- typedef struct waveout
- {
- node Node;
- node Timer;
- pin Pin;
- packetformat Input;
- packetformat Output;
- packetprocess Process;
- wavebuffer* Buffers; // global chain
- wavebuffer* FreeFirst;
- wavebuffer* FreeLast;
- int BufferLength; // one buffer length (waveout format)
- tick_t BufferScaledTime; // scaled time of one waveout buffer (BufferLength)
- int BufferScaledAdjust; // waveout bytes to scaled time convert (12bit fixed point)
- int Total; // source format
- int Dropped; // dropped packets
- int Bytes; // output format
- int FillPos;
- int Skip;
- wavebuffer* FillFirst;
- wavebuffer* FillLast;
- wavebuffer** Pausing;
- tick_t FillLastTime;
- HWAVEOUT Handle;
- void* PCM;
- int PCMSpeed;
- int BufferLimit;
- int BufferLimitFull;
- tick_t Tick;
- int TimeRef;
- LONG Waiting; // number of waiting buffers in WaveOut
- LONG Used; // number of used buffers (waiting or in fill chain)
- bool_t Play;
- fraction Speed;
- fraction SpeedTime;
- int AdjustedRate;
- bool_t Dither;
- bool_t BufferMode;
- int Stereo;
- int Quality;
- bool_t ForcePriority;
- bool_t SoftwareVolume;
- bool_t MonoVol;
- bool_t Mute;
- int PreAmp;
- int VolumeDev; // backup value when mute is turned on
- int VolumeSoft;
- int VolumeSoftLog;
- int VolumeRamp;
- int BenchWait[BENCH_SIZE];
- int BenchSum[BENCH_SIZE];
- int BenchCurrSum;
- int BenchAvg;
- int BenchAdj;
- size_t BenchAvgLimit;
- int BenchSpeedAvg;
- int BenchWaitPos;
- } waveout;
- #define WAVEOUT(p) ((waveout*)((char*)(p)-OFS(waveout,Timer)))
- static void Pause(waveout* p);
- static void Write(waveout* p, tick_t CurrTime);
- static int SetVolumeSoft(waveout* p,int v,bool_t m)
- {
- int OldVolumeSoftLog = p->VolumeSoftLog;
- bool_t OldSkip = p->Mute || p->VolumeSoft==0;
- p->VolumeSoft = v;
- p->Mute = m;
- if (p->SoftwareVolume || p->PreAmp)
- {
- if (p->SoftwareVolume && p->Handle && (p->Mute || p->VolumeSoft==0)!=OldSkip)
- {
- if (!OldSkip)
- Pause(p);
- else
- if (p->Play)
- {
- // adjust tick so packets without RefTime won't mess up timing
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- p->Tick += Scale(GetTimeTick()-p->TimeRef,p->SpeedTime.Num,p->SpeedTime.Den);
- p->TimeRef = GetTimeTick();
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- }
- }
- v += p->PreAmp;
- if (v<-40) v=-40;
- p->VolumeSoftLog = (int)(pow(10,(50+v)/62.3));
- if (p->VolumeSoftLog < 3)
- p->VolumeSoftLog = 3;
- }
- else
- p->VolumeSoftLog = 256;
- if (p->Handle)
- {
- int Adjust = ScaleRound(p->VolumeSoftLog,256,OldVolumeSoftLog);
- if (Adjust != 256)
- {
- wavebuffer* List;
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- for (List=p->Buffers;List;List=List->GlobalNext)
- VolumeMul(Adjust,(void*)List->Block.Ptr,p->BufferLength,&p->Output.Format.Audio);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- }
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int GetVolume(waveout* p)
- {
- if (!p->SoftwareVolume)
- {
- DWORD Value;
- if (waveOutGetVolume(NULL,&Value) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
- {
- if (p->MonoVol)
- {
- Value &= 0xFFFF;
- Value |= Value << 16;
- }
- if (Value)
- p->Mute = 0;
- if (!p->Mute)
- p->VolumeDev = ((LOWORD(Value)+HIWORD(Value)+600)*100) / (0xFFFF*2);
- }
- return p->VolumeDev;
- }
- return p->VolumeSoft;
- }
- static tick_t Time(waveout* p)
- {
- if (p->Speed.Num==0)
- return TIME_BENCH;
- if (p->Play)
- {
- tick_t t;
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- t = p->Tick + Scale(GetTimeTick()-p->TimeRef,p->SpeedTime.Num,p->SpeedTime.Den);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- return t;
- }
- return p->Tick;
- }
- static int TimerGet(void* pt, int No, void* Data, int Size)
- {
- waveout* p = WAVEOUT(pt);
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case TIMER_PLAY: GETVALUE(p->Play,bool_t); break;
- case TIMER_SPEED: GETVALUE(p->Speed,fraction); break;
- case TIMER_TIME: GETVALUE(Time(p),tick_t); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int Get(waveout* p, int No, void* Data, int Size)
- {
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case OUT_INPUT: GETVALUE(p->Pin,pin); break;
- case OUT_INPUT|PIN_FORMAT: GETVALUE(p->Input,packetformat); break;
- case OUT_INPUT|PIN_PROCESS: GETVALUE(p->Process,packetprocess); break;
- case OUT_OUTPUT|PIN_FORMAT: GETVALUE(p->Output,packetformat); break;
- case OUT_TOTAL:GETVALUE(p->Total,int); break;
- case OUT_DROPPED:GETVALUE(p->Dropped,int); break;
- case AOUT_VOLUME: GETVALUE(GetVolume(p),int); break;
- case AOUT_MUTE: GETVALUE(p->Mute,bool_t); break;
- case AOUT_PREAMP: GETVALUE(p->PreAmp,int); break;
- case AOUT_STEREO: GETVALUE(p->Stereo,int); break;
- case AOUT_MODE: GETVALUE(p->BufferMode,bool_t); break;
- case AOUT_QUALITY: GETVALUE(p->Quality,int); break;
- case AOUT_TIMER: GETVALUE(&p->Timer,node*); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static void UpdateBenchAvg(waveout* p)
- {
- int n;
- p->BenchAvg += 4;
- p->BenchAdj = (24*16) / p->BenchAvg;
- p->BenchSpeedAvg = SPEED_ONE/(p->BenchAvg*BENCH_SIZE);
- n = p->Input.Format.Audio.Bits >> 3;
- if (!(p->Input.Format.Audio.Flags & PCM_PLANES))
- n *= p->Input.Format.Audio.Channels;
- n = p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate;
- if (n>0)
- p->BenchAvgLimit = (n * p->BenchAvg) / 160;
- else
- p->BenchAvgLimit = MAX_INT;
- p->BenchCurrSum += 2 * BENCH_SIZE;
- for (n=0;n<BENCH_SIZE;++n)
- {
- p->BenchSum[n] += 2 * BENCH_SIZE;
- p->BenchWait[n] += 2;
- }
- }
- static void ReleaseBuffer(waveout* p,wavebuffer* Buffer,bool_t UpdateTick)
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- if (UpdateTick)
- {
- tick_t Old;
- int Time = GetTimeTick();
- Old = p->Tick + Scale(Time-p->TimeRef,p->SpeedTime.Num,p->SpeedTime.Den);
- if (Buffer->RefTime >= 0)
- p->Tick = Buffer->RefTime + p->BufferScaledTime;
- else
- p->Tick += p->BufferScaledTime;
- p->TimeRef = Time;
- //DEBUG_MSG2(-1,T("WaveOutTime: %d %d"),Old,p->Tick);
- // if difference is little then just adjust (because GetTimeTick() is more linear)
- if (abs(Old - p->Tick) < TICKSPERSEC/2)
- p->Tick = Old + ((p->Tick - Old) >> 2);
- }
- Buffer->Next = NULL;
- if (p->FreeLast)
- p->FreeLast->Next = Buffer;
- else
- p->FreeFirst = Buffer;
- p->FreeLast = Buffer;
- p->Used--;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- }
- static void Reset(waveout* p)
- {
- int n;
- // release buffers already sended to device
- if (p->Handle)
- {
- tick_t OldTick = p->Tick;
- waveOutReset(p->Handle);
- p->Tick = OldTick;
- }
- if (p->FillLast && p->FillLast->RefTime >= 0)
- p->FillLastTime = p->FillLast->RefTime;
- // release fill chain
- while (p->FillFirst)
- {
- wavebuffer* Buffer = p->FillFirst;
- p->FillFirst = Buffer->Next;
- ReleaseBuffer(p,Buffer,0);
- }
- p->FillLast = NULL;
- p->FillPos = p->BufferLength;
- p->Skip = 0;
- p->Bytes = 0;
- p->BufferLimit = p->BufferLimitFull;
- p->BenchAvg = 16-4;
- UpdateBenchAvg(p);
- p->BenchWaitPos = 0;
- p->BenchCurrSum = p->BenchAvg * BENCH_SIZE;
- for (n=0;n<BENCH_SIZE;++n)
- {
- p->BenchSum[n] = p->BenchCurrSum;
- p->BenchWait[n] = p->BenchAvg;
- }
- PCMReset(p->PCM); // init dither and subsample position
- }
- static wavebuffer* GetBuffer(waveout* p)
- {
- wavebuffer* Buffer;
- // try to find a free buffer
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- Buffer = p->FreeFirst;
- if (Buffer)
- {
- p->FreeFirst = Buffer->Next;
- if (Buffer == p->FreeLast)
- p->FreeLast = NULL;
- }
- if (!Buffer)
- {
- block Block;
- if (AllocBlock(p->BufferLength,&Block,p->Used>=20,HEAP_DYNAMIC))
- {
- Buffer = (wavebuffer*)malloc(sizeof(wavebuffer));
- if (!Buffer)
- FreeBlock(&Block);
- }
- if (Buffer)
- {
- Buffer->Block = Block;
- Buffer->Planes[0] = (uint8_t*)Block.Ptr;
- Buffer->Next = NULL;
- memset(&Buffer->Head,0,sizeof(WAVEHDR));
- Buffer->Head.lpData = (char*)Buffer->Block.Ptr;
- Buffer->Head.dwUser = (DWORD)Buffer;
- Buffer->Head.dwBufferLength = p->BufferLength;
- Buffer->Head.dwBytesRecorded = p->BufferLength;
- if (waveOutPrepareHeader(p->Handle, &Buffer->Head, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
- {
- FreeBlock(&Buffer->Block);
- free(Buffer);
- Buffer = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- Buffer->GlobalNext = p->Buffers;
- p->Buffers = Buffer;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p->BufferLimitFull = p->Used;
- if (p->BufferLimit > p->Used)
- p->BufferLimit = p->Used;
- else
- if (p->BufferLimit > 4)
- p->BufferLimit--;
- }
- }
- if (Buffer)
- {
- p->Used++;
- Buffer->RefTime = -1;
- Buffer->Next =NULL;
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- return Buffer;
- }
- static void Write(waveout* p, tick_t CurrTime)
- {
- if (p->Play)
- {
- while (p->FillFirst != p->FillLast)
- {
- wavebuffer* Buffer = p->FillFirst;
- if (!p->Waiting && CurrTime >= 0 && Buffer->EstRefTime >= 0 && Buffer->EstRefTime > CurrTime + SHOWAHEAD)
- break;
- p->FillFirst = Buffer->Next;
- if (p->SoftwareVolume && (p->Mute || p->VolumeSoft==0))
- ReleaseBuffer(p,Buffer,0);
- else
- {
- if (waveOutWrite(p->Handle, &Buffer->Head, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
- ReleaseBuffer(p,Buffer,0);
- else
- InterlockedIncrement(&p->Waiting);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static int Send(waveout* p, const constplanes Planes, int Length, tick_t RefTime, tick_t CurrTime, int Speed)
- {
- wavebuffer* Buffer;
- int DstLength;
- int SrcLength;
- planes DstPlanes;
- constplanes SrcPlanes;
- p->Total += Length;
- SrcPlanes[0] = Planes[0];
- SrcPlanes[1] = Planes[1];
- if (p->Skip > 0)
- {
- SrcLength = min(p->Skip,Length);
- SrcPlanes[0] = (uint8_t*)SrcPlanes[0] + SrcLength;
- SrcPlanes[1] = (uint8_t*)SrcPlanes[1] + SrcLength;
- Length -= SrcLength;
- p->Skip -= SrcLength;
- }
- while (Length > 0)
- {
- if (p->FillPos >= p->BufferLength)
- {
- // allocate new buffer
- Buffer = GetBuffer(p);
- if (!Buffer)
- break;
- if (p->FillLast)
- {
- wavebuffer* Last = p->FillLast;
- if (Last->RefTime>=0)
- p->FillLastTime = Last->EstRefTime = Last->RefTime;
- else
- {
- if (p->FillLastTime>=0)
- p->FillLastTime += p->BufferScaledTime;
- Last->EstRefTime = p->FillLastTime;
- }
- Last->Next = Buffer;
- }
- else
- p->FillFirst = Buffer;
- p->FillLast = Buffer;
- p->FillPos = 0;
- Buffer->Bytes = p->Bytes;
- }
- else
- Buffer = p->FillLast;
- if (RefTime >= 0)
- {
- Buffer->RefTime = RefTime - ((p->FillPos * p->BufferScaledAdjust) >> 12);
- if (Buffer->RefTime < 0)
- Buffer->RefTime = 0;
- }
- SrcLength = Length;
- DstLength = p->BufferLength - p->FillPos;
- DstPlanes[0] = (uint8_t*)Buffer->Block.Ptr + p->FillPos;
- PCMConvert(p->PCM,DstPlanes,SrcPlanes,&DstLength,&SrcLength,Speed,p->VolumeSoftLog);
- if (p->VolumeRamp < RAMPLIMIT)
- p->VolumeRamp = VolumeRamp(p->VolumeRamp,DstPlanes[0],DstLength,&p->Output.Format.Audio);
- p->Bytes += DstLength;
- p->FillPos += DstLength;
- SrcPlanes[0] = (uint8_t*)SrcPlanes[0] + SrcLength;
- SrcPlanes[1] = (uint8_t*)SrcPlanes[1] + SrcLength;
- Length -= SrcLength;
- if (!SrcLength)
- break;
- }
- if (Length && p->Input.Format.Audio.BlockAlign>0)
- p->Skip = p->Input.Format.Audio.BlockAlign - Length % p->Input.Format.Audio.BlockAlign;
- Write(p,CurrTime);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void CALLBACK WaveProc(HWAVEOUT hwo, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwInstance,
- DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2)
- {
- if (uMsg == WOM_DONE)
- {
- wavebuffer* Buffer = (wavebuffer*)(((WAVEHDR*)dwParam1)->dwUser);
- waveout* p = (waveout*)dwInstance;
- if (p->ForcePriority)
- {
- void* Thread = GetCurrentThread();
- if (GetThreadPriority(Thread)!=THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)
- SetThreadPriority(Thread,THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
- }
- if (p->Pausing)
- {
- // add buffer to fill chain
- Buffer->Next = *p->Pausing;
- *p->Pausing = Buffer;
- p->Pausing = &Buffer->Next;
- }
- else
- ReleaseBuffer(p,Buffer,1);
- InterlockedDecrement(&p->Waiting);
- }
- }
- static int UpdatePCM(waveout* p,const audio* InputFormat)
- {
- p->SpeedTime = p->Speed;
- p->SpeedTime.Num *= TICKSPERSEC;
- p->SpeedTime.Den *= GetTimeFreq();
- p->BufferScaledTime = Scale(TICKSPERSEC,p->Speed.Num*p->BufferLength,p->Speed.Den*p->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec);
- if (p->BufferLength)
- p->BufferScaledAdjust = (p->BufferScaledTime*4096) / p->BufferLength;
- else
- p->BufferScaledAdjust = 0;
- if (!p->Speed.Num)
- p->PCMSpeed = SPEED_ONE;
- else
- p->PCMSpeed = Scale(SPEED_ONE,p->Speed.Num,p->Speed.Den);
- p->AdjustedRate = Scale(p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate,p->Speed.Den,p->Speed.Num);
- PCMRelease(p->PCM);
- p->PCM = PCMCreate(&p->Output.Format.Audio,InputFormat,p->Dither,p->SoftwareVolume || p->PreAmp);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int UpdateBufferTime(waveout* p)
- {
- p->BufferLimit = Scale(p->BufferMode?BUFFER_VIDEO:BUFFER_MUSIC,p->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec,p->BufferLength*TICKSPERSEC);
- p->BufferLimitFull = p->BufferLimit;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Process(waveout* p,const packet* Packet,const flowstate* State)
- {
- if (!Packet)
- {
- if (State->DropLevel)
- ++p->Dropped;
- else
- Write(p,State->CurrTime);
- return (p->Waiting<=0 || p->Speed.Num==0) ? ERR_NONE : ERR_BUFFER_FULL;
- }
- if (p->Speed.Num==0) // benchmark mode (auto adjust speed)
- {
- int Pos = p->BenchWaitPos;
- int OldSum;
- int Speed;
- if (p->Play)
- {
- while (Packet->Length > p->BenchAvgLimit)
- UpdateBenchAvg(p);
- p->BenchCurrSum -= p->BenchWait[Pos];
- p->BenchWait[Pos] = (p->Waiting * p->BufferLength) >> 12;
- p->BenchCurrSum += p->BenchWait[Pos];
- OldSum = p->BenchSum[Pos];
- p->BenchSum[Pos] = p->BenchCurrSum;
- if (++Pos == BENCH_SIZE)
- Pos = 0;
- p->BenchWaitPos = Pos;
- if (p->BenchCurrSum < 2*BENCH_SIZE*p->BenchAvg)
- Speed = (p->BenchCurrSum+1) * p->BenchSpeedAvg;
- else
- Speed = 2*SPEED_ONE+(p->BenchCurrSum-2*BENCH_SIZE*p->BenchAvg+1) * 4*p->BenchSpeedAvg;
- Speed -= p->BenchAdj*(p->BenchCurrSum - OldSum);
- if (p->Waiting < 3)
- Speed -= SPEED_ONE/5;
- }
- else
- Speed = SPEED_ONE;
- //DEBUG_MSG3(-1,T("Audio speed:%d length:%d (wait:%d)"),Speed,Packet->Length,p->Waiting);
- return Send(p,Packet->Data,Packet->Length,Packet->RefTime,State->CurrTime,Speed);
- }
- if (State->DropLevel)
- return ERR_NONE;
- if (p->Used >= p->BufferLimit)
- {
- Write(p,State->CurrTime);
- }
- DEBUG_MSG3(DEBUG_AUDIO,T("Waveout reftime:%d used:%d waiting:%d"),Packet->RefTime,p->Used,p->Waiting);
- return Send(p,Packet->Data,Packet->Length,Packet->RefTime,State->CurrTime,p->PCMSpeed);
- }
- static bool_t FreeBuffers(waveout* p);
- static int UpdateInput(waveout* p)
- {
- Reset(p);
- FreeBuffers(p);
- if (p->Handle)
- {
- waveOutClose(p->Handle);
- p->Handle = NULL;
- }
- p->Total = 0;
- p->Dropped = 0;
- p->Process = DummyProcess;
- if (p->Input.Type == PACKET_AUDIO)
- {
- int Try;
- if (p->Input.Format.Audio.Format != AUDIOFMT_PCM)
- {
- PacketFormatClear(&p->Input);
- }
- if (p->Input.Format.Audio.Channels == 0 ||
- p->Input.Format.Audio.SampleRate == 0)
- return ERR_NONE; // probably initialized later
- p->Output.Type = PACKET_AUDIO;
- p->Output.Format.Audio = p->Input.Format.Audio;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Flags = 0;
- p->Dither = 0;
- if (p->Stereo==STEREO_SWAPPED)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Flags |= PCM_SWAPPEDSTEREO;
- else
- if (p->Stereo!=STEREO_NORMAL)
- {
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Channels = 1;
- if (p->Stereo==STEREO_LEFT)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Flags |= PCM_ONLY_LEFT;
- if (p->Stereo==STEREO_RIGHT)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Flags |= PCM_ONLY_RIGHT;
- }
- switch (p->Quality)
- {
- case 0: // low quality for very poor devices
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits = 8;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.FracBits = 7;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Channels = 1;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 22050;
- break;
- case 1: // no dither and only standard samplerate
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits = 16;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.FracBits = 15;
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate >= 44100)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 44100;
- else
- p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 22050;
- break;
- default:
- case 2: // original samplerate
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits = 16;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.FracBits = 15;
- p->Dither = 1;
- break;
- }
- Try = 0;
- do
- {
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits <= 8)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Flags |= PCM_UNSIGNED;
- p->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
- p->Format.nChannels = (WORD)p->Output.Format.Audio.Channels;
- p->Format.nSamplesPerSec = p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate;
- p->Format.wBitsPerSample = (WORD)p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits;
- p->Format.nBlockAlign = (WORD)((p->Format.nChannels * p->Format.wBitsPerSample) >> 3);
- p->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = p->Format.nSamplesPerSec * p->Format.nBlockAlign;
- p->Format.cbSize = 0;
- MMResult = waveOutOpen(&p->Handle, WAVE_MAPPER, &p->Format,(DWORD)WaveProc,
- {
- ++Try;
- if (Try==1)
- {
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate > 35000)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 44100;
- else
- ++Try;
- }
- if (Try==2)
- {
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate != 22050)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 22050;
- else
- ++Try;
- }
- if (Try==3)
- {
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.Channels > 1)
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Channels = 1;
- else
- ++Try;
- }
- if (Try==4)
- {
- if (p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits != 8)
- {
- p->Output.Format.Audio.Bits = 8;
- p->Output.Format.Audio.FracBits = 7;
- }
- else
- ++Try;
- }
- if (Try==5)
- break;
- }
- }
- while (MMResult==WAVERR_BADFORMAT);
- if (p->Handle)
- {
- p->Process = Process;
- p->TimeRef = GetTimeTick();
- p->BufferLength = 4096;
- if (p->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec > 65536)
- p->BufferLength *= 2;
- if (p->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec > 2*65536)
- p->BufferLength *= 2;
- UpdateBufferTime(p);
- p->FillPos = p->BufferLength;
- p->VolumeRamp = 0;
- UpdatePCM(p,&p->Input.Format.Audio);
- Reset(p);
- }
- else
- {
- PacketFormatClear(&p->Input);
- ShowError(p->Node.Class,ERR_ID,ERR_DEVICE_ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- if (p->Input.Type != PACKET_NONE)
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Update(waveout* p)
- {
- wavebuffer *OldFirst;
- wavebuffer *OldLast;
- audio OldFormat;
- wavebuffer* OldBuffers;
- wavebuffer* OldFill;
- int OldFillPos;
- int OldUsed;
- bool_t OldVolume;
- int OldPreAmp;
- wavebuffer *Buffer,*Next;
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- OldVolume = p->SoftwareVolume;
- OldPreAmp = p->PreAmp;
- OldUsed = p->Used;
- OldFirst = p->FreeFirst;
- OldLast = p->FreeLast;
- OldFormat = p->Output.Format.Audio;
- OldFormat.SampleRate = p->AdjustedRate;
- OldFill = p->FillFirst;
- OldFillPos = p->FillPos;
- p->FillFirst = NULL;
- p->FillLast = NULL;
- p->FillPos = p->BufferLength;
- p->FreeFirst = NULL;
- p->FreeLast = NULL;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- Reset(p);
- OldBuffers = p->FreeFirst;
- if (p->FreeLast)
- p->FreeLast->Next = OldFill;
- else
- OldBuffers = OldFill;
- if (OldBuffers)
- p->FillLastTime = OldBuffers->EstRefTime - p->BufferScaledTime;
- p->PreAmp = 0;
- p->SoftwareVolume = 0;
- p->Used = OldUsed;
- p->FreeFirst = OldFirst;
- p->FreeLast = OldLast;
- // setup temporary format
- UpdatePCM(p,&OldFormat);
- for (Buffer=OldBuffers;Buffer;Buffer=Next)
- {
- Next = Buffer->Next;
- Send(p,Buffer->Planes,Next ? p->BufferLength:OldFillPos,Buffer->RefTime,-1,p->PCMSpeed);
- ReleaseBuffer(p,Buffer,0);
- }
- p->SoftwareVolume = OldVolume;
- p->PreAmp = OldPreAmp;
- UpdatePCM(p,&p->Input.Format.Audio);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static bool_t FreeBuffers(waveout* p)
- {
- wavebuffer** Ptr;
- wavebuffer* Buffer;
- bool_t Changed = 0;
- while (p->FreeFirst)
- {
- Buffer = p->FreeFirst;
- p->FreeFirst = Buffer->Next;
- // remove from global chain
- Ptr = &p->Buffers;
- while (*Ptr && *Ptr != Buffer)
- Ptr = &(*Ptr)->GlobalNext;
- if (*Ptr == Buffer)
- *Ptr = Buffer->Next;
- waveOutUnprepareHeader(p->Handle, &Buffer->Head, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
- FreeBlock(&Buffer->Block);
- free(Buffer);
- Changed = 1;
- }
- p->FreeLast = NULL;
- return Changed;
- }
- static int Hibernate(waveout* p,int Mode)
- {
- bool_t Changed = 0;
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- Changed = FreeBuffers(p);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- return Changed ? ERR_NONE : ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
- }
- static void Pause(waveout* p)
- {
- p->Pausing = &p->FillFirst;
- waveOutReset(p->Handle);
- p->Pausing = NULL;
- p->FillLast = p->FillFirst;
- if (p->FillLast)
- while (p->FillLast->Next) p->FillLast = p->FillLast->Next;
- }
- static int UpdatePlay(waveout* p)
- {
- if (p->Play)
- {
- p->TimeRef = GetTimeTick();
- if (p->Handle)
- Write(p,p->Tick);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!p->Waiting)
- p->Tick += Scale(GetTimeTick()-p->TimeRef,p->SpeedTime.Num,p->SpeedTime.Den);
- else
- if (p->Handle)
- Pause(p);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int SetVolumeDev(waveout* p,int v)
- {
- p->VolumeDev = v;
- if (p->Mute)
- waveOutSetVolume(NULL,0);
- else
- waveOutSetVolume(NULL,0x10001 * ((0xFFFF * p->VolumeDev) / 100));
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int TimerSet(void* pt, int No, const void* Data, int Size)
- {
- waveout* p = WAVEOUT(pt);
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case TIMER_PLAY: SETVALUECMP(p->Play,bool_t,UpdatePlay(p),EqBool); break;
- case TIMER_SPEED: SETVALUECMP(p->Speed,fraction,Update(p),EqFrac); break;
- case TIMER_TIME:
- assert(Size == sizeof(tick_t));
- EnterCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- p->Tick = *(tick_t*)Data;
- p->TimeRef = GetTimeTick();
- LeaveCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static void UpdateSoftwareVolume(waveout* p)
- {
- bool_t SoftwareVolume = !QueryAdvanced(ADVANCED_SYSTEMVOLUME);
- if (SoftwareVolume != p->SoftwareVolume)
- {
- p->SoftwareVolume = SoftwareVolume;
- SetVolumeSoft(p,p->VolumeSoft,p->Mute);
- if (p->Handle)
- UpdatePCM(p,&p->Input.Format.Audio);
- }
- }
- static int UpdatePreAmp(waveout* p)
- {
- SetVolumeSoft(p,p->VolumeSoft,p->Mute);
- if (p->Handle)
- UpdatePCM(p,&p->Input.Format.Audio);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Set(waveout* p, int No, const void* Data, int Size)
- {
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- if (PacketFormatSimilarAudio(&p->Input,(const packetformat*)Data))
- {
- PacketFormatCopy(&p->Input,(const packetformat*)Data);
- Result = UpdatePCM(p,&p->Input.Format.Audio);
- }
- else
- SETPACKETFORMATCMP(p->Input,packetformat,UpdateInput(p));
- break;
- case OUT_INPUT: SETVALUE(p->Pin,pin,ERR_NONE); break;
- case OUT_TOTAL: SETVALUE(p->Total,int,ERR_NONE); break;
- case OUT_DROPPED: SETVALUE(p->Dropped,int,ERR_NONE); break;
- assert(Size==sizeof(int));
- UpdateSoftwareVolume(p);
- if (p->SoftwareVolume)
- Result = SetVolumeSoft(p,*(int*)Data,p->Mute);
- else
- Result = SetVolumeDev(p,*(int*)Data);
- break;
- case AOUT_PREAMP: SETVALUECMP(p->PreAmp,int,UpdatePreAmp(p),EqInt); break;
- case AOUT_MUTE:
- assert(Size==sizeof(bool_t));
- UpdateSoftwareVolume(p);
- if (p->SoftwareVolume)
- Result = SetVolumeSoft(p,p->VolumeSoft,*(bool_t*)Data);
- else
- {
- if (!p->Mute) GetVolume(p); // save old volume to p->VolumeDev
- p->Mute = *(bool_t*)Data;
- Result = SetVolumeDev(p,p->VolumeDev);
- }
- break;
- case AOUT_STEREO: SETVALUECMP(p->Stereo,int,UpdateInput(p),EqInt); break;
- case AOUT_QUALITY: SETVALUECMP(p->Quality,int,UpdateInput(p),EqInt); break;
- case AOUT_MODE: SETVALUE(p->BufferMode,bool_t,UpdateBufferTime(p)); break;
- case FLOW_FLUSH:
- Reset(p);
- p->FillLastTime = TIME_UNKNOWN;
- p->VolumeRamp = 0;
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- p->ForcePriority = QueryAdvanced(ADVANCED_WAVEOUTPRIORITY);
- break;
- assert(Size == sizeof(int));
- Result = Hibernate(p,*(int*)Data);
- break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int Create(waveout* p)
- {
- if (waveOutGetNumDevs()==0)
- waveOutGetDevCaps(WAVE_MAPPER,&Caps,sizeof(Caps));
- p->Node.Get = (nodeget)Get;
- p->Node.Set = (nodeset)Set;
- p->Timer.Class = TIMER_CLASS;
- p->Timer.Enum = TimerEnum;
- p->Timer.Get = TimerGet;
- p->Timer.Set = TimerSet;
- p->VolumeDev = 70; //default when device is muted
- p->VolumeSoftLog = 256;
- p->Quality = 2;
- p->Speed.Den = p->Speed.Num = 1;
- p->SpeedTime.Num = TICKSPERSEC;
- p->SpeedTime.Den = GetTimeFreq();
- p->MonoVol = (Caps.dwSupport & WAVECAPS_LRVOLUME) == 0;
- InitializeCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void Delete(waveout* p)
- {
- PacketFormatClear(&p->Input);
- PCMRelease(p->PCM);
- DeleteCriticalSection(&p->Section);
- }
- static const nodedef WaveOut =
- {
- sizeof(waveout)|CF_GLOBAL,
- (nodecreate)Create,
- (nodedelete)Delete,
- };
- void WaveOut_Init()
- {
- NodeRegisterClass(&WaveOut);
- }
- void WaveOut_Done()
- {
- NodeUnRegisterClass(WAVEOUT_ID);
- }
- #endif