资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: platform_palmos.c 615 2006-01-26 16:57:51Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "../common.h"
- #if defined(TARGET_PALMOS)
- #include "pace.h"
- #include "dia.h"
- #define NO_HSEXT_TRAPS
- #include <68K/System/HardwareUtils68K.h>
- #include <Common/System/HsNavCommon.h>
- #include <68K/System/HsExt.h>
- #include <68K/System/PmPalmOSNVFS.h>
- static UInt16 HWU = sysInvalidRefNum;
- static bool_t HSExt54 = 0;
- static bool_t HWUDisplayPower = 1;
- static bool_t HALTreo650 = 0;
- #endif
- static int KeyboardBacklight = 0;
- static bool_t HighDens = 0;
- static bool_t SleepDisable = 0;
- static bool_t SleepCatch = 0;
- static UInt16 SleepSave = 0;
- static bool_t DisplayPowerSupport = 0;
- static bool_t OEMSleep = 0;
- //static uint16_t KeyInitDelay, KeyPeriod, KeyDoubleTapDelay;
- //static Boolean KeyQueueAhead;
- void File_Init();
- void File_Done();
- void FileDb_Init();
- void FileDb_Done();
- void VFS_Init();
- void VFS_Done();
- int DefaultLang()
- {
- return LANG_DEFAULT;
- }
- rgb* Palette = NULL;
- void QueryDesktop(video* p)
- {
- UInt32 v;
- Coord Width;
- Coord Height;
- UInt16 OldCoord = 0;
- memset(p,0,sizeof(video));
- // we need the display window extent and not the physical screen size
- // (WinScreenGetAttribute(winScreenWidth|winScreenHeight) would return always 320x320 on Sony devices)
- if (HighDens)
- OldCoord = WinSetCoordinateSystem(kCoordinatesNative);
- WinGetDisplayExtent(&Width, &Height);
- if (HighDens)
- WinSetCoordinateSystem(OldCoord);
- p->Width = Width;
- p->Height = Height;
- if (!WinScreenGetAttribute(winScreenDepth,&v)) p->Pixel.BitCount = (UInt16)v;
- if (!WinScreenGetAttribute(winScreenRowBytes,&v)) p->Pitch = (UInt16)v;
- if (WinScreenGetAttribute(winScreenPixelFormat,&v))
- {
- if (p->Pixel.BitCount == 16)
- v = pixelFormat565LE;
- if (p->Pixel.BitCount <= 8)
- v = pixelFormatIndexedLE;
- }
- if (v==pixelFormat565LE || v==pixelFormat565)
- DefaultRGB(&p->Pixel,16,5,6,5,0,0,0);
- free(Palette);
- Palette = NULL;
- if (v==pixelFormatIndexed || v==pixelFormatIndexedLE)
- {
- int i,n = 1 << p->Pixel.BitCount;
- p->Pixel.Flags = PF_PALETTE;
- Palette = malloc(sizeof(rgb)*n);
- WinPalette(winPaletteGet,0,(UInt16)n,(RGBColorType*)Palette);
- for (i=0;i<n;++i)
- {
- RGBColorType c = *(RGBColorType*)(Palette+i);
- Palette[i].c.r = c.r;
- Palette[i].c.g = c.g;
- Palette[i].c.b = c.b;
- }
- p->Pixel.Palette = Palette;
- }
- p->Aspect = ASPECT_ONE;
- p->Direction = 0;
- }
- bool_t HaveDPad()
- {
- UInt32 CompanyID;
- FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumOEMCompanyID, &CompanyID);
- return CompanyID != 'sony';
- }
- typedef struct companyname
- {
- uint32_t CompanyID;
- const char* Name;
- } companyname;
- typedef struct devicename
- {
- uint32_t CompanyID;
- uint32_t DeviceID;
- const char* Name;
- int Model;
- } devicename;
- static const companyname CompanyName[] = {
- {'PITC',T("PiTech")},
- {'SONY',T("Sony")},
- {'TPWV',T("Tapwave")},
- {'PALM',T("palmOne")},
- {'HSPR',T("Handspring")},
- {'GRMN',T("Gramin")},
- {0},
- };
- static const devicename DeviceName[] = {
- {'PITC','W300',T(" Qool Labs QDA700"),MODEL_QDA700},
- {'TPWV','Rdog',T(" Zodiac 1/2"),MODEL_ZODIAC},
- {'PSYS',0,T("PalmOS 5 Simulator"),MODEL_PALM_SIMULATOR},
- {'PALM','TunX',T(" LifeDrive"),MODEL_LIFEDRIVE},
- {'PALM','Zi22',T(" Zire 31"),MODEL_ZIRE_31},
- {'PALM','Zpth',T(" Zire 71"),MODEL_ZIRE_71},
- {'PALM','Zi72',T(" Zire 72"),MODEL_ZIRE_72},
- {'PALM','Cct1',T(" Tungsten E"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_E},
- {'PALM','Zir4',T(" Tungsten E2"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_E2},
- {'PALM','Frg1',T(" Tungsten T"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T},
- {'PALM','Frg2',T(" Tungsten T2"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T2},
- {'PALM','Arz1',T(" Tungsten T3"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T3},
- {'PALM','TnT5',T(" Tungsten T5"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_T5},
- {'PALM','MT64',T(" Tungsten C"),MODEL_TUNGSTEN_C},
- {'PALM','D050',T(" TX"),MODEL_PALM_TX},
- {'PALM','D051',T(" Z22"),MODEL_PALM_Z22},
- {'HSPR','H101',T(" Treo 600"),MODEL_TREO_600},
- {'HSPR','H102',T(" Treo 650"),MODEL_TREO_650},
- {'HSPR','H202',T(" Treo 650 Simulator"),MODEL_TREO_650},
- {'GRMN','3600',T(" iQue 3600"),MODEL_IQUE_3600},
- {'SONY','atom',T(" TH55"),MODEL_SONY_TH55},
- {'SONY','amno',T(" UX40"),MODEL_SONY_UX40},
- {'SONY','prmr',T(" UX50"),MODEL_SONY_UX50},
- {'SONY','ancy',T(" VZ90"),MODEL_SONY_VZ90},
- {0},
- };
- void PlatformDetect(platform* p)
- {
- UInt32 DeviceID;
- UInt32 CompanyID;
- UInt32 Version;
- const companyname* CName;
- const devicename* DName;
- FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &Version);
- p->Ver = Version;
- stprintf_s(p->Version,TSIZEOF(p->Version),T("%d.%d.%d"),
- sysGetROMVerMajor(Version),
- sysGetROMVerMinor(Version),
- sysGetROMVerFix(Version));
- p->Type = TYPE_PALMOS;
- p->Model = MODEL_UNKNOWN;
- p->OemInfo[0] = 0;
- FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumOEMCompanyID, &CompanyID);
- FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumOEMDeviceID, &DeviceID);
- CompanyID = UpperFourCC(CompanyID);
- for (CName=CompanyName;CName->CompanyID;++CName)
- if (CName->CompanyID == CompanyID)
- {
- tcscpy_s(p->OemInfo,TSIZEOF(p->OemInfo),CName->Name);
- break;
- }
- if (CompanyID == 'SONY')
- p->Caps |= CAPS_SONY;
- for (DName=DeviceName;DName->CompanyID;++DName)
- if (DName->CompanyID == CompanyID && DName->DeviceID == DeviceID)
- {
- tcscat_s(p->OemInfo,TSIZEOF(p->OemInfo),DName->Name);
- p->Model = DName->Model;
- break;
- }
- if (p->Model == MODEL_ZIRE_31 || p->Model == MODEL_PALM_Z22)
- p->Caps |= CAPS_ONLY12BITRGB;
- }
- void Platform_Init()
- {
- UInt32 Version;
- UInt32 Depth;
- UInt16 card;
- LocalID db;
- int Model;
- // UInt16 InitDelay,Period,DoubleTapDelay;
- // Boolean QueueAhead;
- NodeRegisterClass(&Platform);
- Context()->Platform = NodeEnumObject(NULL,PLATFORM_ID);
- Model = QueryPlatform(PLATFORM_MODEL);
- if (SysCurAppDatabase(&card, &db)==errNone)
- {
- SysNotifyRegister(card, db, sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, 0);
- SysNotifyRegister(card, db, sysNotifySleepRequestEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, 0);
- SysNotifyRegister(card, db, sysNotifySleepNotifyEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, 0);
- SysNotifyRegister(card, db, sysNotifyLateWakeupEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, 0);
- }
- if (SysLibFind(kHWUtilsName, &HWU) == sysErrLibNotFound)
- SysLibLoad(kHWUtilsType, kHWUtilsCreator, &HWU);
- if (HWU != sysInvalidRefNum && SysLibOpen(HWU)!=errNone)
- HWU = sysInvalidRefNum;
- if (HWU != sysInvalidRefNum)
- DisplayPowerSupport = 1;
- HSExt54 = FtrGet( hsFtrCreator, hsFtrIDVersion, &Version)==errNone && Version>=0x05400000;
- #if 0
- // for some reason the player crashes during program exit on Treo650
- if (HSExt54 && Model==MODEL_TREO_650 && !DisplayPowerSupport)
- {
- HALTreo650 = 1;
- DisplayPowerSupport = 1;
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- if (Model==MODEL_ZODIAC)
- {
- OEMSleep = 1;
- DisplayPowerSupport = 1;
- }
- DIA_Init();
- Depth = 16; // set screen mode to 16bit if possible
- WinScreenMode(winScreenModeSet, NULL, NULL, &Depth, NULL);
- HighDens = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumWinVersion, &Version)==errNone && Version>=4;
- // KeyRates(0,&KeyInitDelay,&KeyPeriod,&KeyDoubleTapDelay,&KeyQueueAhead);
- // InitDelay = 100;
- // Period = 50;
- // DoubleTapDelay = 100;
- // QueueAhead = 0;
- // KeyRates(1,&InitDelay,&Period,&DoubleTapDelay,&QueueAhead);
- File_Init();
- FileDb_Init();
- VFS_Init();
- }
- void Log_Done()
- {
- }
- void Platform_Done()
- {
- UInt16 card;
- LocalID db;
- // KeyRates(1,&KeyInitDelay,&KeyPeriod,&KeyDoubleTapDelay,&KeyQueueAhead);
- File_Done();
- FileDb_Done();
- VFS_Done();
- NodeUnRegisterClass(PLATFORM_ID);
- SetDisplayPower(1,0);
- SetKeyboardBacklight(1);
- SleepTimeout(0,0);
- WinScreenMode(winScreenModeSetToDefaults, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- DIA_Done();
- if (HWU != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- SysLibClose(HWU);
- HWU = sysInvalidRefNum;
- }
- #endif
- if (SysCurAppDatabase(&card, &db)==errNone)
- {
- SysNotifyUnregister(card, db, sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority);
- SysNotifyUnregister(card, db, sysNotifySleepRequestEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority);
- SysNotifyUnregister(card, db, sysNotifySleepNotifyEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority);
- SysNotifyUnregister(card, db, sysNotifyLateWakeupEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority);
- }
- free(Palette);
- Palette = NULL;
- }
- int ThreadPriority(void* Thread,int Priority) { return 0; }
- void* ThreadCreate(int(*Start)(void*),void* Parameter,int Quantum) { return NULL; }
- void WaitDisable(bool_t v) {}
- bool_t WaitBegin() { return 0; }
- void WaitEnd() {}
- bool_t GetKeyboardBacklight()
- {
- if (HSExt54)
- return (HsCurrentLightCircumstance() & hsLightCircumstanceKeylightOffFlagBit)==0;
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- static int _SetKeyboardBacklight(bool_t State)
- {
- if (HSExt54 && HsLightCircumstance((Boolean)(State==0),hsLightCircumstanceKeylightOff)==errNone)
- return ERR_NONE;
- #endif
- }
- int SetKeyboardBacklight(bool_t State)
- {
- int Result = ERR_NONE;
- if (!State)
- {
- if (GetKeyboardBacklight())
- {
- Result = _SetKeyboardBacklight(0);
- ++KeyboardBacklight;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (;KeyboardBacklight>0;--KeyboardBacklight)
- Result = _SetKeyboardBacklight(1);
- }
- return Result;
- }
- bool_t GetDisplayPower()
- {
- if (HWU != sysInvalidRefNum)
- {
- static UInt16 HWU2 = sysInvalidRefNum;
- Boolean b = HWUGetDisplayState(HWU);
- // some graffiti utlitize can unload HWUtils
- // (example Graffiti Anywhere on T|T: power off, action,action to turn on)
- if (b!=1 && SysLibFind(kHWUtilsName, &HWU2) == sysErrLibNotFound)
- {
- SysLibLoad(kHWUtilsType, kHWUtilsCreator, &HWU2);
- b = HWUGetDisplayState(HWU);
- }
- if (b && !HWUDisplayPower)
- {
- EvtEnableGraffiti(true);
- HWUBlinkLED(HWU,0);
- }
- HWUDisplayPower = b!=0;
- return HWUDisplayPower;
- }
- if (HALTreo650)
- {
- UInt32 n = 1;
- HsAttrGet(hsAttrDisplayOn,0,&n);
- return n != 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (OEMSleep)
- return (GetOEMSleepMode() & 2) == 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int SetDisplayPower(bool_t State,bool_t Force)
- {
- if (OEMSleep)
- {
- int OldMode = GetOEMSleepMode();
- int NewMode = State?(SleepCatch?1:0):2;
- if ((OldMode & 2) != (NewMode & 2))
- {
- if ((OldMode & 3) && !NewMode)
- EvtResetAutoOffTimer();
- SetOEMSleepMode(NewMode);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- if (!Force && State == GetDisplayPower())
- return ERR_NONE;
- if (HWU != sysInvalidRefNum && HWUEnableDisplay(HWU,(Boolean)State)==errNone)
- {
- if (!State)
- HWUSetBlinkRate(HWU,1000);
- else
- EvtResetAutoOffTimer();
- EvtEnableGraffiti((Boolean)State);
- if (State || QueryAdvanced(ADVANCED_BLINKLED))
- HWUBlinkLED(HWU,(Boolean)(!State));
- HWUDisplayPower = State;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- if (HALTreo650)
- {
- if (!State)
- HALDisplayOff_TREO650();
- else
- HALDisplayWake();
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- #endif
- }
- void LaunchNotify(SysNotifyParamType* Params,bool_t HasFocus)
- {
- DIAResizedNotify(Params);
- if (Params->notifyType == sysNotifyLateWakeupEvent)
- {
- bool_t b = 0;
- node* Player = Context()->Player;
- if (Player)
- Player->Set(Player,PLAYER_POWEROFF,&b,sizeof(b));
- }
- if (Params->notifyType == sysNotifySleepNotifyEvent && !(SleepCatch && OEMSleep))
- {
- bool_t b = 1;
- node* Player = Context()->Player;
- if (Player)
- Player->Set(Player,PLAYER_POWEROFF,&b,sizeof(b));
- }
- /*
- if (Params->notifyType == sysNotifySleepRequestEvent && !OEMSleep && HasFocus &&
- ((SleepEventParamType*)Params->notifyDetailsP)->reason == sysSleepPowerButton && !GetDisplayPower())
- {
- ((SleepEventParamType*)Params->notifyDetailsP)->deferSleep++;
- Params->handled = 1;
- SetDisplayPower(1,0);
- SetKeyboardBacklight(1);
- }
- */
- if (Params->notifyType == sysNotifySleepRequestEvent && SleepCatch && !OEMSleep && HasFocus &&
- ((SleepEventParamType*)Params->notifyDetailsP)->reason == sysSleepAutoOff)
- {
- ((SleepEventParamType*)Params->notifyDetailsP)->deferSleep++;
- Params->handled = 1;
- SetDisplayPower(0,0);
- SetKeyboardBacklight(0);
- }
- if (Params->notifyType == sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent)
- {
- Params->handled |= vfsHandledStartPrc|vfsHandledUIAppSwitch;
- //todo: switch to this volume in open dialog...
- }
- }
- void SleepTimerReset()
- {
- }
- void SleepTimeout(bool_t KeepProcess,bool_t KeepDisplay)
- {
- bool_t Disable;
- if (!DisplayPowerSupport || !KeepProcess)
- KeepDisplay = KeepProcess;
- Disable = KeepProcess && KeepDisplay;
- SleepCatch = KeepProcess && !KeepDisplay;
- if (SleepDisable != Disable)
- {
- SleepDisable = Disable;
- if (Disable)
- {
- SetDisplayPower(1,0);
- SleepSave = SysSetAutoOffTime(0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!SleepCatch)
- {
- EvtResetAutoOffTimer();
- GetDisplayPower(); // update
- }
- SysSetAutoOffTime(SleepSave);
- }
- }
- if (OEMSleep)
- {
- int OldMode = GetOEMSleepMode();
- if (((OldMode & 3)!=0) != SleepCatch)
- {
- if ((OldMode & 3) && !SleepCatch)
- EvtResetAutoOffTimer();
- SetOEMSleepMode(SleepCatch?1:0);
- }
- }
- }
- void _Assert(const char* Exp,const char* File,int Line)
- {
- tchar_t TExp[MAXPATH];
- tchar_t TFile[MAXPATH];
- AsciiToTcs(TExp,TSIZEOF(TExp),File);
- stprintf_s(TFile,TSIZEOF(TFile),T("n%s:%d"),TExp,Line);
- AsciiToTcs(TExp,TSIZEOF(TExp),Exp);
- FrmCustomAlert(WarningOKAlert,TExp,TFile," ");
- }
- void ShowMessage(const tchar_t* Title,const tchar_t* Msg,...)
- {
- tchar_t s[512];
- va_list Args;
- va_start(Args,Msg);
- if (Title)
- {
- tcscpy_s(s,TSIZEOF(s),Title);
- tcscat_s(s,TSIZEOF(s),T(":n"));
- }
- else
- s[0] = 0;
- vstprintf_s(s+tcslen(s),TSIZEOF(s)-tcslen(s), Msg, Args);
- va_end(Args);
- FrmCustomAlert(WarningOKAlert, s, " ", " ");
- }
- void HotKeyToString(tchar_t* Out, size_t OutLen, int HotKey)
- {
- Out[0] = 0;
- if (HotKey)
- {
- bool_t Keep = (HotKey & HOTKEY_KEEP) != 0;
- HotKey &= HOTKEY_MASK;
- stprintf_s(Out,OutLen,T("#%02X"),HotKey);
- if (Keep) tcscat_s(Out,OutLen,T("*"));
- }
- }
- void ThreadSleep(int Time)
- {
- SysTaskDelay(Time);
- }
- int GetTimeFreq()
- {
- return SysTicksPerSecond();
- }
- int GetTimeTick()
- {
- return TimGetTicks();
- }
- void GetTimeCycle(int* p)
- {
- int n=1;
- int j;
- int i = TimGetTicks();
- while ((j = TimGetTicks())==i)
- ++n;
- p[0] = j;
- p[1] = n;
- }
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- static FILE* Debug = NULL;
- #endif
- void DebugMessage(const tchar_t* Msg, ...)
- {
- va_list Args;
- RectangleType r;
- tchar_t s[512];
- va_start(Args,Msg);
- vstprintf_s(s,TSIZEOF(s), Msg, Args);
- va_end(Args);
- r.topLeft.x = 0;
- r.topLeft.y = 0;
- r.extent.x = 160;
- r.extent.y = 15;
- WinEraseRectangle(&r, 0);
- WinDrawChars(s, (Int16)strlen(s), 1, 1);
- #ifdef _WIN32
- if (!Debug) Debug = fopen("\debug.txt","w+");
- tcscat_s(s,TSIZEOF(s),"n");
- OutputDebugString(s);
- fprintf(Debug,"%s",s);
- fflush(Debug);
- #endif
- }
- void* BrushCreate(rgbval_t Color) { return (void*)Color; }
- void BrushDelete(void* Handle) {}
- void WinFill(void* DC,rect* Rect,rect* Exclude,void* Brush)
- {
- uint32_t Color = (uint32_t)Brush;
- RGBColorType c,c0;
- RectangleType r;
- UInt16 OldCoord = 0;
- WinHandle Old = NULL;
- if (DC)
- Old = WinSetDrawWindow(FrmGetWindowHandle((FormType*)DC));
- if (HighDens)
- OldCoord = WinSetCoordinateSystem(kCoordinatesNative);
- c.index = 0;
- c.r = ((rgb*)&Color)->c.r;
- c.g = ((rgb*)&Color)->c.g;
- c.b = ((rgb*)&Color)->c.b;
- WinSetBackColorRGB(&c,&c0);
- r.topLeft.x = (Coord)Rect->x;
- r.topLeft.y = (Coord)Rect->y;
- r.extent.x = (Coord)Rect->Width;
- r.extent.y = (Coord)Rect->Height;
- if (Exclude)
- {
- r.extent.y = (Coord)(Exclude->y - Rect->y);
- if (r.extent.y > 0 && r.extent.x > 0)
- WinEraseRectangle(&r,0);
- r.extent.y = (Coord)(Rect->y + Rect->Height - Exclude->y - Exclude->Height);
- r.topLeft.y = (Coord)(Exclude->y + Exclude->Height);
- if (r.extent.y > 0 && r.extent.x > 0)
- WinEraseRectangle(&r,0);
- r.extent.y = (Coord)Rect->Height;
- r.topLeft.y = (Coord)Rect->y;
- r.extent.x = (Coord)(Exclude->x - Rect->x);
- if (r.extent.x > 0 && r.extent.y > 0)
- WinEraseRectangle(&r,0);
- r.extent.x = (Coord)(Rect->x + Rect->Width - Exclude->x - Exclude->Width);
- r.topLeft.x = (Coord)(Exclude->x + Exclude->Width);
- if (r.extent.x > 0 && r.extent.y > 0)
- WinEraseRectangle(&r,0);
- }
- else
- if (r.extent.x > 0 && r.extent.y > 0)
- WinEraseRectangle(&r,0);
- WinSetBackColorRGB(&c0,&c);
- if (HighDens)
- WinSetCoordinateSystem(OldCoord);
- if (Old)
- WinSetDrawWindow(Old);
- }
- void WinUpdate()
- {
- }
- void WinValidate(const rect* Rect)
- {
- }
- void WinInvalidate(const rect* Rect, bool_t Local)
- {
- }
- void ReleaseModule(void** Module)
- {
- if (*Module)
- *Module = NULL;
- }
- int64_t GetTimeDate()
- {
- DateTimeType Date;
- TimSecondsToDateTime(TimGetSeconds(),&Date);
- return (((Date.hour*100)+Date.minute)*100+Date.second)*1000 +
- (int64_t)(((Date.year*100)+Date.month)* * 1000000000;
- }
- bool_t SaveDocument(const tchar_t* Name, const tchar_t* Text,tchar_t* URL,int URLLen)
- {
- //todo...
- return 0;
- }
- void GetDebugPath(tchar_t* Path, int PathLen, const tchar_t* FileName)
- {
- stprintf_s(Path,PathLen,T("slot1:\%s"),FileName);
- }
- void GetSystemPath(tchar_t* Path, int PathLen, const tchar_t* FileName)
- {
- if (PathLen>0)
- *Path = 0;
- }
- double compability_with_old_aac(int i) { return i; } // needed for defining __floatsidf()
- #endif