资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: overlay.c 551 2006-01-09 11:55:09Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "common.h"
- int OverlayDefaultBlit(overlay* p, const constplanes Data, const constplanes DataLast)
- {
- planes Planes;
- int Result = p->Lock(p,Planes,1);
- if (Result==ERR_NONE)
- {
- BlitImage(p->Soft,Planes,Data,DataLast,p->Output.Format.Video.Pitch,-1);
- p->Unlock(p);
- }
- return Result;
- }
- int OverlayEnum(overlay* p, int* No, datadef* Param)
- {
- return VOutEnum(p,No,Param);
- }
- static int Create(overlay* p)
- {
- p->Node.Enum = (nodeenum)OverlayEnum;
- p->Node.Get = (nodeget)OverlayGet;
- p->Node.Set = (nodeset)OverlaySet;
- p->Blit = (ovlblit)OverlayDefaultBlit;
- p->Update = (ovlfunc)OverlayUpdateAlign;
- p->Caps = -1;
- p->Soft = NULL;
- p->Primary = 1;
- p->Overlay = 0;
- p->DoPowerOff = 0;
- memset(&p->Backup,0,sizeof(idctbackup));
- memset(&p->OrigFX,0,sizeof(blitfx));
- p->OrigFX.ScaleX = SCALE_ONE;
- p->OrigFX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- p->AutoPrerotate = 0;
- p->ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- p->Aspect.Num = 0;
- p->Aspect.Den = 1;
- p->Output.Type = PACKET_VIDEO;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void Delete(overlay* p)
- {
- BlitRelease(p->Soft);
- ReleaseModule(&p->Module);
- }
- void OverlayClearBorder(overlay* p)
- {
- planes Planes;
- p->Dirty = 1;
- if (p->Lock && p->Lock(p,Planes,0) == ERR_NONE)
- {
- uint32_t c = RGBToFormat(CRGB(0,0,0),&p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel);
- rect Viewport;
- VirtToPhy(&p->Viewport,&Viewport,&p->Output.Format.Video);
- FillColor(Planes[0],p->Output.Format.Video.Pitch,Viewport.x,Viewport.y,
- Viewport.Width,p->DstAlignedRect.y-Viewport.y,
- p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount,c);
- FillColor(Planes[0],p->Output.Format.Video.Pitch,Viewport.x,p->DstAlignedRect.y,
- p->DstAlignedRect.x-Viewport.x,p->DstAlignedRect.Height,
- p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount,c);
- FillColor(Planes[0],p->Output.Format.Video.Pitch,p->DstAlignedRect.x+p->DstAlignedRect.Width,p->DstAlignedRect.y,
- (Viewport.x+Viewport.Width)-(p->DstAlignedRect.x+p->DstAlignedRect.Width),p->DstAlignedRect.Height,
- p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount,c);
- FillColor(Planes[0],p->Output.Format.Video.Pitch,Viewport.x,p->DstAlignedRect.y+p->DstAlignedRect.Height,
- Viewport.Width,(Viewport.y+Viewport.Height)-(p->DstAlignedRect.y+p->DstAlignedRect.Height),
- p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount,c);
- p->Unlock(p);
- }
- }
- int OverlayUpdateAlign(overlay* p)
- {
- rect OldGUI = p->GUIAlignedRect;
- rect Old = p->DstAlignedRect;
- DEBUG_MSG4(DEBUG_TEST,T("BLIT Viewport:%d %d %d %d"),p->Viewport.x,p->Viewport.y,p->Viewport.Width,p->Viewport.Height);
- VirtToPhy(&p->Viewport,&p->DstAlignedRect,&p->Output.Format.Video);
- VirtToPhy(NULL,&p->SrcAlignedRect,&p->Input.Format.Video);
- BlitRelease(p->Soft);
- p->Soft = BlitCreate(&p->Output.Format.Video,&p->Input.Format.Video,&p->FX,&p->Caps);
- BlitAlign(p->Soft,&p->DstAlignedRect, &p->SrcAlignedRect);
- PhyToVirt(&p->DstAlignedRect,&p->GUIAlignedRect,&p->Output.Format.Video);
- //DEBUG_MSG4(DEBUG_TEST,T("BLIT DstRect:%d %d %d %d"),p->DstAlignedRect.x,p->DstAlignedRect.y,p->DstAlignedRect.Width,p->DstAlignedRect.Height);
- //DEBUG_MSG4(DEBUG_TEST,T("BLIT SrcRect:%d %d %d %d"),p->SrcAlignedRect.x,p->SrcAlignedRect.y,p->SrcAlignedRect.Width,p->SrcAlignedRect.Height);
- if (!EqRect(&Old,&p->DstAlignedRect) && p->Show && p->Primary)
- {
- WinInvalidate(&OldGUI,0);
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1);
- WinValidate(&p->GUIAlignedRect);
- }
- if (p->Show && (p->FullScreenViewport || !p->Primary))
- OverlayClearBorder(p);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Blit(overlay* p,const packet* Packet,const flowstate* State)
- {
- int Result = ERR_NONE;
- if (Packet)
- {
- if (State->DropLevel)
- {
- ++p->Dropped;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- if (State->CurrTime >= 0)
- {
- if (!p->Play && State->CurrTime == p->LastTime)
- if (Packet->RefTime >= (State->CurrTime + SHOWAHEAD))
- p->LastTime = State->CurrTime;
- }
- else
- p->LastTime = Packet->RefTime;
- p->CurrTime = State->CurrTime;
- if (State->CurrTime != TIME_RESEND)
- ++p->Total;
- if (p->Soft && p->Inited && p->Show && Packet->Data[0])
- {
- const constplanes* LastData = &Packet->LastData;
- if (p->Dirty)
- LastData = NULL;
- /* { static tick_t Last = 0;
- DebugMessage("%d %d",Packet->RefTime,Packet->RefTime-Last);
- Last = Packet->RefTime; } */
- Result = p->Blit(p,Packet->Data,*LastData);
- if (Result == ERR_NONE)
- p->Dirty = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- if (State->DropLevel)
- ++p->Dropped;
- return Result;
- }
- int OverlayGet(overlay* p,int No,void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case OUT_INPUT: GETVALUE(p->Pin,pin); break;
- case OUT_OUTPUT|PIN_FORMAT: GETVALUE(p->Output,packetformat); break;
- case OUT_INPUT|PIN_FORMAT: GETVALUE(p->Input,packetformat); break;
- case OUT_INPUT|PIN_PROCESS: GETVALUE((packetprocess)Blit,packetprocess); break;
- case OUT_TOTAL: GETVALUE(p->Total,int); break;
- case OUT_DROPPED: GETVALUE(p->Dropped,int); break;
- case VOUT_PRIMARY: GETVALUE(p->Primary,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_OVERLAY: GETVALUE(p->Overlay,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_IDCT: GETVALUE(p->AccelIDCT,idct*); break;
- case VOUT_VISIBLE: GETVALUE(p->Visible,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_CLIPPING: GETVALUE(p->Clipping,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_FX: GETVALUE(p->OrigFX,blitfx); break;
- case VOUT_VIEWPORT: GETVALUE(p->Viewport,rect); break;
- case VOUT_FULLSCREEN: GETVALUE(p->FullScreenViewport,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_OUTPUTRECT: GETVALUECOND(p->GUIAlignedRect,rect,!p->Disabled); break;
- case VOUT_AUTOPREROTATE: GETVALUE(p->AutoPrerotate,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_UPDATING: GETVALUE(p->Updating,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_PLAY: GETVALUE(p->Play,bool_t); break;
- case VOUT_CAPS: GETVALUE(p->Caps,int); break;
- case VOUT_COLORKEY: GETVALUECOND(p->ColorKey,rgbval_t,!p->Disabled && p->ColorKey!=RGB_NULL); break;
- case VOUT_ASPECT: GETVALUE(p->Aspect,fraction); break;
- case FLOW_BACKGROUND: GETVALUECOND(p->Background,bool_t,p->DoPowerOff); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static NOINLINE void UpdateInputFormat(overlay* p)
- {
- if (p->Inited && !p->UpdateInputFormat && p->PrefDirection != p->Input.Format.Video.Direction && p->Pin.Node)
- {
- packetformat Format = p->Input;
- if ((p->PrefDirection ^ Format.Format.Video.Direction) & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&Format.Format.Video.Width,&Format.Format.Video.Height);
- Format.Format.Video.Direction = p->PrefDirection;
- p->UpdateInputFormat = 1;
- p->Pin.Node->Set(p->Pin.Node,p->Pin.No|PIN_FORMAT,&Format,sizeof(Format));
- p->UpdateInputFormat = 0;
- }
- }
- int OverlayUpdateFX(overlay* p, bool_t ForceUpdate)
- {
- fraction Aspect = p->Aspect;
- blitfx LastFX = p->FX;
- int Width,Height,ScaleX,ScaleY;
- if (!p->Inited || p->Updating) return ERR_NONE;
- if (Aspect.Num==0) // source
- {
- Aspect.Num = p->Input.Format.Video.Aspect;
- Aspect.Den = ASPECT_ONE;
- if (Aspect.Num == ASPECT_ONE || !Aspect.Num)
- Aspect.Num = DefaultAspect(p->Input.Format.Video.Width,p->Input.Format.Video.Height);
- }
- else
- if (Aspect.Num<0)
- {
- // screen aspect ratio -> pixel aspect ratio
- if (p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY)
- {
- Aspect.Num *= -p->Input.Format.Video.Width;
- Aspect.Den *= p->Input.Format.Video.Height;
- }
- else
- {
- Aspect.Num *= -p->Input.Format.Video.Height;
- Aspect.Den *= p->Input.Format.Video.Width;
- }
- }
- p->FX = p->OrigFX;
- p->FX.Flags |= p->SetFX;
- p->FX.Flags &= ~p->ClearFX;
- p->FX.Direction = CombineDir(p->InputDirection,p->OrigFX.Direction,p->Output.Format.Video.Direction);
- p->PrefDirection = CombineDir(p->FX.Direction,0,p->Input.Format.Video.Direction);
- if (p->OrigFX.ScaleX<=0)
- {
- int v = p->OrigFX.ScaleX;
- Width = p->Viewport.Width;
- Height = p->Viewport.Height;
- if ((p->InputDirection ^ p->OrigFX.Direction) & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&Width,&Height);
- if (p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY)
- {
- ScaleX = Scale(Width,SCALE_ONE,p->Input.Format.Video.Width);
- ScaleY = Scale(Height,SCALE_ONE,Scale(p->Input.Format.Video.Height,Aspect.Num,Aspect.Den));
- }
- else
- {
- ScaleX = Scale(Width,SCALE_ONE,Scale(p->Input.Format.Video.Width,Aspect.Num,Aspect.Den));
- ScaleY = Scale(Height,SCALE_ONE,p->Input.Format.Video.Height);
- }
- if ((p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY) && (v == -1 || v == -2))
- v = -3-v; // swap 'fit width' and 'fit height'
- if (v==-3)
- {
- //todo: fill screen, but always using the fullscreen aspect ratio!
- p->FX.ScaleY = ScaleY;
- p->FX.ScaleX = ScaleX;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((v == -2) || (v!=-1 && v!=-4 && ScaleX>ScaleY) || (v==-4 && ScaleX<ScaleY))
- ScaleX = ScaleY;
- if (v<-4)
- ScaleX = Scale(ScaleX,-v,SCALE_ONE);
- p->FX.ScaleY = ScaleX;
- p->FX.ScaleX = Scale(ScaleX,Aspect.Num,Aspect.Den);
- if (p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&p->FX.ScaleX,&p->FX.ScaleY);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // prefer source horizontal scaling (because of smooth scale option)
- if (p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY)
- p->FX.ScaleY = Scale(p->FX.ScaleY,Aspect.Num,Aspect.Den);
- else
- p->FX.ScaleX = Scale(p->FX.ScaleX,Aspect.Num,Aspect.Den);
- }
- if (p->Output.Format.Video.Pixel.Flags & PF_PIXELDOUBLE)
- {
- p->FX.ScaleX >>= 1;
- p->FX.ScaleY >>= 1;
- }
- if ((p->FX.Flags & BLITFX_ONLYDIFF) && p->FX.ScaleX < (SCALE_ONE*2)/3)
- p->FX.Flags &= ~BLITFX_ONLYDIFF;
- if (p->ForceUpdate)
- {
- p->ForceUpdate = 0;
- ForceUpdate = 1;
- }
- if (ForceUpdate || !EqBlitFX(&p->FX,&LastFX))
- {
- p->Update(p);
- p->Dirty = 1;
- p->LastTime = -1;
- UpdateInputFormat(p);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int UpdateInputDirection(overlay* p,bool_t Update)
- {
- if (p->Inited && !p->Updating)
- {
- p->InputDirection = p->Input.Format.Video.Direction;
- p->PreRotate = 0;
- if (p->AutoPrerotate && !(p->Input.Format.Video.Pixel.Flags & PF_NOPREROTATE))
- {
- rect r;
- PhyToVirt(NULL,&r,&p->Input.Format.Video);
- // portrait?
- if (r.Width < r.Height)
- {
- p->PreRotate = 1;
- if (p->InputDirection & DIR_SWAPXY)
- else
- p->InputDirection ^= DIR_SWAPXY | DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN;
- }
- }
- if (Update)
- OverlayUpdateFX(p,0);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- int OverlayUpdateShow(overlay* p,bool_t Temp)
- {
- bool_t Show = !p->Disabled && p->Visible && (p->ColorKey != RGB_NULL || !p->Clipping || !p->Primary);
- if (!p->Updating && p->Show != Show)
- {
- p->Show = Show;
- p->Dirty = 1;
- p->LastTime = -1;
- if (p->Inited && !Temp)
- {
- if (p->Primary && p->Overlay && p->ColorKey != RGB_NULL && !p->Show)
- {
- // clear colorkey before turning off overlay
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1);
- WinUpdate();
- }
- if (p->UpdateShow)
- p->UpdateShow(p);
- if (p->Primary)
- {
- if (p->Overlay)
- {
- if (p->ColorKey != RGB_NULL && p->Show)
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1);
- }
- else
- if (p->Show)
- {
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1); // redraw border (zoom may have changed)
- WinValidate(&p->GUIAlignedRect);
- }
- else
- {
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,0); // redraw other windows
- WinValidate(&p->Viewport); // own window is fine
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Updating(overlay* p)
- {
- if (!p->Updating)
- {
- UpdateInputDirection(p,0);
- OverlayUpdateFX(p,0);
- OverlayUpdateShow(p,0);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int UpdateInput(overlay* p)
- {
- if (p->Inited)
- {
- if (p->Show)
- {
- bool_t Old = p->Visible;
- p->Visible = 0;
- p->Show = 0;
- if (p->UpdateShow)
- p->UpdateShow(p); // maybe calls OverlayUpdateShow
- p->Visible = Old;
- }
- p->Done(p);
- BlitRelease(p->Soft);
- p->Soft = NULL;
- p->Inited = 0;
- memset(&p->GUIAlignedRect,0,sizeof(rect));
- if (p->Primary)
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1);
- }
- if (!p->TurningOff)
- IDCTRestore(NULL,&p->Backup);
- memset(&p->FX,0,sizeof(blitfx));
- memset(&p->DstAlignedRect,0,sizeof(rect));
- memset(&p->SrcAlignedRect,0,sizeof(rect));
- memset(&p->GUIAlignedRect,0,sizeof(rect));
- p->Total = 0;
- p->Dropped = 0;
- p->Disabled = 0;
- p->Updating = 0;
- p->Show = 0;
- p->Dirty = 1;
- p->LastTime = -1;
- p->ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- if (p->Input.Type == PACKET_VIDEO)
- {
- if (Compressed(&p->Input.Format.Video.Pixel))
- if (p->Input.Format.Video.Width<=0)
- {
- p->Disabled = 1;
- p->Input.Format.Video.Width = 2;
- }
- if (p->Input.Format.Video.Height<=0)
- {
- p->Disabled = 1;
- p->Input.Format.Video.Height = 2;
- }
- if (!p->Background)
- {
- int Result = p->Init(p);
- if (Result != ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (Result == ERR_DEVICE_ERROR)
- ShowError(p->Node.Class,ERR_ID,ERR_DEVICE_ERROR);
- return Result;
- }
- p->Inited = 1;
- p->ForceUpdate = 1;
- UpdateInputDirection(p,0);
- OverlayUpdateFX(p,1);
- OverlayUpdateShow(p,0);
- if (p->Primary && !p->TurningOff)
- WinInvalidate(&p->Viewport,1);
- }
- }
- else
- if (p->Input.Type != PACKET_NONE)
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int UpdateBackground(overlay* p)
- {
- if (p->DoPowerOff)
- {
- p->TurningOff = 1;
- if (p->Background)
- {
- IDCTRestore(NULL,&p->Backup); // free old backup
- if (!p->AccelIDCT || p->AccelIDCT->Get(p->AccelIDCT,IDCT_BACKUP,&p->Backup,sizeof(idctbackup))!=ERR_NONE)
- UpdateInput(p);
- }
- else
- {
- if (p->AccelIDCT && p->Backup.Format.Pixel.Flags)
- {
- p->AccelIDCT->Set(p->AccelIDCT,IDCT_BACKUP,&p->Backup,sizeof(idctbackup));
- p->AccelIDCT->Set(p->AccelIDCT,FLOW_RESEND,NULL,0);
- }
- else
- {
- node* Player = Context()->Player;
- UpdateInput(p);
- if (p->Inited && Player)
- Player->Set(Player,PLAYER_UPDATEVIDEO,NULL,0);
- }
- IDCTRestore(NULL,&p->Backup); // free backup in any case
- }
- p->TurningOff = 0;
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static bool_t PitchChanged(const packetformat* Current, const packetformat* New)
- {
- if (Current && Current->Type == PACKET_VIDEO && New && New->Type == PACKET_VIDEO)
- {
- video Tmp = New->Format.Video;
- Tmp.Pitch = Current->Format.Video.Pitch;
- return EqVideo(&Current->Format.Video,&Tmp);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int OverlaySet(overlay* p,int No,const void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- p->ForceUpdate = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_INPUT: SETVALUE(p->Pin,pin,ERR_NONE); break;
- case OUT_TOTAL: SETVALUE(p->Total,int,ERR_NONE); break;
- case OUT_DROPPED: SETVALUE(p->Dropped,int,ERR_NONE); break;
- if (p->Inited && (
- PitchChanged(&p->Input,(const packetformat*)Data) ||
- PacketFormatRotatedVideo(&p->Input,(const packetformat*)Data,DIR_SWAPXY|DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT|DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN)))
- {
- PacketFormatCopy(&p->Input,(const packetformat*)Data);
- UpdateInputDirection(p,0);
- Result = OverlayUpdateFX(p,1);
- }
- else
- SETPACKETFORMAT(p->Input,packetformat,UpdateInput(p));
- break;
- case FLOW_BACKGROUND: SETVALUECMP(p->Background,bool_t,UpdateBackground(p),EqBool); break;
- case VOUT_PLAY: SETVALUE(p->Play,bool_t,ERR_NONE); break;
- case VOUT_UPDATING: SETVALUECMP(p->Updating,bool_t,Updating(p),EqBool); break;
- case VOUT_CLIPPING: SETVALUE(p->Clipping,bool_t,OverlayUpdateShow(p,0)); break;
- case VOUT_VISIBLE: SETVALUE(p->Visible,bool_t,OverlayUpdateShow(p,0)); break;
- case VOUT_AUTOPREROTATE: SETVALUE(p->AutoPrerotate,bool_t,UpdateInputDirection(p,1)); break;
- case VOUT_ASPECT: SETVALUECMP(p->Aspect,fraction,OverlayUpdateFX(p,0),EqFrac); break;
- case VOUT_FX: SETVALUE(p->OrigFX,blitfx,OverlayUpdateFX(p,0)); break;
- case VOUT_FULLSCREEN: SETVALUECMP(p->FullScreenViewport,bool_t,OverlayUpdateFX(p,0),EqBool); break;
- if (Size == sizeof(rect))
- {
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- if (!EqRect(&p->Viewport,(const rect*)Data))
- {
- p->Viewport = *(const rect*)Data;
- p->ForceUpdate = 1; // when in updating
- OverlayUpdateFX(p,1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case FLOW_FLUSH:
- p->Dirty = 1;
- break;
- case VOUT_RESET:
- if (p->Inited && p->Reset)
- {
- p->Reset(p);
- OverlayUpdateFX(p,1);
- }
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static const nodedef Overlay =
- {
- sizeof(overlay)|CF_ABSTRACT,
- (nodecreate)Create,
- (nodedelete)Delete,
- };
- void Overlay_Init()
- {
- NodeRegisterClass(&Overlay);
- }
- void Overlay_Done()
- {
- NodeUnRegisterClass(OVERLAY_CLASS);
- }