资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /* libxmms-flac - XMMS FLAC input plugin
- * Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Josh Coalson
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <glib.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <xmms/plugin.h>
- #include <xmms/util.h>
- #include <xmms/configfile.h>
- #include <xmms/titlestring.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include <config.h>
- #endif
- #include <langinfo.h>
- #endif
- #include "FLAC/all.h"
- #include "plugin_common/all.h"
- #include "share/grabbag.h"
- #include "share/replaygain_synthesis.h"
- #include "configure.h"
- #include "charset.h"
- #include "http.h"
- #include "tag.h"
- #ifdef min
- #undef min
- #endif
- #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
- /* adjust for compilers that can't understand using LLU suffix for uint64_t literals */
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #define FLAC__U64L(x) x
- #else
- #define FLAC__U64L(x) x##LLU
- #endif
- extern void FLAC_XMMS__file_info_box(char *filename);
- typedef struct {
- FLAC__bool abort_flag;
- FLAC__bool is_playing;
- FLAC__bool eof;
- FLAC__bool play_thread_open; /* if true, is_playing must also be true */
- unsigned total_samples;
- unsigned bits_per_sample;
- unsigned channels;
- unsigned sample_rate;
- unsigned length_in_msec;
- gchar *title;
- AFormat sample_format;
- unsigned sample_format_bytes_per_sample;
- int seek_to_in_sec;
- FLAC__bool has_replaygain;
- double replay_scale;
- DitherContext dither_context;
- } file_info_struct;
- typedef FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus (*WriteCallback) (const void *decoder, const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[], void *client_data);
- typedef void (*MetadataCallback) (const void *decoder, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata, void *client_data);
- typedef void (*ErrorCallback) (const void *decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *client_data);
- typedef struct {
- FLAC__bool seekable;
- void* (*new_decoder) (void);
- FLAC__bool (*set_md5_checking) (void *decoder, FLAC__bool value);
- FLAC__bool (*set_source) (void *decoder, const char* source);
- FLAC__bool (*set_metadata_ignore_all) (void *decoder);
- FLAC__bool (*set_metadata_respond) (void *decoder, FLAC__MetadataType type);
- FLAC__bool (*set_write_callback) (void *decoder, WriteCallback value);
- FLAC__bool (*set_metadata_callback) (void *decoder, MetadataCallback value);
- FLAC__bool (*set_error_callback) (void *decoder, ErrorCallback value);
- FLAC__bool (*set_client_data) (void *decoder, void *value);
- FLAC__bool (*decoder_init) (void *decoder);
- void (*safe_decoder_finish) (void *decoder);
- void (*safe_decoder_delete) (void *decoder);
- FLAC__bool (*process_until_end_of_metadata) (void *decoder);
- FLAC__bool (*process_single) (void *decoder);
- FLAC__bool (*is_eof) (void *decoder);
- } decoder_funcs_t;
- typedef enum {
- } decoder_t;
- static void FLAC_XMMS__init();
- static int FLAC_XMMS__is_our_file(char *filename);
- static void FLAC_XMMS__play_file(char *filename);
- static void FLAC_XMMS__stop();
- static void FLAC_XMMS__pause(short p);
- static void FLAC_XMMS__seek(int time);
- static int FLAC_XMMS__get_time();
- static void FLAC_XMMS__cleanup();
- static void FLAC_XMMS__get_song_info(char *filename, char **title, int *length);
- static void *play_loop_(void *arg);
- static FLAC__bool safe_decoder_init_(const char *filename, void **decoderp, decoder_funcs_t const ** fnsp);
- static void file_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_(void *decoder);
- static void file_decoder_safe_decoder_delete_(void *decoder);
- static FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback_(const void *decoder, const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[], void *client_data);
- static void metadata_callback_(const void *decoder, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata, void *client_data);
- static void error_callback_(const void *decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *client_data);
- static void init_decoder_func_tables();
- static decoder_t source_to_decoder_type (const char *source);
- InputPlugin flac_ip =
- {
- "FLAC Player v" VERSION,
- FLAC_XMMS__init,
- FLAC_XMMS__aboutbox,
- FLAC_XMMS__configure,
- FLAC_XMMS__is_our_file,
- FLAC_XMMS__play_file,
- FLAC_XMMS__stop,
- FLAC_XMMS__pause,
- FLAC_XMMS__seek,
- FLAC_XMMS__get_time,
- FLAC_XMMS__cleanup,
- FLAC_XMMS__get_song_info,
- FLAC_XMMS__file_info_box,
- };
- #define SAMPLES_PER_WRITE 512
- static FLAC__byte sample_buffer_[SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE];
- static unsigned sample_buffer_first_, sample_buffer_last_;
- static void *decoder_ = 0;
- static file_info_struct file_info_;
- static pthread_t decode_thread_;
- static FLAC__bool audio_error_ = false;
- static FLAC__bool is_big_endian_host_;
- /* 500ms * 50 = 25s should be enough */
- #define BITRATE_HIST_SIZE 50
- static unsigned bitrate_history_[BITRATE_HIST_SIZE];
- /* A table of sets of decoder functions, indexed by decoder_t */
- static const decoder_funcs_t* DECODER_FUNCS[NUM_DECODER_TYPES];
- static decoder_funcs_t const * decoder_func_table_;
- InputPlugin *get_iplugin_info()
- {
- flac_ip.description = g_strdup_printf("Reference FLAC Player v%s", FLAC__VERSION_STRING);
- return &flac_ip;
- }
- void set_track_info(const char* title, int length_in_msec)
- {
- if (file_info_.is_playing) {
- flac_ip.set_info((char*) title, length_in_msec, file_info_.sample_rate * file_info_.channels * file_info_.bits_per_sample, file_info_.sample_rate, file_info_.channels);
- }
- }
- static gchar* homedir()
- {
- gchar *result;
- char *env_home = getenv("HOME");
- if (env_home) {
- result = g_strdup (env_home);
- } else {
- uid_t uid = getuid();
- struct passwd *pwent;
- do {
- pwent = getpwent();
- } while (pwent && pwent->pw_uid != uid);
- result = pwent ? g_strdup (pwent->pw_dir) : NULL;
- endpwent();
- }
- return result;
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__init()
- {
- ConfigFile *cfg;
- FLAC__uint32 test = 1;
- is_big_endian_host_ = (*((FLAC__byte*)(&test)))? false : true;
- flac_cfg.title.tag_override = FALSE;
- g_free(flac_cfg.title.tag_format);
- flac_cfg.title.convert_char_set = FALSE;
- cfg = xmms_cfg_open_default_file();
- /* title */
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "title.tag_override", &flac_cfg.title.tag_override);
- if(!xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "title.tag_format", &flac_cfg.title.tag_format))
- flac_cfg.title.tag_format = g_strdup("%p - %t");
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "title.convert_char_set", &flac_cfg.title.convert_char_set);
- if(!xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "title.user_char_set", &flac_cfg.title.user_char_set))
- flac_cfg.title.user_char_set = FLAC_plugin__charset_get_current();
- /* replaygain */
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "output.replaygain.enable", &flac_cfg.output.replaygain.enable);
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "output.replaygain.album_mode", &flac_cfg.output.replaygain.album_mode);
- if(!xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "output.replaygain.preamp", &flac_cfg.output.replaygain.preamp))
- flac_cfg.output.replaygain.preamp = 0;
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "output.replaygain.hard_limit", &flac_cfg.output.replaygain.hard_limit);
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "output.resolution.normal.dither_24_to_16", &flac_cfg.output.resolution.normal.dither_24_to_16);
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "output.resolution.replaygain.dither", &flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.dither);
- if(!xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "output.resolution.replaygain.noise_shaping", &flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.noise_shaping))
- flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.noise_shaping = 1;
- if(!xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out", &flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out))
- flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out = 16;
- /* stream */
- xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "stream.http_buffer_size", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "stream.http_prebuffer", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "stream.use_proxy", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "stream.proxy_host", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_int(cfg, "flac", "stream.proxy_port", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "stream.proxy_use_auth", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "stream.proxy_user", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "stream.proxy_pass", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "stream.save_http_stream", &;
- if (!xmms_cfg_read_string(cfg, "flac", "stream.save_http_path", & ||
- ! * {
- if (
- g_free (;
- = homedir();
- }
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "stream.cast_title_streaming", &;
- xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfg, "flac", "stream.use_udp_channel", &;
- init_decoder_func_tables();
- decoder_func_table_ = DECODER_FUNCS [DECODER_FILE];
- decoder_ = decoder_func_table_ -> new_decoder();
- xmms_cfg_free(cfg);
- }
- int FLAC_XMMS__is_our_file(char *filename)
- {
- char *ext;
- ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
- if(ext)
- if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".flac") || !strcasecmp(ext, ".fla"))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__play_file(char *filename)
- {
- FILE *f;
- sample_buffer_first_ = sample_buffer_last_ = 0;
- audio_error_ = false;
- file_info_.abort_flag = false;
- file_info_.is_playing = false;
- file_info_.eof = false;
- file_info_.play_thread_open = false;
- file_info_.has_replaygain = false;
- if (source_to_decoder_type (filename) == DECODER_FILE) {
- if(0 == (f = fopen(filename, "r")))
- return;
- fclose(f);
- }
- if(decoder_ == 0)
- return;
- if(!safe_decoder_init_(filename, &decoder_, &decoder_func_table_))
- return;
- if(file_info_.has_replaygain && flac_cfg.output.replaygain.enable) {
- if(flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out == 8) {
- file_info_.sample_format = FMT_U8;
- file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample = 1;
- }
- else if(flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out == 16) {
- file_info_.sample_format = (is_big_endian_host_) ? FMT_S16_BE : FMT_S16_LE;
- file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample = 2;
- }
- else {
- /*@@@ need some error here like wa2: MessageBox(mod_.hMainWindow, "ERROR: plugin can only handle 8/16-bit samplesn", "ERROR: plugin can only handle 8/16-bit samples", 0); */
- fprintf(stderr, "libxmms-flac: can't handle %d bit outputn", flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.bps_out);
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_finish(decoder_);
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(file_info_.bits_per_sample == 8) {
- file_info_.sample_format = FMT_U8;
- file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample = 1;
- }
- else if(file_info_.bits_per_sample == 16 || (file_info_.bits_per_sample == 24 && flac_cfg.output.resolution.normal.dither_24_to_16)) {
- file_info_.sample_format = (is_big_endian_host_) ? FMT_S16_BE : FMT_S16_LE;
- file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample = 2;
- }
- else {
- /*@@@ need some error here like wa2: MessageBox(mod_.hMainWindow, "ERROR: plugin can only handle 8/16-bit samplesn", "ERROR: plugin can only handle 8/16-bit samples", 0); */
- fprintf(stderr, "libxmms-flac: can't handle %d bit outputn", file_info_.bits_per_sample);
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_finish(decoder_);
- return;
- }
- }
- FLAC__replaygain_synthesis__init_dither_context(&file_info_.dither_context, file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample * 8, flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.noise_shaping);
- file_info_.is_playing = true;
- if(flac_ip.output->open_audio(file_info_.sample_format, file_info_.sample_rate, file_info_.channels) == 0) {
- audio_error_ = true;
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_finish(decoder_);
- return;
- }
- file_info_.title = flac_format_song_title(filename);
- flac_ip.set_info(file_info_.title, file_info_.length_in_msec, file_info_.sample_rate * file_info_.channels * file_info_.bits_per_sample, file_info_.sample_rate, file_info_.channels);
- file_info_.seek_to_in_sec = -1;
- file_info_.play_thread_open = true;
- pthread_create(&decode_thread_, NULL, play_loop_, NULL);
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__stop()
- {
- if(file_info_.is_playing) {
- file_info_.is_playing = false;
- if(file_info_.play_thread_open) {
- file_info_.play_thread_open = false;
- pthread_join(decode_thread_, NULL);
- }
- flac_ip.output->close_audio();
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_finish (decoder_);
- }
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__pause(short p)
- {
- flac_ip.output->pause(p);
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__seek(int time)
- {
- if (decoder_func_table_->seekable) {
- file_info_.seek_to_in_sec = time;
- file_info_.eof = false;
- while(file_info_.seek_to_in_sec != -1)
- xmms_usleep(10000);
- }
- }
- int FLAC_XMMS__get_time()
- {
- if(audio_error_)
- return -2;
- if(!file_info_.is_playing || (file_info_.eof && !flac_ip.output->buffer_playing()))
- return -1;
- else
- return flac_ip.output->output_time();
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__cleanup()
- {
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_delete(decoder_);
- decoder_ = 0;
- }
- void FLAC_XMMS__get_song_info(char *filename, char **title, int *length_in_msec)
- {
- FLAC__StreamMetadata streaminfo;
- if(0 == filename)
- filename = "";
- if(!FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo(filename, &streaminfo)) {
- /* @@@ how to report the error? */
- if(title) {
- if (source_to_decoder_type (filename) == DECODER_FILE) {
- static const char *errtitle = "Invalid FLAC File: ";
- *title = g_malloc(strlen(errtitle) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1 + 1);
- sprintf(*title, "%s"%s"", errtitle, filename);
- } else {
- *title = NULL;
- }
- }
- if(length_in_msec)
- *length_in_msec = -1;
- return;
- }
- if(title) {
- *title = flac_format_song_title(filename);
- }
- if(length_in_msec)
- *length_in_msec = (unsigned)((double) / (double) * 1000.0 + 0.5);
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * local routines
- **********************************************************************/
- void *play_loop_(void *arg)
- {
- unsigned written_time_last = 0, bh_index_last_w = 0, bh_index_last_o = BITRATE_HIST_SIZE, blocksize = 1;
- FLAC__uint64 decode_position_last = 0, decode_position_frame_last = 0, decode_position_frame = 0;
- (void)arg;
- while(file_info_.is_playing) {
- if(!file_info_.eof) {
- while(sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_ < SAMPLES_PER_WRITE) {
- unsigned s;
- s = sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_;
- if(decoder_func_table_ -> is_eof(decoder_)) {
- file_info_.eof = true;
- break;
- }
- else if (!decoder_func_table_ -> process_single(decoder_)) {
- /*@@@ this should probably be a dialog */
- fprintf(stderr, "libxmms-flac: READ ERROR processing framen");
- file_info_.eof = true;
- break;
- }
- blocksize = sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_ - s;
- decode_position_frame_last = decode_position_frame;
- if(!decoder_func_table_->seekable || !FLAC__file_decoder_get_decode_position(decoder_, &decode_position_frame))
- decode_position_frame = 0;
- }
- if(sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_ > 0) {
- const unsigned n = min(sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_, SAMPLES_PER_WRITE);
- int bytes = n * file_info_.channels * file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample;
- FLAC__byte *sample_buffer_start = sample_buffer_ + sample_buffer_first_ * file_info_.channels * file_info_.sample_format_bytes_per_sample;
- unsigned written_time, bh_index_w;
- FLAC__uint64 decode_position;
- sample_buffer_first_ += n;
- flac_ip.add_vis_pcm(flac_ip.output->written_time(), file_info_.sample_format, file_info_.channels, bytes, sample_buffer_start);
- while(flac_ip.output->buffer_free() < (int)bytes && file_info_.is_playing && file_info_.seek_to_in_sec == -1)
- xmms_usleep(10000);
- if(file_info_.is_playing && file_info_.seek_to_in_sec == -1)
- flac_ip.output->write_audio(sample_buffer_start, bytes);
- /* compute current bitrate */
- written_time = flac_ip.output->written_time();
- bh_index_w = written_time / BITRATE_HIST_SEGMENT_MSEC % BITRATE_HIST_SIZE;
- if(bh_index_w != bh_index_last_w) {
- bh_index_last_w = bh_index_w;
- decode_position = decode_position_frame - (double)(sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_) * (double)(decode_position_frame - decode_position_frame_last) / (double)blocksize;
- bitrate_history_[(bh_index_w + BITRATE_HIST_SIZE - 1) % BITRATE_HIST_SIZE] =
- decode_position > decode_position_last && written_time > written_time_last ?
- 8000 * (decode_position - decode_position_last) / (written_time - written_time_last) :
- file_info_.sample_rate * file_info_.channels * file_info_.bits_per_sample;
- decode_position_last = decode_position;
- written_time_last = written_time;
- }
- }
- else {
- file_info_.eof = true;
- xmms_usleep(10000);
- }
- }
- else
- xmms_usleep(10000);
- if(decoder_func_table_->seekable && file_info_.seek_to_in_sec != -1) {
- const double distance = (double)file_info_.seek_to_in_sec * 1000.0 / (double)file_info_.length_in_msec;
- unsigned target_sample = (unsigned)(distance * (double)file_info_.total_samples);
- if(FLAC__file_decoder_seek_absolute(decoder_, (FLAC__uint64)target_sample)) {
- flac_ip.output->flush(file_info_.seek_to_in_sec * 1000);
- bh_index_last_w = bh_index_last_o = flac_ip.output->output_time() / BITRATE_HIST_SEGMENT_MSEC % BITRATE_HIST_SIZE;
- if(!FLAC__file_decoder_get_decode_position(decoder_, &decode_position_frame))
- decode_position_frame = 0;
- file_info_.seek_to_in_sec = -1;
- file_info_.eof = false;
- sample_buffer_first_ = sample_buffer_last_ = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* display the right bitrate from history */
- unsigned bh_index_o = flac_ip.output->output_time() / BITRATE_HIST_SEGMENT_MSEC % BITRATE_HIST_SIZE;
- if(bh_index_o != bh_index_last_o && bh_index_o != bh_index_last_w && bh_index_o != (bh_index_last_w + 1) % BITRATE_HIST_SIZE) {
- bh_index_last_o = bh_index_o;
- flac_ip.set_info(file_info_.title, file_info_.length_in_msec, bitrate_history_[bh_index_o], file_info_.sample_rate, file_info_.channels);
- }
- }
- }
- decoder_func_table_ -> safe_decoder_finish(decoder_);
- /* are these two calls necessary? */
- flac_ip.output->buffer_free();
- flac_ip.output->buffer_free();
- g_free(file_info_.title);
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- return 0; /* to silence the compiler warning about not returning a value */
- }
- /*********** File decoder functions */
- static FLAC__bool file_decoder_init (void *decoder)
- {
- return FLAC__file_decoder_init( (FLAC__FileDecoder*) decoder) == FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK;
- }
- static void file_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_(void *decoder)
- {
- if(decoder && FLAC__file_decoder_get_state((FLAC__FileDecoder *) decoder) != FLAC__FILE_DECODER_UNINITIALIZED)
- FLAC__file_decoder_finish((FLAC__FileDecoder *) decoder);
- }
- static void file_decoder_safe_decoder_delete_(void *decoder)
- {
- if(decoder) {
- file_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_(decoder);
- FLAC__file_decoder_delete( (FLAC__FileDecoder *) decoder);
- }
- }
- static FLAC__bool file_decoder_is_eof(void *decoder)
- {
- return FLAC__file_decoder_get_state((FLAC__FileDecoder *) decoder) == FLAC__FILE_DECODER_END_OF_FILE;
- }
- static const decoder_funcs_t FILE_DECODER_FUNCTIONS = {
- true,
- (void* (*) (void)) FLAC__file_decoder_new,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, FLAC__bool)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_md5_checking,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, const char*)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_filename,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_metadata_ignore_all,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, FLAC__MetadataType)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_metadata_respond,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, WriteCallback)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_write_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, MetadataCallback)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_metadata_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, ErrorCallback)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_error_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, void *)) FLAC__file_decoder_set_client_data,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) file_decoder_init,
- (void (*) (void *)) file_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_,
- (void (*) (void *)) file_decoder_safe_decoder_delete_,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__file_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__file_decoder_process_single,
- file_decoder_is_eof
- };
- /*********** HTTP decoder functions */
- static gchar *url_;
- static FLAC__bool http_decoder_set_md5_checking (void *decoder, FLAC__bool value)
- {
- (void) value;
- // operation unsupported
- return FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state ((const FLAC__StreamDecoder *) decoder) ==
- }
- static FLAC__bool http_decoder_set_url (void *decoder, const char* url)
- {
- (void) decoder;
- url_ = g_strdup (url);
- return true;
- }
- static FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus http_decoder_read_callback (const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes, void *client_data)
- {
- (void) decoder;
- (void) client_data;
- *bytes = flac_http_read (buffer, *bytes);
- }
- static FLAC__bool http_decoder_init (void *decoder)
- {
- flac_http_open (url_, 0);
- g_free (url_);
- FLAC__stream_decoder_set_read_callback (decoder, http_decoder_read_callback);
- return FLAC__stream_decoder_init( (FLAC__StreamDecoder*) decoder) == FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEARCH_FOR_METADATA;
- }
- static void http_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_(void *decoder)
- {
- if(decoder && FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state((FLAC__StreamDecoder *) decoder) != FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_UNINITIALIZED) {
- FLAC__stream_decoder_finish((FLAC__StreamDecoder *) decoder);
- flac_http_close();
- }
- }
- static void http_decoder_safe_decoder_delete_(void *decoder)
- {
- if(decoder) {
- http_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_(decoder);
- FLAC__stream_decoder_delete( (FLAC__StreamDecoder *) decoder);
- }
- }
- static FLAC__bool http_decoder_is_eof(void *decoder)
- {
- return FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state((FLAC__StreamDecoder *) decoder) == FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM;
- }
- static const decoder_funcs_t HTTP_DECODER_FUNCTIONS = {
- false,
- (void* (*) (void)) FLAC__stream_decoder_new,
- http_decoder_set_md5_checking,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, const char*)) http_decoder_set_url,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_ignore_all,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, FLAC__MetadataType)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_respond,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, WriteCallback)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_write_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, MetadataCallback)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, ErrorCallback)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_error_callback,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *, void *)) FLAC__stream_decoder_set_client_data,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) http_decoder_init,
- (void (*) (void *)) http_decoder_safe_decoder_finish_,
- (void (*) (void *)) http_decoder_safe_decoder_delete_,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata,
- (FLAC__bool (*) (void *)) FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single,
- http_decoder_is_eof
- };
- static decoder_funcs_t const *decoder_func_table_;
- static void init_decoder_func_tables()
- {
- }
- static decoder_t source_to_decoder_type (const char *source)
- {
- return strncasecmp(source, "http://", 7) ? DECODER_FILE : DECODER_HTTP;
- }
- static void change_decoder_if_needed (decoder_t new_decoder_type, void **decoderp, decoder_funcs_t const ** fntabp)
- {
- const decoder_funcs_t *new_fn_table = DECODER_FUNCS [new_decoder_type];
- if (*fntabp != new_fn_table) {
- (*fntabp)->safe_decoder_delete(*decoderp);
- *fntabp = new_fn_table;
- *decoderp = new_fn_table -> new_decoder();
- }
- }
- FLAC__bool safe_decoder_init_(const char *filename, void **decoderp, decoder_funcs_t const ** fntabp)
- {
- if(decoderp == 0 || *decoderp == 0)
- return false;
- (*fntabp)->safe_decoder_finish(*decoderp);
- change_decoder_if_needed(source_to_decoder_type(filename), decoderp, fntabp);
- {
- decoder_funcs_t const *fntab = *fntabp;
- void *decoder = *decoderp;
- decoder = *decoderp;
- fntab = *fntabp;
- fntab -> set_md5_checking(decoder, false);
- fntab -> set_source(decoder, filename);
- fntab -> set_metadata_ignore_all(decoder);
- fntab -> set_metadata_respond(decoder, FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO);
- fntab -> set_metadata_respond(decoder, FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT);
- fntab -> set_write_callback(decoder, write_callback_);
- fntab -> set_metadata_callback(decoder, metadata_callback_);
- fntab -> set_error_callback(decoder, error_callback_);
- fntab -> set_client_data(decoder, &file_info_);
- if(!fntab -> decoder_init(decoder))
- return false;
- if(!fntab -> process_until_end_of_metadata(decoder))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback_(const void *decoder, const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[], void *client_data)
- {
- file_info_struct *file_info = (file_info_struct *)client_data;
- const unsigned channels = file_info->channels, wide_samples = frame->header.blocksize;
- const unsigned bits_per_sample = file_info->bits_per_sample;
- FLAC__byte *sample_buffer_start;
- (void)decoder;
- if(file_info->abort_flag)
- if((sample_buffer_last_ + wide_samples) > (SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE / (channels * file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample))) {
- memmove(sample_buffer_, sample_buffer_ + sample_buffer_first_ * channels * file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample, (sample_buffer_last_ - sample_buffer_first_) * channels * file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample);
- sample_buffer_last_ -= sample_buffer_first_;
- sample_buffer_first_ = 0;
- }
- sample_buffer_start = sample_buffer_ + sample_buffer_last_ * channels * file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample;
- if(file_info->has_replaygain && flac_cfg.output.replaygain.enable) {
- FLAC__replaygain_synthesis__apply_gain(
- sample_buffer_start,
- !is_big_endian_host_,
- file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample == 1, /* unsigned_data_out */
- buffer,
- wide_samples,
- channels,
- bits_per_sample,
- file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample * 8,
- file_info->replay_scale,
- flac_cfg.output.replaygain.hard_limit,
- flac_cfg.output.resolution.replaygain.dither,
- &file_info->dither_context
- );
- }
- else if(is_big_endian_host_) {
- FLAC__plugin_common__pack_pcm_signed_big_endian(
- sample_buffer_start,
- buffer,
- wide_samples,
- channels,
- bits_per_sample,
- file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample * 8
- );
- }
- else {
- FLAC__plugin_common__pack_pcm_signed_little_endian(
- sample_buffer_start,
- buffer,
- wide_samples,
- channels,
- bits_per_sample,
- file_info->sample_format_bytes_per_sample * 8
- );
- }
- sample_buffer_last_ += wide_samples;
- }
- void metadata_callback_(const void *decoder, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata, void *client_data)
- {
- file_info_struct *file_info = (file_info_struct *)client_data;
- (void)decoder;
- if(metadata->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) {
- FLAC__ASSERT(metadata->data.stream_info.total_samples < FLAC__U64L(0x100000000)); /* this plugin can only handle < 4 gigasamples */
- file_info->total_samples = (unsigned)(metadata->data.stream_info.total_samples&0xffffffff);
- file_info->bits_per_sample = metadata->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample;
- file_info->channels = metadata->data.stream_info.channels;
- file_info->sample_rate = metadata->data.stream_info.sample_rate;
- file_info->length_in_msec = (unsigned)((double)file_info->total_samples / (double)file_info->sample_rate * 1000.0 + 0.5);
- }
- else if(metadata->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT) {
- double gain, peak;
- if(grabbag__replaygain_load_from_vorbiscomment(metadata, flac_cfg.output.replaygain.album_mode, &gain, &peak)) {
- file_info->has_replaygain = true;
- file_info->replay_scale = grabbag__replaygain_compute_scale_factor(peak, gain, (double)flac_cfg.output.replaygain.preamp, /*prevent_clipping=*/!flac_cfg.output.replaygain.hard_limit);
- }
- }
- }
- void error_callback_(const void *decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *client_data)
- {
- file_info_struct *file_info = (file_info_struct *)client_data;
- (void)decoder;
- file_info->abort_flag = true;
- }