资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /* FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec
- * Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Josh Coalson
- *
- * This file is part the FLAC project. FLAC is comprised of several
- * components distributed under difference licenses. The codec libraries
- * are distributed under Xiph.Org's BSD-like license (see the file
- * COPYING.Xiph in this distribution). All other programs, libraries, and
- * plugins are distributed under the GPL (see COPYING.GPL). The documentation
- * is distributed under the Gnu FDL (see COPYING.FDL). Each file in the
- * FLAC distribution contains at the top the terms under which it may be
- * distributed.
- *
- * Since this particular file is relevant to all components of FLAC,
- * it may be distributed under the Xiph.Org license, which is the least
- * restrictive of those mentioned above. See the file COPYING.Xiph in this
- * distribution.
- */
- FLAC ( is an Open Source lossless audio
- codec developed by Josh Coalson.
- FLAC is comprised of
- * `libFLAC', a library which implements reference encoders and
- decoders, and a metadata interface
- * `libFLAC++', a C++ object wrapper library around libFLAC
- * `libOggFLAC' and `libOggFLAC++', which provide encoders and
- decoders for FLAC streams in an Ogg container
- * `flac', a command-line program for encoding and decoding files
- * `metaflac', a command-line program for viewing and editing FLAC
- metadata
- * player plugins for XMMS and Winamp
- * user and API documentation
- The libraries (libFLAC, libFLAC++, libOggFLAC, and libOggFLAC++) are
- licensed under's BSD-like license (see COPYING.Xiph). All other
- programs and plugins are licensed under the GNU General Public License
- (see COPYING.GPL). The documentation is licensed under the GNU Free
- Documentation License (see COPYING.FDL).
- ===============================================================================
- FLAC - 1.1.2 - Contents
- ===============================================================================
- - Introduction
- - Prerequisites
- - Building in a GNU environment
- - Building with Makefile.lite
- - Building with MSVC
- - Building on Mac OS X
- - Note to embedded developers
- ===============================================================================
- Introduction
- ===============================================================================
- This is the source release for the FLAC project. See
- doc/html/index.html
- for full documentation.
- A brief description of the directory tree:
- doc/ the HTML documentation
- flac.pbproj/ the Mac OS X Project Builder project
- include/ public include files for libFLAC and libFLAC++
- man/ the man page for `flac'
- src/ the source code and private headers
- test/ the test scripts
- ===============================================================================
- Prerequisites
- ===============================================================================
- To build FLAC with support for Ogg FLAC you must have built and installed
- libogg according to the specific instructions below. You must have
- libogg 1.1.2 or greater, or there will be seeking problems with Ogg FLAC.
- If you are building on x86 and want the assembly optimizations, you will
- need to have NASM >= 0.98.30 installed according to the specific instructions
- below.
- ===============================================================================
- Building in a GNU environment
- ===============================================================================
- FLAC uses autoconf and libtool for configuring and building.
- Better documentation for these will be forthcoming, but in
- general, this should work:
- ./configure && make && make check && make install
- The 'make check' step is optional; omit it to skip all the tests,
- which can take several hours and use around 70-80 megs of disk space.
- Even though it will stop with an explicit message on any failure, it
- does print out a lot of stuff so you might want to capture the output
- to a file if you're having a problem. Also, don't run 'make check'
- as root because it confuses some of the tests.
- NOTE: Despite our best efforts it's entirely possible to have
- problems when using older versions of autoconf, automake, or
- libtool. If you have the latest versions and still can't get it
- to work, see the next section on Makefile.lite.
- There are a few FLAC-specific arguments you can give to
- `configure':
- --enable-debug : Builds everything with debug symbols and some
- extra (and more verbose) error checking.
- --disable-asm-optimizations : Disables the compilation of the
- assembly routines. Many routines have assembly versions for
- speed and `configure' is pretty good about knowing what is
- supported, but you can use this option to build only from the
- C sources.
- --enable-sse : If you are building for an x86 CPU that supports
- SSE instructions, you can enable some of the faster routines
- if your operating system also supports SSE instructions. flac
- can tell if the CPU supports the instructions but currently has
- no way to test if the OS does, so if it does, you must pass
- this argument to configure to use the SSE routines. If flac
- crashes when built with this option you will have to go back and
- configure without --enable-sse. Note that
- --disable-asm-optimizations implies --disable-sse.
- --enable-local-xmms-plugin : Installs the FLAC XMMS plugin in
- $HOME/.xmms/Plugins, instead of the global XMMS plugin area
- (usually /usr/lib/xmms/Input).
- --with-ogg=
- --with-xmms-prefix=
- --with-libiconv-prefix=
- Use these if you have these packages but configure can't find them.
- If you want to build completely from scratch (i.e. starting with just
- and you should be able to just run ''
- but make sure and read the comments in that file first.
- ===============================================================================
- Building with Makefile.lite
- ===============================================================================
- There is a more lightweight build system for do-it-yourself-ers.
- It is also useful if configure isn't working, which may be the
- case since lately we've had some problems with different versions
- of automake and libtool. The Makefile.lite system should work
- on GNU systems with few or no adjustments.
- From the top level just 'make -f Makefile.lite'. You can
- specify zero or one optional target from 'release', 'debug',
- 'test', or 'clean'. The default is 'release'. There is no
- 'install' target but everything you need will end up in the
- obj/ directory.
- If you are not on an x86 system or you don't have nasm, you
- may have to change the DEFINES in src/libFLAC/Makefile.lite. If
- you don't have nasm, remove -DFLAC__HAS_NASM. If your target is
- not an x86, change -DFLAC__CPU_IA32 to -DFLAC__CPU_UNKNOWN.
- ===============================================================================
- Building with MSVC
- ===============================================================================
- There are now .dsp projects and a master FLAC.dsw workspace to build
- all the libraries and executables.
- Prerequisite: you must have the Ogg libraries installed as described
- later.
- Prerequisite: you must have nasm installed, and nasmw.exe must be in
- your PATH, or the path to nasmw.exe must be added to the list of
- directories for executable files in the MSVC global options.
- To build everything, run Developer Studio, do File|Open Workspace,
- and open FLAC.dsw. Select "Build | Set active configuration..."
- from the menu, then in the dialog, select "All - Win32 Release" (or
- Debug if you prefer). Click "Ok" then hit F7 to build. This will build
- all libraries both statically (e.g. objreleaseliblibFLAC_static.lib)
- and as DLLs (e.g. objreleasebinlibFLAC.dll), and it will build all
- binaries, statically linked (e.g. objreleasebinflac.exe).
- Everything will end up in the "obj" directory. DLLs and .exe files
- are all that are needed and can be copied to an installation area and
- added to the PATH. The plugins have to be copied to their appropriate
- place in the player area. For Winamp2 this is <winamp2-dir>Plugins.
- By default the code is configured with Ogg support. Before building FLAC
- you will need to get the Ogg source distribution
- (see, build ogg_static.lib (load and
- build win32ogg_static.dsp), copy ogg_static.lib into FLAC's
- 'objreleaselib' directory, and copy the entire includeogg tree into
- FLAC's 'include' directory (so that there is an 'ogg' directory in FLAC's
- 'include' directory with the files ogg.h, os_types.h and config_types.h).
- ===============================================================================
- Building on Mac OS X
- ===============================================================================
- If you have Fink, the GNU flow above should work. Otherwise,
- there is a Project Builder project in the top-level source
- directory to build libFLAC and the command-line utilities on
- Mac OS X. In a terminal, cd to the top-level directory (the
- one that contains this README file) and type:
- pbxbuild -alltargets
- This will create everything and leave it in the build/ directory.
- Don't worry about the rest of the stuff that is in build/ or
- the stuff that was already there before building.
- The Project Builder project requires that you have libiconv and
- libogg in /sw, ala fink. If you don't, you'll need to install
- them somewhere and change the path to them in the Library Paths
- section of several targets.
- It also assumes the CPU supports Altivec instructions. If it does
- not, you will also have to add -DFLAC__NO_ASM to the CFLAGS in the
- libFLAC target.
- There currently is no install procedure; you will have to
- manually copy the tools to wherever you need them.
- ===============================================================================
- Note to embedded developers
- ===============================================================================
- libFLAC has grown larger over time as more functionality has been
- included, but much of it may be unnecessary for a particular embedded
- implementation. Unused parts may be pruned by some simple editing of
- and src/libFLAC/; the following dependency
- graph shows which modules may be pruned without breaking things
- further down:
- file_encoder.h
- stream_encoder.h
- format.h
- file_decoder.h
- seekable_stream_decoder.h
- stream_decoder.h
- format.h
- metadata.h
- format.h
- There is a section dedicated to embedded use in the libFLAC API
- HTML documentation (see doc/html/api/index.html).