资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: ati3200.c 624 2006-02-01 17:48:42Z picard $
- *
- * The Core Pocket Media Player
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #if defined(ARM)
- #define CLIENTVERSION "1.29.031201.07700"
- #define MAXSCALE 2
- #define DCFACTOR 8
- static const char DevOpenName[0x50] = "TCPMP";
- enum
- {
- PLANE_Y = 0x10000000,
- PLANE_U = 0x20000000,
- PLANE_V = 0x40000000,
- SUCCESS = 0,
- FAIL = 1,
- ENDENUM = 5,
- FORMAT_PAL4 = 1,
- FORMAT_PAL8 = 2,
- FORMAT_RGB444 = 3,
- FORMAT_RGB555 = 4,
- FORMAT_RGB565 = 5,
- FORMAT_YUV422 = 8,
- FORMAT_YUV420 = 9,
- FORMAT_PAL2 = 12,
- MEM_EXTERNAL = 0x20,
- MEM_INTERNAL = 0x40,
- MEM_ANY_INT = -1, // prefer internal
- MEM_ANY_EXT = -2, // prefer external
- MEM_ANY_CHG = -3, // even:external odd:internal
- MEM_PRIMARY = -4, // reused primary surface
- PROP_BIAS = 2,
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // ati format
- //
- // input is idct_ati_t[length] array
- // 8x8 idct matrix reconstruction:
- //
- // clear block
- // for (pos=0;length>0;--length,++data)
- // repeat X=0..3
- // if (data->skipX==-1) break;
- // pos += data->skipX
- // block[scan[pos++]] = data->dataX
- typedef struct idct_ati
- {
- char skip3,skip2,skip1,skip0;
- short data1,data0,data3,data2;
- } idct_ati;
- typedef struct devinfo
- {
- char Name[0x50];
- char Version[0x50];
- int Revision;
- int ChipId;
- int RevisionId;
- int TotalMemory;
- int BusInterfaceMode;
- int InternalMemSize;
- int ExternalMemSize;
- int Caps1;
- int Caps2;
- int Caps3;
- int Caps4;
- char Pad[128];
- } devinfo;
- typedef struct modeinfo
- {
- int Width;
- int Height;
- int PixelFormat;
- int Freq;
- int Rotation;
- int Mirror;
- } modeinfo;
- typedef struct surfinfo
- {
- int Width;
- int Height;
- void* Addr;
- int Pitch;
- int Size;
- int Class;
- int One;
- } surfinfo;
- typedef struct planeinfo
- {
- int Width;
- int Height;
- void* Addr;
- int Pitch;
- int One;
- } planeinfo;
- typedef struct ahirect
- {
- int Left;
- int Top;
- int Right;
- int Bottom;
- } ahirect;
- typedef struct ahipoint
- {
- int x;
- int y;
- } ahipoint;
- typedef void* ahidevice;
- typedef void* ahicontext;
- typedef void* ahisurface;
- typedef void* ahiidct;
- typedef struct ahioverlay
- {
- ahirect DstRect; //0x00
- ahirect SrcRect; //0x10
- int ColorKey; //0x20
- int ColorMask; //0x24
- int Rotate; //0x28
- int Mirror; //0x2C
- int Zero; //0x30
- } ahioverlay;
- typedef struct ahi
- {
- overlay p;
- idct IdctVMT;
- bool_t Shrink;
- bool_t Stretch;
- bool_t StretchOnlyInternal;
- bool_t BlitMode;
- bool_t BlitDownScale;
- rect OverlayRect;
- video Overlay;
- blitfx SoftFX;
- int OvlFormat;
- int OvlUVX2;
- int OvlUVY2;
- int OvlPlaneY;
- int OvlPlaneU;
- int OvlPlaneV;
- // should be in the first part for lower offset
- int (*AhiIDCTMComp8x8)(ahiidct* IDCT, const idct_ati* Data, int Len, int* Back, int* Fwd, int No, int ZigZagType);
- int (*AhiIDCTMComp)(ahiidct* IDCT, int* Back, int* Fwd, int No);
- int (*AhiIDCT8x8)(ahiidct* IDCT, const idct_ati* Data, int Len, int No, int ZigZagType);
- ahiidct* IDCT;
- int DCAdd;
- //int DCAdj;
- int MacroWidth;
- int MacroNo;
- int MacroSubNo;
- int* MVBack;
- int* MVFwd;
- int MVBackTab[6];
- int MVFwdTab[6];
- idct_ati Data[16+2]; //+2 as safe because convert can write -1 after last item
- int SaveCount;
- int SaveScanType;
- idct_ati SaveData[16];
- int IDCTWidth;
- int IDCTHeight;
- int OverlayRPitch;
- int ScaleWidth;
- int ScaleHeight;
- int ScaleCurr;
- devinfo DevInfo;
- modeinfo ModeInfo;
- ahidevice* Device;
- ahicontext* Context;
- int MaxCount;
- int AllCount; //BufCount + TempCount
- int BufCount;
- int TempCount;
- int ShowNext;
- int ShowCurr;
- int ShowLast;
- bool_t ShowNextIdle;
- ahisurface* Primary; // only for blit mode
- ahisurface* Buf[MAXIDCTBUF+MAXSCALE];
- ahisurface* BufR[MAXIDCTBUF+MAXSCALE];
- ahioverlay Param;
- tchar_t Version[128];
- //idct
- pin IDCTOutput;
- int FrameNo;
- int Zero;
- bool_t IDCTRounding;
- idct_block_t Block[8*8];
- int (*AhiInit)(int Version);
- int (*AhiTerm)();
- int (*AhiDevEnum)(ahidevice** Device, devinfo* Info, int No);
- int (*AhiDevOpen)(ahicontext** ContextOut, ahidevice* Device, const char* Name, int v);
- int (*AhiDevClose)(ahicontext* Context);
- int (*AhiDevClientVersion)(ahicontext* Context, const char* s);
- int (*AhiDispModeGet)(ahicontext* Context, modeinfo* Info);
- int (*AhiDispModeEnum)(ahicontext* Context, modeinfo* Info, int No);
- int (*AhiDispModeClip)(ahicontext* Context, const ahirect*); //not sure
- int (*AhiDispSurfGet)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface** SurfaceOut);
- int (*AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize)(ahicontext* Context, int Format, int* a, int* b, int Mem);
- int (*AhiSurfAlloc)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface** SurfaceOut, int* Size, int Format, int Mem);
- int (*AhiSurfReuse)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface** SurfaceOut, ahisurface* SurfaceReuse, int* Size, int Format, int Zero);
- int (*AhiSurfFree)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* s);
- int (*AhiSurfLock)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* s, void** Ptr, int Plane);
- int (*AhiSurfUnlock)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* s, int Plane);
- int (*AhiSurfInfo)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* s, surfinfo* Info);
- int (*AhiSurfPlaneInfo)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* s, planeinfo* Info, int Plane);
- int (*AhiDrawRopSet)(ahicontext* Context, int ROP);
- int (*AhiDrawSurfSrcSet)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* Src, int Plane);
- int (*AhiDrawSurfDstSet)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* Dst, int Plane);
- int (*AhiDrawIdle)(ahicontext* Context, int v);
- int (*AhiDispWaitVBlank)(ahicontext* Context, int v);
- int (*AhiDrawBitBlt)(ahicontext* Context, const ahirect* DstRect, const ahipoint* SrcPos);
- int (*AhiDrawStretchBlt)(ahicontext* Context, const ahirect* DstRect, const ahirect* SrcRect, int Mode);
- int (*AhiDrawRotateBlt)(ahicontext* Context, const ahirect* DstRect, const ahipoint* SrcPos, int Rotate, int Mirror, int Zero);
- int (*AhiDispOverlayCaps)(ahicontext* Context, int Mode, int* Caps);
- int (*AhiDispOverlayState)(ahicontext* Context, int State, int Zero);
- int (*AhiDispOverlayPos)(ahicontext* Context, const ahirect* Rect, int Zero);
- int (*AhiDispOverlaySurf)(ahicontext* Context, ahisurface* Surface, ahioverlay* Info, int Mode);
- int (*AhiIDCTOpen)(ahicontext* Context, ahiidct** IDCTOut, int Zero);
- int (*AhiIDCTClose)(ahiidct* IDCT);
- int (*AhiIDCTPropGet)(ahiidct* IDCT, int No, int* Data, int Size);
- int (*AhiIDCTPropSet)(ahiidct* IDCT, int No, const int* Data, int Size);
- int (*AhiIDCTFrameStart)(ahiidct* IDCT, ahisurface* Dst, ahisurface* Back, ahisurface* Fwd, int Frame, int Zero);
- int (*AhiIDCTFrameEnd)(ahiidct* IDCT, int Frame);
- int (*AhiUnmap)();
- bool_t TmpInited;
- bool_t NoRelease;
- bool_t AllowStretchFlip;
- bool_t AllowPrimaryReUse;
- bool_t AllowLowBitdepth;
- bool_t FullScreenOverlay; // overlay covers fullscreen
- bool_t PrimaryReUse;
- bool_t LowBitdepth;
- bool_t Internal; // IDCT is using internal memory (it's faster, but less memory)
- bool_t Landscape; // avoid external memory overlays in landscape mode
- bool_t IDCTBug;
- bool_t IDCTInit;
- bool_t ErrorMemory;
- } ahi;
- const datatable AHIParams[] =
- {
- };
- const tchar_t* ATIBase = T("System\GDI\Drivers\ATI");
- const tchar_t* DisableDevice = T("DisableDeviceBitmap");
- static bool_t Ahi2PixelFormat(int Format, pixel* p)
- {
- switch (Format)
- {
- case FORMAT_PAL2:
- p->Flags = PF_PALETTE;
- p->BitCount = 2;
- break;
- case FORMAT_PAL4:
- p->Flags = PF_PALETTE;
- p->BitCount = 2;
- break;
- case FORMAT_PAL8:
- p->Flags = PF_PALETTE;
- p->BitCount = 2;
- break;
- case FORMAT_RGB444:
- DefaultRGB(p,16,4,4,4,0,0,0);
- break;
- case FORMAT_RGB555:
- DefaultRGB(p,16,5,5,5,0,0,0);
- break;
- case FORMAT_RGB565:
- DefaultRGB(p,16,5,6,5,0,0,0);
- break;
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_YUYV;
- break;
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_YVYU;
- break;
- case FORMAT_YUV420:
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_I420;
- break;
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_UYVY;
- break;
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_VYUY;
- break;
- case FORMAT_YUV422:
- p->Flags = PF_FOURCC;
- p->FourCC = FOURCC_YV16;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void ClearPrimary(ahi* p)
- {
- ahisurface* Primary = NULL;
- p->AhiDispSurfGet(p->Context,&Primary);
- if (Primary)
- {
- void* Ptr;
- surfinfo Info;
- pixel Pixel;
- p->AhiSurfInfo(p->Context,Primary,&Info);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Primary,&Ptr,0)==SUCCESS)
- {
- Ahi2PixelFormat(Info.Class,&Pixel);
- FillColor(Ptr,Info.Pitch,0,0,Info.Width,Info.Height,Pixel.BitCount,0);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Primary,0);
- }
- }
- }
- static void SetLowBitdepth(ahi* p,bool_t Value)
- {
- if (p->LowBitdepth != Value && p->AllowLowBitdepth && p->DevInfo.ChipId == 0x57441002)
- {
- volatile int* Regs = ((int**)p->Context)[7];
- int Ctrl;
- p->LowBitdepth = Value;
- if (Value && !p->PrimaryReUse)
- ClearPrimary(p);
- while ((Regs[0x153] & 0x400)==0); // wait until not in vblank
- while ((Regs[0x153] & 0x400)!=0); // wait until in vblank
- Ctrl = Regs[0x105];
- Ctrl &= ~7;
- Ctrl |= Value ? 2:6;
- Regs[0x105] = Ctrl;
- }
- }
- static bool_t Hide(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->p.Show && p->AllCount)
- {
- SetLowBitdepth(p,0);
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,0,0);
- p->AhiDispWaitVBlank(p->Context,0);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void FreeScale(ahi* p,bool_t* Hidden)
- {
- int No;
- for (No=SCALE;No<SCALE+2;++No)
- if (p->Buf[No])
- {
- if (Hidden && !*Hidden)
- *Hidden = Hide(p);
- p->AhiSurfFree(p->Context,p->Buf[No]);
- p->Buf[No] = NULL;
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_PRIMARY)
- {
- p->PrimaryReUse = 0;
- WaitDisable(0);
- }
- p->BufMode[No] = 0;
- }
- p->ScaleWidth = 0;
- p->ScaleHeight = 0;
- p->ScaleCurr = 0;
- }
- static void FreeBuffer(ahi* p,int No,bool_t* Hidden)
- {
- if (Hidden && !*Hidden && p->ShowCurr == No)
- *Hidden = Hide(p);
- if (p->Buf[No])
- p->AhiSurfFree(p->Context,p->Buf[No]);
- p->Buf[No] = NULL;
- if (p->BufR[No])
- p->AhiSurfFree(p->Context,p->BufR[No]);
- p->BufR[No] = NULL;
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_PRIMARY)
- {
- p->PrimaryReUse = 0;
- WaitDisable(0);
- }
- p->BufMode[No] = 0;
- }
- static int Lock(ahi* p,int No,planes Planes,bool_t Force)
- {
- if (!Force && (No<0 || No>=p->BufCount))
- {
- Planes[0] = NULL;
- Planes[1] = NULL;
- Planes[2] = NULL;
- }
- p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],&Planes[0],p->OvlPlaneY)==SUCCESS)
- {
- if (!p->OvlPlaneU || p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],&Planes[1],p->OvlPlaneU)==SUCCESS)
- {
- if (!p->OvlPlaneV || p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],&Planes[2],p->OvlPlaneV)==SUCCESS)
- return ERR_NONE;
- if (p->OvlPlaneU) p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],p->OvlPlaneU);
- }
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],p->OvlPlaneY);
- }
- }
- static void Unlock(ahi* p,int No)
- {
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],p->OvlPlaneY);
- if (p->OvlPlaneU) p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],p->OvlPlaneU);
- if (p->OvlPlaneV) p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,p->Buf[No],p->OvlPlaneV);
- }
- static bool_t CheckVersion(ahi* p,bool_t IDCT)
- {
- int c = IDCT?27:24;
- int a,b;
- StrToTcs(p->Version,TSIZEOF(p->Version),p->DevInfo.Version);
- if (sscanf(p->DevInfo.Version,"%d.%d",&a,&b)!=2)
- a = 2; // force true
- return a>1 || (a==1 && b>=c);
- }
- static void GetMode(ahi* p)
- {
- // get current mode parameters
- p->AhiDispModeGet(p->Context,&p->ModeInfo);
- memset(&p->p.Output.Format.Video,0,sizeof(video));
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Width = p->ModeInfo.Width;
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Height = p->ModeInfo.Height;
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction = 0;
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Aspect = ASPECT_ONE;
- if (p->ModeInfo.Rotation!=0 && p->ModeInfo.Rotation!=2)
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_SWAPXY;
- switch (p->ModeInfo.Rotation)
- {
- case 1:
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT;
- break;
- case 2:
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT|DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN;
- break;
- case 3:
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN;
- break;
- }
- if (p->ModeInfo.Mirror & MIRROR_LEFTRIGHT)
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT;
- if (p->ModeInfo.Mirror & MIRROR_UPDOWN)
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction ^= DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN;
- Ahi2PixelFormat(p->ModeInfo.PixelFormat,&p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel);
- FillInfo(&p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel);
- AdjustOrientation(&p->p.Output.Format.Video,0);
- }
- static bool_t UpdateOverlay(ahi* p,int BufCount,int TempCount);
- static int IDCTUpdateFunc(ahi* p);
- static void Done(ahi* p);
- static bool_t SafeAhiInit(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->TmpInited)
- {
- p->TmpInited = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- return p->AhiInit(0)==SUCCESS;
- }
- static void SafeAhiTerm(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->NoRelease)
- p->TmpInited = 1;
- else
- {
- p->AhiTerm();
- if (p->AhiUnmap)
- p->AhiUnmap();
- }
- }
- static int UpdateNoRelease(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->TmpInited && !p->NoRelease)
- {
- p->TmpInited = 0;
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Enum(ahi* p, int* No, datadef* Param)
- {
- if (OverlayEnum(&p->p,No,Param)==ERR_NONE)
- return ERR_NONE;
- return NodeEnumTable(No,Param,AHIParams);
- }
- static int Set(ahi* p,int No,const void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = OverlaySet(&p->p,No,Data,Size);
- switch (No)
- {
- case NODE_CRASH:
- Done(p);
- break;
- if (Size==sizeof(bool_t))
- {
- DWORD Disp;
- DWORD Value;
- HKEY Key;
- if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ATIBase, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &Key, &Disp) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- Value = *(bool_t*)Data;
- RegSetValueEx(Key, DisableDevice, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&Value, sizeof(Value));
- RegCloseKey(Key);
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- }
- }
- break;
- case AHI_STRETCHFLIP: SETVALUE(p->AllowStretchFlip,bool_t,ERR_NONE); break;
- case AHI_LOWBITDEPTH: SETVALUE(p->AllowLowBitdepth,bool_t,ERR_NONE); break;
- case AHI_PRIMARYREUSE: SETVALUE(p->AllowPrimaryReUse,bool_t,ERR_NONE); break;
- case AHI_NORELEASE: SETVALUE(p->NoRelease,bool_t,UpdateNoRelease(p)); break; // no compare
- case AHI_IDCTBUG: SETVALUE(p->IDCTBug,bool_t,IDCTUpdateFunc(p)); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int GetFreeMemory(ahi* p,int Mem)
- {
- int a=0;
- int b;
- if (p->AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize)
- {
- if (p->Context)
- p->AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize(p->Context,FORMAT_YUV420,&a,&b,Mem);
- else
- if (SafeAhiInit(p))
- {
- int No;
- for (No=0;;No++)
- {
- int Result = p->AhiDevEnum(&p->Device,&p->DevInfo,No);
- if (Result == SUCCESS && CheckVersion(p,0))
- {
- if (p->AhiDevOpen(&p->Context,p->Device,DevOpenName,2)==SUCCESS)
- {
- p->AhiDevClientVersion(p->Context,CLIENTVERSION);
- p->AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize(p->Context,FORMAT_YUV420,&a,&b,Mem);
- p->AhiDevClose(p->Context);
- }
- p->Context = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (Result == ENDENUM)
- break;
- }
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- a = (a * 3) >> 1; // 12bit/pixel
- }
- return a;
- }
- static int Get(ahi* p,int No,void* Data,int Size)
- {
- int Result = OverlayGet(&p->p,No,Data,Size);
- switch (No)
- {
- case AHI_NAME:
- StrToTcs((tchar_t*)Data,Size/sizeof(tchar_t),p->DevInfo.Name);
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- StrToTcs((tchar_t*)Data,Size/sizeof(tchar_t),p->DevInfo.Version);
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- if (Size==sizeof(bool_t))
- {
- HKEY Key;
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- *(bool_t*)Data = 0;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ATIBase, 0, 0, &Key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- DWORD Value;
- DWORD RegSize = sizeof(Value);
- DWORD RegType;
- if (RegQueryValueEx(Key, DisableDevice, 0, &RegType, (LPBYTE)&Value, &RegSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
- RegType == REG_DWORD && Value!=0)
- *(bool_t*)Data = 1;
- RegCloseKey(Key);
- }
- }
- break;
- case AHI_STRETCHFLIP: GETVALUE(p->AllowStretchFlip,bool_t); break;
- case AHI_LOWBITDEPTH: GETVALUE(p->AllowLowBitdepth,bool_t); break;
- case AHI_PRIMARYREUSE: GETVALUE(p->AllowPrimaryReUse,bool_t); break;
- case AHI_NORELEASE: GETVALUE(p->NoRelease,bool_t); break;
- case AHI_IDCTBUG: GETVALUE(p->IDCTBug,bool_t); break;
- case AHI_REVISION: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.Revision,int); break;
- case AHI_CHIPID: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.ChipId,int); break;
- case AHI_REVISIONID: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.RevisionId,int); break;
- case AHI_TOTALMEMORY: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.TotalMemory,int); break;
- case AHI_INTERNALTOTALMEM: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.InternalMemSize,int); break;
- case AHI_EXTERNALTOTALMEM: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.ExternalMemSize,int); break;
- case AHI_CAPS1: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.Caps1,int); break;
- case AHI_CAPS2: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.Caps2,int); break;
- case AHI_CAPS3: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.Caps3,int); break;
- case AHI_CAPS4: GETVALUE(p->DevInfo.Caps4,int); break;
- case AHI_UNMAP: GETVALUE((int)p->AhiUnmap,int); break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static int GetPitch(ahi* p,ahisurface* Surf)
- {
- planeinfo Info;
- surfinfo SInfo;
- if (p->OvlPlaneY)
- {
- p->AhiSurfPlaneInfo(p->Context,Surf,&Info,p->OvlPlaneY);
- return Info.Pitch;
- }
- else
- {
- p->AhiSurfInfo(p->Context,Surf,&SInfo);
- return SInfo.Pitch;
- }
- }
- static bool_t AllocBuffer(ahi* p,int No,int Width,int Height,int Mode)
- {
- int FirstMode;
- int SecondMode;
- ahisurface* Surf = NULL;
- ahisurface* SurfR = NULL;
- int FinalMode = 0;
- int Size[2];
- Size[0] = Width;
- Size[1] = Height;
- if (Mode == MEM_ANY_CHG)
- Mode = (No & 1) ? MEM_ANY_INT : MEM_ANY_EXT;
- if (Mode == MEM_ANY_INT)
- {
- FirstMode = MEM_INTERNAL;
- SecondMode = MEM_EXTERNAL;
- }
- else
- if (Mode == MEM_ANY_EXT)
- {
- FirstMode = MEM_EXTERNAL;
- SecondMode = MEM_INTERNAL;
- }
- else
- {
- FirstMode = Mode;
- SecondMode = 0;
- }
- p->AhiSurfAlloc(p->Context,&Surf,Size,p->OvlFormat,FirstMode);
- if (Surf)
- FinalMode = FirstMode;
- if (!Surf && SecondMode)
- {
- p->AhiSurfAlloc(p->Context,&Surf,Size,p->OvlFormat,SecondMode);
- if (Surf)
- FinalMode = SecondMode;
- }
- if (!Surf && p->FullScreenOverlay && !p->Landscape && !p->PrimaryReUse && p->AllowPrimaryReUse)
- {
- ahisurface* Primary = NULL;
- p->AhiDispSurfGet(p->Context,&Primary);
- if (Primary)
- {
- p->AhiSurfReuse(p->Context,&Surf,Primary,Size,p->OvlFormat,0);
- if (Surf)
- {
- FinalMode = MEM_PRIMARY;
- p->PrimaryReUse = 1;
- WaitDisable(1);
- }
- }
- }
- DEBUG_MSG4(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("AHIALLOC %d: %d,%d %d"),No,Size[0],Size[1],FinalMode);
- if (Surf)
- {
- void* Ptr;
- if (No < SCALE)
- {
- p->Overlay.Pitch = GetPitch(p,Surf);
- Size[0] = Height;
- Size[1] = Width;
- p->AhiSurfReuse(p->Context,&SurfR,Surf,Size,p->OvlFormat,0);
- if (!SurfR)
- {
- // this shouldn't happen
- p->AhiSurfFree(p->Context,Surf);
- return 0;
- }
- p->OverlayRPitch = GetPitch(p,SurfR);
- }
- p->Buf[No] = Surf;
- p->BufR[No] = SurfR;
- p->BufMode[No] = FinalMode;
- p->BufFrameNo[No] = -1;
- if (p->OvlPlaneY)
- {
- planeinfo Info;
- p->AhiSurfPlaneInfo(p->Context,Surf,&Info,p->OvlPlaneY);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Surf,&Ptr,p->OvlPlaneY)==SUCCESS)
- {
- FillColor(Ptr,Info.Pitch,0,0,Info.Width,Info.Height,8,0);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Surf,p->OvlPlaneY);
- }
- p->AhiSurfPlaneInfo(p->Context,Surf,&Info,p->OvlPlaneU);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Surf,&Ptr,p->OvlPlaneU)==SUCCESS)
- {
- FillColor(Ptr,Info.Pitch,0,0,Info.Width,Info.Height,8,128);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Surf,p->OvlPlaneU);
- }
- p->AhiSurfPlaneInfo(p->Context,Surf,&Info,p->OvlPlaneV);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Surf,&Ptr,p->OvlPlaneV)==SUCCESS)
- {
- FillColor(Ptr,Info.Pitch,0,0,Info.Width,Info.Height,8,128);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Surf,p->OvlPlaneV);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- surfinfo SInfo;
- p->AhiSurfInfo(p->Context,Surf,&SInfo);
- if (p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Surf,&Ptr,0)==SUCCESS)
- {
- FillColor(Ptr,SInfo.Pitch,0,0,SInfo.Width,SInfo.Height,16,0);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Surf,0);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void UpdateOverlaySurf(ahi* p,bool_t Idle)
- {
- int Show = p->ShowCurr;
- if (p->Buf[SCALE])
- {
- Show = SCALE + p->ScaleCurr;
- Idle = 1; // is this needed?
- }
- if (p->Buf[Show])
- {
- if (Idle) p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- p->AhiDispOverlaySurf(p->Context,p->Buf[Show],&p->Param,0);
- //DEBUG_MSG1(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("ATI %08x"),p->Buf[Show]);
- }
- }
- static void Stretch(ahi* p,bool_t Update,bool_t Flip)
- {
- ahisurface* Src;
- ahisurface* Dst;
- ahirect DstRect;
- ahirect SrcRect;
- if (p->Buf[SCALE+1] && Flip)
- p->ScaleCurr ^= 1;
- Src = p->Buf[p->ShowCurr];
- Dst = p->Buf[SCALE+p->ScaleCurr];
- DstRect.Left = 0;
- DstRect.Top = 0;
- DstRect.Right = p->ScaleWidth >> p->OvlUVX2;
- DstRect.Bottom = p->ScaleHeight >> p->OvlUVY2;
- SrcRect.Left = p->OverlayRect.x >> p->OvlUVX2;
- SrcRect.Top = p->OverlayRect.y >> p->OvlUVY2;
- SrcRect.Right = (p->OverlayRect.x + p->OverlayRect.Width) >> p->OvlUVX2;
- SrcRect.Bottom = (p->OverlayRect.y + p->OverlayRect.Height) >> p->OvlUVY2;
- if (p->OvlPlaneU)
- {
- if (p->Shrink) p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,Src,p->OvlPlaneU);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,Dst,p->OvlPlaneU);
- if (p->Stretch)
- p->AhiDrawStretchBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcRect,ScaleMode);
- else
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,(ahipoint*)&SrcRect.Left);
- }
- if (p->OvlPlaneV)
- {
- if (p->Shrink) p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,Src,p->OvlPlaneV);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,Dst,p->OvlPlaneV);
- if (p->Stretch)
- p->AhiDrawStretchBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcRect,ScaleMode);
- else
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,(ahipoint*)&SrcRect.Left);
- }
- DstRect.Left <<= p->OvlUVX2;
- DstRect.Top <<= p->OvlUVY2;
- DstRect.Right <<= p->OvlUVX2;
- DstRect.Bottom <<= p->OvlUVY2;
- SrcRect.Left <<= p->OvlUVX2;
- SrcRect.Top <<= p->OvlUVY2;
- SrcRect.Right <<= p->OvlUVX2;
- SrcRect.Bottom <<= p->OvlUVY2;
- if (p->Shrink) p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,Src,p->OvlPlaneY);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,Dst,p->OvlPlaneY);
- if (p->Stretch)
- p->AhiDrawStretchBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcRect,ScaleMode);
- else
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,(ahipoint*)&SrcRect.Left);
- if (p->Buf[SCALE+1] && Update && Flip)
- UpdateOverlaySurf(p,1);
- }
- static void SwapPtr(ahi* p,int a,int b,int SwapShow)
- {
- ahisurface* t;
- t = p->Buf[a];
- p->Buf[a] = p->Buf[b];
- p->Buf[b] = t;
- t = p->BufR[a];
- p->BufR[a] = p->BufR[b];
- p->BufR[b] = t;
- SwapInt(&p->BufMode[a],&p->BufMode[b]);
- if (SwapShow)
- {
- SwapInt(&p->BufFrameNo[a],&p->BufFrameNo[b]);
- if (p->ShowNext == a)
- p->ShowNext = b;
- else
- if (p->ShowNext == b)
- p->ShowNext = a;
- if (p->ShowLast == a)
- p->ShowLast = b;
- else
- if (p->ShowLast == b)
- p->ShowLast = a;
- if (p->ShowCurr == a)
- p->ShowCurr = b;
- else
- if (p->ShowCurr == b)
- p->ShowCurr = a;
- }
- }
- static void MoveBuf(ahi* p,int Src,int Dst)
- {
- ahirect DstRect;
- ahipoint SrcPos;
- DstRect.Left = DstRect.Top = 0;
- DstRect.Right = p->Overlay.Width;
- DstRect.Bottom = p->Overlay.Height;
- SrcPos.x = SrcPos.y = 0;
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Src],p->OvlPlaneY);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Dst],p->OvlPlaneY);
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos);
- DstRect.Right >>= p->OvlUVX2;
- DstRect.Bottom >>= p->OvlUVY2;
- if (p->OvlPlaneU)
- {
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Src],p->OvlPlaneU);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Dst],p->OvlPlaneU);
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos);
- }
- if (p->OvlPlaneV)
- {
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Src],p->OvlPlaneV);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[Dst],p->OvlPlaneV);
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos);
- }
- }
- static void SwapBuf(ahi* p,int a,int b)
- {
- planes s,Tmp;
- if (SurfaceAlloc(Tmp,&p->Overlay)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (Lock(p,a,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- SurfaceCopy(&p->Overlay,&p->Overlay,s,Tmp,NULL); // save from a
- Unlock(p,a);
- MoveBuf(p,b,a); // move b->a
- if (Lock(p,b,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- SurfaceCopy(&p->Overlay,&p->Overlay,Tmp,s,NULL); // restore to b
- Unlock(p,b);
- }
- SwapPtr(p,a,b,0); // swap pointers
- }
- SurfaceFree(Tmp);
- }
- }
- static void Optimize(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->Buf[SCALE] && p->BufCount==3 &&
- !(p->BufMode[0] == p->BufMode[1] && p->BufMode[1] == p->BufMode[2]))
- {
- // we have one buffer in different pool
- // b-frame motion compensation is faster if the two reference frames
- // are in different pool as the b-frame
- if (p->BufMode[1] == p->BufMode[2])
- SwapBuf(p,0,2);
- else
- if (p->BufMode[0] == p->BufMode[2])
- SwapBuf(p,1,2);
- }
- }
- static void UpdateBrightness(ahi* p,int Brightness)
- {
- int Delta,No;
- int DCAdd = Brightness * DCFACTOR;
- if (p->DCAdd != DCAdd)
- {
- Delta = DCAdd - p->DCAdd;
- p->DCAdd = DCAdd;
- if (p->IDCT)
- {
- planes s,Tmp;
- int ValidTmp = 0;
- int SwapNo = p->TempCount ? p->BufCount : 0;
- int MacroNo;
- int MacroCount = (p->Overlay.Width >> 4)*(p->Overlay.Height >> 4);
- // we need to save one buffer and adjust manually (if there are no temp buffers)
- if (p->BufCount && !p->TempCount && Lock(p,SwapNo,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (SurfaceAlloc(Tmp,&p->Overlay)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- ValidTmp = 1;
- SurfaceCopy(&p->Overlay,&p->Overlay,s,Tmp,NULL);
- }
- Unlock(p,SwapNo);
- }
- *(int32_t*)&p->Data[0] = -1;
- p->Data[0].skip0 = 0;
- p->Data[0].data0 = (idct_block_t)Delta;
- for (No=p->TempCount ? 0:1;No<p->BufCount;++No)
- {
- // swap context
- p->AhiIDCTFrameStart(p->IDCT,p->Buf[SwapNo],p->Buf[No],NULL,p->FrameNo,0);
- for (MacroNo=0;MacroNo<MacroCount;++MacroNo)
- {
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,p->Data,1,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,1);
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,p->Data,1,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,1);
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,p->Data,1,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,1);
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,p->Data,1,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,1);
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,NULL,0,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,0);
- p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(p->IDCT,NULL,0,&p->Zero,NULL,MacroNo,0);
- }
- p->AhiIDCTFrameEnd(p->IDCT,p->FrameNo++);
- // swap pointer
- SwapPtr(p,No,SwapNo,0);
- }
- if (ValidTmp)
- {
- if (Lock(p,SwapNo,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- blitfx FX;
- memset(&FX,0,sizeof(FX));
- FX.ScaleX = SCALE_ONE;
- FX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- FX.Brightness = Delta / DCFACTOR;
- SurfaceCopy(&p->Overlay,&p->Overlay,Tmp,s,&FX);
- Unlock(p,SwapNo);
- }
- SurfaceFree(Tmp);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void FreePrimaryReUse(ahi* p);
- static void UpdateDirection(ahi* p,int Dir)
- {
- int No;
- if (p->Overlay.Direction != Dir)
- {
- planes s,Tmp;
- video TmpSurface;
- int ValidTmp = 0;
- int SwapNo;
- // hide overlay
- if (p->p.Show && p->AllCount)
- {
- if (p->PrimaryReUse)
- FreePrimaryReUse(p);
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,0,0);
- p->AhiDispWaitVBlank(p->Context,0);
- }
- SwapNo = p->TempCount ? p->BufCount : 0;
- // we need to save one buffer and swap manually (if there are no temp buffers)
- if (p->BufCount && !p->TempCount && Lock(p,SwapNo,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (SurfaceAlloc(Tmp,&p->Overlay)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- ValidTmp = 1;
- TmpSurface = p->Overlay;
- SurfaceCopy(&p->Overlay,&p->Overlay,s,Tmp,NULL);
- }
- Unlock(p,SwapNo);
- }
- p->Overlay.Direction = Dir;
- SwapInt(&p->Overlay.Width,&p->Overlay.Height);
- SwapInt(&p->Overlay.Pitch,&p->OverlayRPitch);
- IDCTUpdateFunc(p);
- // swap buffer pointers
- for (No=0;No<p->AllCount;++No)
- {
- ahisurface* t = p->Buf[No];
- p->Buf[No] = p->BufR[No];
- p->BufR[No] = t;
- }
- // swapxy content of buffers
- for (No=p->TempCount ? 0:1;No<p->BufCount;++No)
- {
- ahirect DstRect;
- ahipoint SrcPos;
- DstRect.Left = DstRect.Top = 0;
- DstRect.Right = p->Overlay.Width;
- DstRect.Bottom = p->Overlay.Height;
- SrcPos.x = SrcPos.y = 0;
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->BufR[No],p->OvlPlaneY);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[SwapNo],p->OvlPlaneY);
- p->AhiDrawRotateBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos,1,1,0);
- DstRect.Right >>= p->OvlUVX2;
- DstRect.Bottom >>= p->OvlUVY2;
- if (p->OvlPlaneU)
- {
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->BufR[No],p->OvlPlaneU);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[SwapNo],p->OvlPlaneU);
- p->AhiDrawRotateBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos,1,1,0);
- }
- if (p->OvlPlaneV)
- {
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,p->BufR[No],p->OvlPlaneV);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,p->Buf[SwapNo],p->OvlPlaneV);
- p->AhiDrawRotateBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcPos,1,1,0);
- }
- SwapPtr(p,No,SwapNo,0);
- }
- if (ValidTmp)
- {
- if (Lock(p,SwapNo,s,0)==ERR_NONE)
- {
- SurfaceRotate(&TmpSurface,&p->Overlay,Tmp,s,DIR_SWAPXY);
- Unlock(p,SwapNo);
- }
- SurfaceFree(Tmp);
- }
- if (p->ShowNext >= 0)
- p->ShowCurr = p->ShowNext;
- if (p->ShowCurr<0 || p->ShowCurr>=p->BufCount)
- p->ShowCurr = 0;
- }
- }
- static void UpdateColorKey(ahi* p)
- {
- int No;
- p->p.ColorKey = COLORKEY; // use colorkey by default
- if (p->p.FullScreenViewport)
- p->p.ColorKey = CRGB(0,0,0); // black colorkey because of lowbitdepth
- if (p->PrimaryReUse || p->OvlFormat != FORMAT_YUV420)
- p->p.ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- if (p->Landscape)
- {
- // disable colorkey for external overlays in landscape mode
- if (p->Buf[SCALE])
- {
- if (p->BufMode[SCALE] == MEM_EXTERNAL)
- p->p.ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- if (p->BufMode[SCALE+1] == MEM_EXTERNAL)
- p->p.ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- for (No=0;No<p->AllCount;++No)
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_EXTERNAL)
- {
- p->p.ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void FreePrimaryReUse(ahi* p)
- {
- int No;
- if (p->BufMode[SCALE] == MEM_PRIMARY || p->BufMode[SCALE+1] == MEM_PRIMARY)
- FreeScale(p,NULL);
- for (No=0;No<p->AllCount;++No)
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_PRIMARY)
- {
- if (No != p->AllCount-1)
- {
- MoveBuf(p,No,p->AllCount-1);
- SwapPtr(p,No,p->AllCount-1,0);
- }
- FreeBuffer(p,p->AllCount-1,NULL);
- p->AllCount--;
- p->TempCount = p->AllCount - p->BufCount;
- if (p->TempCount < 0)
- {
- p->BufCount = p->AllCount;
- p->TempCount = 0;
- }
- }
- ClearPrimary(p);
- }
- static void UpdateLowBitdepth(ahi* p)
- {
- SetLowBitdepth(p,p->p.Show && p->p.FullScreenViewport && !p->BlitMode);
- }
- static void UpdateAlign(ahi* p,int ScaleMode)
- {
- blitfx OvlFX = p->p.FX;
- bool_t FullScreenOverlay;
- rect FullScreen;
- rect OverlayRect;
- PhyToVirt(NULL,&FullScreen,&p->p.Output.Format.Video);
- VirtToPhy(&p->p.Viewport,&p->p.DstAlignedRect,&p->p.Output.Format.Video);
- VirtToPhy(NULL,&p->OverlayRect,&p->p.Input.Format.Video);
- if (OvlFX.Direction & DIR_SWAPXY)
- {
- SwapInt(&p->OverlayRect.Width,&p->OverlayRect.Height);
- SwapInt(&OvlFX.ScaleX,&OvlFX.ScaleY);
- }
- OvlFX.Direction &= ~DIR_SWAPXY;
- if (!ScaleMode ||
- (OvlFX.ScaleX == OvlFX.ScaleY &&
- OvlFX.ScaleX >= (SCALE_ONE*98)/100 && OvlFX.ScaleX < (SCALE_ONE*103)/100))
- OvlFX.ScaleX = OvlFX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- p->Stretch = OvlFX.ScaleX != SCALE_ONE || OvlFX.ScaleY != SCALE_ONE;
- p->StretchOnlyInternal = (p->Stretch && ScaleMode==2);
- p->Shrink = OvlFX.ScaleX < SCALE_ONE || OvlFX.ScaleY < SCALE_ONE;
- {
- // avoid bilinear scale overrun (shrink source)
- if (p->OverlayRect.Width>2)
- {
- OvlFX.ScaleX = Scale(OvlFX.ScaleX,p->OverlayRect.Width,p->OverlayRect.Width-2);
- p->OverlayRect.Width -= 2;
- }
- if (p->OverlayRect.Height>2)
- {
- OvlFX.ScaleY = Scale(OvlFX.ScaleY,p->OverlayRect.Height,p->OverlayRect.Height-2);
- p->OverlayRect.Height -= 2;
- }
- }
- AnyAlign(&p->p.DstAlignedRect, &p->OverlayRect, &OvlFX, 2, 1, SCALE_ONE>>1,SCALE_ONE*16);
- PhyToVirt(&p->p.DstAlignedRect,&p->p.GUIAlignedRect,&p->p.Output.Format.Video);
- FullScreenOverlay = EqRect(&FullScreen,&p->p.GUIAlignedRect);
- if (FullScreenOverlay != p->FullScreenOverlay)
- {
- p->FullScreenOverlay = FullScreenOverlay;
- p->p.Overlay = !FullScreenOverlay;
- p->MaxCount = MAXIDCTBUF;
- }
- if (p->PrimaryReUse && !p->FullScreenOverlay)
- FreePrimaryReUse(p);
- // if (ScaleMode>0 && p->IDCT && !p->Internal && p->Stretch && OvlFX.ScaleX < (SCALE_ONE*13/10))
- // {
- // external idct buffer with external scale buffer would be very slow
- // not too much scale factor -> fall back to 100% if internal scale buffer not available
- // p->StretchOnlyInternal = 1;
- // }
- if (ScaleMode>0 && p->IDCT && p->Landscape && !p->Stretch && !p->FullScreenOverlay)
- {
- // using idct with external memory and 100% zoom in landscape mode
- // this means external overlay in landscape mode -> try internal scale buffer (100% scale)
- // (except when the overlay covers the full screen)
- p->Stretch = 1;
- p->StretchOnlyInternal = 1; // but don't use external memory (it would make no sense)
- }
- if (p->Stretch)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- // no BLITFX_VMEMROTATED needed because overlay is always in lcd space
- // (just the primary RGB surface is rotated)
- if (p->p.FX.Direction & DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN)
- }
- BlitRelease(p->p.Soft);
- p->p.Soft = BlitCreate(&p->Overlay,&p->p.Input.Format.Video,&p->SoftFX,&p->p.Caps);
- if (p->IDCT)
- p->p.Caps = VC_BRIGHTNESS;
- // because blit might use alignment enlarge the dest area
- OverlayRect = p->OverlayRect;
- OverlayRect.Width = (OverlayRect.Width + (OverlayRect.x & 15) + 15) & ~15;
- OverlayRect.Height = (OverlayRect.Height + (OverlayRect.y & 15) + 15) & ~15;
- OverlayRect.x &= ~15;
- OverlayRect.y &= ~15;
- VirtToPhy(NULL,&p->p.SrcAlignedRect,&p->p.Input.Format.Video);
- BlitAlign(p->p.Soft, &OverlayRect, &p->p.SrcAlignedRect);
- }
- // build ahi overlay param
- static void UpdateAHI(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->Buf[SCALE])
- {
- p->Param.SrcRect.Left = 0;
- p->Param.SrcRect.Top = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- p->Param.SrcRect.Left = p->OverlayRect.x;
- p->Param.SrcRect.Top = p->OverlayRect.y;
- }
- p->Param.SrcRect.Right = p->Param.SrcRect.Left + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width;
- p->Param.SrcRect.Bottom = p->Param.SrcRect.Top + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height;
- p->Param.DstRect.Left = p->p.DstAlignedRect.x;
- p->Param.DstRect.Top = p->p.DstAlignedRect.y;
- p->Param.DstRect.Right = p->p.DstAlignedRect.x + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width;
- p->Param.DstRect.Bottom = p->p.DstAlignedRect.y + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height;
- DEBUG_MSG4(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("UpdateAHI %d,%d,%d,%d"),
- p->Param.SrcRect.Left,
- p->Param.SrcRect.Top,
- p->Param.SrcRect.Right,
- p->Param.SrcRect.Bottom);
- p->Param.Mirror = 0;
- if (p->p.FX.Direction & DIR_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT)
- p->Param.Mirror |= MIRROR_LEFTRIGHT;
- if (p->p.FX.Direction & DIR_MIRRORUPDOWN)
- p->Param.Mirror |= MIRROR_UPDOWN;
- if (p->p.ColorKey == CRGB(0,0,0)) {
- // lowbitdepth
- p->Param.ColorMask = 0xF;
- p->Param.ColorKey = 0;
- }
- else
- if (p->p.ColorKey != RGB_NULL) {
- p->Param.ColorMask =
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[0] |
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[1] |
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[2];
- p->Param.ColorKey = RGBToFormat(p->p.ColorKey,&p->p.Output.Format.Video.Pixel);
- }
- else
- {
- p->Param.ColorMask = 0;
- p->Param.ColorKey = 0;
- }
- }
- static void UpdateAlloc(ahi* p,int BufCount,int AllCount,int ScaleMode,bool_t* Hidden)
- {
- int No;
- int Mode;
- if (ScaleMode==2)
- Mode = MEM_EXTERNAL; // only accept external
- else
- if (p->IDCT)
- Mode = MEM_ANY_CHG;
- else
- Mode = MEM_ANY_INT; // prefer internal memory transfer
- if (!p->IDCT && p->Landscape && p->AllCount)
- {
- // try to reallocate buffer if it's not in the right memory
- if ((Mode == MEM_EXTERNAL && p->BufMode[0] != MEM_EXTERNAL) ||
- (Mode == MEM_ANY_INT && p->BufMode[0] != MEM_INTERNAL))
- {
- // free surfaces
- FreeScale(p,Hidden);
- for (No=p->AllCount-1;No>=0;--No)
- FreeBuffer(p,No,Hidden);
- p->AllCount = 0;
- }
- }
- if (AllCount != p->AllCount)
- {
- FreeScale(p,Hidden);
- if (AllCount < p->AllCount && p->PrimaryReUse)
- FreePrimaryReUse(p);
- //try to keep same number of internal and external buffers
- if (Mode == MEM_ANY_CHG)
- {
- int Ext = 0;
- int Int = 0;
- for (No=0;No<AllCount;++No)
- {
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_EXTERNAL)
- Ext++;
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_INTERNAL)
- Int++;
- }
- for (No=AllCount;No<p->AllCount;++No)
- {
- int Search = 0;
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_EXTERNAL && Ext<Int)
- Search = MEM_INTERNAL;
- if (p->BufMode[No] == MEM_INTERNAL && Int<Ext)
- Search = MEM_EXTERNAL;
- if (Search)
- {
- int No2;
- for (No2=0;No2<AllCount;++No2)
- if (p->BufMode[No2] == Search)
- {
- MoveBuf(p,No2,No);
- SwapPtr(p,No2,No,0);
- if (Search == MEM_EXTERNAL)
- {
- Ext--;
- Int++;
- }
- else
- {
- Ext++;
- Int--;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //free unneccessary buffers
- for (No=p->AllCount-1;No>=AllCount;--No)
- FreeBuffer(p,No,Hidden);
- if (p->AllCount > AllCount)
- p->AllCount = AllCount;
- if (p->IDCT && p->Internal)
- {
- //allocate neccessary buffers in internal memory (if possible)
- for (No=p->AllCount;No<AllCount;++No)
- {
- if (!AllocBuffer(p,No,p->Overlay.Width,p->Overlay.Height,MEM_INTERNAL))
- {
- // failed? need use to external? (temp buffers doesn't count)
- if (p->AllCount < BufCount && p->DevInfo.ExternalMemSize)
- {
- p->Internal = 0;
- // free all buffers, so they can be realloced as external
- for (No=0;No<p->AllCount;++No)
- FreeBuffer(p,No,Hidden);
- p->AllCount = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- p->AllCount = No+1;
- }
- }
- //allocate neccessary buffers
- for (No=p->AllCount;No<AllCount;++No)
- {
- if (!AllocBuffer(p,No,p->Overlay.Width,p->Overlay.Height,Mode))
- {
- p->MaxCount = max(1,p->AllCount);
- break;
- }
- p->AllCount = No+1;
- }
- if (p->ShowCurr >= p->AllCount)
- p->ShowCurr = 0;
- if (p->ShowNext >= p->AllCount)
- p->ShowNext = -1;
- if (p->ShowLast >= p->AllCount)
- p->ShowLast = -1;
- p->BufCount = min(p->AllCount,BufCount);
- p->TempCount = p->AllCount - p->BufCount;
- }
- }
- static bool_t UpdateOverlay(ahi* p,int BufCount,int TempCount)
- {
- int ScaleMode;
- bool_t Hidden = 0;
- int AllCount = BufCount + TempCount;
- if (AllCount>p->MaxCount) return 0;
- p->SoftFX.Flags = 0;
- p->SoftFX.Brightness = p->p.FX.Brightness;
- p->SoftFX.Contrast = p->p.FX.Contrast;
- p->SoftFX.Saturation = p->p.FX.Saturation;
- p->SoftFX.Direction = p->p.FX.Direction & DIR_SWAPXY;
- p->SoftFX.RGBAdjust[0] = p->p.FX.RGBAdjust[0];
- p->SoftFX.RGBAdjust[1] = p->p.FX.RGBAdjust[1];
- p->SoftFX.RGBAdjust[2] = p->p.FX.RGBAdjust[2];
- ScaleMode = 1;
- if (!p->IDCT && p->Landscape && (p->p.FX.ScaleX != SCALE_ONE || p->p.FX.ScaleY != SCALE_ONE))
- ScaleMode = 2; // first try normal=external scale=internal
- scaletry:
- // alloc buffers
- UpdateAlloc(p,BufCount,AllCount,ScaleMode,&Hidden);
- // align
- UpdateAlign(p,ScaleMode);
- // allocate/free scale surface
- if (p->AllCount && p->Stretch)
- {
- if (p->ScaleWidth != p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width ||
- p->ScaleHeight != p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height)
- {
- int Mode;
- FreeScale(p,&Hidden);
- if (p->StretchOnlyInternal)
- Mode = MEM_INTERNAL; // only accept internal
- else
- if (p->BufMode[0] == MEM_INTERNAL) // try opposite of normal buffer
- Mode = MEM_ANY_EXT;
- else
- Mode = MEM_ANY_INT;
- AllocBuffer(p,SCALE,p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width,p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height,Mode);
- if (p->AllowStretchFlip)
- AllocBuffer(p,SCALE+1,p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width,p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height,Mode);
- if (p->Buf[SCALE])
- {
- p->ScaleCurr = 0;
- p->ScaleWidth = p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width;
- p->ScaleHeight = p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height;
- Optimize(p);
- Stretch(p,0,0);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- FreeScale(p,&Hidden);
- if (p->Stretch && !p->Buf[SCALE] && p->AllCount)
- {
- --ScaleMode;
- goto scaletry; // no memory for scale buffer -> try again
- }
- UpdateColorKey(p);
- OverlayUpdateShow(&p->p,1);
- if (p->p.ColorKey != RGB_NULL)
- WinInvalidate(&p->p.Viewport,1);
- UpdateAHI(p);
- UpdateOverlaySurf(p,1);
- if ((p->p.Show || p->PrimaryReUse) && p->BufCount)
- {
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,p->p.Show || p->PrimaryReUse,0);
- UpdateLowBitdepth(p);
- }
- if (!TempCount && p->AllCount != AllCount && p->BufCount<2 && !p->ErrorMemory)
- {
- p->ErrorMemory = 1;
- }
- return p->AllCount == AllCount;
- }
- static int UpdateBlit(ahi* p)
- {
- blitfx OvlFX = p->p.FX;
- video Overlay;
- int BufWidth,BufHeight;
- p->p.ColorKey = RGB_NULL;
- ReTry:
- p->SoftFX = p->p.FX;
- p->SoftFX.ScaleX = SCALE_ONE; // scale handled by hardware
- p->SoftFX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- OvlFX.Direction = 0;
- if (p->BlitDownScale)
- {
- p->SoftFX.ScaleX >>= 1;
- p->SoftFX.ScaleY >>= 1;
- OvlFX.ScaleX <<= 1;
- OvlFX.ScaleY <<= 1;
- }
- //align to 100%
- if (OvlFX.ScaleX > SCALE_ONE-(SCALE_ONE/16) && OvlFX.ScaleX < SCALE_ONE+(SCALE_ONE/16) &&
- OvlFX.ScaleY > SCALE_ONE-(SCALE_ONE/16) && OvlFX.ScaleY < SCALE_ONE+(SCALE_ONE/16))
- {
- OvlFX.ScaleX = SCALE_ONE;
- OvlFX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- }
- if (p->SoftFX.Direction & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&OvlFX.ScaleX,&OvlFX.ScaleY);
- p->Overlay.Direction = CombineDir(p->p.InputDirection,p->p.OrigFX.Direction,p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction);
- Overlay = p->Overlay;
- Overlay.Width = p->p.Input.Format.Video.Width;
- Overlay.Height = p->p.Input.Format.Video.Height;
- if (p->BlitDownScale)
- {
- Overlay.Width >>= 1;
- Overlay.Height >>= 1;
- }
- if (Overlay.Direction & DIR_SWAPXY)
- SwapInt(&Overlay.Width,&Overlay.Height);
- VirtToPhy(&p->p.Viewport,&p->p.DstAlignedRect,&p->p.Output.Format.Video);
- VirtToPhy(NULL,&p->OverlayRect,&Overlay);
- AnyAlign(&p->p.DstAlignedRect, &p->OverlayRect, &OvlFX, 2, 1, SCALE_ONE>>1,SCALE_ONE*16);
- p->Stretch = (OvlFX.ScaleX != SCALE_ONE || OvlFX.ScaleY != SCALE_ONE) &&
- (p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width != p->OverlayRect.Width && p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height != p->OverlayRect.Height);
- VirtToPhy(NULL,&p->p.SrcAlignedRect,&p->p.Input.Format.Video);
- BlitRelease(p->p.Soft);
- p->p.Soft = BlitCreate(&Overlay,&p->p.Input.Format.Video,&p->SoftFX,&p->p.Caps);
- BlitAlign(p->p.Soft,&p->OverlayRect,&p->p.SrcAlignedRect);
- // pitch has to 16byte aligned, so to be able to rotate width we must align 8 pixels (16bit RGB)
- BufWidth = (p->OverlayRect.Width+7) & ~7;
- BufHeight = (p->OverlayRect.Height+7) & ~7;
- if (!p->Buf[0] || p->Overlay.Width != BufWidth || p->Overlay.Height != BufHeight)
- {
- FreeBuffer(p,0,NULL);
- p->Overlay.Width = BufWidth;
- p->Overlay.Height = BufHeight;
- if (!AllocBuffer(p,0,BufWidth,BufHeight,MEM_ANY_INT))
- {
- if (!p->BlitDownScale)
- {
- p->BlitDownScale = 1;
- goto ReTry;
- }
- }
- }
- BlitRelease(p->p.Soft);
- p->p.Soft = BlitCreate(&p->Overlay,&p->p.Input.Format.Video,&p->SoftFX,&p->p.Caps);
- BlitAlign(p->p.Soft,&p->OverlayRect,&p->p.SrcAlignedRect);
- if (!p->Stretch) // no scaling -> adjust dst rectangle with soft yuv blitting alignement
- {
- p->p.DstAlignedRect.x += (p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width - p->OverlayRect.Width) >> 1;
- p->p.DstAlignedRect.y += (p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height - p->OverlayRect.Height) >> 1;
- p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width = p->OverlayRect.Width;
- p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height = p->OverlayRect.Height;
- }
- PhyToVirt(&p->p.DstAlignedRect,&p->p.GUIAlignedRect,&p->p.Output.Format.Video);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Reset(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->Context)
- GetMode(p);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Orientation(void* This)
- {
- ahi* p = (ahi*)This;
- if (!p->Context)
- {
- p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction = -1;
- if (SafeAhiInit(p))
- {
- int No;
- for (No=0;;No++)
- {
- int Result = p->AhiDevEnum(&p->Device,&p->DevInfo,No);
- if (Result == SUCCESS && CheckVersion(p,0))
- {
- if (p->AhiDevOpen(&p->Context,p->Device,DevOpenName,2)==SUCCESS)
- {
- p->AhiDevClientVersion(p->Context,CLIENTVERSION);
- GetMode(p);
- p->AhiDevClose(p->Context);
- }
- p->Context = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (Result == ENDENUM)
- break;
- }
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- }
- return p->p.Output.Format.Video.Direction;
- }
- static int Blit(ahi* p, const constplanes Data, const constplanes DataLast);
- static int BlitOverlay(ahi* p, const constplanes Data, const constplanes DataLast);
- static int Update(ahi* p);
- static int UpdateShow(ahi* p);
- /*
- static void CheckMem(const tchar_t* s)
- {
- Status.dwLength = sizeof(Status);
- GlobalMemoryStatus(&Status);
- DebugMessage(T("%s %d %d"),s,Status.dwAvailPhys,Status.dwAvailVirtual);
- }
- */
- static int Init(ahi* p)
- {
- int No;
- int Result = ERR_DEVICE_ERROR;
- p->Device = NULL;
- p->Context = NULL;
- memset(&p->Param,0,sizeof(p->Param));
- {
- p->Buf[No] = NULL;
- p->BufR[No] = NULL;
- p->BufMode[No] = 0;
- p->BufFrameNo[No] = -1;
- }
- if (SafeAhiInit(p))
- {
- p->SoftFX = p->p.FX;
- p->SoftFX.ScaleX = SCALE_ONE;
- p->SoftFX.ScaleY = SCALE_ONE;
- p->SoftFX.Direction = 0;
- memset(&p->Overlay,0,sizeof(video));
- p->Overlay.Width = ALIGN16(p->IDCTInit ? p->IDCTWidth:p->p.Input.Format.Video.Width);
- p->Overlay.Height = ALIGN16(p->IDCTInit ? p->IDCTHeight:p->p.Input.Format.Video.Height);
- p->Overlay.Direction = p->IDCTInit ? 0:p->p.Input.Format.Video.Direction;
- p->Overlay.Aspect = ASPECT_ONE;
- p->BlitDownScale = 0;
- if (p->IDCTInit && !PlanarYUV420(&p->p.Input.Format.Video.Pixel))
- {
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- p->ErrorMemory = p->Overlay.Width==0 || p->Overlay.Height==0;
- p->Landscape = 0;
- p->Internal = 1;
- p->ScaleWidth = 0;
- p->ScaleHeight = 0;
- p->ScaleCurr = 0;
- p->ShowCurr = 0;
- p->ShowNext = -1;
- p->ShowNextIdle = 0;
- p->ShowLast = -1;
- p->MaxCount = MAXIDCTBUF;
- p->AllCount = 0;
- p->BufCount = 0;
- p->TempCount = 0;
- p->Zero = 0;
- p->FrameNo = 0;
- p->LowBitdepth = 0;
- p->PrimaryReUse = 0;
- p->Primary = NULL;
- WaitDisable(0);
- for (No=0;;No++)
- {
- int AtiResult = p->AhiDevEnum(&p->Device,&p->DevInfo,No);
- if (AtiResult == SUCCESS)
- {
- if (!CheckVersion(p,p->IDCTInit))
- {
- ShowError(AHI_ID,AHI_ID,AHI_OLDVERSION,p->Version);
- p->Context = NULL;
- Result = ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // don't show device error message afterwards
- break;
- }
- AtiResult = FAIL;
- AtiResult = p->AhiDevOpen(&p->Context,p->Device,DevOpenName,2);
- if (AtiResult != SUCCESS)
- {
- p->Context = NULL;
- Result = ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // don't show device error message afterwards
- break;
- }
- p->AhiDevClientVersion(p->Context,CLIENTVERSION);
- p->AhiDrawRopSet(p->Context,0xCCCC);
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,0,0);
- p->AhiDispSurfGet(p->Context,&p->Primary);
- GetMode(p);
- if (p->DevInfo.ExternalMemSize>0 &&
- PlanarYUV(&p->p.Input.Format.Video.Pixel,NULL,NULL,NULL))
- {
- // because of software rotation we can't use YUV422
- // even if the source is in this format. so we are using
- // YUV420 with all YUV planar formats
- p->Overlay.Pixel.Flags = PF_YUV420;
- p->p.Overlay = 1;
- p->BlitMode = 0;
- p->OvlFormat = FORMAT_YUV420;
- p->OvlUVX2 = 1;
- p->OvlUVY2 = 1;
- p->OvlPlaneY = PLANE_Y;
- p->OvlPlaneU = PLANE_U;
- p->OvlPlaneV = PLANE_V;
- p->p.Blit = (ovlblit)BlitOverlay;
- p->p.Update = (ovlfunc)Update;
- p->p.UpdateShow = (ovlfunc)UpdateShow;
- }
- else
- {
- if (p->IDCTInit) // this shouldn't happen
- {
- p->AhiDevClose(p->Context);
- p->Context = NULL;
- break;
- }
- DefaultRGB(&p->Overlay.Pixel,16,5,6,5,0,0,0);
- p->p.Overlay = 0;
- p->BlitMode = 1;
- p->OvlFormat = FORMAT_RGB565;
- p->OvlUVX2 = 0;
- p->OvlUVY2 = 0;
- p->OvlPlaneY = 0;
- p->OvlPlaneU = 0;
- p->OvlPlaneV = 0;
- p->p.Blit = (ovlblit)Blit;
- p->p.Update = (ovlfunc)UpdateBlit;
- p->p.UpdateShow = (ovlfunc)NULL;
- }
- // landscape mode doesn't like external memory overlays,
- // probably reading the external primary framebuffer conflicts with overlay readings
- if ((p->ModeInfo.Rotation!=0 && p->ModeInfo.Rotation!=2) && p->DevInfo.ExternalMemSize>0)
- {
- p->Landscape = 1;
- p->Internal = 0;
- }
- if (p->IDCTInit)
- {
- p->AhiIDCTOpen(p->Context,&p->IDCT,0);
- if (!p->IDCT)
- {
- p->AhiDevClose(p->Context);
- p->Context = NULL;
- Result = ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // don't show device error message afterwards
- break;
- }
- p->IDCTRounding = 1;
- IDCTUpdateFunc(p);
- p->AhiIDCTPropSet(p->IDCT,PROP_ROUNDING,&p->IDCTRounding,sizeof(int));
- p->AhiIDCTPropSet(p->IDCT,PROP_BIAS,&p->Zero,sizeof(int));
- }
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- }
- if (AtiResult == ENDENUM)
- break;
- }
- if (!p->Context)
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- return Result;
- }
- static void Done(ahi* p)
- {
- int No;
- if (p->Context && p->IDCT)
- {
- p->AhiIDCTClose(p->IDCT);
- p->IDCT = NULL;
- }
- FreeScale(p,NULL);
- for (No=MAXIDCTBUF-1;No>=0;--No)
- FreeBuffer(p,No,NULL);
- p->TempCount = p->AllCount = p->BufCount = 0;
- if (p->Context)
- {
- SetLowBitdepth(p,0);
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,0,0);
- p->AhiDevClose(p->Context);
- SafeAhiTerm(p);
- p->Context = NULL;
- }
- }
- static int Update(ahi* p)
- {
- UpdateDirection(p,(p->p.FX.Direction ^ p->p.Input.Format.Video.Direction) & DIR_SWAPXY);
- UpdateBrightness(p,p->p.FX.Brightness);
- if (!UpdateOverlay(p,p->IDCT?p->BufCount:1,0)) // temp buffers are freed!
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int UpdateShow(ahi* p)
- {
- UpdateLowBitdepth(p);
- p->AhiDispOverlayState(p->Context,p->p.Show,0);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Blit(ahi* p, const constplanes Data, const constplanes DataLast)
- {
- ahisurface* Src = p->Buf[0];
- ahisurface* Dst = p->Primary;
- ahirect DstRect;
- ahirect SrcRect;
- planes Planes;
- p->AhiDrawIdle(p->Context,0);
- if (Src && Dst && p->AhiSurfLock(p->Context,Src,&Planes[0],0)==SUCCESS)
- {
- BlitImage(p->p.Soft,Planes,Data,DataLast,-1,-1);
- p->AhiSurfUnlock(p->Context,Src,0);
- DstRect.Left = p->p.DstAlignedRect.x;
- DstRect.Top = p->p.DstAlignedRect.y;
- DstRect.Right = p->p.DstAlignedRect.x + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Width;
- DstRect.Bottom = p->p.DstAlignedRect.y + p->p.DstAlignedRect.Height;
- SrcRect.Left = p->OverlayRect.x;
- SrcRect.Top = p->OverlayRect.y;
- SrcRect.Right = p->OverlayRect.x + p->OverlayRect.Width;
- SrcRect.Bottom = p->OverlayRect.y + p->OverlayRect.Height;
- p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet(p->Context,Src,0);
- p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet(p->Context,Dst,0);
- if (p->Stretch)
- p->AhiDrawStretchBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,&SrcRect,ScaleMode);
- else
- p->AhiDrawBitBlt(p->Context,&DstRect,(ahipoint*)&SrcRect.Left);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int BlitOverlay(ahi* p, const constplanes Data, const constplanes DataLast)
- {
- planes Planes;
- int Result;
- Result = Lock(p,p->ShowCurr,Planes,0);
- if (Result == ERR_NONE)
- {
- BlitImage(p->p.Soft,Planes,Data,DataLast,-1,-1);
- Unlock(p,p->ShowCurr);
- if (p->Buf[SCALE])
- Stretch(p,1,0);
- }
- return Result;
- }
- //**********************
- //* IDCT *
- //**********************
- const uint8_t ScanTable[3][64] = {
- {
- 0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10,
- 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5,
- 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34,
- 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28,
- 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36,
- 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51,
- 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46,
- 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63
- },
- {
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17,
- 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 14,
- 13, 12, 19, 18, 24, 25, 32, 33,
- 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29,
- 30, 31, 34, 35, 40, 41, 48, 49,
- 42, 43, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45,
- 46, 47, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59,
- 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63
- },
- {
- 0, 8, 16, 24, 1, 9, 2, 10,
- 17, 25, 32, 40, 48, 56, 57, 49,
- 41, 33, 26, 18, 3, 11, 4, 12,
- 19, 27, 34, 42, 50, 58, 35, 43,
- 51, 59, 20, 28, 5, 13, 6, 14,
- 21, 29, 36, 44, 52, 60, 37, 45,
- 53, 61, 22, 30, 7, 15, 23, 31,
- 38, 46, 54, 62, 39, 47, 55, 63
- }};
- const uint8_t ZigZagSwap[64] = {
- 0, 8, 1, 2, 9, 16, 24, 17,
- 10, 3, 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 40,
- 33, 26, 19, 12, 5, 6, 13, 20,
- 27, 34, 41, 48, 56, 49, 42, 35,
- 28, 21, 14, 7, 15, 22, 29, 36,
- 43, 50, 57, 58, 51, 44, 37, 30,
- 23, 31, 38, 45, 52, 59, 60, 53,
- 46, 39, 47, 54, 61, 62, 55, 63
- };
- const uint8_t ZigZagSwapLength[64] = {
- 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 21,
- 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 43, 43, 43, 43,
- 43, 43, 43, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49,
- 49, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 58, 58,
- 58, 58, 61, 61, 61, 63, 63, 64
- };
- #define AHI(p) ((ahi*)((char*)(p)-(int)&(((ahi*)0)->IdctVMT)))
- // input: Block, Length
- #define AHIDCBLOCK(Offset)
- {
- if (Length < 1)
- {
- Block[0] = (idct_block_t)(Offset);
- Length = 1;
- }
- else
- Block[0] = (idct_block_t)(Block[0] + (Offset));
- }
- #define AHIMVINC
- if (AHI(p)->MVBack) AHI(p)->MVBack++;
- if (AHI(p)->MVFwd) AHI(p)->MVFwd++;
- // ADJUST: don't care about MVFwd (only in b-frames which are not accumulated)
- if (AHI(p)->MVBack && (AHI(p)->MVBack[0] & 0x00020002)==0x00020002)
- // Block, Length -> Dst, Count
- #define AHIPACK(Dst)
- ScanEnd = Scan + Length;
- for (Data=Dst;;++Data)
- {
- int v;
- *(int32_t*)Data = -1;
- Last = Scan;
- while (Scan != ScanEnd && !Block[*Scan]) ++Scan;
- if (Scan == ScanEnd) break;
- v = *Scan;
- Data->skip0 = (char)(Scan++ - Last);
- Data->data0 = Block[v];
- Count++;
- Last = Scan;
- while (Scan != ScanEnd && !Block[*Scan]) ++Scan;
- if (Scan == ScanEnd) break;
- v = *Scan;
- Data->skip1 = (char)(Scan++ - Last);
- Data->data1 = Block[v];
- Last = Scan;
- while (Scan != ScanEnd && !Block[*Scan]) ++Scan;
- if (Scan == ScanEnd) break;
- v = *Scan;
- Data->skip2 = (char)(Scan++ - Last);
- Data->data2 = Block[v];
- Last = Scan;
- while (Scan != ScanEnd && !Block[*Scan]) ++Scan;
- if (Scan == ScanEnd) break;
- v = *Scan;
- Data->skip3 = (char)(Scan++ - Last);
- Data->data3 = Block[v];
- }
- #define AHIPACKNORMAL(ScanType)
- {
- const unsigned char *Scan = ScanTable[ScanType];
- const unsigned char *ScanEnd;
- const unsigned char *Last;
- idct_ati *Data;
- AHIPACK(AHI(p)->Data)
- }
- #define AHIPACKSWAP(Dst,ScanType)
- {
- const unsigned char *Scan;
- const unsigned char *ScanEnd;
- const unsigned char *Last;
- idct_ati *Data;
- if (ScanType == IDCTSCAN_ZIGZAG)
- {
- Scan = ZigZagSwap;
- Length = ZigZagSwapLength[Length-1];
- }
- else
- {
- Scan = ScanTable[ScanType];
- ScanType = 3 - ScanType;
- }
- }
- {
- const unsigned char *Scan;
- const unsigned char *ScanEnd;
- const unsigned char *Last;
- idct_ati *Data;
- Scan = ZigZagSwap;
- Length = ZigZagSwapLength[Length-1];
- }
- #define AHIBLOCKSWAP(ScanType)
- {
- if (SubNo <= 4)
- Count = 0;
- if (SubNo == 2)
- {
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHIPACKSWAP(AHI(p)->SaveData,ScanType)
- AHI(p)->SaveCount = Count;
- AHI(p)->SaveScanType = ScanType;
- }
- else
- {
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHIPACKSWAP(AHI(p)->Data,ScanType)
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCT8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->Data,Count,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << ScanType);
- if (SubNo == 3)
- {
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCT8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->SaveData,AHI(p)->SaveCount,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << AHI(p)->SaveScanType);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- Count = 0;
- if (SubNo == 2)
- {
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHI(p)->SaveCount = Count;
- }
- else
- {
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->Data,Count,AHI(p)->MVBack,AHI(p)->MVFwd,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << IDCTSCAN_ZIGZAG);
- if (SubNo == 3)
- {
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->SaveData,AHI(p)->SaveCount,AHI(p)->MVBack,AHI(p)->MVFwd,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << IDCTSCAN_ZIGZAG);
- }
- }
- }
- #define AHIQPEL(MVPtr)
- MV = *(MVPtr++);
- MV <<= 1;
- MV &= ~0x00010000;
- #define AHIQPELSWAP(MVPtr)
- MV = *(MVPtr++);
- MV = (MV << 17) |
- ((uint32_t)MV >> 15);
- MV &= ~0x00010001;
- static void IDCTMComp(void* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd)
- {
- if (MVBack)
- {
- int MV;
- AHI(p)->MVBack = AHI(p)->MVBackTab;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[0] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[1] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[2] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[3] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[4] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[5] = MV;
- }
- else
- AHI(p)->MVBack = NULL;
- if (MVFwd)
- {
- int MV;
- AHI(p)->MVFwd = AHI(p)->MVFwdTab;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[0] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[1] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[2] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[3] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[4] = MV;
- AHIQPEL(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[5] = MV;
- }
- else
- AHI(p)->MVFwd = NULL;
- }
- static void IDCTMCompSwap(void* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd)
- {
- if (MVBack)
- {
- int MV;
- AHI(p)->MVBack = AHI(p)->MVBackTab;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[0] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[2] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[1] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[3] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[4] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVBack); AHI(p)->MVBackTab[5] = MV;
- }
- else
- AHI(p)->MVBack = NULL;
- if (MVFwd)
- {
- int MV;
- AHI(p)->MVFwd = AHI(p)->MVFwdTab;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[0] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[2] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[1] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[3] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[4] = MV;
- AHIQPELSWAP(MVFwd); AHI(p)->MVFwdTab[5] = MV;
- }
- else
- AHI(p)->MVFwd = NULL;
- }
- static void IDCTProcess(void* p,int x,int y)
- {
- AHI(p)->MacroSubNo = 0;
- AHI(p)->MacroNo = x + y*AHI(p)->MacroWidth;
- }
- static void IDCTProcessSwap(void* p,int x,int y)
- {
- AHI(p)->MacroSubNo = 0;
- AHI(p)->MacroNo = y + x*AHI(p)->MacroWidth;
- }
- static void IDCTIntra(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length,int ScanType)
- {
- int Count = 0;
- int SubNo = ++AHI(p)->MacroSubNo;
- if (SubNo <= 4)
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCT8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->Data,Count,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << ScanType);
- }
- static void IDCTInter(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length)
- {
- int Count = 0;
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->Data,Count,AHI(p)->MVBack,AHI(p)->MVFwd,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << IDCTSCAN_ZIGZAG);
- }
- static void IDCTInterAdj(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length)
- {
- int Count = 0;
- if (Length>0 && Length<=64)
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->Data,Count,AHI(p)->MVBack,AHI(p)->MVFwd,AHI(p)->MacroNo,1 << IDCTSCAN_ZIGZAG);
- }
- static void IDCTIntraSwap(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length,int ScanType)
- {
- int Count;
- int SubNo = ++AHI(p)->MacroSubNo;
- }
- static void IDCTInterSwap(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length)
- {
- int Count;
- int SubNo = ++AHI(p)->MacroSubNo;
- }
- static void IDCTInterSwapAdj(void* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length)
- {
- int Count;
- int SubNo = ++AHI(p)->MacroSubNo;
- }
- static void IDCTCopy16x16(void* p,int x,int y,int Forward)
- {
- int MacroNo = x + y*AHI(p)->MacroWidth;
- int* Back = NULL;
- int* Fwd = NULL;
- if (Forward)
- Fwd = &AHI(p)->Zero;
- else
- Back = &AHI(p)->Zero;
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- }
- static void IDCTCopy16x16Swap(void* p,int x,int y,int Forward)
- {
- int MacroNo = y + x*AHI(p)->MacroWidth;
- int* Back = NULL;
- int* Fwd = NULL;
- if (Forward)
- Fwd = &AHI(p)->Zero;
- else
- Back = &AHI(p)->Zero;
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTMComp8x8(AHI(p)->IDCT,NULL,0,Back,Fwd,MacroNo,0);
- }
- static int IDCTUpdateFunc(ahi* p)
- {
- if (p->Overlay.Direction)
- {
- p->IdctVMT.Copy16x16 = IDCTCopy16x16Swap;
- p->IdctVMT.Process = IDCTProcessSwap;
- p->IdctVMT.MComp8x8 = IDCTMCompSwap;
- p->IdctVMT.MComp16x16 = IDCTMCompSwap;
- p->IdctVMT.Intra8x8 = (idctintra)IDCTIntraSwap;
- p->IdctVMT.Inter8x8 = (idctinter)(p->IDCTBug ? IDCTInterSwapAdj : IDCTInterSwap);
- }
- else
- {
- p->IdctVMT.Copy16x16 = IDCTCopy16x16;
- p->IdctVMT.Process = IDCTProcess;
- p->IdctVMT.MComp8x8 = IDCTMComp;
- p->IdctVMT.MComp16x16 = IDCTMComp;
- p->IdctVMT.Intra8x8 = (idctintra)IDCTIntra;
- p->IdctVMT.Inter8x8 = (idctinter)(p->IDCTBug ? IDCTInterAdj : IDCTInter);
- }
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int IDCTOutputFormat(ahi* p, const void* Data, int Size)
- {
- packetformat Format;
- int Result;
- p->IDCTInit = 1;
- if (Size == sizeof(video))
- {
- memset(&Format,0,sizeof(Format));
- Format.Type = PACKET_VIDEO;
- Format.Format.Video = *(const video*)Data;
- Data = &Format;
- Size = sizeof(packetformat);
- //IDCTWidth or IDCTHeight could have changes so invalidate current input format
- memset(&p->p.Input.Format.Video,0,sizeof(video));
- }
- Result = p->p.Node.Set((node*)p,OUT_INPUT|PIN_FORMAT,Data,Size);
- if (Size && Result != ERR_NONE)
- p->p.Node.Set((node*)p,OUT_INPUT|PIN_FORMAT,NULL,0);
- p->IDCTInit = 0;
- return Result;
- }
- static int IDCTSend(void* p,tick_t RefTime,const flowstate* State);
- static int IDCTSet(void* p, int No, const void* Data, int Size)
- {
- flowstate State;
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case IDCT_MODE: if (*(int*)Data==0) Result = ERR_NONE; break;
- assert(Size == sizeof(video) || !Data);
- Result = IDCTOutputFormat(AHI(p),Data,Size);
- break;
- if (Size == sizeof(idctbackup))
- Result = IDCTRestore(p,(idctbackup*)Data);
- break;
- if (Size == sizeof(bool_t) && AHI(p)->IDCT)
- {
- AHI(p)->IDCTRounding = !*(const int*)Data;
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTPropSet(AHI(p)->IDCT,PROP_ROUNDING,&AHI(p)->IDCTRounding,sizeof(int));
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- }
- break;
- case IDCT_SHOW:
- SETVALUE(AHI(p)->ShowNext,int,ERR_NONE);
- if (AHI(p)->ShowNext >= AHI(p)->BufCount) AHI(p)->ShowNext = -1;
- break;
- assert(Size == sizeof(int));
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- if (AHI(p)->BufCount != *(const int*)Data &&
- !UpdateOverlay(AHI(p),*(const int*)Data,0))
- break;
- case FLOW_FLUSH:
- AHI(p)->ShowNext = -1;
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- break;
- State.CurrTime = TIME_RESEND;
- State.DropLevel = 0;
- Result = IDCTSend(p,-1,&State);
- break;
- }
- if (No>=IDCT_FRAMENO && No<IDCT_FRAMENO+AHI(p)->AllCount)
- return Result;
- }
- static int IDCTEnumAHI(void* p, int* No, datadef* Param)
- {
- int Result = IDCTEnum(p,No,Param);
- if (Result == ERR_NONE && Param->No == IDCT_OUTPUT)
- Param->Flags |= DF_RDONLY;
- return Result;
- }
- static int IDCTGet(void* p, int No, void* Data, int Size)
- {
- int Result = ERR_INVALID_PARAM;
- switch (No)
- {
- case FLOW_BUFFERED: GETVALUE(1,bool_t); break;
- case NODE_PARTOF: GETVALUE(AHI(p),ahi*); break;
- case IDCT_OUTPUT|PIN_FORMAT: GETVALUECOND(AHI(p)->p.Input,packetformat,AHI(p)->IDCT); break;
- case IDCT_OUTPUT|PIN_PROCESS: GETVALUE(NULL,packetprocess); break;
- case IDCT_OUTPUT: GETVALUE(AHI(p)->IDCTOutput,pin); break;
- assert(Size==sizeof(video));
- if (AHI(p)->IDCT)
- {
- video* i = (video*)Data;
- *i = AHI(p)->p.Input.Format.Video;
- if ((AHI(p)->Overlay.Direction ^ i->Direction) & DIR_SWAPXY)
- {
- i->Direction ^= DIR_SWAPXY;
- SwapInt(&i->Width,&i->Height);
- }
- Result = ERR_NONE;
- }
- break;
- case IDCT_MODE: GETVALUE(0,int); break;
- case IDCT_ROUNDING: GETVALUE(!AHI(p)->IDCTRounding,bool_t); break;
- case IDCT_BUFFERCOUNT: GETVALUE(AHI(p)->IDCT?AHI(p)->BufCount:0,int); break;
- case IDCT_BUFFERWIDTH: GETVALUE(AHI(p)->IDCTWidth,int); break;
- case IDCT_BUFFERHEIGHT: GETVALUE(AHI(p)->IDCTHeight,int); break;
- case IDCT_SHOW: GETVALUE(AHI(p)->ShowNext,int); break;
- assert(Size == sizeof(idctbackup));
- Result = IDCTBackup(p,(idctbackup*)Data);
- break;
- }
- if (No>=IDCT_FRAMENO && No<IDCT_FRAMENO+AHI(p)->AllCount)
- GETVALUE(AHI(p)->BufFrameNo[No-IDCT_FRAMENO],int);
- return Result;
- }
- static int IDCTLock(void* p,int No,planes Planes,int* Brightness,video* Format)
- {
- if (Brightness)
- *Brightness = AHI(p)->p.FX.Brightness;
- if (Format)
- *Format = AHI(p)->Overlay;
- return Lock(AHI(p),No,Planes,0);
- }
- static void IDCTUnlock(void* p,int No)
- {
- Unlock(AHI(p),No);
- }
- static int IDCTFrameStart(void* p,int FrameNo,int *OldFrameNo,int DstNo,int BackNo,int FwdNo,int ShowNo,bool_t Drop)
- {
- ahisurface* Back;
- ahisurface* Fwd;
- ahisurface* Dst;
- if (!AHI(p)->IDCT)
- // we will try to avoid overwrite currently displayed buffers:
- // ShowCurr currently displayed
- // ShowLast may be still on screen (because flip occurs only during vblank)
- DEBUG_MSG6(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("ATI FrameStart %d,%d,%d (%d,%d,%d)"),DstNo,BackNo,FwdNo,ShowNo,AHI(p)->ShowCurr,AHI(p)->ShowLast);
- if (!AHI(p)->Buf[SCALE] && (AHI(p)->ShowLast == DstNo || AHI(p)->ShowCurr == DstNo))
- {
- // try to find a free buffer
- int SwapNo;
- for (SwapNo=0;SwapNo<AHI(p)->AllCount;++SwapNo)
- if (SwapNo != AHI(p)->ShowLast && SwapNo != AHI(p)->ShowCurr &&
- SwapNo != BackNo && SwapNo != FwdNo && SwapNo != ShowNo)
- break;
- if (SwapNo < AHI(p)->AllCount || UpdateOverlay(AHI(p),AHI(p)->BufCount,AHI(p)->TempCount+1))
- {
- // use free buffer
- SwapPtr(AHI(p),SwapNo,DstNo,1);
- DEBUG_MSG2(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("ATI Swap %d,%d"),DstNo,SwapNo);
- }
- else
- if (AHI(p)->ShowLast >= 0 && AHI(p)->ShowCurr != AHI(p)->ShowLast &&
- AHI(p)->ShowLast != BackNo && AHI(p)->ShowLast != FwdNo)
- {
- // no free buffer found and couldn't allocate new temp buffer
- // so we wait for vblank and use ShowLast
- if (!Drop)
- AHI(p)->AhiDispWaitVBlank(AHI(p)->Context,0);
- DEBUG_MSG2(DEBUG_VIDEO,T("ATI VBlank %d,%d"),DstNo,AHI(p)->ShowLast);
- if (DstNo != AHI(p)->ShowLast)
- SwapPtr(AHI(p),AHI(p)->ShowLast,DstNo,1);
- }
- }
- AHI(p)->ShowNext = ShowNo;
- AHI(p)->ShowNextIdle = ShowNo == DstNo;
- if (OldFrameNo)
- *OldFrameNo = AHI(p)->BufFrameNo[DstNo];
- AHI(p)->BufFrameNo[DstNo] = FrameNo;
- Back = NULL;
- Fwd = NULL;
- Dst = AHI(p)->Buf[DstNo];
- if (BackNo >= 0)
- Back = AHI(p)->Buf[BackNo];
- if (FwdNo >= 0)
- Fwd = AHI(p)->Buf[FwdNo];
- AHI(p)->MacroWidth = AHI(p)->Overlay.Width >> 4;
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTFrameStart(AHI(p)->IDCT,Dst,Back,Fwd,AHI(p)->FrameNo,0);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void IDCTFrameEnd(void* p)
- {
- AHI(p)->AhiIDCTFrameEnd(AHI(p)->IDCT,AHI(p)->FrameNo++);
- }
- static void IDCTDrop(void* p)
- {
- int No;
- for (No=0;No<AHI(p)->AllCount;++No)
- AHI(p)->BufFrameNo[No] = -1;
- }
- static int IDCTNull(void* p,const flowstate* State,bool_t Empty)
- {
- if (Empty)
- ++AHI(p)->p.Total;
- if (!State || State->DropLevel)
- ++AHI(p)->p.Dropped;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int IDCTSend(void* p,tick_t RefTime,const flowstate* State)
- {
- bool_t Flip = 0;
- if (AHI(p)->ShowNext < 0)
- if (State->CurrTime >= 0)
- {
- tick_t Diff;
- if (!AHI(p)->p.Play && State->CurrTime == AHI(p)->p.LastTime)
- Diff = RefTime - (State->CurrTime + SHOWAHEAD);
- if (Diff >= 0)
- {
- if (!AHI(p)->Buf[SCALE+1] || Diff>(TICKSPERSEC*8/1000))
- // we have time for scale flipping
- Flip = 1;
- }
- AHI(p)->p.LastTime = State->CurrTime;
- }
- else
- AHI(p)->p.LastTime = RefTime;
- if (State->CurrTime != TIME_RESEND)
- ++AHI(p)->p.Total;
- AHI(p)->ShowLast = AHI(p)->ShowCurr;
- AHI(p)->ShowCurr = AHI(p)->ShowNext;
- if (AHI(p)->Buf[SCALE])
- {
- if (State->DropLevel)
- ++AHI(p)->p.Dropped;
- else
- Stretch(AHI(p),1,Flip);
- }
- else
- UpdateOverlaySurf(AHI(p),AHI(p)->ShowNextIdle);
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static int Create(ahi* p);
- static void Delete(ahi* p);
- static const nodedef AHI =
- {
- sizeof(ahi)|CF_GLOBAL|CF_SETTINGS,
- (nodecreate)Create,
- (nodedelete)Delete,
- };
- static const nodedef AHI_IDCT =
- {
- };
- static void FindUnmap(ahi* p)
- {
- uint8_t* Min;
- uint8_t* Max;
- uint32_t* q;
- bool_t Found = 0;
- int i;
- CodeFindPages((void*)(int)p->AhiInit,&Min,&Max,NULL);
- if (Min && Max>Min)
- {
- Max -= 8*4;
- for (q=(uint32_t*)Min;q<(uint32_t*)Max;++q)
- if (q[0] == 0xE3A06A06) //mov r6,#0x6000
- {
- for (i=1;i<8;++i)
- if (q[i] == 0xE3866002) // or r6,r6,#2
- {
- for (i=-1;i>-16;--i)
- if ((q[i] & 0xFFFF0000)==0xE92D0000)
- {
- if (Found)
- p->AhiUnmap = NULL;
- else
- {
- p->AhiUnmap = (int(*)())(q+i);
- Found = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static int Create(ahi* p)
- {
- p->Context = NULL;
- p->p.Node.Enum = (nodeenum)Enum;
- p->p.Node.Get = (nodeget)Get;
- p->p.Node.Set = (nodeset)Set;
- p->p.Init = (ovlfunc)Init;
- p->p.Done = (ovldone)Done;
- p->p.Reset = (ovlfunc)Reset;
- p->IdctVMT.Class = AHI_IDCT_ID;
- p->IdctVMT.Enum = IDCTEnumAHI;
- p->IdctVMT.Get = IDCTGet;
- p->IdctVMT.Set = IDCTSet;
- p->IdctVMT.Send = IDCTSend;
- p->IdctVMT.Null = IDCTNull;
- p->IdctVMT.Drop = IDCTDrop;
- p->IdctVMT.Lock = IDCTLock;
- p->IdctVMT.Unlock = IDCTUnlock;
- p->IdctVMT.FrameStart = IDCTFrameStart;
- p->IdctVMT.FrameEnd = IDCTFrameEnd;
- p->IDCTOutput.Node = (node*)p;
- p->IDCTOutput.No = OUT_INPUT;
- p->IDCTBug = 0;
- p->IDCTInit = 0;
- p->AllowStretchFlip = 1;
- p->AllowPrimaryReUse = 1;
- p->AllowLowBitdepth = 1;
- p->p.Module = LoadLibrary(T("ACE_DDI.DLL"));
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiInit,T("AhiInit"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiTerm,T("AhiTerm"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDevEnum,T("AhiDevEnum"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDevOpen,T("AhiDevOpen"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDevClose,T("AhiDevClose"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDevClientVersion,T("AhiDevClientVersion"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispModeGet,T("AhiDispModeGet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispModeEnum,T("AhiDispModeEnum"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispSurfGet,T("AhiDispSurfGet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize,T("AhiSurfGetLargestFreeBlockSize"),1);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfAlloc,T("AhiSurfAlloc"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfReuse,T("AhiSurfReuse"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfFree,T("AhiSurfFree"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfLock,T("AhiSurfLock"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfUnlock,T("AhiSurfUnlock"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfInfo,T("AhiSurfInfo"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiSurfPlaneInfo,T("AhiSurfPlaneInfo"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawRopSet,T("AhiDrawRopSet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawSurfSrcSet,T("AhiDrawSurfSrcSet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawSurfDstSet,T("AhiDrawSurfDstSet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawIdle,T("AhiDrawIdle"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispWaitVBlank,T("AhiDispWaitVBlank"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawBitBlt,T("AhiDrawBitBlt"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawStretchBlt,T("AhiDrawStretchBlt"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDrawRotateBlt,T("AhiDrawRotateBlt"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispOverlayCaps,T("AhiDispOverlayCaps"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispOverlayState,T("AhiDispOverlayState"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispOverlayPos,T("AhiDispOverlayPos"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiDispOverlaySurf,T("AhiDispOverlaySurf"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTOpen,T("AhiIDCTOpen"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTClose,T("AhiIDCTClose"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTPropGet,T("AhiIDCTPropGet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTPropSet,T("AhiIDCTPropSet"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTFrameStart,T("AhiIDCTFrameStart"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTFrameEnd,T("AhiIDCTFrameEnd"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTMComp8x8,T("AhiIDCTMComp8x8"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCTMComp,T("AhiIDCTMComp"),0);
- GetProc(&p->p.Module,&p->AhiIDCT8x8,T("AhiIDCT8x8"),0);
- if (!p->p.Module)
- FindUnmap(p);
- memset(&p->DevInfo,0,sizeof(p->DevInfo));
- if (SafeAhiInit(p))
- {
- int No;
- for (No=0;No<16;No++)
- {
- int Result = p->AhiDevEnum(&p->Device,&p->DevInfo,No);
- if (Result == SUCCESS)
- {
- if (p->DevInfo.ChipId == 0x57441002)
- p->IDCTBug = 1;
- if (p->DevInfo.ExternalMemSize>0 && CheckVersion(p,1))
- {
- p->p.AccelIDCT = &p->IdctVMT;
- NodeRegisterClass(&AHI_IDCT);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (Result == ENDENUM)
- break;
- }
- p->TmpInited = 1; // assume NoRelease, later loading settings will call AhiTerm if needed
- //SafeAhiTerm(p);
- }
- p->p.DoPowerOff = 1;
- Context()->HwOrientation = Orientation;
- Context()->HwOrientationContext = p;
- return ERR_NONE;
- }
- static void Delete(ahi* p)
- {
- Context()->HwOrientation = NULL;
- Context()->HwOrientationContext = NULL;
- if (p->TmpInited)
- {
- p->TmpInited = 0;
- p->AhiTerm();
- // no unmap... maybe unmap casing problem too...
- }
- }
- void ATI3200_Init()
- {
- NodeRegisterClass(&AHI);
- }
- void ATI3200_Done()
- {
- NodeUnRegisterClass(AHI_ID);
- NodeUnRegisterClass(AHI_IDCT_ID);
- }
- #else
- void ATI3200_Init() {}
- void ATI3200_Done() {}
- #endif