资源名称:斗地主_src.rar [点击查看]
- // Server_Game.cpp: implementation of the CServerGame class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "斗地主.h"
- #include "Game.h"
- #include "Link.h"
- #include "My_DirectInput.h"
- #include "my_directdraw.h"
- #include "Playing_Cards.h"
- #include "Draw_Item_Engine.h"
- #include "Draw_Cards_Engine.h"
- #include "Server_Game.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CServerGame::CServerGame()
- {
- }
- CServerGame::~CServerGame()
- {
- }
- //左边玩家思考,并决定要出的牌;
- int CServerGame::LeftDoing()
- {
- if( m_nLordLock == 0 )
- {
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- return -1;
- }
- if( pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 0 &&
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 0 )
- {
- m_nLordLock = -1;
- }
- //补丁,调整出牌显示;
- int Temp_Discarding_Counter = 0; //刚出的牌的数量;
- CCard Temp_Discarding[20];//刚出的牌;
- pServerLink2->Recv(Temp_Discarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink2->Recv(&Temp_Discarding_Counter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink2->Recv(&pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- //更新数据;
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
- {
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i] = Temp_Discarding[i];
- }
- pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = Temp_Discarding_Counter;
- pServerLink1->Send(pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink1->Send(&pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink1->Send(&pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- if( pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 4 )
- {
- m_nBombCounter++;//加分;
- }
- if(pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum != 0)
- {
- pDrawCards->LeftDiscarding();
- ::RedrawGame();
- if( pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter == 0 )
- {
- //打印结束信息;
- AccountScore(0);
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,0,0,NULL); //开始游戏;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //显示不要;
- pDraw->TextGDI("过牌!-",250,200,RGB(255,0,0),400,"华文新魏",lpddsprimary);
- if( m_nCurrentLord == 0 )
- {
- m_nLordLock = 0;
- }
- Sleep(300);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //中间(本机)玩家出牌;
- int CServerGame::CenterDoing()
- {
- if( m_nLordLock == 1 )
- {
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- return -1; //表示当前是地主,上次轮过牌,现在则不能出牌;
- }
- //如果没有选择牌;
- if( pCardsMap->m_nUpCounter == 0 )
- {
- //当不是第一个出牌的时候才可以过牌;
- if( pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum != 0 ||
- pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum != 0 )
- {
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum = 0; //将出的牌值设为空;
- pServerLink1->Send(pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink1->Send(&pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink1->Send(&pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- pServerLink2->Send(pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink2->Send(&pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink2->Send(&pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- if( m_nCurrentLord == 1 )
- {
- m_nLordLock = 1;
- }
- pDraw->TextGDI("过牌!",470,400,RGB(255,0,0),400,"华文新魏",lpddsprimary);
- Sleep(500);
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- pCenterCards->m_nChoosingCardsCounter = 0;
- //将要出的牌加入到m_cDiscarding[20]数组中,m_nDiscardingCounter计数增加;
- for(int i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY== Center_y0 - Card_Up)
- {
- pCenterCards->m_cChoosingCards[pCenterCards->m_nChoosingCardsCounter] = pCenterCards->m_cCards[i];
- pCenterCards->m_nChoosingCardsCounter++;
- }
- }
- //判断出牌的合法性,
- if( pCenterCards->CheckChoosing() )
- {
- //大小判断;
- if( CompareCards() == 0 )
- {
- for(int j=0;j<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;j++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_nY== Center_y0 - Card_Up)
- {
- pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_nY+= Card_Up;
- }
- }
- pCardsMap->m_nUpCounter = 0; //提起牌数为0;
- ::RedrawGame();
- m_bButton = 0; //延时锁;
- Sleep(400);
- m_bButton = 1; //延时锁;
- return 0;
- }
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- //将要出的牌加入到m_cDiscarding[20]数组中,m_nDiscardingCounter计数增加;
- for(int i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY== Center_y0 - Card_Up)
- {
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter] = pCenterCards->m_cCards[i];
- pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter++;
- }
- }
- if( pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 4 )
- {
- m_nBombCounter++;//加分;
- }
- //发送给其他两个玩家;
- pServerLink1->Send(pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink1->Send(&pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink1->Send(&pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- pServerLink2->Send(pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink2->Send(&pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink2->Send(&pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- pDrawCards->CenterDiscarding(); //本机玩家出牌;
- ::RedrawGame();
- if( pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter == 0 )
- {
- //打印结束信息;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_WIN),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- AccountScore(1);
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,0,0,NULL); //开始游戏;
- return 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(int j=0;j<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;j++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_nY== Center_y0 - Card_Up)
- {
- pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_nY+= Card_Up;
- }
- }
- pCardsMap->m_nUpCounter = 0; //提起牌数为0;
- ::RedrawGame();
- m_bButton = 0; //延时锁;
- Sleep(400);
- m_bButton = 1; //延时锁;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //右边玩家思考,并决定要出的牌;
- int CServerGame::RightDoing()
- {
- if( m_nLordLock == 2 )
- {
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- return -1;
- }
- if( pLeftCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 0 &&
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 0 )
- {
- m_nLordLock = -1;
- }
- //补丁,调整出牌显示;
- int Temp_Discarding_Counter = 0; //刚出的牌的数量;
- CCard Temp_Discarding[20]; //刚出的牌;
- pServerLink1->Recv(Temp_Discarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink1->Recv(&Temp_Discarding_Counter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink1->Recv(&pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- if( m_nRoundCounter == 3 ) //说明已经出了牌;
- {
- //把已经出的牌回退;
- if(pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->RightBacking();
- if(pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->CenterBacking();
- if(pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter != 0)
- pDrawCards->LeftBacking();
- m_nRoundCounter = 0; //新的一圈;
- }
- m_nRoundCounter++;
- //更新数据;
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
- {
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i] = Temp_Discarding[i];
- }
- pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = Temp_Discarding_Counter;
- pServerLink2->Send(pRightCards->m_cDiscarding,sizeof(CCard)*20);
- pServerLink2->Send(&pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink2->Send(&pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType,sizeof(CCardsType));
- if( pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum == 4 )
- {
- m_nBombCounter++;//加分;
- }
- if(pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum != 0)
- {
- pDrawCards->RightDiscarding();
- ::RedrawGame();
- if( pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter == 0 )
- {
- //打印结束信息;
- AccountScore(2);
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,0,0,NULL); //开始游戏;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( m_nCurrentLord == 2 )
- {
- m_nLordLock = 2;
- }
- pRightCards->m_cDiscardingType.m_nTypeNum = 0;
- pDraw->TextGDI("过牌!-",600,200,RGB(255,0,0),400,"华文新魏",lpddsprimary);
- Sleep(300);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //传送牌数据结构给两个客户;
- int CServerGame::SentCards()
- {
- CCard All_Send_Cards[54];
- All_Send_Cards[51] = g_cAllCards[51];
- All_Send_Cards[52] = g_cAllCards[52];
- All_Send_Cards[53] = g_cAllCards[53];
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<17;i++)
- {
- All_Send_Cards[i*3] = g_cAllCards[i*3+1];
- All_Send_Cards[i*3+1] = g_cAllCards[i*3+2];
- All_Send_Cards[i*3+2] = g_cAllCards[i*3];
- }
- pServerLink1->Send(All_Send_Cards,sizeof(CCard)*54);
- for(i=0;i<17;i++)
- {
- All_Send_Cards[i*3] = g_cAllCards[i*3+2];
- All_Send_Cards[i*3+1] = g_cAllCards[i*3];
- All_Send_Cards[i*3+2] = g_cAllCards[i*3+1];
- }
- pServerLink2->Send(All_Send_Cards,sizeof(CCard)*54);
- return 1;
- }
- //服务器决定地主;
- int CServerGame::DecideLord()
- {
- m_nDefaultLord = rand()%3;
- m_nCurrentLord = m_nDefaultLord;
- int i;
- switch( m_nCurrentLord )
- {
- case 0:
- i = 2;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 1;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- break;
- case 1:
- i = 0;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 2;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- break;
- case 2:
- i = 1;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 0;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- break;
- }
- pDrawItem->BringRandLord(m_nDefaultLord);
- int counter = 0;
- while(1)
- {
- if( m_nCurrentLord == 1 )
- {
- pDrawItem->ChooseLord();
- while(1)
- {
- if( pInput->IsLButtonDown(m_cYES_RECT) ) //要
- {
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CHOSE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,0);
- i = 0;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 2;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- //跳出,准备开始游戏;goto...
- goto out;
- }
- else if( pInput->IsLButtonDown(m_cNO_RECT) ) //不要
- {
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CHOSE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,1);
- i = -1;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 1;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 0;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- m_nCurrentLord = 2; //自己更新
- break;
- }
- Sleep(50); //产生一个延时;
- }//end while;
- }
- else if( m_nCurrentLord != 1 )
- {
- if( m_nCurrentLord == 2 )
- {
- pServerLink1->Recv(&i,sizeof(int));
- if( i == 1 )
- {
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,0);
- i = 0;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- //跳出,准备开始游戏;
- break;
- }
- else if( i == -1 )
- {
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,1);
- i = -1;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- m_nCurrentLord = 0; //自己更新;
- //更新当前地主;
- i = 2;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 1;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- }
- }
- else if( m_nCurrentLord == 0 )
- {
- pServerLink2->Recv(&i,sizeof(int));
- if( i == 1 )
- {
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,0);
- i = 2;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- //跳出,准备开始游戏;
- break;
- }
- else if( i == -1 )
- {
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nCurrentLord,1);
- i = -1;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- m_nCurrentLord = 1; //自己更新;
- //更新当前地主;
- i = 0;
- pServerLink1->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- i = 2;
- pServerLink2->Send(&i,sizeof(int));
- }
- }
- }
- counter++;
- if( counter == 3 )
- {
- pDrawItem->GameInfo(m_nDefaultLord,2);
- m_nCurrentLord = m_nDefaultLord;
- //跳出,准备开始游戏;
- break;
- }
- }
- out:
- // Sleep(10000);
- return 1;
- }
- //开始游戏
- int CServerGame::Run()
- {
- //开始新的牌局;
- NewGame();
- //显示局数;
- pDrawItem->GameCounter(m_nGameCounter);
- //洗牌;
- ShuffleCards();
- //传送牌数据结构给两个客户;
- SentCards();
- pDrawCards->Dealing(); //发牌;
- DecideLord(); //决定地主;
- pDrawCards->DealingLord(m_nCurrentLord); //发地主牌;
- m_bOperate = TRUE;
- //开始循环;
- if(m_nCurrentLord == 0)
- {
- LeftDoing();
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,20,10,NULL);
- }
- else if(m_nCurrentLord == 1)
- {
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,20,10,NULL);
- }
- else if(m_nCurrentLord == 2)
- {
- RightDoing();
- LeftDoing();
- ::SetTimer(hWnd,20,10,NULL);
- }
- return 1;
- }