资源名称:斗地主_src.rar [点击查看]
- // Draw_Item_Engine.cpp: implementation of the CDrawItemEngine class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "斗地主.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #include "My_DirectInput.h"
- #include "My_directdraw.h"
- #include "Game.h"
- #include "Draw_Cards_Engine.h"
- #include "Draw_Item_Engine.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CDrawItemEngine::CDrawItemEngine()
- {
- //精灵颜色键;
- blue = _RGB32BIT(0,0,0,255);
- }
- CDrawItemEngine::~CDrawItemEngine()
- {
- }
- //
- //相关初始化;
- int CDrawItemEngine::Init()
- {
- char* file;
- //游戏界面离屏表面的建立;
- file = "bmp\Game_Back.bmp" ;
- lpddsbg_Game = pDraw->CreateSurface(Screen_Width, Screen_Height,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Game,0,0,file,Screen_Width,Screen_Height);
- //face;
- file = "bmp\faces\face0.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Person[0] = pDraw->CreateSurface(70,70,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Person[0],0,0,file,70,70);
- file = "bmp\faces\face1.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Person[1] = pDraw->CreateSurface(70,70,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Person[1],0,0,file,70,70);
- file = "bmp\faces\face2.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Person[2] = pDraw->CreateSurface(70,70,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Person[2],0,0,file,70,70);
- file = "bmp\faces\face3.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Person[3] = pDraw->CreateSurface(70,70,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Person[3],0,0,file,70,70);
- //左边玩家头像;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pLeftPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 40, 30,
- 70,70,
- lpddsbg_Game,0);
- //中间玩家头像;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pCenterPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 40, 620,
- 70,70,
- lpddsbg_Game,0);
- //右边玩家头像;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pRightPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 910, 30,
- 70,70,
- lpddsbg_Game,0);
- //玩家名字;
- pDraw->TextGDI(pLeftPlayer->m_szName,45,110,RGB(0,0,225),160,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pCenterPlayer->m_szName,45,700,RGB(0,0,225),160,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pRightPlayer->m_szName,915,110,RGB(0,0,225),160,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pLeftPlayer->m_szName,144,658,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pCenterPlayer->m_szName,144,685,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pRightPlayer->m_szName,144,710,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsbg_Game);
- //载入其他界面相关项;
- //产生随机地主的动画框;
- file = "bmp\item\bring_lord.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[0] = pDraw->CreateSurface(300,150,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[0],0,0,file,300,150);
- //头像外框;
- file = "bmp\item\lord_frame.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[1] = pDraw->CreateSurface(76,76,0,blue);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],0,0,file,76,76);
- //选择地主的菜单框;
- file = "bmp\item\choose_lord.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[2] = pDraw->CreateSurface(200,80,0,blue);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[2],0,0,file,200,80);
- //出牌按钮;
- file = "bmp\item\Ok_Button.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[3] = pDraw->CreateSurface(80,30,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[3],0,0,file,80,30);
- file = "bmp\item\Pass_Button.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[4] = pDraw->CreateSurface(80,30,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[4],0,0,file,80,30);
- //得分表框;
- file = "bmp\item\show_score.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Menu[5] = pDraw->CreateSurface(300,250,0,-1);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[5],0,0,file,300,250);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Game,0,0, Screen_Width,Screen_Height,lpddsback,0);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- return 1;
- }
- //显示第几局的函数;
- int CDrawItemEngine::GameCounter(int nGameCounter)
- {
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Game,0,0, Screen_Width,Screen_Height,lpddsback,0);
- //刷新屏幕;
- char info[30];
- sprintf(info,"第%d局开始",nGameCounter);
- pDraw->TextGDI(info,360,200,RGB(255,0,0),500,"隶书",lpddsback);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_START),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- Sleep(1000);
- return 1;
- }
- //
- int CDrawItemEngine::BringRandLord(int nDefaultLord)
- {
- // pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Game,0,0, Screen_Width,Screen_Height,lpddsback,0);
- int counter = 0;
- while( counter < 10 )
- {
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_DING),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[0],
- 365, 300,
- 300,150,
- lpddsback,0);
- //左边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pLeftPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 390, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pLeftPlayer->m_szName,400,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //中间玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pCenterPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 480, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pCenterPlayer->m_szName,490,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //右边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pRightPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 570, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pRightPlayer->m_szName,580,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //显示字:
- pDraw->TextGDI("正在产生随机地主...",330,230,RGB(0,0,0),300,"隶书",lpddsback);
- switch( rand()%3 )
- {
- case 0:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 390-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 1:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 480-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 2:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 570-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- }
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- counter++;
- Sleep(150);
- }
- //生产地主后的信息提示:
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[0],
- 365, 300,
- 300,150,
- lpddsback,0);
- //左边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pLeftPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 390, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pLeftPlayer->m_szName,400,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //中间玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pCenterPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 480, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pCenterPlayer->m_szName,490,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //右边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pRightPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 570, 320,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pRightPlayer->m_szName,580,400,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //选出地主提示:
- char lord_info[50];
- switch( nDefaultLord )
- {
- case 0:
- sprintf(lord_info,"本局的随机地主是:%s",pLeftPlayer->m_szName);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 390-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(lord_info,"本局的随机地主是:%s",pCenterPlayer->m_szName);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 480-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(lord_info,"本局的随机地主是:%s",pRightPlayer->m_szName);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 570-3, 320-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- }
- // AfxMessageBox(lord_info);
- pDraw->TextGDI(lord_info,330,230,RGB(0,0,0),300,"隶书",lpddsback);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- Sleep(1500);
- return 1;
- }
- //产生随机地主的动画;
- int CDrawItemEngine::ChooseLord()
- {
- //选择地主效果;
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[2],
- 320, 500,
- 200,80,
- lpddsback,0);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- // Sleep(5000);
- return 1;
- }
- //显示游戏过程中选地主的信息;
- int CDrawItemEngine::GameInfo(int nPlayer,int nInfoType)
- {
- //info_type = 0: "%s要当地主,本局地主是:%s"
- //info_type = 1: "%s不当地主,等待%s选择..."
- //info_type = 2: "按规则,本局地主是:%s"
- //
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- char lord_info[50];
- switch( nInfoType )
- {
- case 0:
- switch( nPlayer ) //当前地主当;
- {
- case 0:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s要当地主,本局地主是:%s",
- pLeftPlayer->m_szName,pLeftPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s要当地主,本局地主是:%s",
- pCenterPlayer->m_szName,pCenterPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s要当地主,本局地主是:%s",
- pRightPlayer->m_szName,pRightPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- switch( nPlayer )
- {
- case 0:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s不当地主,等待%s选择...",
- pLeftPlayer->m_szName,pCenterPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s不当地主,等待%s选择...",
- pCenterPlayer->m_szName,pRightPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(lord_info,"%s不当地主,等待%s选择...",
- pRightPlayer->m_szName,pLeftPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- switch( nPlayer )
- {
- case 0:
- sprintf(lord_info,"按规则,本局地主是:%s",
- pLeftPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(lord_info,"按规则,本局地主是:%s",
- pCenterPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(lord_info,"按规则,本局地主是:%s",
- pRightPlayer->m_szName);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- pDraw->TextGDI(lord_info,280,300,RGB(0,0,255),250,"隶书",lpddsback);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- Sleep(1000);
- return 1;
- }
- //显示得分情况;
- int CDrawItemEngine::GameScore(int nCurrentLord,int nLeft,int nCenter,int nRight)
- {
- char score_info[10];
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[5],
- 365, 200,
- 300,250,
- lpddsback,0);
- //左边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pLeftPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 390, 270,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pLeftPlayer->m_szName,400,350,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //显示得分;
- sprintf(score_info,"%d",nLeft);
- pDraw->TextGDI(score_info,410,380,RGB(255,0,0),300,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- //中间玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pCenterPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 480, 270,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pCenterPlayer->m_szName,490,350,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //显示得分;
- sprintf(score_info,"%d",nCenter);
- pDraw->TextGDI(score_info,500,380,RGB(255,0,0),300,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- //右边玩家;
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Person[pRightPlayer->m_nFaceID],
- 570, 270,
- 70,70,
- lpddsback,0);
- pDraw->TextGDI(pRightPlayer->m_szName,580,350,RGB(0,0,0),200,"隶书",lpddsback);
- //显示得分;
- sprintf(score_info,"%d",nRight);
- pDraw->TextGDI(score_info,590,380,RGB(255,0,0),300,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- switch( nCurrentLord )
- {
- case 0:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 390-3, 270-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 1:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 480-3, 270-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 2:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 570-3, 270-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- }
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- Sleep(3000);
- return 1;
- }
- void CDrawItemEngine::Redraw(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pSurface)
- {
- if( pCardsMap->m_nUpCounter == 0 )
- {
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[4],
- 660, 550,
- 80,30,
- lpddsback,0);
- }
- else
- {
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[3],
- 660, 550,
- 80,30,
- lpddsback,0);
- }
- switch( pGame->m_nCurrentLord )
- {
- case 0:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 40-3, 30-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 1:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 40-3, 620-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- case 2:
- pDraw->DrawSurface(lpddsbg_Menu[1],
- 910-3, 30-3,
- 76,76,
- lpddsback,1);
- break;
- }
- char table_info[100];
- //左边玩家得分信息;
- sprintf(table_info,"%d %d %d",pLeftPlayer->m_nScore,pLeftPlayer->m_nWin,pLeftPlayer->m_nLose);
- pDraw->TextGDI(table_info,210,658,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- //中间玩家得分信息;
- sprintf(table_info,"%d %d %d",pCenterPlayer->m_nScore,pCenterPlayer->m_nWin,pCenterPlayer->m_nLose);
- pDraw->TextGDI(table_info,210,685,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- //右边玩家得分信息;
- sprintf(table_info,"%d %d %d",pRightPlayer->m_nScore,pRightPlayer->m_nWin,pRightPlayer->m_nLose);
- pDraw->TextGDI(table_info,210,710,RGB(255,0,0),130,"华文新魏",lpddsback);
- }