资源名称:斗地主_src.rar [点击查看]
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #include "Game.h"
- #include "My_DirectInput.h"
- #include "my_directdraw.h"
- #include "Draw_Cards_Engine.h"
- #include "Playing_Cards.h"
- #include <io.h>
- CMyDirectDraw::CMyDirectDraw()
- {
- lpdd = NULL; // dd object
- lpddclipper = NULL; // dd clipper
- bitmap.buffer = NULL; //记住!!!!!!初始化!!!!!永远的伤
- start_clock_count = 0; // used for timing
- SCREEN_BPP = 32;
- }
- int CMyDirectDraw::Flip_Bitmap(UCHAR *image, int bytes_per_line, int height)
- {
- // 将数据读入表面
- UCHAR *buffer; // used to perform the image processing
- int index;
- if (!(buffer = (UCHAR *)new UCHAR[bytes_per_line*height]) )
- return(0);
- memcpy(buffer,image,bytes_per_line*height);
- for (index=0; index < height; index++)
- {
- memcpy(&image[((height-1) - index)*bytes_per_line],
- &buffer[index*bytes_per_line], bytes_per_line);
- }
- // release the memory
- delete(buffer);
- return(1);
- } // end Flip_Bitmap
- //读取位图的方法:
- int CMyDirectDraw::Load_Bitmap_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, char *filename)
- {
- //
- int file_handle; // the file handle
- UCHAR *temp_buffer = NULL;
- OFSTRUCT file_data;
- // 打开文件如果它存在;
- if ((file_handle = OpenFile(filename,&file_data,OF_READ))==-1)
- return(0);
- _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapfileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- if (bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfType!=BITMAP_ID)
- {
- //如果不是位图,则关闭文件,返回;
- _lclose(file_handle);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // 发现是位图,继续;
- // 读取文件头;
- _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapinfoheader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- //如果是8位位图,则返回;
- if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount == 8)
- {
- AfxMessageBox("本游戏不能读取8位位图!");
- return 0;
- } // end if
- //从文件结尾反向搜位图数据字节大小的长度;
- _lseek(file_handle,(int)(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+
- int Image_Size = bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfSize-
- if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==8 || bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==16 ||
- bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==24)
- {
- //如果位图存在,则先释放;
- if (bitmap->buffer)
- free(bitmap->buffer);
- if ( !(bitmap->buffer = (UCHAR *)new UCHAR [Image_Size]) )
- {
- _lclose(file_handle);
- return(0);
- }
- _lread(file_handle,bitmap->buffer,Image_Size);
- }
- else
- {
- //见鬼了!
- return(0);
- }
- _lclose(file_handle);
- // flip the bitmap
- Flip_Bitmap(bitmap->buffer,
- bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount/8),
- bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight);
- return(1);
- }
- int CMyDirectDraw::Unload_Bitmap_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap)
- {
- // this function releases all memory associated with "bitmap"
- if (bitmap->buffer)
- {
- // release memory
- delete(bitmap->buffer);
- bitmap->buffer = NULL;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- int CMyDirectDraw::Scan_Image_Bitmap(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, // bitmap file to scan image data from
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds, // surface to hold data
- int cx, int cy) // cell to scan image from
- {
- //将位图像素写到表面去!
- DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; // direct draw surface description
- // set size of the structure
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- // lock the display surface
- lpdds->Lock(NULL,
- &ddsd,
- NULL);
- cx = cx*(ddsd.dwWidth+1) + 1;
- cy = cy*(ddsd.dwHeight+1) + 1;
- DWORD *dest_ptr;
- UCHAR blue,green,red;
- dest_ptr = (DWORD *)ddsd.lpSurface;
- for (DWORD index_y = 0; index_y < ddsd.dwHeight; index_y++)
- {
- for (DWORD index_x = 0; index_x < ddsd.dwWidth; index_x++)
- {
- // get BGR values;;;;
- int index = index_y*(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth)*3 + index_x*3;
- blue = bitmap->buffer[index + 0];
- green = bitmap->buffer[index + 1];
- red = bitmap->buffer[index + 2];
- // 32位RGB数;
- DWORD pixel = _RGB32BIT(0,red,green,blue);
- dest_ptr[index_x + (index_y*ddsd.lPitch >> 2)] = pixel;
- }
- }
- // unlock the surface
- lpdds->Unlock(NULL);
- return(1);
- }
- //填充表面的方法
- int CMyDirectDraw::FillSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds,int color)
- {
- DDBLTFX ddbltfx;
- //初始化ddbltfx结构;
- // 需要填空全屏的颜色值;
- ddbltfx.dwFillColor = color;
- // blt to surface
- lpdds->Blt(
- NULL, // ptr to dest rectangle
- NULL, // ptr to source surface, NA
- NULL, // ptr to source rectangle, NA
- DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT, // fill and wait
- &ddbltfx
- ); // ptr to DDBLTFX structure
- return(1);
- } // end FillSurface
- //根据传入参数建立相应的表面
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 CMyDirectDraw::CreateSurface(
- int width,
- int height,
- int mem_flags,
- int color = 0)
- {
- // this function creates an offscreen plain surface
- DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; // working description
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds; // temporary surface
- // set to access caps, width, and height
- memset(&ddsd,0,sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- // set dimensions of the new bitmap surface
- ddsd.dwWidth = width;
- ddsd.dwHeight = height;
- // set surface to offscreen plain
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | mem_flags;
- // create the surface
- if (FAILED(lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&lpdds,NULL)))
- return(NULL);
- // test if user wants a color key
- if (color >= 0)
- {
- // set color key to color 0
- DDCOLORKEY color_key; // used to set color key
- color_key.dwColorSpaceLowValue = color;
- color_key.dwColorSpaceHighValue = color;
- // now set the color key for source blitting
- lpdds->SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, &color_key);
- } // end if
- // return surface
- return(lpdds);
- } // end CreateSurface
- int CMyDirectDraw::DrawSurface(
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 source, // source surface to draw
- int x, int y, // position to draw at
- int width, int height, // size of source surface
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 dest, // surface to draw the surface on
- int transparent = 1) // transparency flag
- {
- // draw a bob at the x,y defined in the BOB
- // on the destination surface defined in dest
- RECT dest_rect, // the destination rectangle
- source_rect; // the source rectangle
- // fill in the destination rect
- dest_rect.left = x;
- = y;
- dest_rect.right = x+width;
- dest_rect.bottom = y+height;
- // fill in the source rect
- source_rect.left = 0;
- = 0;
- source_rect.right = width;
- source_rect.bottom = height;
- // test transparency flag
- if (transparent)
- {
- // enable color key blit
- // blt to destination surface
- if (FAILED(dest->Blt(&dest_rect, source,
- &source_rect,(DDBLT_WAIT | DDBLT_KEYSRC),
- NULL)))
- return(0);
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // perform blit without color key
- // blt to destination surface
- if (FAILED(dest->Blt(&dest_rect, source,
- &source_rect,(DDBLT_WAIT),
- NULL)))
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end DrawSurface
- //创建剪切的方法:
- LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER CMyDirectDraw::AttachClipper(
- int num_rects,
- LPRECT clip_list)
- {
- // this function creates a clipper from the sent clip list and attaches
- // it to the sent surface
- int index; // looping var
- LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER lpddclipper; // pointer to the newly created dd clipper
- LPRGNDATA region_data; // pointer to the region data that contains
- // the header and clip list
- // first create the direct draw clipper
- if (FAILED(lpdd->CreateClipper(0,&lpddclipper,NULL)))
- return(NULL);
- // now create the clip list from the sent data
- // first allocate memory for region data
- region_data = (LPRGNDATA)malloc(sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)+num_rects*sizeof(RECT));
- // now copy the rects into region data
- memcpy(region_data->Buffer, clip_list, sizeof(RECT)*num_rects);
- // set up fields of header
- region_data->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER);
- region_data->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES;
- region_data->rdh.nCount = num_rects;
- region_data->rdh.nRgnSize = num_rects*sizeof(RECT);
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.left = 64000;
- region_data-> = 64000;
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.right = -64000;
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.bottom = -64000;
- // find bounds of all clipping regions
- for (index=0; index<num_rects; index++)
- {
- // test if the next rectangle unioned with the current bound is larger
- if (clip_list[index].left < region_data->rdh.rcBound.left)
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.left = clip_list[index].left;
- if (clip_list[index].right > region_data->rdh.rcBound.right)
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.right = clip_list[index].right;
- if (clip_list[index].top < region_data->
- region_data-> = clip_list[index].top;
- if (clip_list[index].bottom > region_data->rdh.rcBound.bottom)
- region_data->rdh.rcBound.bottom = clip_list[index].bottom;
- } // end for index
- // now we have computed the bounding rectangle region and set up the data
- // now let's set the clipping list
- if (FAILED(lpddclipper->SetClipList(region_data, 0)))
- {
- // release memory and return error
- free(region_data);
- return(NULL);
- } // end if
- // now attach the clipper to the surface
- if (FAILED(lpdds->SetClipper(lpddclipper)))
- {
- // release memory and return error
- free(region_data);
- return(NULL);
- } // end if
- // all is well, so release memory and send back the pointer to the new clipper
- free(region_data);
- return(lpddclipper);
- }
- //调试用;
- int CMyDirectDraw::DebugText(char* text,int time)
- {
- HDC xdc; // the working dc
- if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->GetDC(&xdc)))
- return(0);
- SetBkMode(xdc, TRANSPARENT);
- TextOut(xdc,140,500,text,strlen(text));
- lpddsprimary->ReleaseDC(xdc);
- ::Sleep(time);
- return 1;
- }
- int CMyDirectDraw::TextGDI(
- char *text,
- int x,
- int y,
- COLORREF color,
- int size,
- char* type,
- {
- HDC xdc;
- if (FAILED(lpdds->GetDC(&xdc)))
- return(0);
- LOGFONT my_font;
- memset(&my_font,0,sizeof(LOGFONT));
- my_font.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- my_font.lfHeight = size;
- // lstrcpyn(my_font.lfFaceName, type, _countof(my_font.lfFaceName));
- sprintf(my_font.lfFaceName,type);
- POINT pt;
- pt.y = ::GetDeviceCaps(xdc, LOGPIXELSY) * my_font.lfHeight;
- pt.y /= 720; // 72 points/inch, 10 decipoints/point
- ::DPtoLP(xdc, &pt, 1);
- POINT ptOrg = { 0, 0 };
- ::DPtoLP(xdc, &ptOrg, 1);
- my_font.lfHeight = -abs(pt.y - ptOrg.y);
- HFONT hFont;
- hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&my_font);
- // dc.m_hDC = xdc;
- //新字体对象及指针;
- // CFont my_font;
- //把新建字体选进描述中;
- // my_font.CreatePointFont(size,type,NULL);//创建自己的字体;
- // old_font = dc.SelectObject(&my_font); //选择新的字体;
- SelectObject(xdc,hFont);
- SetTextColor(xdc,color);
- SetBkMode(xdc,TRANSPARENT);
- TextOut(xdc,x,y,text,strlen(text));
- //恢复原设备描述符表的字体;
- DeleteObject(hFont);
- lpdds->ReleaseDC(xdc);
- return 1;
- }
- //初始化DD平台;
- int CMyDirectDraw::Init()
- {
- // pCMainFrame = *)AfxGetMainWnd();
- if (FAILED(DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (void **)&lpdd, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- // set cooperation to full screen
- if(FAILED(lpdd->SetCooperativeLevel(::pCMainFrame->m_hWnd,
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (FAILED(lpdd->SetDisplayMode(Screen_Width, Screen_Height, SCREEN_BPP,0,0)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- DDRAW_INIT_STRUCT(ddsd); //清零的宏;
- // enable valid fields
- // set the backbuffer count field to 1, use 2 for triple buffering
- ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = 1;
- // request a complex, flippable
- // 创建主表面;
- if (FAILED(lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &lpddsprimary, NULL)))
- return(0);
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
- if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->GetAttachedSurface(&ddsd.ddsCaps, &lpddsback)))
- return(0);
- //设置后备缓冲区的剪裁区;
- RECT screen_rect= {0,0,Screen_Width,Screen_Height};
- lpddclipper = AttachClipper(lpddsback,1,&screen_rect);
- return 1;
- }
- int CMyDirectDraw::BitmapToSurface(
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 Dest_Surface, //目的表面;
- int Dest_x, //目的表面x座标;
- int Dest_y, //目的表面y座标;
- char* filename, //源位图文件名;
- int Bitmap_Width, //位图宽;
- int Bitmap_Height //位图长;
- )
- {
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- HDC hdc; //接受当前设备环境句柄;
- HDC dhdc;
- CString str;
- hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(NULL,filename,IMAGE_BITMAP,Bitmap_Width,Bitmap_Height,LR_LOADFROMFILE);
- if(hbitmap==NULL)
- {
- str.Format("无法载入位图%s",filename);
- AfxMessageBox(str);
- return 0;
- }
- ::SelectObject(hdc,hbitmap);
- Dest_Surface->GetDC( &dhdc );
- ::BitBlt( dhdc , Dest_x , Dest_y ,Bitmap_Width,Bitmap_Height, hdc , 0 , 0 , SRCCOPY );
- Dest_Surface->ReleaseDC(dhdc);
- return 1;
- }
- CMyDirectDraw::~CMyDirectDraw()
- {
- // now the primary surface
- // if (lpddsprimary)
- // {
- // lpddsprimary->Release();
- // lpddsprimary = NULL;
- // } // end if
- //后备缓冲
- // if(lpddsback)
- // {
- // lpddsback->Release();
- // lpddsback = NULL;
- // }
- //离屏表面;
- // if(lpddsbackground)
- // {
- // lpddsbackground->Release();
- // lpddsbackground = NULL;
- // }
- // now blow away the IDirectDraw4 interface
- if (lpdd)
- {
- lpdd->Release();
- lpdd = NULL;
- } // end if
- }