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- <a name="rev1.4"></a><a name="HEAD"></a>
- Revision <b>1.4</b>: <a href="/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/pci/rtl/verilog/pci_wb_tpram.v?rev=1.4;content-type=text%2Fplain" class="download-link">download</a> - view: <a href="pci_wb_tpram.v?rev=1.4;content-type=text%2Fplain" class="display-link">text</a>, <a href="pci_wb_tpram.v?annotate=1.4">annotated</a> - <a href="pci_wb_tpram.v?r1=1.4#rev1.4">select for diffs</a><br />
- <i>Thu Aug 19 15:27:34 2004 UTC</i> (2 years, 8 months ago) by <i>mihad</i><br />
- Branches: <a href="./pci_wb_tpram.v?only_with_tag=MAIN">MAIN</a><br />
- CVS tags: <a href="./pci_wb_tpram.v?only_with_tag=HEAD">HEAD</a><br />
- <pre class="log">
- Changed minimum pci image size to 256 bytes because
- of some PC system problems with size of IO images.
- </pre>
- </div>
- <hr /><pre>
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //// ////
- //// Generic Two-Port Synchronous RAM ////
- //// ////
- //// This file is part of pci bridge project ////
- //// http://www.opencores.org/cvsweb.shtml/pci/ ////
- //// ////
- //// Description ////
- //// This block is a wrapper with common two-port ////
- //// synchronous memory interface for different ////
- //// types of ASIC and FPGA RAMs. Beside universal memory ////
- //// interface it also provides behavioral model of generic ////
- //// two-port synchronous RAM. ////
- //// It should be used in all OPENCORES designs that want to be ////
- //// portable accross different target technologies and ////
- //// independent of target memory. ////
- //// ////
- //// Supported ASIC RAMs are: ////
- //// - Artisan Double-Port Sync RAM ////
- //// - Avant! Two-Port Sync RAM (*) ////
- //// - Virage 2-port Sync RAM ////
- //// ////
- //// Supported FPGA RAMs are: ////
- //// - Xilinx Virtex RAMB4_S16_S16 ////
- //// ////
- //// To Do: ////
- //// - fix Avant! ////
- //// - xilinx rams need external tri-state logic ////
- //// - add additional RAMs (Altera, VS etc) ////
- //// ////
- //// Author(s): ////
- //// - Damjan Lampret, lampret@opencores.org ////
- //// - Miha Dolenc, mihad@opencores.org ////
- //// ////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //// ////
- //// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
- //// ////
- //// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
- //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
- //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
- //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
- //// ////
- //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
- //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
- //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
- //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
- //// later version. ////
- //// ////
- //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
- //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
- //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
- //// details. ////
- //// ////
- //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
- //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
- //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
- //// ////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CVS Revision History
- //
- // $Log: pci_wb_tpram.v,v $
- // Revision 1.4 2004/08/19 15:27:34 mihad
- // Changed minimum pci image size to 256 bytes because
- // of some PC system problems with size of IO images.
- //
- // Revision 1.3 2003/10/17 09:11:52 markom
- // mbist signals updated according to newest convention
- //
- // Revision 1.2 2003/08/14 13:06:03 simons
- // synchronizer_flop replaced with pci_synchronizer_flop, artisan ram instance updated.
- //
- // Revision 1.1 2003/01/27 16:49:31 mihad
- // Changed module and file names. Updated scripts accordingly. FIFO synchronizations changed.
- //
- // Revision 1.7 2002/10/18 03:36:37 tadejm
- // Changed wrong signal name mbist_sen into mbist_ctrl_i.
- //
- // Revision 1.6 2002/10/17 22:49:22 tadejm
- // Changed BIST signals for RAMs.
- //
- // Revision 1.5 2002/10/11 10:09:01 mihad
- // Added additional testcase and changed rst name in BIST to trst
- //
- // Revision 1.4 2002/10/08 17:17:06 mihad
- // Added BIST signals for RAMs.
- //
- // Revision 1.3 2002/09/30 17:22:27 mihad
- // Added support for Virtual Silicon two port RAM. Didn't run regression on it yet!
- //
- // Revision 1.2 2002/08/19 16:51:36 mihad
- // Extracted distributed RAM module from wb/pci_tpram.v to its own file, got rid of undef directives
- //
- // Revision 1.1 2002/02/01 14:43:31 mihad
- // *** empty log message ***
- //
- //
- // synopsys translate_off
- `include "timescale.v"
- // synopsys translate_on
- `include "pci_constants.v"
- module pci_wb_tpram
- (
- // Generic synchronous two-port RAM interface
- clk_a,
- rst_a,
- ce_a,
- we_a,
- oe_a,
- addr_a,
- di_a,
- do_a,
- clk_b,
- rst_b,
- ce_b,
- we_b,
- oe_b,
- addr_b,
- di_b,
- do_b
- `ifdef PCI_BIST
- ,
- // debug chain signals
- mbist_si_i, // bist scan serial in
- mbist_so_o, // bist scan serial out
- mbist_ctrl_i // bist chain shift control
- `endif
- );
- //
- // Default address and data buses width
- //
- parameter aw = 8;
- parameter dw = 40;
- //
- // Generic synchronous two-port RAM interface
- //
- input clk_a; // Clock
- input rst_a; // Reset
- input ce_a; // Chip enable input
- input we_a; // Write enable input
- input oe_a; // Output enable input
- input [aw-1:0] addr_a; // address bus inputs
- input [dw-1:0] di_a; // input data bus
- output [dw-1:0] do_a; // output data bus
- input clk_b; // Clock
- input rst_b; // Reset
- input ce_b; // Chip enable input
- input we_b; // Write enable input
- input oe_b; // Output enable input
- input [aw-1:0] addr_b; // address bus inputs
- input [dw-1:0] di_b; // input data bus
- output [dw-1:0] do_b; // output data bus
- `ifdef PCI_BIST
- // debug chain signals
- input mbist_si_i; // bist scan serial in
- output mbist_so_o; // bist scan serial out
- input [`PCI_MBIST_CTRL_WIDTH - 1:0] mbist_ctrl_i; // bist chain shift control
- `endif
- //
- // Internal wires and registers
- //
- `ifdef WB_VS_STP
- `ifdef PCI_BIST
- vs_hdtp_64x40_bist i_vs_hdtp_64x40_bist
- `else
- vs_hdtp_64x40 i_vs_hdtp_64x40
- `endif
- (
- .RCK (clk_b),
- .WCK (clk_a),
- .RADR (addr_b),
- .WADR (addr_a),
- .DI (di_a),
- .DOUT (do_b),
- .REN (1'b0),
- .WEN (!we_a)
- `ifdef PCI_BIST
- ,
- // debug chain signals
- .mbist_si_i (mbist_si_i),
- .mbist_so_o (mbist_so_o),
- .mbist_ctrl_i (mbist_ctrl_i)
- `endif
- );
- assign do_a = 0 ;
- `endif
- //
- // Instantiation of ASIC memory:
- //
- // Artisan Synchronous Double-Port RAM (ra2sh)
- //
- `ifdef PCI_BIST
- art_hsdp_64x40_bist /*#(dw, 1<<aw, aw) */ artisan_sdp
- (
- .QA(do_a),
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .CENA(~ce_a),
- .WENA(~we_a),
- .AA(addr_a),
- .DA(di_a),
- .OENA(~oe_a),
- .QB(do_b),
- .CLKB(clk_b),
- .CENB(~ce_b),
- .WENB(~we_b),
- .AB(addr_b),
- .DB(di_b),
- .OENB(~oe_b),
- .mbist_si_i (mbist_si_i),
- .mbist_so_o (mbist_so_o),
- .mbist_ctrl_i (mbist_ctrl_i)
- );
- `else
- art_hsdp_64x40 /*#(dw, 1<<aw, aw) */ artisan_sdp
- (
- .QA(do_a),
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .CENA(~ce_a),
- .WENA(~we_a),
- .AA(addr_a),
- .DA(di_a),
- .OENA(~oe_a),
- .QB(do_b),
- .CLKB(clk_b),
- .CENB(~ce_b),
- .WENB(~we_b),
- .AB(addr_b),
- .DB(di_b),
- .OENB(~oe_b)
- );
- `endif
- `endif
- `ifdef AVANT_ATP
- //
- // Instantiation of ASIC memory:
- //
- // Avant! Asynchronous Two-Port RAM
- //
- avant_atp avant_atp(
- .web(~we),
- .reb(),
- .oeb(~oe),
- .rcsb(),
- .wcsb(),
- .ra(addr),
- .wa(addr),
- .di(di),
- .do(do)
- );
- `endif
- `ifdef VIRAGE_STP
- //
- // Instantiation of ASIC memory:
- //
- // Virage Synchronous 2-port R/W RAM
- //
- virage_stp virage_stp(
- .QA(do_a),
- .QB(do_b),
- .ADRA(addr_a),
- .DA(di_a),
- .WEA(we_a),
- .OEA(oe_a),
- .MEA(ce_a),
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .ADRB(adr_b),
- .DB(di_b),
- .WEB(we_b),
- .OEB(oe_b),
- .MEB(ce_b),
- .CLKB(clk_b)
- );
- `endif
- reg [(aw-1):0] out_address ;
- always@(posedge clk_b or posedge rst_b)
- begin
- if ( rst_b )
- out_address <= #1 0 ;
- else if (ce_b)
- out_address <= #1 addr_b ;
- end
- pci_ram_16x40d #(aw) wb_distributed_ram
- (
- .data_out (do_b),
- .we (we_a),
- .data_in (di_a),
- .read_address (out_address),
- .write_address (addr_a),
- .wclk (clk_a)
- );
- assign do_a = 0 ;
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_XILINX_RAMB4
- //
- // Instantiation of FPGA memory:
- //
- // Virtex/Spartan2
- //
- //
- // Block 0
- //
- RAMB4_S16_S16 ramb4_s16_s16_0(
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .RSTA(rst_a),
- .ADDRA(addr_a),
- .DIA(di_a[15:0]),
- .ENA(ce_a),
- .WEA(we_a),
- .DOA(do_a[15:0]),
- .CLKB(clk_b),
- .RSTB(rst_b),
- .ADDRB(addr_b),
- .DIB(di_b[15:0]),
- .ENB(ce_b),
- .WEB(we_b),
- .DOB(do_b[15:0])
- );
- //
- // Block 1
- //
- RAMB4_S16_S16 ramb4_s16_s16_1(
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .RSTA(rst_a),
- .ADDRA(addr_a),
- .DIA(di_a[31:16]),
- .ENA(ce_a),
- .WEA(we_a),
- .DOA(do_a[31:16]),
- .CLKB(clk_b),
- .RSTB(rst_b),
- .ADDRB(addr_b),
- .DIB(di_b[31:16]),
- .ENB(ce_b),
- .WEB(we_b),
- .DOB(do_b[31:16])
- );
- //
- // Block 2
- //
- // block ram2 wires - non generic width of block rams
- wire [15:0] blk2_di_a = {8'h00, di_a[39:32]} ;
- wire [15:0] blk2_di_b = {8'h00, di_b[39:32]} ;
- wire [15:0] blk2_do_a ;
- wire [15:0] blk2_do_b ;
- assign do_a[39:32] = blk2_do_a[7:0] ;
- assign do_b[39:32] = blk2_do_b[7:0] ;
- RAMB4_S16_S16 ramb4_s16_s16_2(
- .CLKA(clk_a),
- .RSTA(rst_a),
- .ADDRA(addr_a),
- .DIA(blk2_di_a),
- .ENA(ce_a),
- .WEA(we_a),
- .DOA(blk2_do_a),
- .CLKB(clk_b),
- .RSTB(rst_b),
- .ADDRB(addr_b),
- .DIB(blk2_di_b),
- .ENB(ce_b),
- .WEB(we_b),
- .DOB(blk2_do_b)
- );
- `endif
- `else
- //
- // Generic two-port synchronous RAM model
- //
- //
- // Generic RAM's registers and wires
- //
- reg [dw-1:0] mem [(1<<aw)-1:0]; // RAM content
- reg [dw-1:0] do_reg_b; // RAM data output register
- //
- // Data output drivers
- //
- assign do_a = {dw{1'b0}} ;
- assign do_b = do_reg_b ;
- //
- // RAM read and write
- //
- always @(posedge clk_a)
- if (ce_a && we_a)
- mem[addr_a] <= #1 di_a;
- //
- // RAM read and write
- //
- always @(posedge clk_b)
- if (ce_b)
- do_reg_b <= #1 mem[addr_b];
- `endif
- // synopsys translate_off
- initial
- begin
- if (dw !== 40)
- begin
- $display("RAM instantiation error! Expected RAM width %d, actual %h!", 40, dw) ;
- $finish ;
- end
- `ifdef XILINX_RAMB4
- if (aw !== 8)
- begin
- $display("RAM instantiation error! Expected RAM address width %d, actual %h!", 40, aw) ;
- $finish ;
- end
- `endif
- // currenlty only artisan ram of depth 256 is supported - they don't provide generic ram models
- `ifdef ARTISAN_SDP
- if (aw !== 8)
- begin
- $display("RAM instantiation error! Expected RAM address width %d, actual %h!", 40, aw) ;
- $finish ;
- end
- `endif
- end
- // synopsys translate_on
- endmodule
- </pre>
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