资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function eacfault(Pm, E, V, X1, X2, X3)
- % This program obtains the power angle curves for a one-machine system
- % before fault, during fault and after the fault clearance.
- % The equal area criterion is applied to find the critical clearing angle
- % for the machine to stay synchronized to the infinite bus bar
- %
- % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
- if exist('Pm')~=1
- Pm = input('Generator output power in p.u. Pm = '); else, end
- if exist('E')~=1
- E = input('Generator e.m.f. in p.u. E = '); else, end
- if exist('V')~=1
- V = input('Infinite bus-bar voltage in p.u. V = '); else, end
- if exist('X1')~=1
- X1 = input('Reactance before Fault in p.u. X1 = '); else, end
- if exist('X2')~=1
- X2 = input('Reactance during Fault in p.u. X2 = '); else, end
- if exist('X3')~=1
- X3 = input('Reactance aftere Fault in p.u. X3 = '); else, end
- Pe1max = E*V/X1; Pe2max=E*V/X2; Pe3max=E*V/X3;
- delta = 0:.01:pi;
- Pe1 = Pe1max*sin(delta); Pe2 = Pe2max*sin(delta); Pe3 = Pe3max*sin(delta);
- d0 =asin(Pm/Pe1max); dmax = pi-asin(Pm/Pe3max);
- cosdc = (Pm*(dmax-d0)+Pe3max*cos(dmax)-Pe2max*cos(d0))/(Pe3max-Pe2max);
- if abs(cosdc) > 1
- fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.n')
- fprintf('system can remain stable during this disturbance.nn')
- return
- else, end
- dc=acos(cosdc);
- if dc > dmax
- fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.n')
- fprintf('System can remain stable during this disturbance.nn')
- return
- else, end
- Pmx=[0 pi-d0]*180/pi; Pmy=[Pm Pm];
- x0=[d0 d0]*180/pi; y0=[0 Pm]; xc=[dc dc]*180/pi; yc=[0 Pe3max*sin(dc)];
- xm=[dmax dmax]*180/pi; ym=[0 Pe3max*sin(dmax)];
- d0=d0*180/pi; dmax=dmax*180/pi; dc=dc*180/pi;
- x=(d0:.1:dc);
- y=Pe2max*sin(x*pi/180);
- y1=Pe2max*sin(d0*pi/180);
- y2=Pe2max*sin(dc*pi/180);
- x=[d0 x dc];
- y=[Pm y Pm];
- xx=dc:.1:dmax;
- h=Pe3max*sin(xx*pi/180);
- xx=[dc xx dmax];
- hh=[Pm h Pm];
- delta=delta*180/pi;
- if X2 == inf
- fprintf('nFor this case tc can be found from analytical formula. n')
- H=input('To find tc enter Inertia Constant H, (or 0 to skip) H = ');
- if H ~= 0
- d0r=d0*pi/180; dcr=dc*pi/180;
- tc = sqrt(2*H*(dcr-d0r)/(pi*60*Pm));
- else, end
- else, end
- %clc
- fprintf('nInitial power angle = %7.3f n', d0)
- fprintf('Maximum angle swing = %7.3f n', dmax)
- fprintf('Critical clearing angle = %7.3f nn', dc)
- if X2==inf & H~=0
- fprintf('Critical clearing time = %7.3f sec. nn', tc)
- else, end
- h = figure; figure(h);
- fill(x,y,'m')
- hold;
- fill(xx,hh,'c')
- plot(delta, Pe1,'-', delta, Pe2,'r-', delta, Pe3,'g-', Pmx, Pmy,'b-', x0,y0, xc,yc, xm,ym), grid
- Title('Application of equal area criterion to a critically cleared system')
- xlabel('Power angle, degree'), ylabel(' Power, per unit')
- text(5, 1.07*Pm, 'Pm')
- text(50, 1.05*Pe1max,['Critical clearing angle = ',num2str(dc)])
- axis([0 180 0 1.1*Pe1max])
- hold off;