资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function c = stepres(Z, wn, R, A, T, t)
- % Hadi Saadat, 1998
- clc
- discr=[
- ' '
- 'This program obtains the step response for the s-domain function given'
- 'below: The graphical time response c(t) is plotted on the screen and '
- 'the time-domain specifications are obtained. '
- ' '
- ' wn^2(1 + as) '
- ' C(s) = -------------------------------- R(s) , where R(s) = R/s '
- ' (1 + Ts)(s^2 + 2 z wn s + wn^2) '];
- disp(discr)
- l=length(t);
- K=R;
- if Z < 1
- Z1=1.-Z^2;
- CN1=1-2.*Z*A*wn + A^2*wn^2;
- CD11=1.-2.*T*Z*wn+T^2*wn^2;
- CD1=Z1*CD11;
- C1=sqrt(CN1/CD1);
- CN2=wn^2*T*(A-T);
- C2=CN2/CD11;
- B=sqrt(Z1);
- AFR=A*wn*B;
- AFI=1.-A*Z*wn;
- F1=atan2(AFR,AFI);
- BFR=T*wn*B;
- BFI=1.-T*Z*wn;
- F2=atan2(BFR,BFI);
- CFR=B;
- CFI=-Z;
- F3=atan2(CFR,CFI);
- F= F1-F2-F3;
- ALF=Z*wn ;
- if T ~= 0
- ALF2=1./T;
- else
- end
- FT=3;
- if T ~= 0
- c=K*(1.+C1*exp(-ALF*t).*sin(wn*B*t+F)+C2*exp(-ALF2*t));
- else
- c=K*(1.+C1*exp(-ALF*t).*sin(wn*B*t+F));
- end
- else
- end
- if Z > 1
- bta=sqrt(Z^2 - 1); p1 = Z*wn -wn*bta; p2 = Z*wn+wn*bta;
- if T ~= 0
- k1 = 1/(p1*p2); k2 = -(1-A/T)/( (-1/T+p1)*(-1/T+p2) );
- k3 = -(1-A*p1)/( T*p1*(-p1+1/T)*(-p1+p2) );
- k4 = -(1-A*p2)/( T*p2*(-p2+1/T)*(-p2+p1) );
- c= K*wn^2*( k1 + k2*exp(-1/T*t) + k3*exp(-p1*t) + k4*exp(-p2*t) );
- else
- k1 = 1/(p1*p2);
- k3 = -(1-A*p1)/( p1*(-p1+p2));
- k4 = -(1-A*p2)/( p2*(-p2+p1)) ;
- c= K*wn^2*( k1 + k3*exp(-p1*t) + k4*exp(-p2*t) );
- end
- else
- end
- if Z ==1
- p=Z*wn;
- if T ~= 0
- k1 = 1/(p^2); k2 = -(1-A/T)/((-1/T+p)^2);
- k3 = -(1-A*p)/( T*p*(-p+1/T) );
- k4 = (-A*p*(-p+1/T)-(-2*p+1/T)*(-A*p+1))/( T*(-p)^2*(-p+1/T)^2 );
- c= K*wn^2*( k1 + k2*exp(-1/T*t) + k3*t.*exp(-p*t) + k4*exp(-p*t) );
- else
- k1 = 1/(p^2); k3 =-(1-A*p)/p;
- k4 =(-A*p - (1-A*p) )/( (-p)^2 );
- c= K*wn^2*( k1 + k3*t.*exp(-p*t) + k4*exp(-p*t) );
- end
- end
- j=0 ;m =0;
- Cmax=max(c);
- if Cmax > K
- overshoot= (Cmax - K)/K * 100;
- for i=1:l
- if c(i) == Cmax , tmax=t(i);
- end
- if A ==0
- if T==0
- sz=sqrt(1-Z^2);
- overshoot = 100*exp(-pi*Z/sz);
- tmax = pi/(wn*sz);
- else, end
- else,end
- end
- fprintf('nn'),
- fprintf('Peak time = %g',tmax),fprintf(' Percent overshoot = %g',overshoot),
- %else
- else,end
- for i =1:l
- if j == 0
- if c(i) >= 0.1*K, t1=t(i); j=1;
- end
- else, end
- if m ==0
- if c(i) >= 0.9*K t9 = t(i); m =1;
- end
- else, end
- end
- end
- if t9 ~= 0
- trise = t9 -t1;
- fprintf('n')
- fprintf('Rise time = %g',trise),fprintf('nn')
- end
- clg
- plot(t,c)
- xlabel(' Time Sec. '), ylabel(' c(t) ')
- title('Step Response'),grid