资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This program solves the coordination equation for economic scheduling
- % of generation. The program requires the total load demand (Pdt), the
- % cost function matrix (cost) and the gen. mwlimits. If mwlimits is not
- % defined the scheduling is obtained with no generation limits. If the
- % basemva and any of the loss coefficients B, B0 and B00 are specified
- % optimum dispatch is obtained including the system losses.
- %
- % copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
- clear Pgg
- if exist('Pdt')~=1
- Pdt = input('Enter total demand Pdt = ');
- else, end
- if exist('cost')~=1
- cost = input('Enter the cost matrix, cost = ');
- else, end
- ngg = length(cost(:,1));
- if exist('mwlimits')~=1
- mwlimits= [zeros(ngg, 1), inf*ones(ngg,1)];
- else, end
- if exist('B')~=1
- B = zeros(ngg, ngg);
- else, end
- if exist('B0')~=1
- B0=zeros(1, ngg);
- else, end
- if exist('B00')~=1
- B00=0;
- else, end
- if exist('basemva')~=1
- basemva=100;
- else, end
- clear Pgg
- Bu=B/basemva; B00u=basemva*B00;
- alpha=cost(:,1); beta=cost(:,2); gama = cost(:,3);
- Pmin=mwlimits(:,1); Pmax=mwlimits(:,2);
- wgt=ones(1, ngg);
- if Pdt > sum(Pmax)
- Error1 = ['Total demand is greater than the total sum of maximum generation.'
- 'No feasible solution. Reduce demand or correct generator limits.'];
- disp(Error1), return
- elseif Pdt < sum(Pmin)
- Error2 = ['Total demand is less than the total sum of minimum generation. '
- 'No feasible solution. Increase demand or correct generator limits.'];
- disp(Error2), return
- else, end
- iterp = 0; % Iteration counter
- DelP = 10; % Error in DelP is set to a high value
- E=Bu;
- if exist('lambda')~=1
- lambda=max(beta);
- end
- while abs(DelP) >= 0.0001 & iterp < 200 % Test for convergence
- iterp = iterp + 1; % No. of iterations
- for k=1:ngg
- if wgt(k) == 1
- E(k,k) = gama(k)/lambda + Bu(k,k);
- Dx(k) = 1/2*(1 - B0(k)- beta(k)/lambda);
- else, E(k,k)=1; Dx(k) = 0;
- for m=1:ngg
- if m~=k
- E(k,m)=0;
- else,end
- end
- end
- end
- PP=EDx';
- for k=1:ngg
- if wgt(k)==1
- Pgg(k) = PP(k);
- else,end
- end
- Pgtt = sum(Pgg);
- PL=Pgg*Bu*Pgg'+B0*Pgg'+B00u;
- DelP =Pdt+PL -Pgtt ; %Residual
- for k = 1:ngg
- if Pgg(k) > Pmax(k) & abs(DelP) <=0.001,
- Pgg(k) = Pmax(k); wgt(k) = 0;
- elseif Pgg(k) < Pmin(k) & abs(DelP) <= 0.001
- Pgg(k) = Pmin(k); wgt(k) = 0;
- else, end
- end
- PL=Pgg*Bu*Pgg'+B0*Pgg'+B00u;
- DelP =Pdt +PL - sum(Pgg); %Residual
- for k=1:ngg
- BP = 0;
- for m=1:ngg
- if m~=k
- BP = BP + Bu(k,m)*Pgg(m);
- else, end
- end
- grad(k)=(gama(k)*(1-B0(k))+Bu(k,k)*beta(k)-2*gama(k)*BP)/(2*(gama(k)+lambda*Bu(k,k))^2);
- end
- sumgrad=wgt*grad';
- Delambda = DelP/sumgrad; % Change in variable
- lambda = lambda + Delambda; % Successive solution
- end
- fprintf('Incremental cost of delivered power (system lambda) = %9.6f $/MWh n', lambda);
- fprintf('Optimal Dispatch of Generation:nn')
- disp(Pgg')
- %fprintf('Total system loss = %g MW nn', PL)
- ng=length(Pgg);
- n=0;
- if exist('nbus')==1 | exist('busdata')==1
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)~=0
- n=n+1;
- if n <= ng
- busdata(k,7)=Pgg(n); else, end
- else , end
- end
- if n == ng
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)==1
- dpslack = abs(Pg(k)-busdata(k,7))/basemva;
- fprintf('Absolute value of the slack bus real power mismatch, dpslack = %8.4f pu n', dpslack)
- else, end
- end
- else, end
- else, end
- clear BP Dx DelP Delambda E PP grad sumgrad wgt Bu B00u B B0 B00