资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- E0 = 1.0;
- Im=[8.7569 6.7363 2.8893 2.8608 1.1785];
- t=[0.0042 0.0208 0.3208 0.3375 5.0000];
- I = Im/sqrt(2); % The rms value of the above envelope
- id=I(5); % rms value of the steady short-circuit
- Dt2 = [t(3) t(4)]; % Time for 20th and 21st cycles
- Di2 = [I(3)-id I(4)-id]; %Diff. between transient envelope and id
- LDi2= log(Di2); %Natural log of the above two points
- c2=polyfit(Dt2, LDi2, 1);%Finds coefficients of a 1st-order polynomial
- % i.e. the slope and intercept of a straight line
- iddash=(exp(c2(2))+id) % rms value of the transient current
- Xddash=E0/iddash % Direct-axis transient reactance
- taudash=abs(1/c2(1))%Direct-axis short-circuit transient time constant
- Di=(iddash-id)*[exp(-t(1)/taudash) exp(-t(2)/taudash)];
- Di1=[I(1)-Di(1)-id I(2)-Di(2)-id]; % Subtransient envelope
- LDi1=log(Di1);
- Dt1 =[t(1) t(2)]; % Natural log of the first two points
- c1=polyfit(Dt1, LDi1, 1);%Finds coefficients of a 1st-order polynomial
- % i.e. the slope and intercept of a straight line
- id2dash=exp(c1(2))+iddash % rms value of the subtransient current
- Xd2dash= E0/id2dash % Direct-axis subtransient reactance
- tau2dash=abs(1/c1(1))
- %direct-axis short-circuit subtransient time constant
- t=0:.005:.045;
- fit2 = polyval(c2, t); % line C2 evaluated for all values of t
- fit1 = polyval(c1, t); % line C1 evaluated for all values of t
- plot(t, fit1, t, fit2),grid % Logarithmic plot of id'' and id'
- ylabel('ln(I) pu') % intercepts are ln(Id'') and ln(Id')
- xlabel('t, sec.')%slopes are the reciprocal of the time constants