资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- Model {
- Name "sim11ex6"
- Version 2.09
- SimParamPage Solver
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- InitialStep "auto"
- FixedStep "auto"
- MaxOrder 5
- OutputOption RefineOutputTimes
- OutputTimes "[]"
- LoadExternalInput off
- ExternalInput "[t, u]"
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- System {
- Name "sim11ex6"
- Location [106, 52, 959, 598]
- Open on
- ScreenColor white
- Block {
- BlockType Fcn
- Name " Fault clearedn"
- Position [290, 266, 400, 304]
- Orientation left
- Expr "1.4625*sin(u)"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "60*pi/H"
- Position [165, 159, 240, 241]
- Gain "pi*60/5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Fcn
- Name "During fault"
- Position [285, 356, 400, 394]
- Orientation left
- Expr "0.65*sin(u)"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Rad. to Degreen"
- Position [480, 162, 550, 238]
- Gain "180/pi"
- }
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- BlockType Scope
- Name "Scope"
- Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
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- BlockType Step
- Name "Step"
- Position [15, 158, 65, 212]
- Time ".01"
- Before "0.8"
- After "0.8"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum"
- Ports [2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [110, 174, 135, 221]
- Inputs "+-"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Integrator
- Name "integ1"
- Ports [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [270, 182, 305, 218]
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- BlockType Integrator
- Name "integ2"
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- BlockType Clock
- Name "t"
- Position [250, 315, 275, 345]
- Orientation left
- Location [30, 40, 140, 75]
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Switch
- Name "tc = 0.3"
- Position [160, 263, 220, 397]
- Orientation left
- Threshold "0.3"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "integ1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "integ2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Step"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Rad. to Degreen"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Scope"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "60*pi/H"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "60*pi/H"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "integ1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock " Fault clearedn"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "tc = 0.3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "During fault"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "tc = 0.3"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "tc = 0.3"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [-70, 0; 0, -120]
- DstBlock "Sum"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "t"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "tc = 0.3"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "integ2"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [30, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [0, 85]
- DstBlock " Fault clearedn"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [20, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Rad. to Degreen"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 175]
- DstBlock "During fault"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [632, 237]
- Text "delta"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [327, 47]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- Text "EXAMPLE 11.6"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [352, 77]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [332, 112]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- Text "Change the clrearing time of faut"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [327, 137]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- Text "to find the critical clearing time"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [252, 177]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "X2'"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [322, 182]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "x2"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [255, 267]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "Pe"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [257, 387]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "Pe_"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [422, 177]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "x1"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [577, 177]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "delta"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [317, 437]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- Text "To change the clearing time of fault open "
- "the switch ndialog box and change the Threshold"
- " setting. "
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [52, 137]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "Pm = 0.8"
- }
- }
- }