



  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "sim11ex6"
  3.   Version   2.09
  4.   SimParamPage   Solver
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  16.   AbsTol   "1e-3"
  17.   Refine   "1"
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  20.   FixedStep   "auto"
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  39.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   warning
  40.   MinStepSizeMsg   warning
  41.   UnconnectedInputMsg   warning
  42.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   warning
  43.   UnconnectedLineMsg   warning
  44.   ConsistencyChecking   off
  45.   ZeroCross   on
  46.   SimulationMode   normal
  47.   RTWSystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
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  50.   RTWTemplateMakefile   "grt_vc.tmf"
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  89.     Block {
  90.       BlockType       Fcn
  91.       Name       " Fault clearedn"
  92.       Position       [290, 266, 400, 304]
  93.       Orientation       left
  94.       Expr       "1.4625*sin(u)"
  95.     }
  96.     Block {
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  98.       Name       "60*pi/H"
  99.       Position       [165, 159, 240, 241]
  100.       Gain       "pi*60/5"
  101.     }
  102.     Block {
  103.       BlockType       Fcn
  104.       Name       "During fault"
  105.       Position       [285, 356, 400, 394]
  106.       Orientation       left
  107.       Expr       "0.65*sin(u)"
  108.     }
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  110.       BlockType       Gain
  111.       Name       "Rad. to Degreen"
  112.       Position       [480, 162, 550, 238]
  113.       Gain       "180/pi"
  114.     }
  115.     Block {
  116.       BlockType       Scope
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  144.       After       "0.8"
  145.     }
  146.     Block {
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  150.       Position       [110, 174, 135, 221]
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  157.       Position       [270, 182, 305, 218]
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  163.       LowerSaturationLimit      "-inf"
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  171.       Ports       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
  172.       Position       [350, 182, 385, 218]
  173.       ExternalReset       none
  174.       InitialConditionSource      internal
  175.       InitialCondition       "0.46055"
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  178.       LowerSaturationLimit      "-inf"
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  188.       Location       [30, 40, 140, 75]
  189.     }
  190.     Block {
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  192.       Name       "tc = 0.3"
  193.       Position       [160, 263, 220, 397]
  194.       Orientation       left
  195.       Threshold       "0.3"
  196.     }
  197.     Line {
  198.       SrcBlock       "integ1"
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  201.       DstPort       1
  202.     }
  203.     Line {
  204.       SrcBlock       "Step"
  205.       SrcPort       1
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  207.       DstPort       1
  208.     }
  209.     Line {
  210.       SrcBlock       "Rad. to Degreen"
  211.       SrcPort       1
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  213.       DstPort       1
  214.     }
  215.     Line {
  216.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
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  219.       DstPort       1
  220.     }
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  222.       SrcBlock       "60*pi/H"
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  225.       DstPort       1
  226.     }
  227.     Line {
  228.       SrcBlock       " Fault clearedn"
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  231.       DstPort       1
  232.     }
  233.     Line {
  234.       SrcBlock       "During fault"
  235.       SrcPort       1
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  237.       DstPort       3
  238.     }
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  240.       SrcBlock       "tc = 0.3"
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  244.       DstPort       2
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  247.       SrcBlock       "t"
  248.       SrcPort       1
  249.       DstBlock       "tc = 0.3"
  250.       DstPort       2
  251.     }
  252.     Line {
  253.       SrcBlock       "integ2"
  254.       SrcPort       1
  255.       Points       [30, 0]
  256.       Branch {
  257. Points [0, 85]
  258. DstBlock " Fault clearedn"
  259. DstPort 1
  260.       }
  261.       Branch {
  262. Points [20, 0]
  263. Branch {
  264.   DstBlock   "Rad. to Degreen"
  265.   DstPort   1
  266. }
  267. Branch {
  268.   Points   [0, 175]
  269.   DstBlock   "During fault"
  270.   DstPort   1
  271. }
  272.       }
  273.     }
  274.     Annotation {
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  294.       FontSize       12
  295.       Text       "Change the clrearing time of faut"
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  300.       FontSize       12
  301.       Text       "to find the critical clearing time"
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  336.       FontSize       12
  337.       Text       "To change the clearing time of fault open "
  338.       "the switch ndialog box and change the Threshold"
  339.       " setting.            "
  340.     }
  341.     Annotation {
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