



  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "sim11ex3"
  3.   Version   2.09
  4.   SimParamPage   Solver
  5.   SampleTimeColors   off
  6.   InvariantConstants   off
  7.   WideVectorLines   off
  8.   ShowLineWidths   off
  9.   PaperOrientation   landscape
  10.   PaperType   usletter
  11.   PaperUnits   inches
  12.   StartTime   "0.0"
  13.   StopTime   "3"
  14.   Solver   ode45
  15.   RelTol   "1e-3"
  16.   AbsTol   "1e-3"
  17.   Refine   "1"
  18.   MaxStep   ".0250"
  19.   InitialStep   "auto"
  20.   FixedStep   "auto"
  21.   MaxOrder   5
  22.   OutputOption   RefineOutputTimes
  23.   OutputTimes   "[]"
  24.   LoadExternalInput   off
  25.   ExternalInput   "[t, u]"
  26.   SaveTime   off
  27.   TimeSaveName   "tout"
  28.   SaveState   off
  29.   StateSaveName   "xout"
  30.   SaveOutput   off
  31.   OutputSaveName   "yout"
  32.   LoadInitialState   off
  33.   InitialState   "xInitial"
  34.   SaveFinalState   off
  35.   FinalStateName   "xFinal"
  36.   LimitMaxRows   off
  37.   MaxRows   "1000"
  38.   Decimation   "1"
  39.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   warning
  40.   MinStepSizeMsg   warning
  41.   UnconnectedInputMsg   warning
  42.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   warning
  43.   UnconnectedLineMsg   warning
  44.   ConsistencyChecking   off
  45.   ZeroCross   on
  46.   SimulationMode   normal
  47.   RTWSystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
  48.   RTWInlineParameters   off
  49.   RTWRetainRTWFile   off
  50.   RTWTemplateMakefile   "grt_vc.tmf"
  51.   RTWMakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  52.   RTWGenerateCodeOnly   off
  53.   ExtModeMexFile   "ext_comm"
  54.   ExtModeBatchMode   off
  55.   BlockDefaults {
  56.     Orientation     right
  57.     ForegroundColor     black
  58.     BackgroundColor     white
  59.     DropShadow     off
  60.     NamePlacement     normal
  61.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  62.     FontSize     10
  63.     FontWeight     normal
  64.     FontAngle     normal
  65.     ShowName     on
  66.   }
  67.   AnnotationDefaults {
  68.     HorizontalAlignment     center
  69.     VerticalAlignment     middle
  70.     ForegroundColor     black
  71.     BackgroundColor     white
  72.     DropShadow     off
  73.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  74.     FontSize     10
  75.     FontWeight     normal
  76.     FontAngle     normal
  77.   }
  78.   LineDefaults {
  79.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  80.     FontSize     9
  81.     FontWeight     normal
  82.     FontAngle     normal
  83.   }
  84.   System {
  85.     Name     "sim11ex3"
  86.     Location     [154, 243, 892, 677]
  87.     Open     on
  88.     ScreenColor     white
  89.     Block {
  90.       BlockType       Demux
  91.       Name       "Demux"
  92.       Ports       [1, 2, 0, 0, 0]
  93.       Position       [260, 95, 320, 275]
  94.       Outputs       "2"
  95.     }
  96.     Block {
  97.       BlockType       Gain
  98.       Name       "Rad to Degreenn"
  99.       Position       [370, 106, 440, 174]
  100.       Gain       "180/pi"
  101.     }
  102.     Block {
  103.       BlockType       StateSpace
  104.       Name       "State-Space"
  105.       Position       [140, 154, 220, 216]
  106.       A       "[0    1;  -37.7061   -2.6169 ]"
  107.       B       "[0;   1]"
  108.       C       "eye(2)"
  109.       D       "zeros(2, 1)"
  110.       X0       "0"
  111.     }
  112.     Block {
  113.       BlockType       Step
  114.       Name       "Step Input"
  115.       Position       [45, 153, 100, 217]
  116.       Time       "100"
  117.       Before       "pi*60/9.94*.2"
  118.       After       "pi*60/9.84*.2"
  119.     }
  120.     Block {
  121.       BlockType       Sum
  122.       Name       "Sum"
  123.       Ports       [2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
  124.       Position       [510, 49, 530, 171]
  125.       Inputs       "++"
  126.     }
  127.     Block {
  128.       BlockType       Sum
  129.       Name       "Sum1"
  130.       Ports       [2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
  131.       Position       [520, 204, 540, 311]
  132.       Inputs       "++"
  133.     }
  134.     Block {
  135.       BlockType       Scope
  136.       Name       "delta"
  137.       Ports       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  138.       Position       [570, 90, 615, 130]
  139.       Floating       off
  140.       Location       [665, 203, 989, 442]
  141.       Open       off
  142.       Grid       on
  143.       TickLabels       on
  144.       ZoomMode       on
  145.       TimeRange       "auto"
  146.       YMin       "-5"
  147.       YMax       "5"
  148.       SaveToWorkspace       off
  149.       SaveName       "ScopeData"
  150.       LimitMaxRows       on
  151.       MaxRows       "5000"
  152.       Decimation       "1"
  153.       SampleInput       off
  154.       SampleTime       "0"
  155.     }
  156.     Block {
  157.       BlockType       Constant
  158.       Name       "delta0"
  159.       Position       [425, 67, 475, 93]
  160.       Value       "16.79"
  161.     }
  162.     Block {
  163.       BlockType       Scope
  164.       Name       "f"
  165.       Ports       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  166.       Position       [575, 239, 625, 281]
  167.       Floating       off
  168.       Location       [667, 510, 991, 749]
  169.       Open       off
  170.       Grid       on
  171.       TickLabels       on
  172.       ZoomMode       on
  173.       TimeRange       "auto"
  174.       YMin       "-5"
  175.       YMax       "5"
  176.       SaveToWorkspace       off
  177.       SaveName       "ScopeData"
  178.       LimitMaxRows       on
  179.       MaxRows       "5000"
  180.       Decimation       "1"
  181.       SampleInput       off
  182.       SampleTime       "0"
  183.     }
  184.     Block {
  185.       BlockType       Constant
  186.       Name       "f0"
  187.       Position       [455, 271, 490, 299]
  188.       Value       "60"
  189.     }
  190.     Block {
  191.       BlockType       Gain
  192.       Name       "rps to Hz"
  193.       Position       [375, 196, 445, 264]
  194.       Gain       "1/(2*pi)"
  195.     }
  196.     Line {
  197.       SrcBlock       "f0"
  198.       SrcPort       1
  199.       DstBlock       "Sum1"
  200.       DstPort       2
  201.     }
  202.     Line {
  203.       SrcBlock       "rps to Hz"
  204.       SrcPort       1
  205.       DstBlock       "Sum1"
  206.       DstPort       1
  207.     }
  208.     Line {
  209.       SrcBlock       "delta0"
  210.       SrcPort       1
  211.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  212.       DstPort       1
  213.     }
  214.     Line {
  215.       SrcBlock       "Demux"
  216.       SrcPort       2
  217.       DstBlock       "rps to Hz"
  218.       DstPort       1
  219.     }
  220.     Line {
  221.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  222.       SrcPort       1
  223.       DstBlock       "delta"
  224.       DstPort       1
  225.     }
  226.     Line {
  227.       SrcBlock       "Rad to Degreenn"
  228.       SrcPort       1
  229.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  230.       DstPort       2
  231.     }
  232.     Line {
  233.       SrcBlock       "Demux"
  234.       SrcPort       1
  235.       DstBlock       "Rad to Degreenn"
  236.       DstPort       1
  237.     }
  238.     Line {
  239.       SrcBlock       "Sum1"
  240.       SrcPort       1
  241.       DstBlock       "f"
  242.       DstPort       1
  243.     }
  244.     Line {
  245.       SrcBlock       "State-Space"
  246.       SrcPort       1
  247.       DstBlock       "Demux"
  248.       DstPort       1
  249.     }
  250.     Line {
  251.       SrcBlock       "Step Input"
  252.       SrcPort       1
  253.       DstBlock       "State-Space"
  254.       DstPort       1
  255.     }
  256.     Annotation {
  257.       Position       [72, 132]
  258.       VerticalAlignment       top
  259.       Text       "Du=3.79"
  260.     }
  261.     Annotation {
  262.       Position       [325, 358]
  263.       VerticalAlignment       top
  264.       FontSize       12
  265.       Text       "  Du  = 60*pi/H*(0.2)"
  266.     }
  267.     Annotation {
  268.       Position       [339, 341]
  269.       FontSize       12
  270.       Text       "Simulation block diagram for Example 11.3"
  271.     }
  272.   }
  273. }