资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- Model {
- Name "sim11ex3"
- Version 2.09
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- ExternalInput "[t, u]"
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- System {
- Name "sim11ex3"
- Location [154, 243, 892, 677]
- Open on
- ScreenColor white
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux"
- Ports [1, 2, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [260, 95, 320, 275]
- Outputs "2"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Rad to Degreenn"
- Position [370, 106, 440, 174]
- Gain "180/pi"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType StateSpace
- Name "State-Space"
- Position [140, 154, 220, 216]
- A "[0 1; -37.7061 -2.6169 ]"
- B "[0; 1]"
- C "eye(2)"
- D "zeros(2, 1)"
- X0 "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Step
- Name "Step Input"
- Position [45, 153, 100, 217]
- Time "100"
- Before "pi*60/9.94*.2"
- After "pi*60/9.84*.2"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum"
- Ports [2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [510, 49, 530, 171]
- Inputs "++"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum1"
- Ports [2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [520, 204, 540, 311]
- Inputs "++"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "delta"
- Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [570, 90, 615, 130]
- Floating off
- Location [665, 203, 989, 442]
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- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "delta0"
- Position [425, 67, 475, 93]
- Value "16.79"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "f"
- Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- Position [575, 239, 625, 281]
- Floating off
- Location [667, 510, 991, 749]
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- SampleTime "0"
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- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "f0"
- Position [455, 271, 490, 299]
- Value "60"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "rps to Hz"
- Position [375, 196, 445, 264]
- Gain "1/(2*pi)"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "f0"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "rps to Hz"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "delta0"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "rps to Hz"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "delta"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Rad to Degreenn"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Rad to Degreenn"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "f"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "State-Space"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Demux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Step Input"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "State-Space"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [72, 132]
- VerticalAlignment top
- Text "Du=3.79"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [325, 358]
- VerticalAlignment top
- FontSize 12
- Text " Du = 60*pi/H*(0.2)"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [339, 341]
- FontSize 12
- Text "Simulation block diagram for Example 11.3"
- }
- }
- }