资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % Function routh(a) constructs the Routh table for a polynomial of degree n
- % Hadi Saadat, 1998
- function routh(a)
- head=[' '
- ' Routh-Hurwitz Array '
- ' '];
- n=length(a);
- jw=0;
- m=2;
- nc=round(n/2);
- b=zeros(n,nc);
- z=zeros(1,nc);
- if round(n/2) > n/2
- a(n+1)=0;
- else,end
- for i=1:2:n
- k=(i+1)/2;
- b(1,k)=a(i);
- b(2,k)=a(i+1);
- end
- if b(2 ,:)==z
- fprintf('Elements of row %g',2)
- fprintf(' are all zero.n')
- fprintf('They are replaced by the auxiliary Eq. coefficients nn')
- jw=1;
- for k=1:nc
- j=n-1; d=j+2-2*k;
- b(2,k)=d*b(1,k);
- end
- else,end
- for i=1:n-2
- for j=1:nc-1
- if b(i+1,1)==0
- b(i+1,1)=0.00001;
- fprintf('Zero in the first column is replaced by 0.00001 nn')
- else,end
- b(m+i,j)=(b(i+1,1)*b(i, j+1)-b(i+1,j+1)*b(i,1)) /b(i+1,1);
- end
- if b(m+i,:) == z
- if m+i <n
- fprintf('Elements of row %g',m+i)
- fprintf(' are all zero.n')
- fprintf('They are replaced by the auxiliary Eq. coefficients nn')
- jw=1;
- for k=1:nc
- j=n-m-i+1;
- d=j+2-2*k;
- if d< 0
- b(m+i,k)= b(m+i-1,k);
- else,
- b(m+i,k)=d*b(m+i-1,k);
- end
- end
- else, jw=3; end
- else,end
- end
- disp(head)
- format short e
- disp(b)
- format short
- j=0 ;nr=0;
- for i= 1:n
- if j ==0
- if b(i,1) <0 ,nr=nr+1 ;j =1;
- else,end
- else,if b(i,1) > 0 ,nr=nr+1; j=0 ; else, end
- end
- end
- if jw==3, fprintf('Characterisitc Equation contain root at originn'),end
- if jw==1, fprintf('Characteristic Equation include roots on jw-axis or n')
- fprintf('pairs of real or complex roots symmetrical about jw-axis nn'),end
- if nr==0
- if jw==0, fprintf('System is stable nn'),end
- else,fprintf('There are %g',nr)
- fprintf(' roots in the right half s-plane nn'),end