资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function [K,G, Af] = placeobs(A,B,C,P,Pe)
- % H. Saadat, 1998
- clc
- % discr=[
- %' This function is used for the combined pole placement and observer '
- %' design based on Ackermann`s formula. A is the system matrix, B is '
- %' the input column vector and C is the output row vector. '
- %' P is a row vector containing the desired closed-loop poles and Pe is'
- %' the desired estimator roots. The function displays the gain vectors'
- %' K and G, open-loop plant transfer function and the controlled system' '
- % closed-loop transfer function. Also, the function returns the gains '
- % K & G, and the combined system matrix. '
- %' '];
- %disp(discr)
- n=length(A);
- for i=1:n;
- S(:,n+1-i) = A^(n-i)*B;
- end
- if rank(S)~=n
- error('System is not state controllable')
- else
- T=inv(S);
- end
- q=zeros(1,n); q(n)=1;
- H=q*T;
- p=poly(P);
- AL=zeros(n);
- for i=1:n+1
- AL=AL+p(n+2-i)*A^(i-1);
- end
- K=H*AL; % Regulator constants
- fprintf('Feedback gain vector K n'),
- for i=1:n, fprintf(' %g',K(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('nn')
- for i=1:n;
- V(n+1-i,:) = C*A^(n-i);
- end
- if rank(V)~=n
- error('System is not state observable')
- else
- W=inv(V);
- end
- qe=zeros(n,1); qe(n)=1;
- He=W*qe;
- pe=poly(Pe);
- AL=zeros(n);
- for i=1:n+1
- AL=AL+pe(n+2-i)*A^(i-1);
- end
- G=AL*He; % estimator constants
- fprintf('Estimator gain vector G: n'),
- for i=1:n, fprintf(' %gn',G(i)), end,fprintf('n')
- Ae=A-G*C-B*K; Be=G; Ce=-K; De=0;
- [numG, denG]=ss2tf(Ae,Be,Ce,De,1);
- numG=-numG; D=0;
- for i=1:length(numG)
- if abs(numG(i)) <= 1e-08 numG(i)=0; else,end,end
- [num, den]=ss2tf(A,B,C,D,1);
- for i=1:length(num)
- if abs(num(i)) <= 1e-08 num(i)=0; else,end,end
- z=zeros(n);
- Af=[A-B*K B*K; z A-G*C];
- numopen=conv(num,numG);
- denopen=conv(den,denG);
- denclsd=numopen+denopen;
- %fprintf('Open-loop Plant transfer function: n'),
- %fprintf('Numerator ')
- %for i=1:length(num), fprintf(' %g',num(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('n')
- %fprintf('Denominator ')
- %for i=1:length(den), fprintf(' %g',den(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('nn')
- fprintf('Open-loop Plant')
- GH = tf(num,den)
- %fprintf('Controller-estimator transfer function: n'),
- %fprintf('Numerator ')
- %for i=1:length(numG), fprintf(' %g',numG(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('n')
- %fprintf('Denominator ')
- %for i=1:length(denG), fprintf(' %g',denG(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('nn')
- fprintf('Controller-estimator')
- CEG = tf(numG, denG)
- %fprintf('Controlled system closed-loop transfer function: n')
- %fprintf('Numerator ')
- %for i=1:length(numopen), fprintf(' %g',numopen(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('n')
- %fprintf('Denominator ')
- %for i=1:length(denclsd), fprintf(' %g',denclsd(i)),fprintf(' '),end,fprintf('nn')
- fprintf('Controlled system closed-loop')
- T = tf(numopen, denclsd)
- fprintf('Combined controller observer system matrix n')
- disp(Af)