资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This function Simulates the swing equation of a one-machine system
- % and returns the critical clearing time for stability.
- %
- % Copyrigth (C) 1998 H. Saadat
- %
- function cctime(Pm, E, V, X1, X2, X3, H, f)
- Pe1max = E*V/X1; Pe2max=E*V/X2; Pe3max=E*V/X3;
- d0 =asin(Pm/Pe1max);
- dmax = pi-asin(Pm/Pe3max);
- cosdc = (Pm*(dmax-d0)+Pe3max*cos(dmax)-Pe2max*cos(d0))/(Pe3max-Pe2max);
- if abs(cosdc) > 1
- fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.n')
- fprintf('System can remain stable during this disturbance.nn')
- return
- else, end
- dc = acos(cosdc);
- if dc > dmax
- fprintf('No critical clearing angle could be found.n')
- fprintf('System can remain stable during this disturbance.nn')
- return
- else, end
- tf = 0.4;
- x0 = [d0; 0];
- %[t1,xf] =ode23('pfpower', 0, tf, x0, 0.00001); % use with MATLAB 4
- tspan = [0, tf]; % use with MATLAB 5
- options = odeset('RelTol', 0.00001); % use with MATLAB 5
- [t1,xf] =ode23('pfpower', tspan, x0, options); % use with MATLAB 5
- kk=find(xf(:,1) <= dc); k=max(kk);
- tt=t1(k);
- while tf <= tt & tf <= 3.6
- tf=tf+.4;
- fprintf('nSearching with a final time of %3.2f Sec. n', tf)
- tol=0.00001+tf*2.5e-5;
- %[t1,xf] =ode23('pfpower', 0, tf, x0, tol); % use with MATLAB 4
- tspan = [0, tf]; % use with MATLAB 5
- options = odeset('RelTol', tol); % use with MATLAB 5
- [t1,xf] =ode23('pfpower', tspan, x0, options); % use with MATLAB 5
- kk=find(xf(:,1) <= dc); k=max(kk);
- tt= t1(k);
- end
- %end
- tmargin = t1(k);
- if tf >= 3.6
- fprintf('nA clearing time could not be found up to 4 sec. nn')
- return
- else, end
- fprintf('nCritical clearing time = %4.2f seconds n', tmargin)
- fprintf('Critical clearing angle = %6.2f degrees nn', dc*180/pi)