资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This program named 'bloss' obtains the B-coefficients of the
- % loss formula as the function of real power generation.
- %
- % PL = P*B*P'+B0*P'+B00.
- %
- % It requires the power flow solution. To obtain the B-coefficients use the command bloss after
- % the command 'bloss' after any of the power flow programs lfgauss,
- % lfnewton, or decouple.
- %
- % Copyright (C)1998 by H. Saadat.
- clear B B0 B00
- Zbus=inv(Ybus);
- ngg=0;
- I=-1/basemva*(Pd-j*Qd)./conj(V); %new
- ID= sum(I); %new
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)== 0
- % I(k) = conj(S(k))/conj(V(k));
- % else, ngg=ngg+1; I(k)=0; end
- else, ngg=ngg+1; end
- if kb(k)==1 ks=k; else, end
- end
- %ID= sum(I);
- d1=I/ID;
- DD=sum(d1.*Zbus(ks,:)); %new
- kg=0; kd=0;
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)~=0
- kg=kg+1;
- t1(kg) = Zbus(ks,k)/DD; %new
- else, kd=kd+1;
- d(kd)=I(k)/ID;
- end
- end
- nd=nbus-ngg;
- C1g=zeros(nbus, ngg);
- kg=0;
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)~=0
- kg=kg+1;
- for m=1:ngg
- if kb(m)~=0
- C1g(k, kg)=1;
- else, end
- end
- else,end
- end
- C1gg=eye(ngg,ngg);
- C1D=zeros(ngg,1);
- C1=[C1g,conj(d1)'];
- C2gD=[C1gg; -t1];
- CnD=[C1D;-t1(1)];
- C2=[C2gD,CnD];
- C=C1*C2;
- kg=0;
- for k=1:nbus
- if kb(k)~=0
- kg=kg+1;
- al(kg)=(1-j*((Qg(k)+Qsh(k))/Pg(k)))/conj(V(k)); %new
- else,end
- end
- alp=[al, -V(ks)/Zbus(ks,ks)];
- for k=1:ngg+1
- for m=1:ngg+1
- if k==m
- alph(k,k)=alp(k);
- else, alph(k,m)=0;end
- end,end
- T = alph*conj(C)'*real(Zbus)*conj(C)*conj(alph);
- BB=0.5*(T+conj(T));
- for k=1:ngg
- for m=1:ngg
- B(k,m)=BB(k,m);
- end
- B0(k)=2*BB(ngg+1,k);
- end
- B00=BB(ngg+1,ngg+1);
- B, B0, B00
- PL = Pgg*(B/basemva)*Pgg'+B0*Pgg'+B00*basemva;
- fprintf('Total system loss = %g MW n', PL)
- clear I BB C C1 C1D C1g C1gg C2 C2gD CnD DD ID T al alp alph t1 d d1 kd kg ks nd ng