资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This function obtains the line loadability curve for a transmission line.
- % Copyright (C) 1998 by H. Saadat.
- function loadabil(L, C, f)
- global resp model par1 par2 linelngt freq
- diary off
- fprintf(' n')
- fprintf(' Loadability curve of a lossless line (up to 1/4 wavelength n')
- fprintf(' ---------------------------------------------------------- n')
- %if exist('r')~=1
- % r = input('Enter line resistance in ohms/km = '); else end
- r = 0;
- if exist('L')~=1
- L = input('Enter line inductance in millihenry/km = '); else end
- if exist('C')~=1
- C = input('Enter line capacitance in microfarad/km = '); else end
- if exist('f')~=1
- f = input('Enter line frequency in Hz f = '); else end
- if C==0
- shrtline = [
- ' '
- ' Line charging capacitance is zero. A short line is assumed.'
- ' A loadability curve is not obtained for a short line. '
- ' '];
- disp(shrtline)
- fprintf(' n Hit return to continue n')
- pause, return
- else, end
- w=2*pi*f;
- z= r + j*w*L*1E-03; y = j*w*C*1E-06;
- Zc = sqrt(z/y); gama = sqrt(z*y); beta = imag(gama);
- lamda = 2*pi/beta;
- del=30;
- delta = del*pi/180;
- Vsm = input('Enter sending end line-line voltage kV = ');
- Vrm = input('Enter receiving end line-line voltage kV = ');
- Vrate = input('Enter rated line-line voltage kV = ');
- Ith = input('Enter line current-carrying capacity, Amp/phase = ');
- Vs = Vsm/sqrt(3); Vr = Vrm/sqrt(3);
- Vrateph = Vrate/sqrt(3);
- SIL = Vrate^2/Zc;
- Vspu = Vsm/Vrate; Vrpu = Vrm/Vrate;
- Kc = Vspu*Vrpu*SIL;
- dist1=50:10: lamda/4;
- dist2=100:10: lamda/4;
- dist3=0:10:lamda/4;
- P = Kc*sin(delta)./sin(beta*dist1);
- Pmax = Kc./sin(beta*dist2);
- mP= P/SIL;
- mPmax= Pmax/SIL;
- tx = 0.5*lamda/4;
- ty1 = Kc*sin(delta)/sin(beta*tx)/SIL;
- ty2 = Kc/sin(beta*tx)/SIL;
- Pth = sqrt(3)*Vrate*Ith*1E-3;
- mPth = Pth/SIL*ones(1, length(dist3));
- ty3 = 1.02*Pth/SIL;
- h=figure;
- plot(dist1, mP, dist2, mPmax,'-', dist3, mPth,'-'), grid
- xlabel('Line length');
- ylabel('P.U. SIL')
- title('Loadability curve for length up to 1/4 wavelength')
- text(0.45*tx, .9*mP(1), ['SIL = ',num2str(SIL), 'MW, ',' delta = ',num2str(del), 'degrees'])
- text(tx, ty1+.2, ['Practical line loadability'])
- text(tx, ty2+.2, 'Theoretical stability limit')
- text(tx, ty3+.2, 'Thermal limit')
- pause
- fprintf(' n Hit return to continue n')
- pause