资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function eacpower(P0, E, V, X)
- % This program obtains the power angle curve for a one-machine system
- % during normal operation. Using equal area criterion the maximum input
- % power that can be suddenly applied for the machine to remain critically
- % stable is obtained.
- %
- % Copyright (c) 1998 H. Saadat
- if exist('P0')~=1
- P0 = input('Generator initial power in p.u. P0 = '); else, end
- if exist('E')~=1
- E = input('Generator e.m.f. in p.u. E = '); else, end
- if exist('V')~=1
- V = input('Infinite bus-bar voltage in p.u. V = '); else, end
- if exist('X')~=1
- X = input('Reactance between internal emf and infinite bus in p.u. X = '); else, end
- Pemax= E*V/X;
- if P0 >= Pemax
- fprintf('nP0 must be less than the peak electrical power Pemax = %5.3f p.u. n', Pemax)
- fprintf('Try again. nn')
- return, end
- d0=asin(P0/Pemax);
- delta = 0:.01:pi;
- Pe = Pemax*sin(delta);
- dmax=pi;
- Ddmax=1;
- while abs(Ddmax) > 0.00001
- Df = cos(d0) - (sin(dmax)*(dmax-d0)+cos(dmax));
- J=cos(dmax)*(dmax-d0);
- Ddmax=Df/J;
- dmax=dmax+Ddmax;
- end
- dc=pi-dmax;
- Pm2=Pemax*sin(dc);
- Pmx =[0 pi-d0]*180/pi; Pmy=[P0 P0];
- Pm2x=[0 dmax]*180/pi; Pm2y=[Pm2 Pm2];
- x0=[d0 d0]*180/pi; y0=[0 Pm2]; xc=[dc dc]*180/pi; yc=[0 Pemax*sin(dc)];
- xm=[dmax dmax]*180/pi; ym=[0 Pemax*sin(dmax)];
- d0=d0*180/pi; dmax=dmax*180/pi; dc=dc*180/pi;
- x=(d0:.1:dc);
- y=Pemax*sin(x*pi/180);
- %y1=Pe2max*sin(d0*pi/180);
- %y2=Pe2max*sin(dc*pi/180);
- x=[d0 x dc];
- y=[Pm2 y Pm2];
- xx=dc:.1:dmax;
- h=Pemax*sin(xx*pi/180);
- xx=[dc xx dmax];
- hh=[Pm2 h Pm2];
- delta=delta*180/pi;
- %clc
- fprintf('nInitial power =%7.3f p.u.n', P0)
- fprintf('Initial power angle =%7.3f degrees n', d0)
- fprintf('Sudden additional power =%7.3f p.u.n', Pm2-P0)
- fprintf('Total power for critical stability =%7.3f p.u.n', Pm2)
- fprintf('Maximum angle swing =%7.3f degrees n', dmax)
- fprintf('New operating angle =%7.3f degrees nnn', dc)
- fill(x,y,'m')
- hold;
- fill(xx,hh,'c')
- plot(delta, Pe,'-', Pmx, Pmy,'g', Pm2x,Pm2y,'g', x0,y0,'c', xc,yc, xm,ym,'r'), grid
- Title('Equal-area criterion applied to the sudden change in power')
- xlabel('Power angle, degree'), ylabel(' Power, per unit')
- axis([0 180 0 1.1*Pemax])
- hold off;