资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This function transforms the symmetrical components into its original
- % abc phasors.
- % The symmetrical components can be expressed in a one column array in
- % rectangular complex form or in a two column array in polar form, with
- % 1st column magnitude and 2nd column phase angle in degree.
- % First, second and third rows are Zero-, positives- and negative-sequence
- % components respectively.
- % The function returns the abc phsors in rectangular form.
- % The function plots the original symmetrical components and the unbalanced
- % phasors.
- % Copyright (c) 1998 H. Saadat
- function [fabc] = sc2abc(fa012)
- rankf012=length(fa012(1,:));
- if rankf012 == 2
- mag= fa012(:,1); ang=pi/180*fa012(:,2);
- fa012r=mag.*(cos(ang)+j*sin(ang));
- elseif rankf012 ==1
- fa012r=fa012;
- else
- fprintf('n Symmetrical components must be expressed in a one column array in rectangular complex form n')
- fprintf(' or in a two column array in polar form, with 1st column magnitude & 2nd column n')
- fprintf(' phase angle in degree. n')
- return, end
- a=cos(2*pi/3)+j*sin(2*pi/3);
- A = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];
- fabc= A*fa012r;
- %fabcp= [abs(fabc) 180/pi*angle(fabc)];
- %fprintf(' n Unbalanced phasors n')
- %fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.n')
- %disp(fabcp)
- fabc0=fa012r(1)*[1; 1; 1];
- fabc1=fa012r(2)*[1; a^2; a];
- fabc2=fa012r(3)*[1; a; a^2];
- figure
- subplot(221);
- [Px, Py, Vscale]= phasor3(fabc);
- [Px0, Py0, Vscale0]= phasor3(fabc0);
- [Px1, Py1, Vscale1]= phasor3(fabc1);
- [Px2, Py2, Vscale2]= phasor3(fabc2);
- Vscle=max([Vscale, Vscale0, Vscale1, Vscale2]);
- plot(Px', Py','r')
- title('a-b-c set')
- axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
- axis('square')
- subplot(222);
- plot(Px0', Py0','g')
- title('Zero-sequence set')
- axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
- axis('square')
- subplot(223);
- plot(Px1', Py1','m')
- title('Positive-sequence set')
- axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
- axis('square')
- subplot(224);
- plot(Px2', Py2','b')
- title('Negative-sequence set')
- axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
- axis('square')
- subplot(111)