资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This function constructs the receiving end power circle diagram
- % for varying values of Vs from Vr up to 1.35 Vr.
- %
- % Copyright (C) 1998 by H. Saadat
- function pwrcirc(ABCD)
- global resp model par1 par2 linelngt freq
- diary off
- if exist('ABCD')~=1
- A = input('Enter the complex line constant A = ');
- B = input('Enter the complex line constant B = ');
- C = input('Enter the complex line constant C = ');
- D = A; ABCD=[A B; C D]; end
- fprintf(' n')
- fprintf(' Receiving end power circle diagram n')
- fprintf(' ---------------------------------- n')
- Vrm = input('Enter receiving end line-line voltage kV = ');
- ba = angle( ABCD(1,2) )- angle(ABCD(1,1));
- delta = 0:3:42;
- d = delta*pi/180;
- Vsm = 1.35*Vrm;
- h=figure;
- hold on
- for k = 1:7
- Vsm = Vsm -.05*Vrm;
- bd = angle(ABCD(1,2)) - d;
- S1 = Vsm*Vrm/abs(ABCD(1,2)); S2 = abs(ABCD(1,1))*Vrm^2/abs(ABCD(1,2));
- Pr = S1*cos(bd) - S2*cos(ba);
- Qr = S1*sin(bd) - S2*sin(ba);
- tx = max(Pr); ty = min(Qr);
- if k ==1
- pm = ceil(max(Pr));
- x = 0:.1*pm:pm; y = zeros(1,length(x));
- else end
- plot(Pr, Qr)
- if k == 1, text( tx, ty, '1.30'), else end
- if k == 2, text( tx, ty, '1.25'), else end
- if k == 3, text( tx, ty, '1.20'), else end
- if k == 4, text( tx, ty, '1.15'), else end
- if k == 5, text( tx, ty, '1.10'), else end
- if k == 6, text( tx, ty, '1.05'), else end
- if k == 7, text( tx, ty, '1.0'), else end
- end
- plot(x,y), grid
- axis([0 pm -pm/2 pm/2]);
- axis('square')
- xlabel('Pr, MW'), ylabel('Qr, Mvar')
- title('Power circle diagram Vs: from Vr to 1.3Vr ')
- hold off
- pause
- %axis('auto')
- fprintf(' n Hit return to continue n')
- pause