资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This program displays three options for obtaining the transformer
- % performance characteristics/
- %
- % Copyright (C) 1998 by H. Saadat.
- clc
- global par1
- par1 = -1;
- menu1 =[
- ' '
- ' Type of parameters for input Select '
- ' ---------------------------- ------ '
- ' To obtain equivalent circuit from tests 1 '
- ' '
- ' To input individual winding impedances 2 '
- ' '
- ' To input transformer equivalent impedance 3 '
- ' '
- ' To quit 0 '];
- disp(menu1)
- while par1 ~=1 & par1 ~= 2 & par1 ~= 3 & par1 ~=0
- par1 = input(' Select number of menu --> ');
- if par1 ~= 1 & par1 ~= 2 & par1 ~= 3 & par1 ~=0
- disp(' Enter 1, 2, 3, or 0'), else, end
- end
- fprintf(' n')
- if isempty(par1) == 1
- disp('You must enter 1, 2, 3, or 0 try again'), return,
- else, end
- if par1 == 0, return, end
- if par1 == 1
- S = input(' Enter Transformer rated power in kVA, S = ');
- Elv = input(' Enter rated low voltage in volts = ');
- Ehv = input(' Enter rated high voltage in volts = ');
- fprintf('n Open circuit test data nn')
- fprintf(' ---------------------- n')
- tso = 0;
- while strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf(' Enter ''lv'' within quotes for data referred to low side or n')
- tso = input(' enter ''hv'' within quotes for data referred to high side -> ');
- if strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf('n Incorrect reply, try again nn'), end
- end
- Vo = input(' Enter input voltage in volts, Vo = ');
- Io = input(' Enter no-load current in Amp, Io = ');
- Po = input(' Enter no-load input power in Watt, Po = ');
- [Rc, Xm] = troct(Vo, Io, Po);
- if tso == 'lv' | tso == 'LV'
- Rclv = Rc; Xmlv = Xm;
- Rchv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Rc; Xmhv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- if tso == 'hv' | tso == 'HV'
- Rchv = Rc; Xmhv = Xm;
- Rclv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Rc; Xmlv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- fprintf('n Short circuit test data n')
- fprintf(' ----------------------- n')
- tsc=0;
- while strcmp(tsc, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf(' Enter ''lv'' within quotes for data referred to low side or n')
- tsc = input(' enter ''hv'' within quotes for data referred to high side -> ');
- if strcmp(tsc, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf('n Incorrect reply, try again nn'), end
- end
- Vsc = input(' Enter reduced input voltage in volts, Vsc = ');
- Isc = input(' Enter input current in Amp, Isc = ');
- Psc = input(' Enter input power in Watt, Psc = ');
- [Ze] = trsct(Vsc, Isc, Psc);
- if tsc == 'lv' | tsc == 'LV'
- Zelv = Ze;
- Zehv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Ze; else, end
- if tsc == 'hv' | tsc == 'HV'
- Zehv = Ze;
- Zelv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Ze; else, end
- end
- if par1 ==2
- S = input(' Enter Transformer rated power in kVA, S = ');
- Elv = input(' Enter rated low voltage in volts = ');
- Ehv = input(' Enter rated high voltage in volts = ');
- Zlv = input(' Enter LV winding series impedance R1 + j*X1 in ohm = ');
- Zhv = input(' Enter HV winding series impedance R2 + j*X2 in ohm = ');
- [Zelv, Zehv] = wz2eqz(Elv, Ehv, Zlv, Zhv);
- tso=0;
- while strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf(' Enter ''lv'' within quotes for low side shunt branch or n')
- tso = input(' enter ''hv'' within quotes for high side shunt branch -> ');
- if strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf('n Incorrect reply, try again nn'), end
- end
- Rc = input(' Shunt resistance in ohm (if neglected enter inf) = ');
- Xm = input(' Shunt reactance in ohm (if neglected enter inf) = ');
- if tso == 'lv' | tso == 'LV'
- Rclv = Rc; Xmlv = Xm;
- Rchv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Rc; Xmhv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- if tso == 'hv' | tso == 'HV'
- Rchv = Rc; Xmhv = Xm;
- Rclv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Rc; Xmlv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- end
- if par1 == 3
- S = input(' Enter Transformer rated power in kVA, S = ');
- Elv = input(' Enter rated low voltage in volts = ');
- Ehv = input(' Enter rated high voltage in volts = ');
- tsc=0;
- while strcmp(tsc, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf(' n Enter ''lv'' within quotes for equivalent impedance referred to low side or n')
- tsc = input(' enter ''hv'' within quotes for equivalent impedance referred to high side -> ');
- if strcmp(tsc, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tsc, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf('n Incorrect reply, try again nn'), end
- end
- Ze = input(' Enter transformer equivalent impedance Re + j*Xe in ohm, Ze = ');
- if tsc == 'lv' | tsc == 'LV'
- Zelv = Ze;
- Zehv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Ze; else, end
- if tsc == 'hv' | tsc == 'HV'
- Zehv = Ze;
- Zelv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Ze; else, end
- tso = 0;
- while strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf(' Enter ''lv'' within quotes for low side shunt branch or n')
- tso = input(' enter ''hv'' within quotes for high side shunt branch -> ');
- if strcmp(tso, 'lv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'LV')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'hv')~=1 & strcmp(tso, 'HV')~=1
- fprintf('n Incorrect reply, try again nn'), end
- end
- Rc = input(' Shunt resistance in ohm (if neglected enter inf) = ');
- Xm = input(' Shunt reactance in ohm (if neglected enter inf) = ');
- if tso == 'lv' | tso == 'LV'
- Rclv = Rc; Xmlv = Xm;
- Rchv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Rc; Xmhv = (Ehv/Elv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- if tso == 'hv' | tso == 'HV'
- Rchv = Rc; Xmhv = Xm;
- Rclv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Rc; Xmlv = (Elv/Ehv)^2*Xm;
- else, end
- end
- clc
- fprintf('n Shunt branch ref. to LV side ')
- fprintf(' Shunt branch ref. to HV side n')
- fprintf(' Rc = %12.3f ohm', Rclv), fprintf(' Rc = %12.3f ohm n', Rchv)
- fprintf(' Xm = %12.3f ohm', Xmlv), fprintf(' Xm = %12.3f ohm n', Xmhv)
- fprintf('n Series branch ref. to LV side ')
- fprintf(' Series branch ref. to HV side n')
- fprintf(' Ze = %10.6f', real(Zelv)), fprintf(' + j %10.6f ohm', imag(Zelv))
- fprintf(' Ze = %10.6f', real(Zehv)), fprintf(' + j %10.6f ohm nn', imag(Zehv))
- %fprintf('nn Hit return to continue n')
- %pause
- tperf