资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function [ret,x0,str,ts,xts]=chp12sm1(t,x,u,flag);
- %CHP12SM1 is the M-file description of the SIMULINK system named CHP12SM1.
- % The block-diagram can be displayed by typing: CHP12SM1.
- %
- % SYS=CHP12SM1(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain
- % system values given time point, T, current state vector, X,
- % and input vector, U.
- % FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
- %
- % Setting FLAG=1 causes CHP12SM1 to return state derivatives, FLAG=2
- % discrete states, FLAG=3 system outputs and FLAG=4 next sample
- % time. For more information and other options see SFUNC.
- %
- % Calling CHP12SM1 with a FLAG of zero:
- % [SIZES]=CHP12SM1([],[],[],0), returns a vector, SIZES, which
- % contains the sizes of the state vector and other parameters.
- % SIZES(1) number of states
- % SIZES(2) number of discrete states
- % SIZES(3) number of outputs
- % SIZES(4) number of inputs
- % SIZES(5) number of roots (currently unsupported)
- % SIZES(6) direct feedthrough flag
- % SIZES(7) number of sample times
- %
- % For the definition of other parameters in SIZES, see SFUNC.
- % Note: This M-file is only used for saving graphical information;
- % after the model is loaded into memory an internal model
- % representation is used.
- % the system will take on the name of this mfile:
- sys = mfilename;
- new_system(sys)
- simver(1.3)
- if (0 == (nargin + nargout))
- set_param(sys,'Location',[137,147,882,840])
- open_system(sys)
- end;
- set_param(sys,'algorithm', 'RK-45')
- set_param(sys,'Start time', '0.0')
- set_param(sys,'Stop time', '10')
- set_param(sys,'Min step size', '0.001')
- set_param(sys,'Max step size', '.05')
- set_param(sys,'Relative error','1e-3')
- set_param(sys,'Return vars', '')
- add_block('built-in/Sum',[sys,'/','Sum1'])
- set_param([sys,'/','Sum1'],...
- 'inputs','--',...
- 'position',[95,57,115,93])
- add_block('built-in/Gain',[sys,'/','1//R'])
- set_param([sys,'/','1//R'],...
- 'orientation',2,...
- 'Gain','20',...
- 'position',[290,130,335,180])
- add_block('built-in/Transfer Fcn',[sys,'/',' Governor'])
- set_param([sys,'/',' Governor'],...
- 'Denominator','[0.2 1]',...
- 'position',[150,52,215,98])
- add_block('built-in/Transfer Fcn',[sys,'/','Turbine'])
- set_param([sys,'/','Turbine'],...
- 'Denominator','[0.5 1]',...
- 'position',[255,53,325,97])
- add_block('built-in/Sum',[sys,'/','Sum'])
- set_param([sys,'/','Sum'],...
- 'inputs','-+',...
- 'position',[380,60,400,80])
- add_block('built-in/Transfer Fcn',[sys,'/',['Inertia & load',13,'']])
- set_param([sys,'/',['Inertia & load',13,'']],...
- 'Denominator','[10 0.8]',...
- 'position',[435,47,515,93])
- % Subsystem 'Graph'.
- new_system([sys,'/','Graph'])
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],'Location',[0,59,274,252])
- add_block('built-in/Inport',[sys,'/','Graph/x'])
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph/x'],...
- 'position',[65,55,85,75])
- add_block('built-in/S-Function',[sys,'/',['Graph/S-function',13,'M-file which plots',13,'lines',13,'']])
- set_param([sys,'/',['Graph/S-function',13,'M-file which plots',13,'lines',13,'']],...
- 'function name','sfuny',...
- 'parameters','ax, color,dt',...
- 'position',[130,55,180,75])
- add_line([sys,'/','Graph'],[90,65;125,65])
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'Mask Display','plot(0,0,100,100,[90,10,10,10,90,90,10],[65,65,90,40,40,90,90],[90,78,69,54,40,31,25,10],[77,60,48,46,56,75,81,84])',...
- 'Mask Type','Graph scope.')
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'Mask Dialogue','Graph scope using MATLAB graph window.nEnter plotting ranges and line type.|Time range:|y-min:|y-max:|Line type (rgbw-:*). Seperate each plot by ''/'':')
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'Mask Translate','color = @4; ax = [0, @1, @2, @3]; dt = -1;')
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'Mask Help','This block plots to the MATLAB graph window and can be used as an improved version of the Scope block. Look at the m-file sfuny.m to see how it works. This block can take scalar or vector input signal.')
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'Mask Entries','10/-.015/0/''y-/g--/c-./w:/m*/ro/b+''/')
- % Finished composite block 'Graph'.
- set_param([sys,'/','Graph'],...
- 'position',[595,51,625,89])
- add_block('built-in/To Workspace',[sys,'/','To Workspace'])
- set_param([sys,'/','To Workspace'],...
- 'mat-name','Dw',...
- 'position',[595,4,645,26])
- add_block('built-in/Step Fcn',[sys,'/',['DPL',13,'']])
- set_param([sys,'/',['DPL',13,'']],...
- 'Time','100',...
- 'Before','0.2',...
- 'After','.2',...
- 'position',[325,10,345,30])
- add_line(sys,[220,75;250,75])
- add_line(sys,[330,75;375,75])
- add_line(sys,[405,70;430,70])
- add_line(sys,[120,75;145,75])
- add_line(sys,[520,70;590,70])
- add_line(sys,[285,155;55,155;55,85;90,85])
- add_line(sys,[540,70;540,155;340,155])
- add_line(sys,[560,70;560,15;590,15])
- add_line(sys,[350,20;360,20;360,65;375,65])
- drawnow
- % Return any arguments.
- if (nargin | nargout)
- % Must use feval here to access system in memory
- if (nargin > 3)
- if (flag == 0)
- eval(['[ret,x0,str,ts,xts]=',sys,'(t,x,u,flag);'])
- else
- eval(['ret =', sys,'(t,x,u,flag);'])
- end
- else
- [ret,x0,str,ts,xts] = feval(sys);
- end
- else
- drawnow % Flash up the model and execute load callback
- end