资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- function [numopen, denopen, denclsd]=tachfdbk(num,den,s1)
- % Hadi Saadat, 1998
- discr=[
- ' '
- ' The function tachfdbk(num, den, s1) is used for the design of the '
- ' minor-loop rate-feedback or tachometer-feedback control. num and den'
- ' are row vectors of polynomial coefficients of the uncompensated open-'
- ' loop plant transfer function and s1=a+j*w is a desired pole of the '
- ' loop transfer function. The function returns the open-loop and the '
- ' closed-loop numerator and denominators of the compensated system '
- ' transfer function. '];
- %disp(discr);
- clc
- beta=atan2(imag(s1),real(s1));
- sm=abs(s1);
- [mag,phase]=ghs(num,den,s1); % Returns the mag. and phase of G(s1)H(s1)
- if imag(s1)==0
- disp('The specified closed-loop pole s1 must be a complex pole')
- return
- else
- Kp=-sin(beta+phase)/(mag*sin(beta));
- KD=sin(phase)/(sm*mag*sin(beta));
- end
- Z0=Kp/KD;
- fprintf(' Ka = %g',Kp),fprintf(' , Kt = %g',KD),
- fprintf('s nn')
- % the following statements will form the characteristic Equation
- % of the compensated system.
- m=length(num); n=length(den);
- if n > m
- o=zeros(1,n-m); mk=[o,1]; num1=conv(num,mk);
- else, num1=num, end
- numgc=[KD,Kp]; numopen=conv(numgc, num1);
- dengc=[0, 1]; denopen=conv(dengc, den);
- denclsd=denopen+numopen;
- numopen=conv(Kp,num1);
- %fprintf('Row vectors of polynomial coefficients of the compensated system:nn')
- %fprintf('Open-loop num. '),disp(numopen)
- %fprintf('Open-loop den. '),disp(denopen)
- %fprintf('Closed-loop den'),disp(denclsd)
- fprintf('Compensated open-loop ')
- GH = tf(numopen, denopen)
- fprintf('Compensated closed-loop ')
- T = tf(numopen, denclsd)
- discr2=[
- 'Roots of the compensated characteristic equation: '
- ' '];
- disp(discr2)
- r=roots(denclsd);
- disp(r)
- rreal=real(r);
- for l=1:n-1
- if rreal(l) >=0
- fprintf(' Root on the RHP, system is unstable. Change s1 & repeat.nn')
- else,end
- end