



  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "simexa27"
  3.   Version   2.09
  4.   SimParamPage   Solver
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  20.   FixedStep   "auto"
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  39.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   warning
  40.   MinStepSizeMsg   warning
  41.   UnconnectedInputMsg   warning
  42.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   warning
  43.   UnconnectedLineMsg   warning
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  47.   RTWSystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
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  50.   RTWTemplateMakefile   "grt_vc.tmf"
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  135.       LowerSaturationLimit      "-inf"
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  150.       LowerSaturationLimit      "-inf"
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  152.       ShowStatePort       off
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  154.     }
  155.     Block {
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  175.       SampleTime       "0"
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  189.       Position       [140, 88, 180, 147]
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  211.       }
  212.       Branch {
  213. Points [0, 85]
  214. DstBlock "Gain3"
  215. DstPort 1
  216.       }
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  244. DstBlock "Integrator3"
  245. DstPort 1
  246.       }
  247.       Branch {
  248. Points [0, 145]
  249. DstBlock "Gain2"
  250. DstPort 1
  251.       }
  252.     }
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  255.       SrcPort       1
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  258. DstBlock "Scope"
  259. DstPort 1
  260.       }
  261.       Branch {
  262. Points [0, 205]
  263. DstBlock "Gain1"
  264. DstPort 1
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