资源名称:power.rar [点击查看]
- % This function obtains the voltage profile for a transmission line.
- %
- % Copyright (C) 1998 by H. Saadat
- function vprofile(r, L, C, f)
- global resp model par1 par2 linelngt freq
- fprintf(' n')
- fprintf(' Voltage profile for line length up to 1/8 wavelength n')
- fprintf(' ---------------------------------------------------- n')
- if exist('r')~=1
- r = input('Enter line resistance in ohms/km = '); else end
- if exist('L')~=1
- L = input('Enter line inductance in millihenry/km = '); else end
- if exist('C')~=1
- C = input('Enter line capacitance in microfarad/km = '); else end
- if exist('f')~=1
- f = input('Enter line frequency in Hz f = '); else end
- if C == 0
- shrtline =[
- ' '
- ' Line charging capacitance is zero. A short line is assumed. '
- ' A voltage profile is not obtained for a short line. '
- ' '];
- disp(shrtline)
- fprintf(' n Hit return to continue n')
- pause, return
- else, end
- w=2*pi*f;
- z= r + j*w*L*1E-03; y = j*w*C*1E-06;
- Zc = sqrt(z/y); gama = sqrt(z*y); beta = imag(gama);
- lamda = 2*pi/beta;
- Vsm = input('Enter sending end line-line voltage kV = ');
- MVArat = input('Enter rated sending end power, MVA = ');
- pfrat = input('Enter power factor = ');
- Vs = Vsm/sqrt(3);
- dist3 = 0:10:lamda/8;
- Vrnl = abs(Vsm./cosh(gama*dist3));
- Vrsil = Vsm./abs(cosh(gama*dist3)+sinh(gama*dist3));
- Vmax = ceil(max(Vrnl/100))*100;
- dismax= ceil(max(dist3/100))*100*1.1;
- tx = max(dist3);
- ynl = abs(Vsm./cosh(gama*lamda/8));
- ysil= Vsm./abs(cosh(gama*lamda/8)+sinh(gama*lamda/8));
- Is =cosh(gama*lamda/8)*Vs/(Zc*sinh(gama*lamda/8));
- Vshrt = Vs*cosh(gama*dist3)-Zc*Is*sinh(gama*dist3);
- Vshrt= sqrt(3)*abs(Vshrt);
- yshrt= min(Vshrt);
- th = acos(pfrat);
- Srate = MVArat*(cos(th)+j*sin(th));
- Is =conj(Srate)/(3*Vs);
- Vrc = Vs*cosh(gama*dist3) - Zc*Is*sinh(gama*dist3);
- Vrc = sqrt(3)*abs(Vrc);
- yfl = sqrt(3)*abs(Vs*cosh(gama*lamda/8) - Zc*Is*sinh(gama*lamda/8));
- h=figure;
- plot(dist3, Vrnl, dist3, Vrsil, '-', dist3, Vshrt,'-', dist3, Vrc,'-'), grid
- axis([0 dismax 0 Vmax]);
- ylabel('Vr')
- title(['Voltage profile for length up to 1/8 wavelength, Zc = ',num2str(real(Zc)), ' ohm'])
- text(tx, ynl, 'No-load')
- text(tx, ysil, 'SIL')
- text(tx, yshrt+25, 'Short-ckt')
- text(tx, yfl, 'Rated load')
- xsc= tx/dismax*.96;
- %text(0.11, 0.05, 'Sending end','sc')
- text(0.11, -80, 'Sending end')
- text(tx, -80, 'Receiving end')
- pause
- fprintf(' n Hit return to continue n')
- pause
- %axis('auto');