- /*
- * Program: MTX mail routines
- *
- * Author: Mark Crispin
- * Networks and Distributed Computing
- * Computing & Communications
- * University of Washington
- * Administration Building, AG-44
- * Seattle, WA 98195
- * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
- *
- * Date: 24 June 1992
- * Last Edited: 10 June 1999
- *
- * Copyright 1999 by the University of Washington
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the
- * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of the University of Washington not be
- * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
- * without specific, written prior permission. This software is made
- * available "as is", and
- *
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "mail.h"
- #include "osdep.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sysstat.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "mtxdos.h"
- #include "rfc822.h"
- #include "dummy.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "fdstring.h"
- /* MTX mail routines */
- /* Driver dispatch used by MAIL */
- DRIVER mtxdriver = {
- "mtx", /* driver name */
- /* driver flags */
- (DRIVER *) NIL, /* next driver */
- mtx_valid, /* mailbox is valid for us */
- mtx_parameters, /* manipulate parameters */
- mtx_scan, /* scan mailboxes */
- mtx_list, /* list mailboxes */
- mtx_lsub, /* list subscribed mailboxes */
- NIL, /* subscribe to mailbox */
- NIL, /* unsubscribe from mailbox */
- mtx_create, /* create mailbox */
- mtx_delete, /* delete mailbox */
- mtx_rename, /* rename mailbox */
- NIL, /* status of mailbox */
- mtx_open, /* open mailbox */
- mtx_close, /* close mailbox */
- NIL, /* fetch message "fast" attributes */
- NIL, /* fetch message flags */
- NIL, /* fetch overview */
- NIL, /* fetch message envelopes */
- mtx_header, /* fetch message header */
- mtx_text, /* fetch message body */
- NIL, /* fetch partial message text */
- NIL, /* unique identifier */
- NIL, /* message number */
- NIL, /* modify flags */
- mtx_flagmsg, /* per-message modify flags */
- NIL, /* search for message based on criteria */
- NIL, /* sort messages */
- NIL, /* thread messages */
- mtx_ping, /* ping mailbox to see if still alive */
- mtx_check, /* check for new messages */
- mtx_expunge, /* expunge deleted messages */
- mtx_copy, /* copy messages to another mailbox */
- mtx_append, /* append string message to mailbox */
- NIL /* garbage collect stream */
- };
- /* prototype stream */
- MAILSTREAM mtxproto = {&mtxdriver};
- /* MTX mail validate mailbox
- * Accepts: mailbox name
- * Returns: our driver if name is valid, NIL otherwise
- */
- DRIVER *mtx_valid (char *name)
- {
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- return mtx_isvalid (name,tmp) ? &mtxdriver : (DRIVER *) NIL;
- }
- /* MTX mail test for valid mailbox
- * Accepts: mailbox name
- * Returns: T if valid, NIL otherwise
- */
- long mtx_isvalid (char *name,char *tmp)
- {
- int fd;
- long ret = NIL;
- char *s;
- struct stat sbuf;
- errno = EINVAL; /* assume invalid argument */
- /* if file, get its status */
- if ((*name != '{') && mailboxfile (tmp,name) && !stat (tmp,&sbuf)) {
- if (!sbuf.st_size)errno = 0;/* empty file */
- else if ((fd = open (tmp,O_BINARY|O_RDONLY,NIL)) >= 0) {
- memset (tmp,' ',MAILTMPLEN);
- if ((read (fd,tmp,64) >= 0) && (s = strchr (tmp,' 15')) &&
- (s[1] == ' 12')) { /* valid format? */
- *s = ' '; /* tie off header */
- /* must begin with dd-mmm-yy" */
- ret = (((tmp[2] == '-' && tmp[6] == '-') ||
- (tmp[1] == '-' && tmp[5] == '-')) &&
- (s = strchr (tmp+20,',')) && strchr (s+2,';')) ? T : NIL;
- }
- else errno = -1; /* bogus format */
- close (fd); /* close the file */
- }
- }
- /* in case INBOX but not mtx format */
- else if ((errno == ENOENT) && ((name[0] == 'I') || (name[0] == 'i')) &&
- ((name[1] == 'N') || (name[1] == 'n')) &&
- ((name[2] == 'B') || (name[2] == 'b')) &&
- ((name[3] == 'O') || (name[3] == 'o')) &&
- ((name[4] == 'X') || (name[4] == 'x')) && !name[5]) errno = -1;
- return ret; /* return what we should */
- }
- /* MTX manipulate driver parameters
- * Accepts: function code
- * function-dependent value
- * Returns: function-dependent return value
- */
- void *mtx_parameters (long function,void *value)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- /* MTX mail scan mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- * string to scan
- */
- void mtx_scan (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat,char *contents)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_scan (NIL,ref,pat,contents);
- }
- /* MTX mail list mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- */
- void mtx_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_list (stream,ref,pat);
- }
- /* MTX mail list subscribed mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- */
- void mtx_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_lsub (stream,ref,pat);
- }
- /* MTX mail create mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * mailbox name to create
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mtx_create (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox)
- {
- return dummy_create (stream,mailbox);
- }
- /* MTX mail delete mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * mailbox name to delete
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mtx_delete (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox)
- {
- return dummy_delete (stream,mailbox);
- }
- /* MTX mail rename mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * old mailbox name
- * new mailbox name (or NIL for delete)
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mtx_rename (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *old,char *newname)
- {
- return dummy_rename (stream,old,newname);
- }
- /* MTX mail open
- * Accepts: stream to open
- * Returns: stream on success, NIL on failure
- */
- MAILSTREAM *mtx_open (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- long i;
- int fd;
- char *s;
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- /* return prototype for OP_PROTOTYPE call */
- if (!stream) return &mtxproto;
- if (stream->local) fatal ("mtx recycle stream");
- if (!mailboxfile (tmp,stream->mailbox))
- return (MAILSTREAM *) mtx_badname (tmp,stream->mailbox);
- if (((fd = open (tmp,O_BINARY|(stream->rdonly ? O_RDONLY:O_RDWR),NIL)) < 0)
- && (strcmp (ucase (stream->mailbox),"INBOX") ||
- < 0))) { /* open, possibly creating INBOX */
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't open mailbox: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- stream->local = fs_get (sizeof (MTXLOCAL));
- /* canonicalize the stream mailbox name */
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->mailbox);
- if (s = strchr ((s = strrchr (tmp,'\')) ? s : tmp,'.')) *s = ' ';
- stream->mailbox = cpystr (tmp);
- LOCAL->fd = fd; /* note the file */
- LOCAL->filesize = 0; /* initialize parsed file size */
- LOCAL->buf = NIL; /* initially no local buffer */
- stream->sequence++; /* bump sequence number */
- stream->uid_validity = time (0);
- /* parse mailbox */
- stream->nmsgs = stream->recent = 0;
- if (!mtx_ping (stream)) return NIL;
- if (!stream->nmsgs) mm_log ("Mailbox is empty",(long) NIL);
- stream->perm_seen = stream->perm_deleted =
- stream->perm_flagged = stream->perm_answered = stream->perm_draft =
- stream->rdonly ? NIL : T;
- stream->perm_user_flags = stream->rdonly ? NIL : 0xffffffff;
- return stream; /* return stream to caller */
- }
- /* MTX mail close
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * close options
- */
- void mtx_close (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options)
- {
- if (stream && LOCAL) { /* only if a file is open */
- int silent = stream->silent;
- stream->silent = T;
- if (options & CL_EXPUNGE) mtx_expunge (stream);
- close (LOCAL->fd); /* close the local file */
- if (LOCAL->buf) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- /* nuke the local data */
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->local);
- stream->dtb = NIL; /* log out the DTB */
- }
- }
- /* MTX mail fetch message header
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message # to fetch
- * pointer to returned header text length
- * option flags
- * Returns: message header in RFC822 format
- */
- char *mtx_header (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,unsigned long *length,
- long flags)
- {
- *length = 0; /* default to empty */
- if (flags & FT_UID) return "";/* UID call "impossible" */
- /* get to header position */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,mtx_hdrpos (stream,msgno,length),L_SET);
- /* is buffer big enough? */
- if (LOCAL->buf) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((size_t) *length + 1);
- LOCAL->buf[*length] = ' '; /* tie off string */
- /* slurp the data */
- read (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,(size_t) *length);
- return LOCAL->buf;
- }
- /* MTX mail fetch message text (body only)
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message # to fetch
- * pointer to returned header text length
- * option flags
- * Returns: T, always
- */
- long mtx_text (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,STRING *bs,long flags)
- {
- unsigned long hdrsize,hdrpos;
- /* UID call "impossible" */
- if (flags & FT_UID) return NIL;
- elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* if message not seen */
- if (elt->seen && !(flags & FT_PEEK)) {
- elt->seen = T; /* mark message as seen */
- /* recalculate status */
- mtx_update_status (stream,msgno);
- mm_flags (stream,msgno);
- }
- /* get location of text data */
- hdrpos = mtx_hdrpos (stream,msgno,&hdrsize);
- d.fd = LOCAL->fd; /* set initial stringstruct */
- d.pos = hdrpos + hdrsize;
- /* flush old buffer */
- if (LOCAL->buf) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- d.chunk = LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((size_t) d.chunksize = CHUNK);
- INIT (bs,fd_string,(void *) &d,elt->rfc822_size - hdrsize);
- return T; /* success */
- }
- /* MTX mail per-message modify flags
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message cache element
- */
- void mtx_flagmsg (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt)
- {
- /* recalculate status */
- mtx_update_status (stream,elt->msgno,NIL);
- }
- /* MTX mail ping mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * Returns: T if stream still alive, NIL if not
- */
- long mtx_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- /* punt if stream no longer alive */
- if (!(stream && LOCAL)) return NIL;
- /* parse mailbox, punt if parse dies */
- return (mtx_parse (stream)) ? T : NIL;
- }
- /* MTX mail check mailbox (reparses status too)
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- */
- void mtx_check (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- unsigned long i = 1;
- if (mtx_ping (stream)) { /* ping mailbox */
- /* get new message status */
- while (i <= stream->nmsgs) mail_elt (stream,i++);
- mm_log ("Check completed",(long) NIL);
- }
- }
- /* MTX mail expunge mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- */
- void mtx_expunge (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- unsigned long i = 1;
- unsigned long j,k,m,recent;
- unsigned long n = 0;
- unsigned long delta = 0;
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- /* do nothing if stream dead */
- if (!mtx_ping (stream)) return;
- if (stream->rdonly) { /* won't do on readonly files! */
- mm_log ("Expunge ignored on readonly mailbox",WARN);
- return;
- }
- mm_critical (stream); /* go critical */
- recent = stream->recent; /* get recent now that pinged */
- while (i <= stream->nmsgs) { /* for each message */
- elt = mail_elt (stream,i); /* get cache element */
- /* number of bytes to smash or preserve */
- k = elt->private.special.text.size + elt->rfc822_size;
- if (elt->deleted) { /* if deleted */
- if (elt->recent) --recent;/* if recent, note one less recent message */
- delta += k; /* number of bytes to delete */
- mail_expunged (stream,i); /* notify upper levels */
- n++; /* count up one more deleted message */
- }
- else if (i++ && delta) { /* preserved message */
- /* first byte to preserve */
- j = elt->private.special.offset;
- do { /* read from source position */
- m = min (k,(unsigned long) MAILTMPLEN);
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,j,SEEK_SET);
- read (LOCAL->fd,tmp,(size_t) m);
- /* write to destination position */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,j - delta,SEEK_SET);
- write (LOCAL->fd,tmp,(size_t) m);
- j += m; /* next chunk, perhaps */
- } while (k -= m); /* until done */
- elt->private.special.offset -= delta;
- }
- }
- if (n) { /* truncate file after last message */
- chsize (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->filesize -= delta);
- sprintf (tmp,"Expunged %ld messages",n);
- mm_log (tmp,(long) NIL); /* output the news */
- }
- else mm_log ("No messages deleted, so no update needed",(long) NIL);
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* release critical */
- /* notify upper level of new mailbox size */
- mail_exists (stream,stream->nmsgs);
- mail_recent (stream,recent);
- }
- /* MTX mail copy message(s)
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * sequence
- * destination mailbox
- * copy options
- * Returns: T if success, NIL if failed
- */
- long mtx_copy (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox,long options)
- {
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- struct stat sbuf;
- unsigned long i,j,k;
- long ret = LONGT;
- int fd;
- mailproxycopy_t pc =
- (mailproxycopy_t) mail_parameters (stream,GET_MAILPROXYCOPY,NIL);
- if (!((options & CP_UID) ? mail_uid_sequence (stream,sequence) :
- mail_sequence (stream,sequence))) return NIL;
- if (!mtx_isvalid (mailbox,tmp)) switch (errno) {
- case ENOENT: /* no such file? */
- mm_notify (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before append",
- (long) NIL);
- return NIL;
- case 0: /* merely empty file? */
- break;
- case EINVAL: /* name is bogus */
- if (pc) return (*pc) (stream,sequence,mailbox,options);
- return mtx_badname (tmp,mailbox);
- default: /* file exists, but not valid format */
- if (pc) return (*pc) (stream,sequence,mailbox,options);
- sprintf (tmp,"Not a MTX-format mailbox: %s",mailbox);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* open the destination */
- if ((fd = open (mailboxfile (tmp,mailbox),
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to open copy mailbox: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- mm_critical (stream); /* go critical */
- fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get current file size */
- /* for each requested message */
- for (i = 1; ret && (i <= stream->nmsgs); i++)
- if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence) {
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,elt->private.special.offset,SEEK_SET);
- /* number of bytes to copy */
- k = elt->private.special.text.size + elt->rfc822_size;
- do { /* read from source position */
- j = min (k,(long) MAILTMPLEN);
- read (LOCAL->fd,tmp,(size_t) j);
- if (write (fd,tmp,(size_t) j) < 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to write message: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- chsize (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- j = k;
- ret = NIL; /* note error */
- break;
- }
- } while (k -= j); /* until done */
- }
- close (fd); /* close the file */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* release critical */
- /* delete all requested messages */
- if (ret && (options & CP_MOVE)) for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++)
- if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence) {
- elt->deleted = T; /* mark message deleted */
- /* recalculate status */
- mtx_update_status (stream,i);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* MTX mail append message from stringstruct
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * destination mailbox
- * stringstruct of messages to append
- * Returns: T if append successful, else NIL
- */
- long mtx_append (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,char *flags,char *date,
- STRING *message)
- {
- struct stat sbuf;
- int fd,zone;
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- long i;
- long size = SIZE (message);
- unsigned long uf;
- short f = (short) mail_parse_flags (stream,flags,&uf);
- if (date) { /* want to preserve date? */
- /* yes, parse date into an elt */
- if (!mail_parse_date (&elt,date)) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Bad date in append: %.80s",date);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- if (!mtx_isvalid (mailbox,tmp)) switch (errno) {
- case ENOENT: /* no such file? */
- if (((mailbox[0] == 'I') || (mailbox[0] == 'i')) &&
- ((mailbox[1] == 'N') || (mailbox[1] == 'n')) &&
- ((mailbox[2] == 'B') || (mailbox[2] == 'b')) &&
- ((mailbox[3] == 'O') || (mailbox[3] == 'o')) &&
- ((mailbox[4] == 'X') || (mailbox[4] == 'x')) && !mailbox[5])
- mtx_create (NIL,"INBOX");
- else {
- mm_notify (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before append",NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* falls through */
- case 0: /* merely empty file? */
- break;
- case EINVAL: /* name is bogus */
- return mtx_badname (tmp,mailbox);
- default: /* file exists, but not valid format */
- sprintf (tmp,"Not a Mtx-format mailbox: %.80s",mailbox);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* open the destination */
- if ((fd = open (mailboxfile (tmp,mailbox),
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't open append mailbox: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- mm_critical (stream); /* go critical */
- fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get current file size */
- zone = -(((int)timezone)/ 60);/* get timezone from TZ environment stuff */
- if (date) mail_date(tmp,&elt);/* use date if given */
- else internal_date (tmp); /* else use time now */
- /* add remainder of header */
- sprintf (tmp + strlen (tmp),",%ld;0000000000%02o 15 12",size,f);
- /* write header */
- if (write (fd,tmp,strlen (tmp)) < 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Header write failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- chsize (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- }
- else while (size) { /* while there is more data to write */
- if (write (fd,message->curpos,i = min (size,message->cursize)) < 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Message append failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- chsize (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- break;
- }
- size -= i; /* note that we wrote out this much */
- message->curpos += i;
- message->cursize -= i;
- (message->dtb->next) (message);
- }
- close (fd); /* close the file */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* release critical */
- return T; /* return success */
- }
- /* Return bad file name error message
- * Accepts: temporary buffer
- * file name
- * Returns: long NIL always
- */
- long mtx_badname (char *tmp,char *s)
- {
- sprintf (tmp,"Invalid mailbox name: %s",s);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- return (long) NIL;
- }
- /* Parse mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * Returns: T if parse OK
- * NIL if failure, stream aborted
- */
- long mtx_parse (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- struct stat sbuf;
- char *s,*t,*x;
- char lbuf[65],tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- long i;
- long curpos = LOCAL->filesize;
- long nmsgs = stream->nmsgs;
- long recent = stream->recent;
- fstat (LOCAL->fd,&sbuf); /* get status */
- if (sbuf.st_size < curpos) { /* sanity check */
- sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox shrank from %ld to %ld!",curpos,sbuf.st_size);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* while there is stuff to parse */
- while (i = sbuf.st_size - curpos) {
- /* get to that position in the file */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,curpos,SEEK_SET);
- if ((i = read (LOCAL->fd,lbuf,64)) <= 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to read internal header at %ld, size = %ld: %s",
- curpos,sbuf.st_size,i ? strerror (errno) : "no data read");
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- lbuf[i] = ' '; /* tie off buffer just in case */
- if (!((s = strchr (lbuf,' 15')) && (s[1] == ' 12'))) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to find end of line at %ld in %ld bytes, text: %s",
- curpos,i,lbuf);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- *s = ' '; /* tie off header line */
- i = (s + 2) - lbuf; /* note start of text offset */
- if (!((s = strchr (lbuf,',')) && (t = strchr (s+1,';')))) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to parse internal header at %ld: %s",curpos,lbuf);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- *s++ = ' '; *t++ = ' '; /* tie off fields */
- /* intantiate an elt for this message */
- (elt = mail_elt (stream,++nmsgs))->valid = T;
- elt->private.uid = ++stream->uid_last;
- /* note file offset of header */
- elt->private.special.offset = curpos;
- /* as well as offset from header of message */
- elt->private.special.text.size = i;
- /* header size not known yet */
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size = 0;
- /* parse the header components */
- if (!(mail_parse_date (elt,lbuf) &&
- (elt->rfc822_size = strtol (x = s,&s,10)) && (!(s && *s)) &&
- isdigit (t[0]) && isdigit (t[1]) && isdigit (t[2]) &&
- isdigit (t[3]) && isdigit (t[4]) && isdigit (t[5]) &&
- isdigit (t[6]) && isdigit (t[7]) && isdigit (t[8]) &&
- isdigit (t[9]) && isdigit (t[10]) && isdigit (t[11]) && !t[12])) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to parse internal header elements at %ld: %s,%s;%s",
- curpos,lbuf,x,t);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* update current position to next header */
- curpos += i + elt->rfc822_size;
- /* calculate system flags */
- if ((i = ((t[10]-'0') * 8) + t[11]-'0') & fSEEN) elt->seen = T;
- if (i & fDELETED) elt->deleted = T;
- if (i & fFLAGGED) elt->flagged = T;
- if (i & fANSWERED) elt->answered = T;
- if (i & fDRAFT) elt->draft = T;
- if (curpos > sbuf.st_size) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Last message (at %lu) runs past end of file (%lu > %lu)",
- elt->private.special.offset,curpos,sbuf.st_size);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mtx_close (stream,NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* update parsed file size */
- LOCAL->filesize = sbuf.st_size;
- mail_exists (stream,nmsgs); /* notify upper level of new mailbox size */
- mail_recent (stream,recent); /* and of change in recent messages */
- return T; /* return the winnage */
- }
- /* Update status string
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message number
- */
- void mtx_update_status (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno)
- {
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- MESSAGECACHE *elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);
- unsigned long j,k = 0;
- /* not if readonly you don't */
- if (stream->rdonly || !elt->valid) return;
- j = elt->user_flags; /* get user flags */
- /* reverse bits (dontcha wish we had CIRC?) */
- while (j) k |= 1 << 29 - find_rightmost_bit (&j);
- sprintf (tmp,"%010lo%02o",k, /* print new flag string */
- fOLD + (fSEEN * elt->seen) + (fDELETED * elt->deleted) +
- (fFLAGGED * elt->flagged) + (fANSWERED * elt->answered) +
- (fDRAFT * elt->draft));
- /* get to that place in the file */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,(off_t) elt->private.special.offset +
- elt->private.special.text.size - 14,SEEK_SET);
- write (LOCAL->fd,tmp,12); /* write new flags */
- }
- /* MTX locate header for a message
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message number
- * pointer to returned header size
- * Returns: position of header in file
- */
- unsigned long mtx_hdrpos (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,
- unsigned long *size)
- {
- unsigned long siz;
- size_t i = 0;
- int q = 0;
- char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- MESSAGECACHE *elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);
- long pos = elt->private.special.offset + elt->private.special.text.size;
- /* is header size known? */
- if (!(*size = elt->private.msg.header.text.size)) {
- /* get to header position */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,pos,SEEK_SET);
- /* search message for CRLF CRLF */
- for (siz = 1; siz <= elt->rfc822_size; siz++) {
- if (!i && /* buffer empty? */
- (read (LOCAL->fd,s = tmp,
- i = (size_t) min(elt->rfc822_size-siz,(long)MAILTMPLEN))<= 0))
- return pos;
- else i--;
- switch (q) { /* sniff at buffer */
- case 0: /* first character */
- q = (*s++ == ' 15') ? 1 : 0;
- break;
- case 1: /* second character */
- q = (*s++ == ' 12') ? 2 : 0;
- break;
- case 2: /* third character */
- q = (*s++ == ' 15') ? 3 : 0;
- break;
- case 3: /* fourth character */
- if (*s++ == ' 12') { /* have the sequence? */
- /* yes, note for later */
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size = (*size = siz);
- return pos; /* return to caller */
- }
- q = 0; /* lost... */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return pos; /* have position */
- }