资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <%session.CodePage="936"%>
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <%
- Response.Buffer = True
- Response.Expires = -1
- Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
- Response.Expires = 0
- Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
- response.Charset = "gb2312"
- Dim Conn,VS_Sql,VS_RS,VS_RS1,strShowErr,IID,TID,ItemValue,VisitIP ,IPInterView,IsSigned,Steps,MaxNum
- Dim TmpStr,TmpArr
- TID = NoSqlHack(request.QueryString("TID"))
- IID = NoSqlHack(request.form("Items"))
- MaxNum = request.QueryString("MaxNum")
- ItemValue = NoSqlHack(request.QueryString("ItemsInput"))
- if TID="" or not isnumeric(TID) then response.Write("投票主题参数错误!"&TID) : response.End()
- if IID="" then response.Write("必须至少选择一项!") : response.End()
- IID = replace(IID," ","")
- TmpArr = split(IID,",")
- if MaxNum="" or not isnumeric(MaxNum) then MaxNum = 1
- if ubound(TmpArr)+1 > cint(MaxNum) then response.Write("选项不能超过"&MaxNum&"项!") : response.End()
- MF_Default_Conn
- ''''得到基础设置
- VS_Sql = "select top 1 IPInterView,IsSigned from FS_VS_SysPara"
- set VS_RS = Conn.execute(VS_Sql)
- if Not VS_RS.eof then
- IPInterView = VS_RS(0)
- IsSigned = VS_RS(1)
- else
- IPInterView = 1
- IsSigned = 0
- end if
- VS_RS.close
- if IsSigned = 1 then
- ''必须注册
- if isnull(session("FS_UserNumber")) or session("FS_UserNumber")="" then response.Write("<a href=""/user/login.asp"" target=_blank>请先登陆在投票!</a>") : ConnClose
- end if
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- VisitIP = request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
- If VisitIP = "" then
- VisitIP = request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
- End If
- Set VS_RS = Conn.Execute("Select top 1 VoteTime from FS_VS_Items_Result where TID = "&TID&" and VoteIp='"&VisitIP&"' order by RID desc")
- If VS_RS.eof then
- for each TmpStr in TmpArr
- ''''得到可以填写的选项的IID
- if ItemValue<>"" then
- set VS_RS1 = Conn.execute("select IID from FS_VS_Items where ItemMode = 2 and TID="&TID&" and IID="&TmpStr)
- if Not VS_RS1.eof then
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'"&ItemValue&"','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- else
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- end if
- VS_RS1.close
- else
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- end if
- next
- session("OldTID") = TID
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_IID") = ","&IID&","
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_ItemValue") = ItemValue
- response.Write("感谢你的投票!")
- RsClose : ConnClose
- else
- if cstr(session("OldTID")) = cstr(TID) then
- if datediff("n",VS_RS("VoteTime"),now) < IPInterView then
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_IID") = ""
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_ItemValue") = ""
- response.Write("请勿重复投票!"&IPInterView&"分钟后可以继续.")
- RsClose : ConnClose
- end if
- end if
- for each TmpStr in TmpArr
- ''''得到可以填写的选项的IID
- if ItemValue<>"" then
- set VS_RS1 = Conn.execute("select IID from FS_VS_Items where ItemMode = 2 and TID="&TID&" and IID="&TmpStr)
- if Not VS_RS1.eof then
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'"&ItemValue&"','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- else
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- end if
- VS_RS1.close
- else
- Conn.execute("insert into FS_VS_Items_Result (IID,TID,ItemValue,VoteIp,VoteTime,UserNumber) values ("&TmpStr&","&TID&",'','"&VisitIP&"','"&now&"','"&session("FS_UserNumber")&"')")
- end if
- next
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_IID") = ","&IID&","
- response.Cookies("FS_Cookies")(cstr(TID)&"_ItemValue") = ItemValue
- session("OldTID") = TID
- response.Write("感谢你的投票!")
- RsClose : ConnClose
- End if
- Sub RsClose()
- VS_RS.Close
- Set VS_RS = Nothing
- end Sub
- Sub ConnClose()
- Set Conn = Nothing
- response.End()
- End Sub
- %>