



  2. <% Option Explicit %>
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  4. <!--#include file="FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
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  6. <!--#include file="FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
  7. <!--#include file="FS_Inc/Md5.asp" -->
  8. <%
  9. Response.Buffer = True
  10. Response.Expires = -1
  11. Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
  12. Response.Expires = 0
  13. Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
  14. response.Charset = "gb2312"
  15. Dim Conn,User_Conn,review_Sql,review_RS,strShowErr,Cookie_Domain
  16. Dim Server_Name,Server_V1,Server_V2
  17. Dim TmpStr,TmpArr,ReviewTypes,needAudited,ReviewIP
  18. Dim stype,Id,UserNumber,noname,password,title,Action,content,LimitReviewChar
  19. TmpStr = "":needAudited = True
  20. MF_Default_Conn
  21. MF_User_Conn
  22. Cookie_Domain = Get_MF_Domain()
  23. if Cookie_Domain="" then 
  24. Cookie_Domain = "localhost"
  25. else
  26. if left(lcase(Cookie_Domain),len("http://"))="http://" then Cookie_Domain = mid(Cookie_Domain,len("http://")+1)
  27. if right(Cookie_Domain,1)="/" then Cookie_Domain = mid(Cookie_Domain,1,len(Cookie_Domain) - 1)
  28. end if
  29. ''防盗连
  30. Server_Name = Len(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))
  31. Server_V1 = Left(Replace(Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")),"http://",""),Server_Name)
  32. Server_V2 = Left(Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")),Server_Name)
  33. if Server_V1 <> Server_V2 and Server_V1 <> "" and Server_V2 <> "" then
  34. response.Write("没有权限,请访问<a href=""http://"&Cookie_Domain&""">"&Cookie_Domain&"</a>.")
  35. response.End()
  36. end if
  37. stype = NoSqlHack(request.Form("type")) 'NS
  38. Id = NoSqlHack(request.Form("Id")) 'Id
  39. UserNumber = trim(NoSqlHack(request.Form("UserNumber")))
  40. password = md5(request.Form("password"),16)
  41. noname = NoSqlHack(request.Form("noname")) ''匿名 UserNumber=0 
  42. title = NoSqlHack(request.Form("title"))
  43. content = NoSqlHack(request.Form("content"))
  44. Action = NoSqlHack(request.Form("Action"))
  45. if Action="" then Call HTMLEnd("Action不能为空","back")
  46. if stype="" then Call HTMLEnd("type不能为空","back")
  47. if title="" then Call HTMLEnd("title不能为空","back")
  48. if content="" then Call HTMLEnd("content不能为空","back")
  49. if len(content)>1000 then Call HTMLEnd("content超过1000字符。中文算两个字符。","back")
  50. if not isnumeric(Id) then Call HTMLEnd("Id必须是数字","back")
  51. if noname="" and noname<>"0" Then
  52. If UserNumber="" Or password="" Then
  53. If Session("FS_UserName")<>"" Then
  54. UserNumber=session("FS_UserName")
  55. password = session("FS_UserPassword")
  56. Else
  57. if UserNumber="" then Call HTMLEnd("用户名不能为空","back")
  58. if password="" then Call HTMLEnd("用户密码不能为空","back")
  59. End If
  60. End If 
  61. set review_RS=User_Conn.execute("select top 1 ReviewTF from FS_ME_SysPara")
  62. if not review_RS.eof then if not isnull(review_RS(0)) then needAudited=cbool(review_RS(0))
  63. RsClose
  64. else 
  65. UserNumber = "0"
  66. end if
  67. If UserNumber<>"0" then
  68. set review_RS=User_Conn.execute("select UserNumber from FS_ME_Users where (UserNumber='"&UserNumber&"' or UserName='"&UserNumber&"') and UserPassword='"&password&"'")
  69. if not review_RS.eof then 
  70. UserNumber = review_RS(0)
  71. else
  72. 'UserNumber = "0"
  73. Call HTMLEnd("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入。","back")
  74. end if
  75. RsClose
  76. end if
  77. select case ucase(stype)
  78. case "NS"
  79. ReviewTypes=0
  80. case "DS"
  81. ReviewTypes=1
  82. if not needAudited then 
  83. ''如果不需要审核则看该条下载是否需要
  84. set review_RS=Conn.execute("select ShowReviewTF,LimitReviewChar from FS_DS_List where ReviewTF=1 and ID = "&Id)
  85. if not review_RS.eof then if not isnull(review_RS(0)) then needAudited=cbool(review_RS(0)):LimitReviewChar=review_RS("LimitReviewChar")
  86. RsClose
  87. end if
  88. case "MS"
  89. ReviewTypes=2
  90. case "HS"
  91. ReviewTypes=3
  92. case "SD"
  93. ReviewTypes=4
  94. case "LOG"
  95. ReviewTypes=5
  96. case else
  97. Call HTMLEnd("Error:type("&stype&") is not found!","back")
  98. end select
  99. ReviewIP = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
  100. if ReviewIP="" then ReviewIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
  101. Sub HTMLEnd(Info,URL)
  102. if URL="back" then 
  103. response.Write("<script>alert('"&Info&"n');history.back();</script>")
  104. response.End()
  105. elseif URL<>"" then 
  106. response.Write("<script>alert('"&Info&"n');location='"&URL&"';</script>")
  107. response.End()
  108. else
  109. response.Write(""&Info&"<br />"&vbNewLine)
  110. response.End()
  111. end if
  112. End Sub
  113. Sub review_Data()
  114. Dim UserName
  115. review_Sql = "select UserNumber,InfoID,ReviewTypes,Title,Content,AddTime,ReviewIP,isLock,AdminLock,QuoteID from FS_ME_Review where ReviewID=0"
  116. set review_RS = CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
  117. review_RS.Open review_Sql,User_Conn,1,3
  118. if review_RS.eof then 
  119. review_RS.addnew
  120. review_RS("ReviewTypes") = ReviewTypes
  121. review_RS("InfoID") = Id
  122. review_RS("UserNumber") = UserNumber
  123. review_RS("Title") = title
  124. review_RS("content") = content
  125. review_RS("QuoteID") = 0
  126. review_RS("isLock") = 0
  127. ''需要审核
  128. if needAudited then 
  129. review_RS("AdminLock") = 1
  130. else
  131. review_RS("AdminLock") = 0
  132. end if
  133. review_RS("AddTime") = now
  134. review_RS("ReviewIP") = ReviewIP
  135. review_RS.update
  136. RsClose:Set User_Conn = Nothing
  137. if needAudited then TmpStr = "我们审核通过后即可显示。"
  138. Call HTMLEnd("感谢您的评论。"&TmpStr,"back")
  139. else
  140. end if
  141. End Sub
  142. 'content = "我爱你,你知道吗?我真的爱你的很啊。"
  143. 'LimitReviewChar = "爱,你"
  144. ''过滤关键字
  145. if not isnull(LimitReviewChar) and LimitReviewChar<>"" then 
  146. Dim f_i,f_str,f_arr
  147. f_str = content
  148. f_arr = split(LimitReviewChar,",") 
  149. for f_i = 0 to ubound(f_arr)   
  150. f_str = replace(f_str,f_arr(f_i),"")
  151. next
  152. if f_str <>"" then content = f_str
  153. end if
  154. Call review_Data()
  155. User_Conn.close
  156. Conn.close
  157. Sub RsClose()
  158. review_RS.Close
  159. Set review_RS = Nothing
  160. end Sub
  161. %>