



  1. <% Option Explicit %>
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  3. <!--#include file="../../../FS_Inc/Function.asp"-->
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  5. <!--#include file="../../../FS_InterFace/NS_Function.asp" -->
  6. <%
  7. Dim User_Conn
  8. Dim TypeSql,RsTypeObj,LableSql,RsLableObj
  9. MF_User_Conn
  10. %>
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  12. <html>
  13. <head>
  14. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
  15. <title>选择栏目</title>
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  31.   <%
  32. TypeSql = "Select ClassID,ClassCName,ParentID from FS_ME_InfoClass where ParentID=0 and UserNumber='"&Session("FS_UserNumber")&"' order by ClassID desc"
  33. Set RsTypeObj = User_Conn.Execute(TypeSql)
  34. if Not RsTypeObj.Eof then
  35. do while Not RsTypeObj.Eof
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  42. Dim str_action,obj_news_rs_1
  43. Set obj_news_rs_1 = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
  44. obj_news_rs_1.Open "Select Count(ClassID) from FS_ME_InfoClass where UserNumber='"&Session("FS_UserNumber")&"' and ParentID="& RsTypeObj("ClassID"),User_Conn,1,1
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  47. Else
  48. str_action=  "<img src=""../../images/-.gif""></img>"
  49. End if
  50. obj_news_rs_1.close:set obj_news_rs_1 =nothing
  51. Response.Write str_action
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  60. Response.Write(GetChildTypeList(RsTypeObj("ClassID"),""," style=""display:none;"" "))
  61. RsTypeObj.MoveNext
  62. loop
  63. end if
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  69. Set User_Conn = Nothing
  70. Function GetChildTypeList(TypeID,CompatStr,ShowStr)
  71. Dim ChildTypeListRs,ChildTypeListStr,TempStr
  72. Set ChildTypeListRs = User_Conn.Execute("Select * from FS_ME_InfoClass where ParentID=" & TypeID & " and UserNumber='"&Session("FS_UserNumber")&"' order by ClassID desc" )
  73. TempStr = CompatStr & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  74. do while Not ChildTypeListRs.Eof
  75. Dim str_action_1,obj_news_rs_1s
  76. Set str_action_1 = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
  77. str_action_1.Open "Select Count(ClassID) from FS_ME_InfoClass where UserNumber='"&Session("FS_UserNumber")&"' and ParentID="& ChildTypeListRs("ClassID"),User_Conn,1,1
  78. if str_action_1(0)>0 then
  79. str_action_1=  "<img src=""../../images/+.gif""></img>"
  80. Else
  81. str_action_1=  "<img src=""../../images/-.gif""></img>"
  82. End if
  83. set obj_news_rs_1s =nothing
  84.    GetChildTypeList = GetChildTypeList & "<tr TypeFlag=""Class"" ParentID=""" & ChildTypeListRs("ParentID") & """ " & ShowStr & ">" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
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  89. GetChildTypeList = GetChildTypeList & "</tr>" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
  90. GetChildTypeList = GetChildTypeList & GetChildTypeList(ChildTypeListRs("ClassID"),TempStr,ShowStr)
  91. ChildTypeListRs.MoveNext
  92. loop
  93. ChildTypeListRs.Close
  94. Set ChildTypeListRs = Nothing
  95. End Function
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