资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="lib/strlib.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="lib/UserCheck.asp" -->
- <%
- Dim obj_buy_rs,obj_buySQL_,tmp_tf_
- If Request.QueryString("Action_1") = "Update" Then
- If Request("id") = "" then
- strShowErr = "<li>请选择一个商品更新</li>"
- Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- Else
- if Not isnumeric(Request.Form("ProductNum")) then
- strShowErr = "<li>请输入一个有效数字</li>"
- Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End if
- User_Conn.execute("Update FS_ME_BuyBag Set BuyNumber = "& clng(Request.Form("ProductNum")) &" where BuyID ="&NoSqlHack(Request.Form("ID"))&" and UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"'")
- Response.Redirect "BuyBag.asp"
- Response.end
- End If
- End if
- If Request.QueryString("Action") = "Del" Then
- If Request("Buyid") = "" then
- strShowErr = "<li>请选择一个商品更新</li>"
- Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- Else
- User_Conn.execute("Delete From FS_ME_BuyBag where BuyID ="&NoSqlHack(Request.QueryString("BuyID"))&" and UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"'")
- Response.Redirect "BuyBag.asp"
- Response.end
- End If
- End if
- if Request.Form("clear")="clearall" then
- User_Conn.execute("Delete From FS_ME_BuyBag where UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"'")
- Response.Redirect "BuyBag.asp"
- Response.end
- End if
- if request.Form("action")="makeorder" then
- Dim productIDS,OrderRs,BagRs,OrderDetail,OrderNumber
- productIDS=DelHeadAndEndDot(request.Form("productIDS"))
- Set OrderRs=Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Set BagRs=Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Set OrderDetail=Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- "Select * From FS_ME_Order where 1=2",User_Conn,1,3
- "Select mid,BuyType,AddTime,UserNumber,BuyMoney,BuyNumber from FS_ME_BuyBag where MID in("&productIDS&")",User_Conn,1,1
- if not BagRs.eof then
- OrderRs.addnew
- Fs_User.Name=session("FS_UserName")
- OrderNumber=GetRamCode(13)
- 'OrderRs("MoneyAmount")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("UserName"))
- OrderRs("OrderNumber")=OrderNumber
- OrderRs("OrderType")=1
- OrderRs("AddTime")=Now()
- OrderRs("M_UserName")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("UserName"))
- OrderRs("UserNumber")=session("FS_UserNumber")
- OrderRs("M_City")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("M_City"))
- OrderRs("M_Province")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("M_Province"))
- OrderRs("M_Address")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("M_Address"))
- OrderRs("M_Tel")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("M_Tel"))
- OrderRs("M_PostCode")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("PostCode"))
- OrderRs("M_Mobile")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("Mobile"))
- OrderRs("M_ExpressCompany")=NoSqlHack(request.Form("ExpressCompany"))
- OrderRs("M_Sex")=NoSqlHack(request.Form("Sex"))
- OrderRs("M_Type")=NoSqlHack(request.Form("M_Type"))
- OrderRs("M_PayStyle")=NoSqlHack(Request.Form("M_PayStyle"))
- OrderRs("M_state")=0
- OrderRs("isLock")=1
- OrderRs("IsSuccess")=0
- OrderRs("LackDeal")=NoSqlHack(request.Form("LackDeal"))
- OrderRs.update
- End if
- OrderRs.close
- dim t_totle
- t_totle = 0
- while not BagRs.eof
- User_Conn.execute("Insert into FS_ME_Order_Detail (OrderNumber,ProductID,ProductNumber,M_state,Moneys) values('"&OrderNumber&"',"&BagRs("mid")&","&BagRs("BuyNumber")&",0,"&Clng(BagRs("BuyMoney"))*Clng(BagRs("BuyNumber"))&")")
- t_totle = t_totle + Clng(BagRs("BuyMoney"))*Clng(BagRs("BuyNumber"))
- bagRs.movenext
- Wend
- User_Conn.execute("Update FS_ME_Order set MoneyAmount="& t_totle &" where OrderNumber='"& OrderNumber &"' and UserNumber='"& session("FS_UserNumber") &"'")
- User_Conn.execute("Delete From FS_ME_BuyBag where MID in("&productIDS&")")
- if err.number=0 then
- Response.Redirect("lib/success.asp?ErrCodes=<li>订购成功</li><li>但此定单还没进行支付,请到定单管理中支付.</li><li>本次操作的定单编号:"& OrderNumber &"</li><li><a href=../order.asp><span class=tx>返回定单管理页面</span></a></font></li>&ErrorURL=../buybag.asp")
- End if
- End if
- Set obj_buy_rs = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- obj_buySQL_ = "Select BuyID,MID,BuyType,AddTime,UserNumber,BuyMoney,BuyNumber,Content From FS_ME_BuyBag where UserNumber='"& NoSQLHack(Replace(Replace(Fs_User.UserNumber,"'",""),Chr(39),""))&"'"
- obj_buy_rs.Open obj_buySQL_,User_Conn,1,3
- Dim GetBuyCount
- GetBuyCount = obj_buy_rs.RecordCount
- If GetBuyCount = 0 then
- tmp_tf_ = 1
- End if
- %>
- <html xmlns="">
- <title>购物车-网站内容管理系统</title>
- <meta name="keywords" content="风讯cms,cms,FoosunCMS,FoosunOA,FoosunVif,vif,风讯网站内容管理系统">
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
- <meta content="MSHTML 6.00.3790.2491" name="GENERATOR" />
- <meta name="Keywords" content="Foosun,FoosunCMS,Foosun Inc.,风讯,风讯网站内容管理系统,风讯系统,风讯新闻系统,风讯商城,风讯b2c,新闻系统,CMS,域名空间,asp,jsp,,SQL,SQL SERVER" />
- <link href="images/skin/Css_<%=Request.Cookies("FoosunUserCookies")("UserLogin_Style_Num")%>/<%=Request.Cookies("FoosunUserCookies")("UserLogin_Style_Num")%>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
- <script language="javascript" src="../FS_Inc/prototype.js"></script>
- <head>
- <body>
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <!--#include file="top.asp" -->
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="98%" height="135" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr class="back">
- <td colspan="2" class="xingmu" height="26"> <!--#include file="Top_navi.asp" --> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="back">
- <td width="18%" valign="top" class="hback"> <div align="left">
- <!--#include file="menu.asp" -->
- </div></td>
- <td width="82%" valign="top" class="hback"><table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr class="hback">
- <td class="hback"><strong>位置:</strong><a href="../">网站首页</a> >>
- <a href="main.asp">会员首页</a> >> 我的购物车</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="98%" border=0 align="center" cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 background="" class="table">
- <tbody>
- <tr class="xingmu" align="center">
- <td height="26" class="xingmu">商品名称</td>
- <td height="26" class="xingmu">类型</td>
- <td colspan="2" class="xingmu" align="center">商品单价(RMB)</td>
- <td width="99" class="xingmu">更新数量</td>
- <td width="67" class="xingmu">小计</td>
- <td width="39" class="xingmu">有货</td>
- <td width="70" class="xingmu">删除</td>
- </tr>
- <%
- dim tmp_product_rs,tmp_produts_title,tmp_NewPrice,tmp_OldPrice,tmp__tf,tmp_Stockpile,sum_tmp,tmp_stro,tmp_up,tmp_href,empty_tf
- sum_tmp = 0
- empty_tf=False
- If obj_buy_rs.Eof Then
- empty_tf=true
- End if
- Do while Not obj_buy_rs.Eof
- dim tmp_type_,tmp_ptype_
- tmp_type_ = obj_buy_rs("BuyType")
- productIDS=obj_buy_rs("mid")&","&productIDS
- select case tmp_type_
- case 0
- set tmp_product_rs = User_conn.execute("select GroupID,GroupMoney,GroupName from FS_ME_Group where GroupID="&obj_buy_rs("MID")&"")
- tmp_ptype_ ="会员权限"
- if tmp_product_rs.eof then
- tmp_produts_title = "<span class=""tx"">此权限已经被管理员删除</span>"
- tmp_NewPrice = "--"
- tmp_OldPrice = "--"
- tmp_Stockpile = ""
- tmp__tf =1
- tmp_href=""
- else
- tmp_produts_title = tmp_product_rs("GroupName")
- tmp_NewPrice = tmp_product_rs("GroupMoney")
- tmp_OldPrice = "0"
- tmp__tf = 0
- tmp_Stockpile =1000000
- tmp_href=""
- End if
- tmp_product_rs.close:set tmp_product_rs=nothing
- case 1
- tmp_ptype_ ="商品"
- set tmp_product_rs = conn.execute("select id,ProductTitle,NewPrice,OldPrice,Stockpile from FS_MS_Products where id="&obj_buy_rs("MID")&" and ReycleTF=0")
- if tmp_product_rs.eof then
- tmp_produts_title = "<span class=""tx"">此商品已经被管理员删除</span>"
- tmp_NewPrice = "--"
- tmp_OldPrice = "--"
- tmp_Stockpile = ""
- tmp__tf =1
- tmp_href=""
- else
- tmp_produts_title = tmp_product_rs("ProductTitle")
- tmp_NewPrice = formatCurrency(tmp_product_rs("NewPrice"))
- tmp_OldPrice = "<strike>" & formatCurrency(tmp_product_rs("OldPrice")) &"</strike>"
- tmp__tf = 0
- tmp_Stockpile =tmp_product_rs("Stockpile")
- tmp_href=""
- End if
- tmp_product_rs.close:set tmp_product_rs = nothing
- case 2
- set tmp_product_rs = User_conn.execute("select CardID,CardNumber,CardMoney,isBuy from FS_ME_Card where CardID="&obj_buy_rs("MID")&" and isBuy=0")
- tmp_ptype_ ="点卡"
- if tmp_product_rs.eof then
- tmp_produts_title = "<span class=""tx"">点卡已经被管理员删除</span>"
- tmp_NewPrice = "--"
- tmp_OldPrice = "--"
- tmp_Stockpile = ""
- tmp__tf =1
- tmp_href=""
- else
- tmp_produts_title = tmp_product_rs("CardNumber")
- tmp_NewPrice = tmp_product_rs("CardMoney")
- tmp_OldPrice = "0"
- tmp__tf = 0
- tmp_Stockpile =1000000
- tmp_href=""
- End if
- tmp_product_rs.close:set tmp_product_rs=nothing
- end select
- if tmp_type_=1 then
- if tmp_Stockpile>obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber") or tmp_Stockpile=obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber") then
- if tmp__tf = 1 then
- tmp_stro="--"
- else
- tmp_stro="有"
- End if
- tmp_up = 1
- else
- tmp_stro="<span class=""tx"">无货</span>"
- tmp_up = 0
- end if
- Else
- tmp_up = 1
- End if
- %>
- <tr class="hback" align="center">
- <form method=POST action="BuyBag.asp?Action_1=Update&ID=<% =obj_buy_rs("Buyid")%>" name=BuyForm>
- <td width="256" height="26" align="left">·<% = tmp_produts_title%></td>
- <td width="61" align="left"><div align="center">
- <% = tmp_ptype_%>
- </div></td>
- <td width="73"><% = tmp_OldPrice%></td>
- <td width="58"><% = tmp_NewPrice %></td>
- <td><input name="ProductNum" type="text" id="ProductNum" value="<% = obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber")%>" size="5">
- <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="更新"> <input name="id" type="hidden" id="id2" value="<% = obj_buy_rs("Buyid")%>"> </td>
- <td> <div align="right">
- <%
- if tmp__tf =0 then
- Response.Write formatnumber(obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber")*tmp_NewPrice,2,-1)
- Else
- Response.Write "--"
- End if
- %>
- </div></td>
- <td><%=tmp_stro%> <input name="tmp_tf" type="hidden" id="tmp_tf" value="<% = tmp_up %>"></td>
- <td><div align="center"><a href="BuyBag.asp?Action=Del&Buyid=<% = obj_buy_rs("BuyID")%>" onClick="{if(confirm('确定要删除吗?')){return true;}return false;}">删除</a></div></td>
- </form>
- </tr>
- <%
- if tmp__tf =0 then
- 'if tmp_Stockpile>obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber") or tmp_Stockpile=obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber")then
- sum_tmp = sum_tmp + obj_buy_rs("BuyNumber")*tmp_NewPrice
- 'End if
- End if
- obj_buy_rs.MoveNext
- Loop
- %>
- <form action="BuyBag.asp" method="post" name="BuyForm_1" onClick="">
- <tr class="hback">
- <td height="26" colspan="8"><div align="right" class="tx">
- <input type="button" name="Submit3" value="清空购物车" onClick="document.BuyForm_1.clear.value='clearall';{if(confirm('确定清空购物车吗?')){this.document.BuyForm_1.submit();return true;}return false;}">
- <input name="clear" type="hidden" id="clear" value="">
- <input name="Action" type="hidden" id="Action">
- <input type="button" name="btnRefresh" value="刷新购物车" id="btnRefresh3" class="button" onClick="location.reload()" >
- <input class="button" type="button" value=" 继续购物 " name="b3" onclick="history.back()">
- <input name="productIDS" value="<%=productIDS%>" type="hidden"/>
- <%
- If tmp_tf_ = 1 then
- %>
- <input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="库存不够或者没有商品记录" class="button" disabled>
- <%ElseIf empty_tf then%>
- <input type="button" name="Submit2" value="去收银台" class="button" disabled>
- <%Else%>
- <input type="button" name="Submit2" value="去收银台" class="button" onClick="buyIt()">
- <%End if%>
- <font style="font-family:宋体">共计金额:<%=formatnumber(sum_tmp,2,-1)%> RMB</font></div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="hback">
- <td height="26" colspan="8"><div id="ExpressPane"></div></td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="back">
- <td height="20" colspan="2" class="xingmu"> <div align="left">
- <!--#include file="Copyright.asp" -->
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
- <script language="javascript">
- var buyIt=function()
- {
- new Ajax.Updater("ExpressPane","mall/ChoiceExpress.asp?rnd="+Math.random(),{method:"get"});
- }
- var makeOrder=function()
- {
- if(confirm("确认进行支付操作?"))
- {
- $("Action").value="makeorder"
- $("BuyForm_1").submit();
- }
- }
- </script>
- <%
- obj_buy_rs.close:set obj_buy_rs = nothing
- Set Fs_User = Nothing
- %>
- <!--Powsered by Foosun Inc.,Product:FoosunCMS V4.0系列-->