资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../lib/strlib.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../lib/UserCheck.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Md5.asp" -->
- <%
- dim p_iLogStyle,p_Title,p_KeyWords,p_Content,p_iLogSource,p_MainID,str_Action,str_iLogID,rs,p_PutInPhoto,rs_sys,isCheck,Kcontent
- dim p_ClassID,p_EmotFace,p_isTop,p_FileName,p_FileExtName,p_Pic_1,p_Pic_2,p_Pic_3,p_Password,tmp_pic,tmp_picarr,tmp_i
- set rs_sys=User_Conn.execute("select top 1 isCheck,Kcontent From FS_ME_iLogSysParam")
- if rs_sys.eof then
- response.Write("系统配置出错!")
- response.End
- rs_sys.close:set rs_sys=nothing
- else
- isCheck=rs_sys("isCheck")
- Kcontent=rs_sys("Kcontent")
- rs_sys.close:set rs_sys=nothing
- end if
- str_Action=Request.Form("Action")
- p_PutInPhoto=Request.Form("PutInPhoto")
- tmp_pic=Request.Form("pic_1")&"|"&Request.Form("pic_2")&"|"&Request.Form("pic_3")
- p_iLogStyle = Request.Form("iLogStyle")
- p_Title = Request.Form("Title")
- p_KeyWords = Request.Form("keyword1")&","&Request.Form("keyword2")&","&Request.Form("keyword3")
- p_Content = Request.Form("Content")
- p_iLogSource = Request.Form("iLogSource")
- p_MainID = Request.Form("MainID")
- p_ClassID = Request.Form("ClassID")
- p_EmotFace = Request.Form("EmotFace")
- p_isTop = Request.Form("isTop")
- p_FileName = Request.Form("FileName")
- p_FileExtName = Request.Form("FileExtName")
- p_Pic_1 = Request.Form("Pic_1")
- p_Pic_2 = Request.Form("Pic_2e")
- p_Pic_3 = Request.Form("Pic_3")
- p_Password = md5(Request.Form("Password"),16)
- str_iLogID = NoSqlHack(Request.Form("Id"))
- if p_Title="" or isnull(p_Title) or p_Content="" or isnull(p_Content) or p_FileName="" or isnull(p_FileName) or p_MainID="" or isnull(p_MainID) then
- strShowErr="<li>带*必须填写</li>"
- Response.Redirect("../lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- end if
- if str_Action<>"Edit" then
- if p_FileName<>"自动编号" then
- dim rstf
- set rstf = User_Conn.execute("select FileName,FileExtName From FS_ME_Infoilog where UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"' and FileName='"&p_FileName&"' and FileExtName='"&P_FileExtName&"'")
- if not rstf.eof then
- strShowErr="<li>文件名已经存在</li>"
- Response.Redirect("../lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- end if
- rstf.close:set rstf=nothing
- end if
- end if
- set rs= Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- if str_Action="Save" then
- "select * From FS_ME_Infoilog where 1=0",User_Conn,1,3
- rs.addnew
- rs("isDraft")=0
- rs("Addtime")=now
- if isCheck=1 then
- rs("adminLock")=1
- else
- rs("adminLock")=0
- end if
- rs("isTF")=0
- rs("Hits")=0
- rs("isLock")=0
- rs("savePath")=year(date)&"-"&month(date)
- elseif str_Action="isDraft" then
- "select * From FS_ME_Infoilog where 1=0",User_Conn,1,3
- rs.addnew
- rs("isDraft")=1
- rs("Addtime")=now
- rs("isLock")=0
- rs("savePath")=year(date)&"-"&month(date)
- rs("isTF")=0
- rs("Hits")=0
- if isCheck=1 then
- rs("adminLock")=1
- else
- rs("adminLock")=0
- end if
- elseif str_Action="Edit" then
- "select * From FS_ME_Infoilog where UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"' and iLogID="&Clng(str_iLogID),User_Conn,1,3
- if request.Form("isDraft")<>"" then
- rs("isDraft")=1
- else
- rs("isDraft")=0
- end if
- end if
- if p_iLogStyle="1" then:rs("iLogStyle")=1:else:rs("iLogStyle")=0:end if
- rs("Title")=p_Title
- rs("KeyWords")=p_KeyWords
- rs("Content")=p_Content
- rs("iLogSource")=p_iLogSource
- if p_MainID<>"" then:rs("MainID")=cint(p_MainID):else:rs("MainID")=0:end if
- if p_ClassID<>"" then:rs("ClassID")=cint(p_ClassID):else:rs("ClassID")=0:end if
- rs("UserNumber")=Fs_User.UserNumber
- rs("EmotFace")=p_EmotFace
- if p_isTop<>"" then:rs("isTop")=1:else:rs("isTop")=0:end if
- rs("TempletID")=0
- rs("FileName")=p_FileName
- rs("FileExtName")=p_FileExtName
- if trim(p_Pic_1)<>"" then:rs("Pic_1")=p_Pic_1:end if
- if trim(p_Pic_2)<>"" then:rs("Pic_2")=p_Pic_2:end if
- if trim(p_Pic_3)<>"" then:rs("Pic_3")=p_Pic_3:end if
- if trim(Request.Form("Password"))<>"" then:rs("Password")=p_Password:end if
- rs.update
- Dim Get_News_ID '取自动编号ID,sqlserver中,有待休正
- if G_IS_SQL_DB = 0 then:Get_News_ID = rs("iLogID"):Else:Get_News_ID = "":End if
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- If Instr(p_FileName,"自动编号") Then
- Dim TempRsObj
- p_FileName = Replace(p_FileName,"自动编号",Get_News_ID)
- Set TempRsObj=server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- "select FileName From [FS_ME_Infoilog] where iLogID="&Get_News_ID&" and UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"'",User_Conn,1,3
- if not TempRsObj.eof Then
- TempRsObj("FileName") = Replace(TempRsObj("FileName"),"自动编号",Get_News_ID)
- TempRsObj.update
- End If
- TempRsObj.Close
- End IF
- '图片插入相册
- if p_PutInPhoto<>"" then
- tmp_picarr = split(tmp_pic,"|")
- for tmp_i = 0 to UBound(tmp_picarr)
- set rs= Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- "select * From FS_ME_Photo where PicSavePath='"&trim(tmp_picarr(tmp_i))&"' and UserNumber='"&Fs_User.UserNumber&"'",User_Conn,1,3
- if rs.eof then
- if trim(tmp_picarr(tmp_i))<>"" then
- rs.addnew
- rs("title")=p_title
- rs("PicSavePath")=tmp_picarr(tmp_i)
- rs("Content")="无"
- rs("Addtime")=now
- rs("ClassID")=0
- rs("UserNumber")=Fs_User.UserNumber
- rs("PicSize")=0
- rs.update
- end if
- end if
- next
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- end if
- set Fs_User=nothing
- if str_Action="Edit" then
- if request.Form("isDraft")<>"" then
- strShowErr = "<li>修改并保存到草稿箱中成功!</li><li><a href=../i_Blog/PublicLogEdit.asp?Id="&str_iLogID&">继续修改</a> <a href=../i_Blog/index.asp>返回日志管理</a></li>"
- else
- strShowErr = "<li>修改并中成功!</li><li><a href=../i_Blog/PublicLogEdit.asp?Id="&str_iLogID&">继续修改</a> <a href=../i_Blog/index.asp>返回日志管理</a></li>"
- end if
- else
- strShowErr = "<li>保存成功!</li><li><a href=../i_Blog/PublicLog.asp>继续添加</a> <a href=../i_Blog/index.asp>返回日志管理</a></li>"
- end if
- Response.Redirect("../lib/success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- %>
- <!--Powsered by Foosun Inc.,Product:FoosunCMS V4.0系列-->