资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="lib/strlib.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="lib/UserCheck.asp" -->
- <%
- dim str_type,rs,C_rs,str_Id,str_URL,mf_rs,str_URL_domain,mf_domain
- str_type = NoSqlHack(Request.QueryString("type"))
- str_Id = NoSqlHack(Request.QueryString("Url"))
- '获得参数MF
- set mf_rs = Conn.execute("select top 1 MF_Domain From FS_MF_Config")
- mf_domain = mf_rs(0)
- mf_rs.close:set mf_rs = nothing
- select Case str_type
- case "NS"
- dim ns_rs,NewsDir_ns,IsDomain_ns
- set ns_rs = Conn.execute("select Top 1 NewsDir,IsDomain from FS_NS_SysParam")
- if ns_rs.eof then
- response.Write "找不到配置信息"
- response.end
- ns_rs.close:set ns_rs = nothing
- else
- NewsDir_ns = ns_rs(0)
- IsDomain_ns = ns_rs(1)
- ns_rs.close:set ns_rs = nothing
- end if
- set rs = Conn.execute("select IsURL,URLAddress,SaveNewsPath,FileName,FileExtName,ClassId From FS_NS_News where islock=0 and isRecyle=0 and isdraft=0 and Id="&str_Id)
- if rs.eof then
- response.Write("找不到记录")
- response.End
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- else
- set c_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEname,[Domain],SavePath from FS_NS_NewsClass where ClassiD='"&rs("ClassID")&"'")
- if c_rs.eof then
- response.Write("参数丢失")
- response.End
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- else
- if c_rs("Domain")<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & c_rs("Domain")
- else
- if IsDomain_ns<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & IsDomain_ns
- else
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & mf_domain
- end if
- end if
- if rs("IsURL") = 0 then
- str_URL = str_URL_domain & c_rs("SavePath") & "/"& c_rs("ClassEname")&rs("SaveNewsPath")& "/" &rs("FileName")&"."&rs("FileExtName")
- else
- str_URL = rs("URLAddress")
- end if
- Call Url(str_URL)
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- end if
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- end if
- Case "MS"
- dim ms_rs,NewsDir_ms,IsDomain_ms
- set ms_rs = Conn.execute("select Top 1 SavePath,isDomain from FS_MS_SysPara")
- if ms_rs.eof then
- response.Write "找不到配置信息"
- response.end
- ms_rs.close:set ms_rs = nothing
- else
- NewsDir_ms = ms_rs(0)
- IsDomain_ms = ms_rs(1)
- ms_rs.close:set ms_rs = nothing
- end if
- set rs = Conn.execute("select SavePath,FileName,FileExtName,ClassId From FS_MS_Products where ReycleTF=0 and "&all_substring&"(StyleFlagBit,9,1)=0 and Id="&str_Id)
- if rs.eof then
- response.Write("找不到记录,商品已经删除或者已经被管理员锁定")
- response.End
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- else
- set c_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEName,[Domain],SavePath from FS_MS_ProductsClass where ClassiD='"&rs("ClassID")&"'")
- if c_rs.eof then
- response.Write("参数丢失")
- response.End
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- else
- if c_rs("Domain")<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & c_rs("Domain")
- else
- if IsDomain_ms<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & IsDomain_ms
- else
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & mf_domain
- end if
- end if
- str_URL = str_URL_domain & replace(c_rs("SavePath") & "/"& c_rs("ClassEname")&rs("SavePath")& "/" &rs("FileName")&"."&rs("FileExtName"),"//","/")
- Call Url(str_URL)
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- end if
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- end if
- Case "DS"
- dim ds_rs,DownDir_ds,IsDomain_ds
- set ds_rs = Conn.execute("select Top 1 DownDir,IsDomain from FS_DS_SysPara")
- if ds_rs.eof then
- response.Write "找不到配置信息"
- response.end
- ds_rs.close:set ds_rs = nothing
- else
- DownDir_ds = ds_rs(0)
- IsDomain_ds = ds_rs(1)
- ds_rs.close:set ds_rs = nothing
- end if
- set rs = Conn.execute("select * From FS_DS_List where AuditTF=1 and Id="&str_Id)
- if rs.eof then
- response.Write("找不到记录,下载已经删除或者已经被管理员锁定")
- response.End
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- else
- set c_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEName,[Domain],SavePath from FS_DS_Class where ClassiD='"&rs("ClassID")&"'")
- if c_rs.eof then
- response.Write("参数丢失")
- response.End
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- else
- if c_rs("Domain")<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & c_rs("Domain")
- else
- if IsDomain_ms<>"" then
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & IsDomain_ds
- else
- str_URL_domain = "http://" & mf_domain
- end if
- end if
- str_URL = str_URL_domain & replace(c_rs("SavePath") & "/"& c_rs("ClassEname")&rs("SavePath")& "/" &rs("FileName")&"."&rs("FileExtName"),"//","/")
- Call Url(str_URL)
- c_rs.close:set c_rs = nothing
- end if
- rs.close:set rs =nothing
- end if
- Case "LS"
- dim rs_log,rs_log_dir
- set rs_log = User_Conn.execute("select top 1 Dir From FS_ME_iLogSysParam")
- if rs_log.eof then
- rs_log_dir = "blog"
- rs_log.close:set rs_log = nothing
- else
- rs_log_dir = rs_log("Dir")
- rs_log.close:set rs_log = nothing
- end if
- str_URL = "http://"& mf_domain & "/" & rs_log_dir & "/Blog.asp?id="&str_Id
- Call Url(str_URL)
- Case "PH"
- dim rs_ph,rs_ph_dir
- set rs_ph = User_Conn.execute("select top 1 Dir From FS_ME_iLogSysParam")
- if rs_ph.eof then
- rs_ph_dir = "blog"
- rs_ph.close:set rs_ph = nothing
- else
- rs_ph_dir = rs_ph("Dir")
- rs_ph.close:set rs_ph = nothing
- end if
- str_URL = "http://"& mf_domain & "/" & rs_ph_dir & "/ShowPhoto.asp?id="&str_Id
- Call Url(str_URL)
- Case "HS"
- str_URL = "http://"& mf_domain & "/House/HouseRead.asp?id="&str_Id
- Call Url(str_URL)
- Case "SD"
- dim rs_SD,rs_sd_dir,rs_sd_domain
- set rs_SD = User_Conn.execute("select top 1 [Domain],SavePath From FS_SD_Config")
- if rs_SD.eof then
- rs_sd_dir = "Supply"
- rs_SD.close:set rs_SD = nothing
- else
- rs_sd_dir = rs_SD("SavePath")
- rs_sd_domain = rs_SD("Domain")
- rs_SD.close:set rs_SD = nothing
- end if
- if rs_sd_domain<>"" then
- str_URL = "http://"& rs_sd_domain & "/"& rs_sd_dir &"/Supply.asp?id="&str_Id
- else
- str_URL = "http://"& mf_domain & "/"& rs_sd_dir &"/Supply.asp?id="&str_Id
- end if
- Call Url(str_URL)
- end select
- HouseRead.asp
- Function Url(str_URL)
- response.Redirect str_URL
- response.end
- End Function
- %>
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