资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../lib/strlib.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../lib/UserCheck.asp" -->
- <%
- 'Copyright (c) 2006 Foosun Inc. Code by awen
- Response.Buffer = True
- Response.Expires = -1
- Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
- Response.Expires = 0
- Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
- if not Session("FS_UserNumber")<>"" then response.Redirect("../lib/error.asp?ErrCodes=<li>你尚未登陆,或过期.</li>&ErrorUrl=../login.asp") : response.End()
- Dim Ap_Rs,Ap_Sql
- select case request.QueryString("Act")
- case "Del"
- Del
- case "Save"
- Save
- case else
- response.Redirect("job_applications.asp")
- end select
- Function and_where(sql)
- if instr(lcase(sql)," where ")>0 then
- and_where = sql & " and "
- else
- and_where = sql & " where "
- end if
- End Function
- ''得到相关表的值。
- Function Get_OtherTable_Value(This_Fun_Sql)
- Dim This_Fun_Rs
- if instr(This_Fun_Sql," FS_ME_")>0 then
- set This_Fun_Rs = User_Conn.execute(This_Fun_Sql)
- else
- set This_Fun_Rs = Conn.execute(This_Fun_Sql)
- end if
- if not This_Fun_Rs.eof then
- Get_OtherTable_Value = This_Fun_Rs(0)
- else
- Get_OtherTable_Value = ""
- end if
- if Err.Number>0 then
- Err.Clear
- response.Redirect("../lib/error.asp?ErrCodes=<li>Get_OtherTable_Value未能得到相关数据。错误描述:"&Err.Description&"</li>") : response.End()
- end if
- set This_Fun_Rs=nothing
- End Function
- Sub Del()
- Dim Str_Tmp
- if request.QueryString("PID")<>"" then
- Conn.execute("Delete from FS_AP_Job_Public where PID = "&request.QueryString("PID"))
- else
- Str_Tmp = request.form("PID")
- if Str_Tmp="" then response.Redirect("../lib/error.asp?ErrCodes=<li>你必须至少选择一个进行删除。</li>")
- Str_Tmp = replace(Str_Tmp," ","")
- Conn.execute("Delete from FS_AP_Job_Public where PID in ("&Str_Tmp&")")
- end if
- response.Redirect("../lib/Success.asp?ErrorUrl="&server.URLEncode( "../job/AP_Job_Public_List.asp" )&"&ErrCodes=<li>恭喜,删除成功。</li>")
- End Sub
- ''================================================================
- Sub Save()
- Dim Str_Tmp,Arr_Tmp,PID
- Str_Tmp = "JobName,JobDescription,ResumeLang,WorkCity,PublicDate,EndDate,NeedNum"
- Arr_Tmp = split(Str_Tmp,",")
- PID = NoSqlHack(request.Form("PID"))
- if not isnumeric(PID) or PID = "" then PID = 0
- Ap_Sql = "select UserNumber,"&Str_Tmp&" from FS_AP_Job_Public where UserNumber = '"&Session("FS_UserNumber")&"' and PID="&PID
- response.Write(Ap_Sql)
- Set Ap_Rs = CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Ap_Rs.Open Ap_Sql,Conn,3,3
- if PID > 0 then
- ''修改
- for each Str_Tmp in Arr_Tmp
- Ap_Rs(Str_Tmp) = NoSqlHack(request.Form(Str_Tmp))
- next
- Ap_Rs.update
- Ap_Rs.close
- response.Redirect("../lib/Success.asp?ErrorUrl="&server.URLEncode( "../job/AP_Job_Public_AddUpdate.asp?Act=Edit&PID="&PID )&"&ErrCodes=<li>恭喜,修改成功。</li>")
- else
- ''新增 允许重复
- Ap_Rs.addnew
- Ap_Rs("UserNumber") = Session("FS_UserNumber")
- for each Str_Tmp in Arr_Tmp
- 'response.Write(Str_Tmp&":"&NoSqlHack(request.Form(Str_Tmp))&"<br>")
- Ap_Rs(Str_Tmp) = NoSqlHack(request.Form(Str_Tmp))
- next
- 'response.End()
- Ap_Rs.update
- Ap_Rs.close
- response.Redirect("../lib/Success.asp?ErrorUrl="&server.URLEncode( "../job/AP_Job_Public_AddUpdate.asp?Act=Add" ) &"&ErrCodes=<li>恭喜,新增成功。</li>")
- end if
- End Sub
- Set Ap_Rs=nothing
- Conn.close
- %>
- <!-- Powered by: FoosunCMS4.0系列,Company:Foosun Inc. -->