资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../FS_Inc/Cls_Cache.asp" -->
- <%
- Response.Expires = -1
- Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
- Response.Expires = 0
- Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
- Dim Conn
- MF_Default_Conn
- MF_Session_TF
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF_Templet") then Err_Show
- Dim p_ParentPath,p_ShowPath,str_ShowPath,strShowErr
- p_ShowPath=replace(replace(Request("ShowPath"),"'",""),"""","")
- If p_ShowPath="" Then
- p_ShowPath=Add_Root_Dir("/") & G_TEMPLETS_DIR
- str_ShowPath = p_ShowPath
- Else
- str_ShowPath =p_ShowPath
- End If
- p_ParentPath = Mid(p_ShowPath,1,InstrRev(p_ShowPath,"/")-1)
- Dim p_FSO,p_FolderObj,p_SubFolderObj,p_FileObj,p_FileIconDic
- Dim p_FileItem
- Set p_FSO = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_FSO)
- Set p_FolderObj = p_FSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(p_ShowPath))
- Set p_SubFolderObj = p_FolderObj.SubFolders
- Set p_FileObj = p_FolderObj.Files
- Set p_FileIconDic = CreateObject(G_FS_DICT)
- p_FileIconDic.Add "txt","Images/FileIcon/txt.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "gif","Images/FileIcon/gif.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "exe","Images/FileIcon/exe.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "asp","Images/FileIcon/asp.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "html","Images/FileIcon/html.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "htm","Images/FileIcon/html.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "jpg","Images/FileIcon/jpg.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "jpeg","Images/FileIcon/jpg.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "pl","Images/FileIcon/perl.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "perl","Images/FileIcon/perl.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "zip","Images/FileIcon/zip.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "rar","Images/FileIcon/zip.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "gz","Images/FileIcon/zip.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "doc","Images/FileIcon/doc.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "xml","Images/FileIcon/xml.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "xsl","Images/FileIcon/xml.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "dtd","Images/FileIcon/xml.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "vbs","Images/FileIcon/vbs.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "js","Images/FileIcon/vbs.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "wsh","Images/FileIcon/vbs.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "sql","Images/FileIcon/script.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "bat","Images/FileIcon/script.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "tcl","Images/FileIcon/script.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "eml","Images/FileIcon/mail.gif"
- p_FileIconDic.Add "swf","Images/FileIcon/flash.gif"
- if Request.QueryString("Type") = "FileReName" then
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF002") then Err_Show
- Dim NewFileName,OldFileName,Path,PhysicalPath,FileObj
- Path = replace(replace(Request("Path"),"'",""),"""","")
- if Path <> "" then
- NewFileName = Request("NewFileName")
- OldFileName = Request("OldFileName")
- if (NewFileName <> "") And (OldFileName <> "") then
- PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & OldFileName
- if p_FSO.FileExists(PhysicalPath) = True then
- PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & NewFileName
- if p_FSO.FileExists(PhysicalPath) = False then
- Set FileObj = p_FSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & OldFileName)
- FileObj.Name = NewFileName
- Set FileObj = Nothing
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Call MF_Insert_oper_Log("模板管理","改名了模板文件,名称:"& OldFileName &",路径:"& Path &"",now,session("admin_name"),"MF")
- strShowErr = "<li>修改文件成功</li>"
- Response.Redirect("Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End if
- if Request.QueryString("Type") = "FolderReName" then
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF002") then Err_Show
- Dim NewPathName,OldPathName
- Path = replace(replace(Request("Path"),"'",""),"""","")
- if Path <> "" then
- NewPathName = replace(replace(Request("NewFileName"),"'",""),"""","")
- OldPathName = replace(replace(Request("OldFileName"),"'",""),"""","")
- if (NewPathName <> "") And (OldPathName <> "") then
- PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & OldPathName
- if p_FSO.FolderExists(PhysicalPath) = True then
- PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & NewPathName
- if p_FSO.FolderExists(PhysicalPath) = False then
- Set FileObj = p_FSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(Path) & "" & OldPathName)
- FileObj.Name = NewPathName
- Set FileObj = Nothing
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Call MF_Insert_oper_Log("模板管理","改名了模板目录,目录:"& OldPathName &",路径:"& Path &"",now,session("admin_name"),"MF")
- strShowErr = "<li>修改目录成功</li>"
- Response.Redirect("Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End if
- if Request.QueryString("Type") = "AddFolder" then
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF004") then Err_Show
- Path = replace(replace(Request("Path"),"'",""),"""","")
- if Path <> "" then
- Path = Server.MapPath(Replace(Path,"//","/"))
- if p_FSO.FolderExists(Path) = True then
- strShowErr = "<li>目录已经存在</li>"
- Response.Redirect("error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- else
- p_FSO.CreateFolder Path
- end if
- end if
- strShowErr = "<li>创建目录成功</li>"
- Response.Redirect("Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- end if
- if Request.QueryString("Action") = "Delfolder" then
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF003") then Err_Show
- Path = replace(replace(Request.QueryString("Dir"),"'",""),"""","") &"/"&replace(replace(Request.QueryString("File"),"'",""),"""","")
- if Path <> "" then
- Path = Server.MapPath(Path)
- if p_FSO.FolderExists(Path) = true then p_FSO.DeleteFolder Path
- end if
- Call MF_Insert_oper_Log("模板管理","删除了目录,目录:"& replace(replace(Request.QueryString("File"),"'",""),"""","") &",路径:"& replace(replace(Request.QueryString("Dir"),"'",""),"""","") &"",now,session("admin_name"),"MF")
- strShowErr = "<li>删除目录成功!</li>"
- Response.Redirect("Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End if
- if Request.QueryString("Action") = "Delfile" then
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF003") then Err_Show
- Dim DelFileName
- Path = replace(replace(Request.QueryString("Dir"),"'",""),"""","")
- DelFileName = replace(replace(Request.QueryString("File"),"'",""),"""","")
- if (DelFileName <> "") And (Path <> "") then
- Path = Server.MapPath(Path)
- if p_FSO.FileExists(Path & "" & DelFileName) = true then p_FSO.DeleteFile Path & "" & DelFileName
- end if
- Call MF_Insert_oper_Log("模板管理","删除了文件,文件:"& replace(replace(Request.QueryString("File"),"'",""),"""","") &",路径:"& replace(replace(Request.QueryString("Dir"),"'",""),"""","") &"",now,session("admin_name"),"MF")
- strShowErr = "<li>删除文件成功!</li>"
- Response.Redirect("Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End if
- %>
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <HEAD>
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- </HEAD>
- <script language="JavaScript" src="../FS_Inc/PublicJS.js" type="text/JavaScript"></script>
- <link href="images/skin/Css_<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>/<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr>
- <td class="xingmu">模板管理</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="table" >
- <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
- <tr class="hback">
- <td width="204" height="20" class="xingmu"><div align="left">名称</div></td>
- <td height="20" class="xingmu"><div align="center">类型</div></td>
- <td height="20" class="xingmu"><div align="center">大小(kb)</div></td>
- <td height="20" class="xingmu"><div align="center">最后修改时间</div></td>
- <td class="xingmu"><div align="center">操作</div></td>
- </tr>
- <% If p_ParentPath <> "/" & G_VIRTUAL_ROOT_DIR And p_ParentPath <> "/" Then %>
- <tr class="hback">
- <td style="cursor:hand"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td><img src="Images/arrow.gif" width="18" height="18"></td>
- <td><span class="TempletItem" title="上级目录<% = p_ParentPath %>" onDblClick="OpenParentFolder(this);" Path="<% = p_ParentPath %>">上级目录</span></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td height="20" width="98"> </td>
- <td height="20" width="87"> </td>
- <td height="20" width="143"> </td>
- <td width="218"> </td>
- </tr>
- <%
- End If
- For Each p_FileItem In p_SubFolderObj
- %>
- <tr class="hback">
- <td height=""> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr title="双击鼠标进入此目录" style="cursor:hand">
- <td><img src="Images/Folder/folder.gif" width="20" height="16"></td>
- <td ><span class="TempletItem" Path="<% = p_FileItem.name %>" onDblClick="OpenFolder(this);">
- <% = p_FileItem.name %>
- </span> </td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td> <div align="center">文件夹</div></td>
- <td> <div align="center">
- <%
- if p_FileItem.Size<100 then
- Response.Write p_FileItem.Size &"Byte"
- Else
- Response.Write FormatNumber(p_FileItem.Size/1024,1,-1) &"KB"
- End if
- %>
- </div></td>
- <td> <div align="center">
- <% = p_FileItem.DateLastModified %>
- </div></td>
- <td><div align="left"><a href="#" onClick="EditFolder('<% = p_FileItem.name %>','<%=str_ShowPath%>')">改名</a>|<a href="Templets_List.asp?Action=Delfolder&File=<% = p_FileItem.name %>&Dir=<%=str_ShowPath%>" onClick="{if(confirm('确定删除此目录吗?')){return true;}return false;}">删除</a>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <%
- Next
- For Each p_FileItem In p_FileObj
- Dim p_FileIcon,p_FileExtName
- p_FileExtName = Mid(CStr(p_FileItem.Name),Instr(CStr(p_FileItem.Name),".")+1)
- If lcase(p_FileExtName)="html" Or lcase(p_FileExtName)="htm" Or lcase(p_FileExtName)="css" Then
- p_FileIcon = p_FileIconDic.Item(LCase(p_FileExtName))
- If p_FileIcon = "" Then
- p_FileIcon = "Images/FileIcon/unknown.gif"
- End If
- %>
- <tr class="hback">
- <td style="cursor:hand"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td><img src="<% = p_FileIcon %>"></td>
- <td><span File="<% = p_FileItem.Name %>">
- <% = p_FileItem.Name %>
- </span></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td width="98"> <div align="center">
- <% = p_FileItem.Type %>
- </div></td>
- <td width="87"> <div align="center">
- <%
- if p_FileItem.Size<100 then
- Response.Write p_FileItem.Size &"字节"
- Else
- Response.Write FormatNumber(p_FileItem.Size/1024,1,-1) &"KB"
- End if
- %>
- </div></td>
- <td width="143"> <div align="center">
- <% = p_FileItem.DateLastModified %>
- </div></td>
- <td width="218"><div align="left"><a href="Templets_Edit_.asp?File=<% = p_FileItem.name %>&Dir=<%=str_ShowPath%>">在线编辑</a>|<a href="Templets_Edit_text.asp?File=<% = p_FileItem.name %>&Dir=<%=str_ShowPath%>">文本编辑</a>|<a href="#" onClick="Editfile('<% = replace(p_FileItem.name,"'","'") %>','<%=str_ShowPath%>')">改名</a>|<a href="<%=str_ShowPath%>/<% = p_FileItem.name %>" target="_blank">预览</a>|<a href="Templets_List.asp?Action=Delfile&File=<% = p_FileItem.name %>&Dir=<%=str_ShowPath%>" onClick="{if(confirm('确定删除此文件吗?')){return true;}return false;}">删除</a>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <%
- else
- end if
- next
- %>
- <tr class="hback">
- <td colspan="5" height="32"><div align="right"><span class="tx">小提示:双击目录进入下一级目录</span>
- <input type="button" name="Submit2" value="创建目录" onClick="AddFolder();">
- <input type="button" name="Submit" value="导入文件" onClick="ImportTempletFile();" <%if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF005") then response.Write " disabled"%>>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- 'Conn.Close
- 'Set Conn = Nothing
- Set p_FSO = Nothing
- Set p_FolderObj = Nothing
- Set p_FileObj = Nothing
- Set p_SubFolderObj = Nothing
- Set p_FileIconDic = Nothing
- %>
- <script>
- function AddFolder()
- {
- var CurrPath='<% = p_ShowPath %>';
- var ReturnValue=prompt('新建目录名:','');
- if ((ReturnValue!='') && (ReturnValue!=null))
- window.location.href='?Path=<%=p_ShowPath%>/'+ReturnValue+'&Type=AddFolder&CurrPath=<%=p_ShowPath%>';
- }
- function ImportTempletFile()
- {
- var CurrPath='<% = p_ShowPath %>';
- OpenWindow('CommPages/SelectManageDir/Frame.asp?FileName=UpFileForm.asp&PageTitle=上传文件&Path='+CurrPath,350,170,window);
- }
- function OpenFolder(Obj)
- {
- var SubmitPath='';
- var CurrPath='<% = p_ShowPath %>';
- if (CurrPath=='/') SubmitPath=CurrPath+Obj.Path;
- else SubmitPath=CurrPath+'/'+Obj.Path;
- location.href='Templets_List.asp?ShowPath='+SubmitPath;
- }
- function OpenParentFolder(Obj)
- {
- location.href='Templets_List.asp?ShowPath='+Obj.Path;
- }
- function Editfile(filename,path)
- {
- var ReturnValue='';
- ReturnValue=prompt('修改的名称:',filename.replace(/'|"/g,''));
- if ((ReturnValue!='') && (ReturnValue!=null)) window.location.href='?Type=FileReName&Path='+path+'&OldFileName='+filename+'&NewFileName='+ReturnValue;
- else if(ReturnValue!=null){alert('请填写要更名的名称');}
- }
- function EditFolder(filename,path)
- {
- var ReturnValue='';
- ReturnValue=prompt('修改的名称:',filename.replace(/'|"/g,''));
- if ((ReturnValue!='') && (ReturnValue!=null)) window.location.href='?Type=FolderReName&Path='+path+'&OldFileName='+filename+'&NewFileName='+ReturnValue;
- else if(ReturnValue!=null){alert('请填写要更名的名称');}
- }
- </script>