资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="lib/cls_main.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Function.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/NS_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Func_page.asp" -->
- <%'Copyright (c) 2006 Foosun Inc. Code by Simpwind.Xie
- Dim Conn,User_Conn
- Dim CharIndexStr
- Dim Fs_news,obj_news_rs,obj_news_rs_1,isUrlStr,str_Href,obj_cnews_rs,news_count,str_Href_title,str_action,str_ClassID,news_SQL
- Dim obj_newslist_rs,newslist_sql,strpage,str_showTF,str_ClassID_1,str_Editor,str_Keyword,str_GetKeyword,str_ktype
- Dim select_count,select_pagecount,i,Str_GetPopID,Str_PopID,str_check,str_UrlTitle,icNum,str_addType,str_addType_1
- Dim str_Rec,str_isTop,str_hot,str_pic,str_highlight,str_bignews,str_filt,str_Constr,str_Top,tmp_pictf
- Dim str_s_classIDarray,tmp_splitarrey_id,tmp_splitarrey_Classid,tmp_i,str_Move_type,str_t_classID,C_NewsIDarrey,Tmp_rs,Tmp_TF_Rs
- Dim int_RPP,int_Start,int_showNumberLink_,str_nonLinkColor_,toF_,toP10_,toP1_,toN1_,toN10_,toL_,showMorePageGo_Type_,cPageNo
- int_RPP=15 '设置每页显示数目
- int_showNumberLink_=8 '数字导航显示数目
- showMorePageGo_Type_ = 1 '是下拉菜单还是输入值跳转,当多次调用时只能选1
- str_nonLinkColor_="#999999" '非热链接颜色
- toF_="<font face=webdings title=""首页"">9</font>" '首页
- toP10_=" <font face=webdings title=""上十页"">7</font>" '上十
- toP1_=" <font face=webdings title=""上一页"">3</font>" '上一
- toN1_=" <font face=webdings title=""下一页"">4</font>" '下一
- toN10_=" <font face=webdings title=""下十页"">8</font>" '下十
- toL_="<font face=webdings title=""最后一页"">:</font>"
- MF_Default_Conn
- MF_User_Conn
- MF_Session_TF
- '权限判断
- 'Call MF_Check_Pop_TF("NS_Class_000001")
- '得到会员组列表
- set Fs_news = new Cls_News
- Fs_News.GetSysParam()
- If Not Fs_news.IsSelfRefer Then response.write "非法提交数据":Response.end
- str_ClassID = NoSqlHack(Request.QueryString("ClassID"))
- %>
- <html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- <title>RSS___Powered by foosun Inc.</title>
- <link href="../images/skin/Css_<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>/<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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- <body>
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr class="hback">
- <td class="xingmu"> <strong>XML</strong><a href="../../help?Lable=NS_Class_RSS" target="_blank" style="cursor:help;'" class="sd"><img src="../Images/_help.gif" border="0"></a>
- <%
- if Trim(Request.QueryString("ClassID")) <>"" Then
- Response.Write "位置:<a href=""Class_Rss.asp"" class=""sd""><b>XML</b></a> >> "&Fs_news.GetAdd_ClassName(Request.QueryString("ClassID"))
- Else
- Response.Write"位置:所有XML"
- End if
- if str_ClassID<>"" then
- news_SQL = "Select Orderid,id,ClassID,ClassName,ClassEName,IsUrl,AddNewsType from FS_DS_Class where Parentid = '"& str_ClassID &"' and ReycleTF=0 Order by Orderid desc,ID desc"
- Else
- news_SQL = "Select Orderid,id,ClassID,ClassName,ClassEName,IsUrl,AddNewsType from FS_DS_Class where Parentid = '0' and ReycleTF=0 Order by Orderid desc,ID desc"
- End if
- Set obj_news_rs = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- obj_news_rs.Open news_SQL,Conn,1,3
- if fs_news.addNewsType = 1 then str_addType_1 ="News_add.asp":else:str_addType_1 ="News_add_Conc.asp":end if
- %> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
- <td width="94%" height="18" class="hback"> <div align="left"><a href="Class_rss.asp">首页</a>
- | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>">所有<% = Fs_news.allInfotitle %>
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&isCheck=1&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">已审核</a>
- | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&isCheck=0&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">未审核</a>
- | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=Constr&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">投稿</a>
- | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=Constr&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>"></a><a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=recTF">推荐
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=isTop&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">置顶
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=hot&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">热点
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=pic&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">图片
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=highlight&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">精彩
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=bignews&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">头条
- </a> | <a href="Class_Rss.asp?ClassID=<%=Request.QueryString("ClassID")%>&NewsTyp=filt&Keyword=<%=Request("keyword")%>&ktype=<%=Request("ktype")%>">幻灯片</a> </div></td>
- </form>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <%
- if Not obj_news_rs.eof then
- Response.Write("<table width=""98%"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""table""> <tr class=""hback""><td>")
- Response.Write("<table width=""100%"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" >")
- Response.Write("<tr>")
- icNum = 0
- Do while Not obj_news_rs.eof
- if obj_news_rs("AddNewsType") =1 then
- str_addType = "News_add.asp"
- Else
- str_addType ="News_add_Conc.asp"
- End if
- if obj_news_rs("IsUrl") = 1 then
- isUrlStr = "(<span class=""tx"">外</span>)"
- str_Href = ""
- str_Href_title = ""& obj_news_rs("ClassName") &""
- Else
- isUrlStr = ""
- str_Href = "<a href=""Class_Rss.asp?ClassID="&obj_news_rs("ClassID")&"""><img src=""../Images/rss.gif"" border=""0"" alt=""查看RSS""></a>"
- str_Href_title = "<a href=""Class_Rss.asp?ClassID="& obj_news_rs("ClassID") &""" title=""点击进入下一级栏目"">"& obj_news_rs("ClassName") &"</a>"
- End if
- Set obj_news_rs_1 = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- obj_news_rs_1.Open "Select Count(ID) from FS_DS_Class where ParentID='"& obj_news_rs("ClassID") &"'",Conn,1,1
- if obj_news_rs_1(0)>0 then
- str_action= "<img src=""images/+.gif""></img>"& str_Href_title &""
- Else
- str_action= "<img src=""images/-.gif""></img>"& str_Href_title &""
- End if
- obj_news_rs_1.close:set obj_news_rs_1 =nothing
- '得到下载数量
- if obj_news_rs("IsUrl") = 0 then
- Set obj_cnews_rs = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- obj_cnews_rs.Open "Select ID from FS_DS_List where ClassID='"& obj_news_rs("ClassID") &"'",Conn,1,1
- news_count = "("&obj_cnews_rs.recordcount&"/"&fs_news.GetTodayNewsCount(obj_news_rs("ClassID"))
- obj_cnews_rs.close:set obj_cnews_rs = nothing
- Else
- news_count = ""
- End if
- Response.Write"<td height=""22"">"
- Response.Write str_action&isUrlStr&news_count&str_Href
- Response.Write "</td>"
- obj_news_rs.MoveNext
- icNum = icNum + 1
- if icNum mod 4 = 0 then
- Response.Write("</tr><tr>")
- End if
- loop
- Response.Write("</tr></table></td></tr></table>")
- End if
- %>
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table">
- <form name="form2" method="post" action="">
- <tr>
- <td><div align="center">
- <%
- Dim Rss_List,sCrLf
- Rss_List = ""
- sCrLf = chr(13) & chr(10)
- Rss_List = Rss_List &"gb2312"
- Rss_List = Rss_List &"text/xml"
- Rss_List = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gb2312'?>" & sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "<rss version='2.0'>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "<channel>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <title>风讯</title>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <description>风讯公司</description>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <link></link>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <language>zh-cn</language>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <docs>foosun Article Center</docs>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <generator>Rss Generator By Foosun Inc.</generator>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <image>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <title>风讯</title>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <link></link>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <url></url>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " </image>"&sCrLf
- Call GetFunctionstr
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "recTF" Then:str_Rec=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,1,1)='1'":Else:str_Rec="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "isTop" Then:str_isTop=" and PopID=4 or PoPID=5":Else:str_isTop="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "hot" Then:str_hot=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,13,1)='1'":Else:str_hot="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "pic" Then:str_pic=" and isPicNews=1":Else:str_pic="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "highlight" Then:str_highlight=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,15,1)='1'":Else:str_highlight="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "bignews" Then:str_bignews=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,11,1)='1'":Else:str_bignews="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "filt" Then:str_filt=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,21,1)='1'":Else:str_filt="":End if
- if Request("NewsTyp") = "Constr" Then:str_Constr=" and "& CharIndexStr &"(NewsProperty,7,1)='1'":Else:str_Constr="":End if
- if Trim(Request("Editor")) <>"" then:str_Editor = " and Editor = '"& Request("Editor")&"'":Else:str_Editor = "":End if
- if str_ClassID<>"" and len(str_ClassID)=15 then str_ClassID_1 = " and ClassID='"& str_ClassID &"'":Else:str_ClassID_1 = "":End if
- if Request("isCheck") = "1" then
- str_check = " and islock=0"
- elseif Request("isCheck") = "0" then
- str_check = " and islock=1"
- Else
- str_Check = ""
- End if
- newslist_sql = "Select top 50 ID,NewsID,PopID,ClassID,Content,NewsTitle,IsURL,isPicNews,URLAddress,Editor,Hits,NewsProperty,isLock,isRecyle,addtime,author,source from FS_NS_News where isRecyle=0 and isdraft=0 "& str_Editor & str_Rec & str_isTop & str_hot & str_pic & str_highlight & str_bignews & str_filt & str_Constr & str_ClassID_1 & str_check &" Order by PopID desc,addtime desc,ID desc"
- Set obj_newslist_rs = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- obj_newslist_rs.Open newslist_sql,Conn,1,3
- if not obj_newslist_rs.eof then
- do while not obj_newslist_rs.eof
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "<item>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <title>"& obj_newslist_rs("NewsTitle") &"</title>"&sCrLf
- if obj_newslist_rs("isUrl")=1 then
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <link>"&obj_newslist_rs("URLAddress")&"</link>"&sCrLf
- 'Rss_List = Rss_List & "<description><![CDATA[标题下载,无内容]></description>"&sCrLf
- Else
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <link>""1.html"&"</link>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <description><![CDATA["&obj_newslist_rs("Content")&"]]></description>"&sCrLf
- end if
- if len(trim(obj_newslist_rs("author")))=0 then
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <author>"&obj_newslist_rs("Source")&"</author>"&sCrLf
- Else
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <author>"&obj_newslist_rs("author")&"</author>"&sCrLf
- End if
- Rss_List = Rss_List & " <pubDate>"&obj_newslist_rs("AddTime")&"</pubDate>"&sCrLf
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "</item>"&sCrLf&sCrLf
- obj_newslist_rs.movenext
- Loop
- obj_newslist_rs.close:set obj_newslist_rs = nothing
- else
- Rss_List = Rss_List &""
- End if
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "</channel>"
- Rss_List = Rss_List & "</rss>"
- %>
- <textarea name="RssShow" rows="30" style="width:100%"><% = Rss_List%></textarea>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- set obj_newslist_rs = nothing
- obj_news_rs.close
- set obj_news_rs =nothing
- set Fs_news = nothing
- %>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
- </script>
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