资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- //Open Window
- function OpenWindow(Url,Width,Height,WindowObj)
- {
- var ReturnStr=showModalDialog(Url,WindowObj,'dialogWidth:'+Width+'pt;dialogHeight:'+Height+'pt;status:no;help:no;scroll:no;');
- return ReturnStr;
- }
- //Open Modal Window
- function OpenWindowAndSetValue(Url,Width,Height,WindowObj,SetObj)
- {
- var ReturnStr=showModalDialog(Url,WindowObj,'dialogWidth:'+Width+'pt;dialogHeight:'+Height+'pt;status:no;help:no;scroll:no;');
- if (ReturnStr!='007007007007') SetObj.value=ReturnStr;
- return ReturnStr;
- }
- //Open Editer Window
- function OpenEditerWindow(Url,WindowName,Width,Height)
- {
- }
- //Send Data To Server
- function SendDataToServer(Url)
- {
- var HTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- var"POST", Url, false);
- HTTP.send("");
- return HTTP.responseText;
- }
- //Button MouseOver Event
- function BtnMouseOver(Obj)
- {
- if (event.type!='mouseout')
- {
- Obj.className='BtnMouseOver';
- if (Obj.tagName.toLowerCase()=='td' || Obj.tagName.toLowerCase()=='img') window.status=Obj.alt;
- else window.status=Obj.title;
- }
- else
- {
- window.status=top.LoginStr;
- Obj.className='BtnMouseOut';
- }
- }
- //Check number or not and alarm user.
- function CheckNumber(Obj,DescriptionStr)
- {
- if (Obj.value!='' && (isNaN(Obj.value) || Obj.value<0))
- {
- alert(DescriptionStr+"应填有效数字!");
- Obj.value="";
- Obj.focus();
- }
- }
- //Check English Str
- function CheckEnglishStr(Obj,DescriptionStr)
- {
- var TempStr=Obj.value,i=0,ErrorStr='',CharAscii;
- if (TempStr!='')
- {
- for (i=0;i<TempStr.length;i++)
- {
- CharAscii=TempStr.charCodeAt(i);
- if (CharAscii>=255||CharAscii<=31)
- {
- ErrorStr=ErrorStr+TempStr.charAt(i);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!CheckClassErrorStr(CharAscii))
- {
- ErrorStr=ErrorStr+TempStr.charAt(i);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ErrorStr!='')
- {
- alert(DescriptionStr+'发现非法字符:'+ErrorStr);
- Obj.focus();
- return false;
- }
- if (!(((TempStr.charCodeAt(0)>=48)&&(TempStr.charCodeAt(0)<=57))||((TempStr.charCodeAt(0)>=65)&&(TempStr.charCodeAt(0)<=90))||((TempStr.charCodeAt(0)>=97)&&(TempStr.charCodeAt(0)<=122))))
- {
- alert(DescriptionStr+'首字符只能够为数字或者字母');
- Obj.focus();
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function CheckClassErrorStr(CharAsciiCode)
- {
- var TempArray=new Array(34,47,92,42,58,60,62,63,124);
- for (var i=0;i<TempArray.length;i++)
- {
- if (CharAsciiCode==TempArray[i]) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //
- function ChooseSpecial(Special)
- {
- var TempArray,TempStr;
- TempArray=Special.split("***");
- if (TempArray[0] != '')
- {
- if ([1])==-1)
- { if (document.all.SpecialIDText.value=='') document.all.SpecialIDText.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.all.SpecialIDText.value = document.all.SpecialIDText.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- if (document.all.SpecialID.value=='') document.all.SpecialID.value=TempArray[1];
- else document.all.SpecialID.value = document.all.SpecialID.value + ',' + TempArray[1];
- }
- }
- if ((TempArray[0] == '')&&(TempArray[1] == 'Clean'))
- {
- document.all.SpecialID.value = '';
- document.all.SpecialIDText.value = '';
- }
- return;
- }
- function Dosusite(Source)
- {
- var TempArray,TempStr;
- TempArray=Source.split("***");
- if (TempArray[0] != '')
- {
- if (document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value.indexOf(TempArray[0])<0)
- {
- if (typeof(TempArray[1])=='undefined') TempStr=TempArray[0];
- else TempStr='<a href='+TempArray[1].replace(/["']/,'')+'>'+TempArray[0]+'</a>';
- if (document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value=='') document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value = document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- if (document.NewsForm.TxtSource.value=='') document.NewsForm.TxtSource.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.TxtSource.value = document.NewsForm.TxtSource.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- }
- }
- if ((TempArray[0] == '')&&(TempArray[1] == 'Clean'))
- {
- document.NewsForm.TxtSource.value = '';
- document.NewsForm.TxtSourceText.value = '';
- }
- return;
- }
- function Dokesite(KeyWords)
- {
- if (KeyWords!='')
- {
- if (
- {
- if (document.NewsForm.KeyWords.value=='') document.NewsForm.KeyWords.value=KeyWords;
- else document.NewsForm.KeyWords.value=document.NewsForm.KeyWords.value+','+KeyWords;
- if (document.NewsForm.KeywordText.value=='') document.NewsForm.KeywordText.value=KeyWords;
- else document.NewsForm.KeywordText.value=document.NewsForm.KeywordText.value+','+KeyWords;
- }
- }
- if (KeyWords == 'Clean')
- {
- document.NewsForm.KeyWords.value = '';
- document.NewsForm.KeywordText.value = '';
- }
- return;
- }
- function Doauthsite(Author)
- {
- var TempArray,TempStr;
- TempArray=Author.split("***");
- if (TempArray[0] != '')
- {
- if (document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value.indexOf(TempArray[0])<0)
- {
- if (typeof(TempArray[1])=='undefined') TempStr=TempArray[0];
- else TempStr='<a href='+TempArray[1].replace(/["']/,'')+'>'+TempArray[0]+'</a>';
- if (document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value=='') document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value = document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- if (document.NewsForm.Author.value=='') document.NewsForm.Author.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.Author.value = document.NewsForm.Author.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- }
- }
- if ((TempArray[0] == '')&&(TempArray[1] == 'Clean'))
- {
- document.NewsForm.Author.value = '';
- document.NewsForm.AuthorText.value = '';
- }
- return;
- }
- function Editsite(Editer1)
- {
- var TempArray,TempStr;
- TempArray=Editer1.split("***");
- if (TempArray[0] != '')
- {
- if (document.NewsForm.EditerText.value.indexOf(TempArray[0])<0)
- {
- if (typeof(TempArray[1])=='undefined') TempStr=TempArray[0];
- else TempStr='<a href='+TempArray[1].replace(/["']/,'')+'>'+TempArray[0]+'</a>';
- if (document.NewsForm.EditerText.value=='') document.NewsForm.EditerText.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.EditerText.value = document.NewsForm.EditerText.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- if (document.NewsForm.Editer.value=='') document.NewsForm.Editer.value=TempArray[0];
- else document.NewsForm.Editer.value = document.NewsForm.Editer.value + ',' + TempArray[0];
- }
- }
- if ((TempArray[0] == '')&&(TempArray[1] == 'Clean'))
- {
- document.NewsForm.Editer.value = '';
- document.NewsForm.EditerText.value = '';
- }
- return;
- }
- function ChooseSystem(DownSystem)
- {
- if (DownSystem != '')
- {
- if (
- {
- if (document.DownForm.SystemType.value=='') document.DownForm.SystemType.value=DownSystem;
- else document.DownForm.SystemType.value = document.DownForm.SystemType.value + '/' + DownSystem;
- }
- }
- if (DownSystem == 'Clean') document.DownForm.SystemType.value = '';
- return;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var MouseOverObj=null;
- var MouseOverPageLocation='';
- function document.onmouseover()
- {
- MouseOverObj=event.srcElement;
- MouseOverPageLocation=location.href;
- //var DocumentBodyObj=MouseOverObj;
- //while ((DocumentBodyObj.parentElement)&&(DocumentBodyObj.tagName!='BODY')) DocumentBodyObj=DocumentBodyObj.parentElement;
- //if ((DocumentBodyObj)&&(DocumentBodyObj.tagName=='BODY')) DocumentBodyObj.focus();
- }
- function document.onkeydown()
- {
- var ParentObj=null,OverPageLocationStr='',Loc=0,HrefStr='',KeyWord='';
- if (top.dialogArguments) {;}
- else ParentObj=top.GetFSHelpObject();
- if (!ParentObj) return;
- HrefStr=ParentObj.location.href;
- if (event.ctrlKey==true)
- {
- if (!((event.keyCode==49)||(event.keyCode==97))) return;
- var DocSelObj=document.selection;
- if (DocSelObj.type=='Text') KeyWord=DocSelObj.createRange().text;
- else KeyWord=escape(AnalyKeyWord());
- Loc=MouseOverPageLocation.lastIndexOf('?');
- if (Loc!=-1) OverPageLocationStr=MouseOverPageLocation.slice(0,Loc);
- else OverPageLocationStr=MouseOverPageLocation;
- Loc=OverPageLocationStr.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (Loc!=-1) OverPageLocationStr=OverPageLocationStr.slice(Loc+1,OverPageLocationStr.length);
- OverPageLocationStr=escape(OverPageLocationStr);
- Loc=HrefStr.lastIndexOf('?');
- if (Loc==-1) HrefStr=HrefStr+'?KeyWord='+KeyWord+'&Page='+OverPageLocationStr;
- else
- {
- HrefStr=HrefStr.slice(0,HrefStr.lastIndexOf('?'))+'?KeyWord='+KeyWord+'&Page='+OverPageLocationStr;
- }
- ParentObj.location.href=HrefStr;
- }
- }
- function AnalyKeyWord()
- {
- var returnValue='',TempObj=MouseOverObj;
- returnValue=GetKeyWord(MouseOverObj,0);
- if (returnValue=='')
- {
- while ((TempObj.children)&&(TempObj.children.length==1)) TempObj=TempObj.children(0);
- return GetKeyWord(TempObj,1);
- }
- else return returnValue;
- }
- function GetKeyWord(Obj,flag)
- {
- var TagString='',returnValue='';
- if (!Obj) return;
- TagString=Obj.tagName;
- switch (TagString)
- {
- case 'INPUT':
- if (Obj.type=='button') returnValue=Obj.value;
- else
- {
- if (;
- else;
- }
- break;
- case 'SELECT':
- if ( returnValue =;
- else returnValue =;
- break;
- case 'TEXTAREA':
- if ( returnValue =;
- else returnValue =;
- break;
- case 'IMG':
- if (Obj.alt) returnValue = Obj.alt;
- else returnValue = Obj.title;
- break;
- case 'SPAN':
- //if (Obj.alt) returnValue = Obj.alt;
- //else returnValue = Obj.title;
- break;
- default :
- if (flag) returnValue=Obj.innerText;
- else returnValue='';
- break;
- }
- return returnValue;
- }